The One Question No One So Far Can Answer

I've posed this hypothetical question to a couple of members and so far no one seems up to the task of providing an answer. So now I'm posing it the whole board.

Ok, here's a hypothetical scenario. Let's say a Trump associate spoke to a Russian representative. The Russian told him we have some really bad shit on the hildabitch and the representative said wow, it would sure help us if you released it on Tuesday and they did exactly that.

Tell me, what specific law would have been broken? Don't give me an opinion, quote the law.

Any takers?



Which statute?

The question is will The Donald administration commence prosecution of the Obama/Crooked Hillary corruption scandals. Who is appointed as new FBI director might actually fulfill The Donald's campaign promise to LOCK HER UP! Of course the democrat senator scumbags will do everything to block the new FBI director from being appointed.

It's not the purpose of the FBI to fulfill your partisan wet dreams or your candidates campaign promises.
How ironic.
So yet again, the defense of Trump boils down to “others did it too”; i.e. Trump is no different than Clinton, Obama, Bush … Are you ready to sacrifice the BS that he is “different” because as soon as anyone questions your messiah, the rationalization is crying about Obama (which is in bounds I guess) but Clinton hasn’t been in office in nearly 2 decades. Time to turn the page.

If you’re trying to keep the thread focused on legality; why does one of the President’s top advisors keep tabs on Guccifer 2.0 (a Russian Hacker)? How does one of the President’s Men (to introduce the Nixonian parlance because that seems to be where we’re going) know six months ahead of the fact that John Podesta is going to be hacked?

Hacking a computer is illegal.

Child, you're the one that brought up the ends justifies the means mantra, that was the whole premise behind Alinsky's teaching, a premise revered by your dear leader and the hildabitch.

Now can you get back to the topic of legality?

If you’re trying to keep the thread focused on legality; why does one of the President’s top advisors keep tabs on Guccifer 2.0 (a Russian Hacker)? How does one of the President’s Men (to introduce the Nixonian parlance because that seems to be where we’re going) know six months ahead of the fact that John Podesta is going to be hacked?

Hacking a computer is illegal

Podesta wasn't hacked, he fell for a phishing scam and provided his password.

WASHINGTON, Oct. 20 (UPI) -- John Podesta, Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman, had his email hacked by Russian operatives, security researchers confirmed Thursday.

Podesta's Gmail account was hacked using a fake login page with a URL associated with the hacker persona Fancy Bear, which has been tied to Russian interests. The connection was first reported by Motherboard. Politico reported it had also confirmed with a cybersecurity firm the connection between Podesta's hacked account and Fancy Bear.

U.S. intelligence officials have said Fancy Bear was behind the months-long effort to hack the Democratic National Committee and other Democratic groups. Clinton charged in Wednesday's debate that Russia was hacking Democrats exclusively in a bid to help sway the election.

Fancy Bear was also behind the hack of former Secretary of State Colin Powell's email.

Podesta's email was hacked using what's known as a spear-phishing technique. Podesta was sent a fake link that redirected him to a site built to look exactly like his usual Gmail login, but that instead enabled the hackers to get his password and recode his email to allow them access.

The same URL was used in all the hacking attempts of the the DNC, Powell and other Democrats.

John Podesta Wasn't 'Hacked,' He Fell For An Email Phishing Scam
Hacking is a crime, idiot.

Which Trump campaign member is guilty of hacking?
That's being investigated...duh
In your scenario, probably no law is being broken. If they were complicit in spreading false Informstion to influence an election then they are probably flirting with treason. If they told the Russians not to react to sanctions because the new administration will be more forgiving then I'm guessing that's a violation... not sure which exact law it's breaking though. Perhaps treason as well. Undermining our government
If spreading false in formation to win an election was a crimes, then every Democrat in the country would be in prison.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app
Dems and Reps that spread false information while campaigning should be held accountable. This situation involved more extreme measures that do break laws like hacking and the theft of private information. Also goes into trolling and the spreading of false news Stories

"Spreading false information" is what we call "freedom of speech." If it was a crime, then all Dims would be in prison.
There are constraints to our freedom of speech in case you didn't get the memo. Libel, slander, and how the information is gathered all pose potential illegal activity

"Spreading false information" isn't one of those limitations, and only a Stalinist would think it was.
Really? Would you like to think a little more on that comment? There is plenty of false information that can fall into Libel, Slander, or stolen. There is also intent that can be considered. If that false information is used to try and undermine our Government and democracy then you move into treason
I've posed this hypothetical question to a couple of members and so far no one seems up to the task of providing an answer. So now I'm posing it the whole board.

