The old man who shot Ralph Yarl was immersed in “a 24-hour news cycle of fear and paranoia” & fully bought into Fox News messaging, says his grandson

Fox should be hit with a class action lawsuit after the grandson of the man who shot Black 16-year-old Ralph Yarl after he accidentally rang his doorbell just revealed that he regularly heard his grandfather say “weird, racist” things and “he'd watch Fox News"…
I have lost interest in Fox for some time now, the have seened to have lost the narrative too often for my tastes. How or why would the be responsible for a guy murdering a kid though? Did they encourage him? Entrap or send provocateurs into his orbit?
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You could make a good case that the mass murder in a Christian school in Nashville was brought on by anti-Christian, anti-conservative hate speech from most of the mainstream media but the right wing doesn't wallow in the same cheap shit the left digs up. Show us the manifest.
Fox should be hit with a class action lawsuit after the grandson of the man who shot Black 16-year-old Ralph Yarl after he accidentally rang his doorbell just revealed that he regularly heard his grandfather say “weird, racist” things and “he'd watch Fox News"…
Now that is stupid. Sorta shows me his grandson hates his grandfather. That is the state of family these days after leftist school and media propaganda.

Funny isn't it. Alec Baldwin shoots two people killing one on set and his charges they announced today have been dropped. This old man shoots a boy at his door after dark out of fear and the left won't be happy unless he suffers the full extent of the so called Law. How we treat our elderly.
J6 political prisoners still in jail over a hoax of a so called insurrection. and old man in texas is in jail for shooting someone who allegedly fired at him first. Illegal, probably criminal mexican and he's gonna pay dearly for defending himself. The left wants us to die rather than defend ourselves or our families and homes.
Even if it was true...what kind a POS grandson rats out his grampa?

Little fucker has probably been trying to kill old gramps for years thunkin' he'll get an inheritance.
FOX New was launched in 1996 if the 83 year old man did say racist things I suspect that was part of him long before FOX ever existed. This is also from the article.
Two other relatives who spoke with The Star said they didn’t believe Lester was a racist and thought he likely was scared when he shot Yarl.
The grandson also admitted in the article they had lost touch in the last five or six years the grandson states in the article he had gained his own political views while his grandfather became staunchly right-wing, further down the right-wing rabbit hole. The grandson does not state what the political views he gained are given the language he uses here I would guess staunchly left wing which might not make him the most fair or objective person on this topic.
Fox should be hit with a class action lawsuit after the grandson of the man who shot Black 16-year-old Ralph Yarl after he accidentally rang his doorbell just revealed that he regularly heard his grandfather say “weird, racist” things and “he'd watch Fox News"…
Yea because we should trust Satanic worshippers:
Yes, cuz it certainly couldn't be all that black 'culture' worship of violent criminals and rioting, thieving, and looting, along with all the hate crimes the feral animals love to commit. Nah, it must be Fox News .... sure .. that was it. So that must be why all those 'angry black yoofs' are shooting up parks and each other, cuz they watch Fox News all day too.

Lets' ban Fox from the Chicago area or Baltimore and see what happens.

The truth is far more troubling: In America, while most violent crime is intra-racial (white on white or black on black, for example), in cases in which blacks and whites have violent interaction, blacks are overwhelmingly the perpetrators, not the victims.

In 2019, for example, 3,299 white Americans were murdered; 566, or 17%, were killed by black perpetrators. That same year, 2,906 black Americans were murdered; 246, or 8%, were killed by white perpetrators. Adjusted for population size -- there are far more whites in America (235 million) than blacks (47 million) -- this means that approximately one out of every million white Americans killed a black person in 2019, while 12 out of every million black Americans killed a white person. Such numbers are reflective of a norm: every year from 2001 on, the number of black-on-white killings has approximately doubled the number of white-on-black killings. When it comes to violent crime generally, the same sad truth applies. In 2019, there were 562,550 reported violent black/white incidents. 472,570 were black on white -- 84%.

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