The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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That is just as silly as arguing that people who are being attacked have to run away instead of defending themselves.

wtf? That is why the law was written, so people being attacked aren't obligated to run away. Having an overweight fucker with a gun following you is a valid reason to be proactive.

Soory but I really want a link to that claim. And Trayvon had no clue that GZ had a gun until after the fight had already started. Trayvon walked right up to George's truck. He obviously wasn't that afraid. He certainly wasn't so afraid that he hid at home. Educate yourself before you start this shit, Ravi.

Actually he didn't.

He walked around the truck. Then, ran away.
TM can be upset and scared that GZ was following. Crackers always up in his grille like dat.

But, then again, being upset is not the same thing as being allowed to then pummel the cracker.

If you are truly frightened by somebody, possibly a rapist?, following you in the dark, what is the more likely scenario? You run away when you have the chance? Or you jump him and start a fight? That alone to me puts enough question into the prosecution's case to merit reasonable doubt in a verdict.

This is how you wear an IWB holster. Police routinely spot these things under jackets even if they are in front of the person wearing them because they are designed to be able to draw the weapon without breaking your arm. You really need to stop watching movies and thinking the real world works the same way.



Thanks man.

Just completely reinforced what I posted.

He was wearing it behind his back.

The State is addressing this in his last plea. He is making a big deal about it, why did he holster it if he was in fear for his life, how could Trayvon see it behind his back, he's playing tapes and talking about Zimmerman's lies.

Hope you're watching.

At work.

Hopefully the jury considers this stuff.

That said, I really think this is a manslaughter case.

And that Zimmerman should never be near a gun anytime in his life.
Let's say, for example, that I'm walking home from the store. I notice some guy stalking me. I think he's stopped, finally, but then I see him again. I do not know what he's up to, and I'm doing nothing wrong.

I want to know why he's following me. I think he's creepy, and I'm getting pissed. So I duck behind some bushes to see if he's still coming after me.

When he pops up AGAIN, I jump his creepy ass--because (1) I'm pissed, (2) he's a threat, and (3) I hope to teach him not to stalk people.

And then he shoots me dead as I'm pounding his creepy dumb ass.

I'd say that the creep should see some jail time. When creepy dumb asses look for trouble and find it--well, that isn't self defense. It's stupidity.

Totally agree. While I think he is going to get off, i can't help but think I would have confronted Zimmerman too if he got out of his car and was following me.
They only need 6 people to ignore all this wishful thinking type of stuff. That should be a breeze. 12 is much harder. :)

According to people in the courtroom, one of those six has already shutdown on the prosecutor. Guess your wishful thinking is headed down the tubes.

When they read the verdict, it doesn't and won't get any better than that.

There you go predicting again. Pull that crystal ball out of your ass, it's busted.
TM can be upset and scared that GZ was following. Crackers always up in his grille like dat.

But, then again, being upset is not the same thing as being allowed to then pummel the cracker.

If you are truly frightened by somebody, possibly a rapist?, following you in the dark, what is the more likely scenario? You run away when you have the chance? Or you jump him and start a fight? That alone to me puts enough question into the prosecution's case to merit reasonable doubt in a verdict.

Or the 3rd option. Tell your friend you'll call her back and use your cell phone to call 9-1-1.
You know what is ironic, if a white man (or really any race) were to walk through south central it is almost a guarantee that he is going to be killed for doing nothing. It is unlikely that anyone will be caught either. There are neighborhoods that the police won’t even enter; it is simply too damn dangerous for them. You don’t hear jack shit about that though.

Fantasy land.

It's not ironic, it's not true. I've walked through a lot of south central, crenshaw, etc...stop watching boyz in the hood, bro. Jeebus.

I don’t watch anything and your damn right it is true. South central is a big place, I am not going onto detail about specific sections but I live in or near LA for a long time. I was almost taken out once because I walked through one of those neighborhoods when I was younger and dumber. Fortunately, it was painfully obvious I did not belong there so all they did was ‘escort’ me to their borders.

If you don’t think that there are places like this in LA then you are operating with your eyes closed. There are some VERY rough neighborhoods down there.
No. The prosecution is NOT saying that Zimmerman's ass wasn't being thrashed, but the political right wing somehow believes it is important to emphasize how badly Zimmerman was getting his ass kicked.

That is not the issue at all. It isn't even relevant.

The central fact is that Zimmerman killed an innocent person due to his own idiocy, cockiness, and stupidity. Call it manslaughter.

If Zimmerman had not had a gun, he would not have stalked that kid.

If the evidence we have in front of us is correct and Trayvon Martin was on top of Zimmerman beating his ass, he isn't innocent. he is the freakin aggressor and Zimmerman has every right to shoot his aggressor in self defense.

You have ZERO evidence that Zimmerman was an aggressor. That's why you are trying to make things up. If you had evidence, you wouldn't be making things up.

So yes, the evidence that Martin was beating Zimmerman's ass is the issue. And it's completely relevant. By pretending he wasnt, you are just lying to yourselves.

Okay, dummie. Try this one on, then:

You're in a bar. Some guy comes over and gropes your wife. You take a swing at him. He takes a swing back. You proceed to pound his creepy ass.

By your standards, he now feels his life is "in danger." He pulls out a gun and LEGALLY protects himself by blowing a hole in your head.

not mine, i'd have shot him from the start
You know what is ironic, if a white man (or really any race) were to walk through south central it is almost a guarantee that he is going to be killed for doing nothing. It is unlikely that anyone will be caught either. There are neighborhoods that the police won’t even enter; it is simply too damn dangerous for them. You don’t hear jack shit about that though.

Fantasy land. ahead and try it Lone, c'mon....try it.

Try and get through some of those neighborhoods.

Are you agreeing with FA Q2's assessment of the danger level in South Central?

Are you also a sheltered human whose reality exists at 24 frames per second?

Please....will some nutter raise the fucking bar???!!!!!!!
TM can be upset and scared that GZ was following. Crackers always up in his grille like dat.

But, then again, being upset is not the same thing as being allowed to then pummel the cracker.

If you are truly frightened by somebody, possibly a rapist?, following you in the dark, what is the more likely scenario? You run away when you have the chance? Or you jump him and start a fight? That alone to me puts enough question into the prosecution's case to merit reasonable doubt in a verdict.

Or the 3rd option. Tell your friend you'll call her back and use your cell phone to call 9-1-1.

Or the 3rd option. Tell your friend you'll call her back and use your sail foam to call 9-1-1.
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