Ok, here's a hypothetical scenario. Let's say a Trump associate spoke to a Russian representative. The Russian told him we have some really bad shit on the hildabitch and the representative said wow, it would sure help us if you released it on Tuesday and they did exactly that.

Tell me, what specific law would have been broken? Don't give me an opinion, quote the law.

Any takers?

There probably is none Just the stink will remain on Republican politics forever And jfmi How loud will you howl if the shoe is on the other foot some day??

So you're saying no laws were broken, thanks.

Hey I'm not a lawyer That's just my opinion But again imo it would make republicans look like shitheads Even worse than whats thought of them today

What would make them "look like shitheads," one of your totally unsubstantiated "hypotheticals?"
You would defend Trump if he raped a 13 year old girl. Oh wait........

You Know that's against the rules right?

Child, you're the one that brought up the ends justifies the means mantra, that was the whole premise behind Alinsky's teaching, a premise revered by your dear leader and the hildabitch.

Now can you get back to the topic of legality?

If you’re trying to keep the thread focused on legality; why does one of the President’s top advisors keep tabs on Guccifer 2.0 (a Russian Hacker)? How does one of the President’s Men (to introduce the Nixonian parlance because that seems to be where we’re going) know six months ahead of the fact that John Podesta is going to be hacked?

Hacking a computer is illegal

Podesta wasn't hacked, he fell for a phishing scam and provided his password.

WASHINGTON, Oct. 20 (UPI) -- John Podesta, Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman, had his email hacked by Russian operatives, security researchers confirmed Thursday.

Podesta's Gmail account was hacked using a fake login page with a URL associated with the hacker persona Fancy Bear, which has been tied to Russian interests. The connection was first reported by Motherboard. Politico reported it had also confirmed with a cybersecurity firm the connection between Podesta's hacked account and Fancy Bear.

U.S. intelligence officials have said Fancy Bear was behind the months-long effort to hack the Democratic National Committee and other Democratic groups. Clinton charged in Wednesday's debate that Russia was hacking Democrats exclusively in a bid to help sway the election.

Fancy Bear was also behind the hack of former Secretary of State Colin Powell's email.

Podesta's email was hacked using what's known as a spear-phishing technique. Podesta was sent a fake link that redirected him to a site built to look exactly like his usual Gmail login, but that instead enabled the hackers to get his password and recode his email to allow them access.

The same URL was used in all the hacking attempts of the the DNC, Powell and other Democrats.

John Podesta Wasn't 'Hacked,' He Fell For An Email Phishing Scam

So if you’re swindled, it’s different than if you’re robbed?

View attachment 126165

Again, one of the President’s top advisor knew about Podesta being hacked well before his e-mails were released….

Illegal? Maybe not.
Unethical? Yes
Is this what you want from your President? Someone who uses hackers/phishers (LOL) to win? If you’re a Republican…sure. The ends always justify the means for them.

You made the claim that a Trump associate knew beforehand that Podesta would fall for a phishing scam. How could he possibly know what Podesta would do? So to answer your question, being swindled requires some form of willing participation of the victim.


Phishing is a crime as well.

I’m not sure it breaks any laws in the way you described in the OP.

However, what you're leaving out is whether or not the Russian representative broke the law to acquire the "really bad shit". If you're aware of US Laws being broken and do nothing about it and, in fact, seek to benefit from it...the electorate should be made aware that you have no respect for the law.

In this case, Roger Stone, a Trump Associate admits to interaction with Guccifer (the Russian hacker US intel concludes hacked Ms .Clinton's e-mails) and even tweeted that her campaign manager will "have his turn in the barrel" six weeks prior to the release of his hacked files. Why a man with the President's ear is chatting with a hacker is mind boggling in and of itself.... That the hacker/phisher is probably responsible for breaking the law and Mr. Stone and Mr. Trump did nothing about it…tells you all you need to know about how seriously they take our electoral process.

