The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Here's another reason to hate Florida. Every animal in the state is designed to kill people in some way. :eek:

Time for GA to guard the border. lol--unleash the alligators and let nature take its course.

I heard GA was going to get a new zoo. It seems they are planning to put a fence around Florida. (With apologies to any intelligent life forms from FL who may be posting here.)

lol--listening to Sugarland. 'Give up the fight'.

even though I am 'too old'--I am glad I bought that CD.

relieved that this trial isn't happening in GA. knock on wood. Andrea Schneiderman is CNN's next choice--starting July 29. I suppose it is interesting in legal aspects. Her paramour has already been convicted--insanity, IIRC. Then she was arrested. Conspiracy to kill her husband --shot in the parking lot of an upscale daycare center.
According to people in the courtroom, one of those six has already shutdown on the prosecutor. Guess your wishful thinking is headed down the tubes.

When they read the verdict, it doesn't and won't get any better than that.

There you go predicting again. Pull that crystal ball out of your ass, it's busted.

At least I don't have to pull a rabbit out of a hat to find my ass like you do. :)
If Zimmerman had not had a gun, he would not have stalked that kid.



IF YOU ARE WORKING IN A ***PRIVATE GATED *****COMMUNITY where you may encounter members of any race which enjoys a special privilege status, you must leave your firearm home.

You have a duty , a responsibility to die , or get a concussion , protecting the community.


If you are a grown man and cannot handle yourself against a 16 or 17 year old kid, maybe you should not be on the neighborhood watch.

lets see, martin dead - zimmerman, still alive. who handled who?
If the evidence we have in front of us is correct and Trayvon Martin was on top of Zimmerman beating his ass, he isn't innocent. he is the freakin aggressor and Zimmerman has every right to shoot his aggressor in self defense.

You have ZERO evidence that Zimmerman was an aggressor. That's why you are trying to make things up. If you had evidence, you wouldn't be making things up.

So yes, the evidence that Martin was beating Zimmerman's ass is the issue. And it's completely relevant. By pretending he wasnt, you are just lying to yourselves.

Okay, dummie. Try this one on, then:

You're in a bar. Some guy comes over and gropes your wife. You take a swing at him. He takes a swing back. You proceed to pound his creepy ass.

By your standards, he now feels his life is "in danger." He pulls out a gun and LEGALLY protects himself by blowing a hole in your head.



To establish the defense, the person must be free from fault or provocation, must have no means of escape or retreat, and there must be an impending peril.
A clear path of retreat is not always necessary.
Didn't say it was a crime. But what happened after that? Did Martin who has no history of violence really just attack him? Seems a bit unlikely. He did kill Martin, that we know.

Yes, he went to see where Martin went to. he didnt find him and went back towards his car. And martin appeared all of a sudden and confronted him.
All teh evidence is consistent with that story. Nothing contradicts it. So why do you not want to believe it?

You mean that is what might have happened. But as I've mentioned it seems very odd Martin first runs away, but then comes out of nowhere and attacks him? That doesn't seem very weird to you given Marten has no history of violence?

But as I've mentioned it seems very odd Martin first runs away, but then comes out of nowhere and attacks him?

I think his friend egged him on.
"Go teach that creepy cracker a lesson. He dissed you".
Explains a few things.
You know what is ironic, if a white man (or really any race) were to walk through south central it is almost a guarantee that he is going to be killed for doing nothing. It is unlikely that anyone will be caught either. There are neighborhoods that the police won’t even enter; it is simply too damn dangerous for them. You don’t hear jack shit about that though.

When I was younger, I put up hand railing in a park off of Florence and Hoover. No one killed me.

I've walked through Compton after dark. I work in fucking Santa Fe Springs, and survive it.
Let's say, for example, that I'm walking home from the store. I notice some guy stalking me. I think he's stopped, finally, but then I see him again. I do not know what he's up to, and I'm doing nothing wrong.

I want to know why he's following me. I think he's creepy, and I'm getting pissed. So I duck behind some bushes to see if he's still coming after me.

When he pops up AGAIN, I jump his creepy ass--because (1) I'm pissed, (2) he's a threat, and (3) I hope to teach him not to stalk people.

And then he shoots me dead as I'm pounding his creepy dumb ass.

I'd say that the creep should see some jail time. When creepy dumb asses look for trouble and find it--well, that isn't self defense. It's stupidity.