" A man with the President's ear?" Does that mean Trump is responsible for the actions of every person he ever talked to?
If spreading false in formation to win an election was a crimes, then every Democrat in the country would be in prison.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app
Dems and Reps that spread false information while campaigning should be held accountable. This situation involved more extreme measures that do break laws like hacking and the theft of private information. Also goes into trolling and the spreading of false news Stories

"Spreading false information" is what we call "freedom of speech." If it was a crime, then all Dims would be in prison.
There are constraints to our freedom of speech in case you didn't get the memo. Libel, slander, and how the information is gathered all pose potential illegal activity

"Spreading false information" isn't one of those limitations, and only a Stalinist would think it was.
Really? Would you like to think a little more on that comment? There is plenty of false information that can fall into Libel, Slander, or stolen. There is also intent that can be considered. If that false information is used to try and undermine our Government and democracy then you move into treason

ROFL! The definition of "undermine" is so vague that virtually any criticism of the government would qualify. We could label the whining of every Dim douche bag as an attempt to "undermine the government."

Face it: you're a Stalinist who opposes free speech.
I've posed this hypothetical question to a couple of members and so far no one seems up to the task of providing an answer. So now I'm posing it the whole board.

Ok, here's a hypothetical scenario. Let's say a Trump associate spoke to a Russian representative. The Russian told him we have some really bad shit on the hildabitch and the representative said wow, it would sure help us if you released it on Tuesday and they did exactly that.

Tell me, what specific law would have been broken? Don't give me an opinion, quote the law.

Any takers?

So, you have no problem if a campaign welcomes foreign interference in an election instead of standing up for our democracy.

You must be a Trumpette.

I asked a specific legal question, if you don't want to address it move on.

I answered it. They knew our country was under cyber attack, & yet said nothing.

I am sure that you think that is a good thing.

Criminal: "I broke into your neighbor's house & stole all this money. I'll buy you a new car."

OKdumbass texas: "Cool"

1. Who is this "they"?
2. I think everyone in the country already knew this country was and is currently under cyber attack, it's only been in the news for years.
3. Even you most ridiculous is false, I like my neighbors. But get back to me when you lose you situational outrage, you seem to have no problem with people using illegally obtained or leaked information about your opponents.

That said if you can come up with a law the Trump associate in my scenario broke I'd be happy to hear it.


1) Go back & read your initial post dumbass.
2) In your example, the Campaign person was told.
3) My example is exactly what happened in your hypothetical story.

Go back & read it. Are you sofa king stupid thart you forgot you wrote it?

Knowing a crime happened & it was to your favor & you say nothing, you are an accessory after the fact.

Feel free to point where my scenario contained exactly what the information was or how it was obtained. Come on child, show me.

I've posed this hypothetical question to a couple of members and so far no one seems up to the task of providing an answer. So now I'm posing it the whole board.

Ok, here's a hypothetical scenario. Let's say a Trump associate spoke to a Russian representative. The Russian told him we have some really bad shit on the hildabitch and the representative said wow, it would sure help us if you released it on Tuesday and they did exactly that.

Tell me, what specific law would have been broken? Don't give me an opinion, quote the law.

Any takers?


The Information was obtained by breaking the law by hacking the DNC servers...

To then use that to gain advantage is collusion with that crime.

The servers weren't hacked.

You can't even prove that.

And there is no law against publishing or republishing information put on the Internet.

Who has the DNC filed charges against?


All they have is the early launch of their 2018 campaign based on ONE PLANK.

An unprovable and outlandish story of Russian Collusion already shot down by the NSA, FBI, CIA, NIS, & Treasury Department. There is NO EVIDENCE.

All the DNC has are flimsy accusations and some Dead DNC staffers who imo, were the Leakers.

Podesta's password was password.

Go sit on a sharp spike.

It'd be more entertaining to watch than to daily see Lefty Melt here every day over his failed plots to overthrow and subvert Democracy.

I don't have to prove it... The FBI are investigaing a possible crime and it is there findings and recommendations which we will see in due course...

The question which I would ask, If Trump is innocent why not have a fully independent investigation and special prosecutor, This could exonorate Trump quickly (if innocent) and he can get on with his work... So far Trump's Admin have behaved like they are hiding stuff and they are making themselves look guilty...

Trump himself has been exonerated. Comey told him personally that he was not under investigation and senators Grassley and Feinstein confirmed he told them the same.

Tell me, what specific law would have been broken? Don't give me an opinion, quote the law.
Interesting question, and outside of saying "there has to be SOME kind of law being broken", I definitely don't know. So let's try this from the opposite angle:

What if Hillary had won, and all the same accusations were made about her campaign and China?

Certainly the GOP would be all over it, but what would be their reason?
Why just China? Hillary has done a lot with Russia. Made a lot of money. Gave them a ton of Uranium.
Don't know where you get your information, but I don't know if Trump was involved in Russian interference with the election. but there does seem to be enough info to say Russia sure tried to. why they would prefer Trump, don't know that answer either. NO one knows. we just guess & say that's the truth.