Totally agree. While I think he is going to get off, i can't help but think I would have confronted Zimmerman too if he got out of his car and was following me.

And by confront, do you mean that you would beat his ass to the ground? For some reason, i dont think you do.

And yet that's exactly what Trayvon did. There is zero evidence to support Zimmerman being the aggressor. The Forensic evidence shows Trayvon had no injury but the gun shot and the bruises to his knuckles from where he was punching Zimmerman. He has no bruises from any hit from Zimmerman. No evidence that at any time during the struggle that Zimmerman attempted to hit him.

Now, could Zimmerman have started it? Yes. But we don't have any evidence that he did. The only evidence we have is completely consistant with his story. Which means there is some seriously reasonable doubt with the prosecutions case.

Reasonable doubt = not guilty
Aren't there 9 jurors in the box? the 6 and 3 alternates, that incidentally don't now they are alternates.

6 and 4 alts - lost an alt for personal reasons so 9 total and the alts know they're alts.

hispanic woman is a juror juror not an alt.

I heard on FNC this morning is that the alternates are not aware that they are, in fact alternates.

Six women were chosen to serve on the jury in the trial of George Zimmerman, the Florida neighborhood watch captain accused of murder in the fatal shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.

The six jurors and four alternates went through a nearly two-week long process of jury selection, where they answered questions about their knowledge of the case and opinions on subjects including guns, law enforcement and media bias.

Below are general descriptions of the jurors, identified by numbers assigned to them by the court to protect their identities:


B-29: Described as a Hispanic woman, who works as a nurse treating patients with Alzheimer's. She has seven children and lived in Chicago at the time of the February 2012 shooting.

B-76: Described as a white middle-aged woman, who said Zimmerman had an "altercation with the young man. There was a struggle, and the gun went off."

B-37: Described as a middle-aged white woman, who works for a chiropractor and has many pets. She described protests in Sanford sparked after the delay in Zimmerman's arrest as "rioting."

B-51: Described as a retired white woman from Oviedo, Fla., who has a dog and 20-year-old cat. She knew a good deal about the case but said, "I'm not rigid in my thinking."

E-6: Described as a young white woman and mother, who used to work in financial services. She used this case as an example to her adolescent children, warning them to not go out at night.

E-40: Described as a white woman in her 60s, who lived in Iowa at the time of the shooting. She heard national news reports and recalls the shooting was in a gated community and a teenager was killed.


E-40: Described as a white man in his 50s. He cautioned his 16-year-old stepson about wearing hoodie, which Trayvon Martin was wearing at the time of the shooting.

B-72: Described as a Hispanic man in his 20s, who works as maintenance technician at a school. He is a self-described power lifter and arm wrestler.

E-13: Described as a white woman in her 20s. She has brother who is black. She says she "never" watches the news, but when she first heard of shooting thought it was a "racial thing."

E-28: Described as a white middle-aged woman, who works as a nurse and says she listens to a lot of radio on her 15-minute commute. She said she knew little about the case and has no opinion about Zimmerman's guilt.
Awwww I gotta work. Guess I will have to watch HLN tonight. UGH! LOL

Call in sick!!! Call in a bomb threat to your place of work!!! Anything!!! Just don't subject yourself to Fancy Grapes' show!!!

I never watch her show. Sarass is always baiting and saying that I 'claim to be an attorney.' Not so. I have a JD. I'll put that up to Fancy's any day.
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IF YOU ARE WORKING IN A ***PRIVATE GATED *****COMMUNITY where you may encounter members of any race which enjoys a special privilege status, you must leave your firearm home.

You have a duty , a responsibility to die , or get a concussion , protecting the community.


If you are a grown man and cannot handle yourself against a 16 or 17 year old kid, maybe you should not be on the neighborhood watch.

lets see, martin dead - zimmerman, still alive. who handled who?

I would say one took they cowards way out. Never needed a gun to handle my business.
You know what is ironic, if a white man (or really any race) were to walk through south central it is almost a guarantee that he is going to be killed for doing nothing. It is unlikely that anyone will be caught either. There are neighborhoods that the police won’t even enter; it is simply too damn dangerous for them. You don’t hear jack shit about that though.

When I was younger, I put up hand railing in a park off of Florence and Hoover. No one killed me.

I've walked through Compton after dark. I work in fucking Santa Fe Springs, and survive it.

People like FA Q2 go by Boyz In tha Hood when they think about Black people.
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