It's a known fact that Russia has been engaged in trying to sew distrust in our political system for decades. The were just a bit more successful this cycle, was it really originally intended to help Trump, I've seen no evidence of that since the hacking occurred before he secured the nomination.

I think it was to generate as much chaos as possible, to keep our attention focused inward and not so much on him. And the haters are doing exactly what he wants them to do.
Trump himself has been exonerated. Comey told him personally that he was not under investigation and senators Grassley and Feinstein confirmed he told them the same.


NOPE, all we know is that at the he asked, he was not under investigation. That status can change at a moments notice. To be exonerated, Trump would need to be investigated, and then cleared of the allegations. Trump is like the unindicted co-conspirators of the watergate era.
Dems and Reps that spread false information while campaigning should be held accountable. This situation involved more extreme measures that do break laws like hacking and the theft of private information. Also goes into trolling and the spreading of false news Stories

"Spreading false information" is what we call "freedom of speech." If it was a crime, then all Dims would be in prison.
There are constraints to our freedom of speech in case you didn't get the memo. Libel, slander, and how the information is gathered all pose potential illegal activity

"Spreading false information" isn't one of those limitations, and only a Stalinist would think it was.
Really? Would you like to think a little more on that comment? There is plenty of false information that can fall into Libel, Slander, or stolen. There is also intent that can be considered. If that false information is used to try and undermine our Government and democracy then you move into treason

ROFL! The definition of "undermine" is so vague that virtually any criticism of the government would qualify. We could label the whining of every Dim douche bag as an attempt to "undermine the government."

Face it: you're a Stalinist who opposes free speech.
You could take a minute and read the full definition of treason if you really don't know. I'm not here to hold your hand and walk you through everything. Use your brain
Feel free to point where my scenario contained exactly what the information was or how it was obtained. Come on child, show me.


Start with 18 U.S. Code § 2511 - Interception and disclosure of wire, oral, or electronic communications prohibited

18 U.S. Code § 2511 - Interception and disclosure of wire, oral, or electronic communications prohibited

So exactly what did the Trump associate, in my scenario, intercept or disclose?

I answered it. They knew our country was under cyber attack, & yet said nothing.

I am sure that you think that is a good thing.

Criminal: "I broke into your neighbor's house & stole all this money. I'll buy you a new car."

OKdumbass texas: "Cool"

Actually, criminal got the key of the house from the owner and went in thru wide open door, stole nothing of monetary value, but information that exposes house owner as a criminal...
By keeping the candidate who would have continued sanctions out of the WH!

"It always takes time for sanctions to bring results. Restrictive measures are usually designed to have gradual effect over a mid- to long-term horizon. I guess the architects of the sanction regime against Russia should be surprised at how soon it has brought damage. First, sanctions have taken toll on elements of the Russian ruling class that are integrated into the West. One example: The losses due to frozen assets in the U.S. alone of an oligarch close to Putin, Yuri Kovalchuk, totaled $572 million, and the oligarch Rottenberg brothers sustained losses in Italy worth nearly $40 million. Second, sanctions have exacerbated the economic recession in Russia: by accelerating capital flight and shrinking internal financial resources; by restricting Russia’s access to international financial markets and triggering a financial crunch; and by creating crisis of confidence in international business circles regarding Russia."

The Sanctions on Russia: How Hard Do They Bite?

Rex Tillerson’s Company, Exxon, Has Billions at Stake Over Sanctions on Russia

Aren't those sanctions still in place?

Yea obviously he wouldn't lift them right now...
But you never know with Trump :spinner:

Yet you insinuated you do, go figure.

What I know is Putin wanted a buddy in the WH. And if this Russia story never got out the sanctions would probably already be lifted. Trump was grooming American for a Russian alliance all campaign saying "Putin can help us fight Isis Putin can help us fight Isis"
Trump himself has been exonerated. Comey told him personally that he was not under investigation and senators Grassley and Feinstein confirmed he told them the same.


NOPE, all we know is that at the he asked, he was not under investigation. That status can change at a moments notice. To be exonerated, Trump would need to be investigated, and then cleared of the allegations. Trump is like the unindicted co-conspirators of the watergate era.

Funny, I guess you haven't been exonerated in the matter either. But like you, Trump gave them no reason to investigate him. Get back to me when you have more than assumptions and insinuations, Trump has two senators backing up what he said.


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