The one, the only...

The above quoted post (as edited -- except for the asterisks themselves) contains EVERYTHING of value Blowgun has said here. In fact, it may contain everything of value he/she/it has EVER said.



If it weren't so sad, it'd be funny.

funny before or AFTER your hannity twin comes a riding in to laugh for your benefit?

I have a bet going that you both won't last a month.

oh now.. wipe your tears away and stifle that quivering lip, lil guy. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings during your first week here. Hey, maybe you and your hannity homeboys can go get some ice cream... Will that take the sting of my pimp slap go away?

See what I mean? His need to remind me of how much he "hurts my feelings" is COMPUSLIVE! It's like he defines his existence solely on the perceived pain he thinks he causes others. HE NEEDS people to think that he thinks that I think that we think that he thinks that you think that he thinks that nobody thinks he's important.

I tell ya...if my existence were defined by trying to convince other people I mattered...I dunno what I'd do with myself. Probably go on the internet and troll.

oh now.. wipe your tears away and stifle that quivering lip, lil guy. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings during your first week here. Hey, maybe you and your hannity homeboys can go get some ice cream... Will that take the sting of my pimp slap go away?

See what I mean? His need to remind me of how much he "hurts my feelings" is COMPUSLIVE! It's like he defines his existence solely on the perceived pain he thinks he causes others. HE NEEDS people to think that he thinks that I think that we think that he thinks that you think that he thinks that nobody thinks he's important.

I tell ya...if my existence were defined by trying to convince other people I mattered...I dunno what I'd do with myself. Probably go on the internet and troll.


DEEEP, guy. seriously, I bet you keep your entire gerbil cage captivated for HOURS.


But, the real laugh bomb is your last sentence... a hannity transplant crying about trolls while trolling the shit out of this forum. Folks, it just doesn't get richer than that.
* * * *

But, the real laugh bomb is your last sentence... a hannity transplant crying about trolls while trolling the shit out of this forum. Folks, it just doesn't get richer than that.

Blowgun: "troll" does not mean what you seem to "think" it means.

Exposing your shit for the vapid nonsense it is, even if it deflates your grandiose ego, is not trolling.

Tell ya what though. Point me to a thread started by you which contains some actual thought and rational discussion without your usual blowhard efforts to engage in your typically ineffective form of ad hominem.

Do you EVER post anything of even marginal value?
* * * *

But, the real laugh bomb is your last sentence... a hannity transplant crying about trolls while trolling the shit out of this forum. Folks, it just doesn't get richer than that.

Blowgun: "troll" does not mean what you seem to "think" it means.

Exposing your shit for the vapid nonsense it is, even if it deflates your grandiose ego, is not trolling.

Tell ya what though. Point me to a thread started by you which contains some actual thought and rational discussion without your usual blowhard efforts to engage in your typically ineffective form of ad hominem.

Do you EVER post anything of even marginal value?

Hey dude.. I noticed how many friends you were busy making in the other thread that the mods closed. Please, cry about ad hominems some more, mr "i'm so smart I thought of BLOWGUN all by myself!"


Of COURSE a hannity transplant doesn't think his own trolling shit stinks! Fuck, it sure isn't predictable that you'd take THAT opinion!


hey, maybe you can jump around like you found the golden ticket after spotting a typo or misspelled word... You know, so your ironic tantrum about my ego can cool off on the window sill...

* * * *
I have a bet going that you both won't last a month.

* * * *

And he'll sit there WONDERING how he can pay himself when he loses even to himself.


We'll see. I'm still betting you don't have the backbone or self esteem to take a whole lot of unfiltered banter from USMB given your protective home forum. 1 month. bet.
* * * *
I have a bet going that you both won't last a month.

* * * *

And he'll sit there WONDERING how he can pay himself when he loses even to himself.


We'll see. I'm still betting you don't have the backbone or self esteem to take a whole lot of unfiltered banter from USMB given your protective home forum. 1 month. bet.

Yeah . You're repeating yourself. It was stupid the first time, too.

It probably wouldn't dawn on you that there is NO PROBLEM in handling the kind of infantile crap you toss around. I realize it truly DOES get to you. It crawls under your skin and bugs the living snot out of you.


The funniest part is that you imagine other people are as simplistic and utterly shallow as you are. :lol::lol:

And he'll sit there WONDERING how he can pay himself when he loses even to himself.


We'll see. I'm still betting you don't have the backbone or self esteem to take a whole lot of unfiltered banter from USMB given your protective home forum. 1 month. bet.

Yeah . You're repeating yourself. It was stupid the first time, too.

It probably wouldn't dawn on you that there is NO PROBLEM in handling the kind of infantile crap you toss around. I realize it truly DOES get to you. It crawls under your skin and bugs the living snot out of you.


The funniest part is that you imagine other people are as simplistic and utterly shallow as you are. :lol::lol:


you're projecting again, angelcakes.
And he'll sit there WONDERING how he can pay himself when he loses even to himself.


We'll see. I'm still betting you don't have the backbone or self esteem to take a whole lot of unfiltered banter from USMB given your protective home forum. 1 month. bet.

Yeah . You're repeating yourself. It was stupid the first time, too.

It probably wouldn't dawn on you that there is NO PROBLEM in handling the kind of infantile crap you toss around. I realize it truly DOES get to you. It crawls under your skin and bugs the living snot out of you.


The funniest part is that you imagine other people are as simplistic and utterly shallow as you are. :lol::lol:


With you hannity types it really isn't imagination; you ARE simplistic and utterly shallow. This is why it's so easy to drag you along this thread like tethered jackass. Hell, if you had the backbone to deal with opposition you wouldn't have to hide inside forums like hannity dot com. Seriously, you must not realize what kind of a joke your kind are out here in the unfiltered interwebz.

And, clearly, if you require the echo chamber of a fellow hannity tranny then you might have a larger problem than you think. Your syphilis of the keyboard won't go away just because you try to ignore the symptoms, guy.
We'll see. I'm still betting you don't have the backbone or self esteem to take a whole lot of unfiltered banter from USMB given your protective home forum. 1 month. bet.

Yeah . You're repeating yourself. It was stupid the first time, too.

It probably wouldn't dawn on you that there is NO PROBLEM in handling the kind of infantile crap you toss around. I realize it truly DOES get to you. It crawls under your skin and bugs the living snot out of you.


The funniest part is that you imagine other people are as simplistic and utterly shallow as you are. :lol::lol:


With you hannity types it really isn't imagination; you ARE simplistic and utterly shallow. * * * *

Oh good. Now Blowgun can mimic what has been said to him/her/it.



Good girl!

Somebody please give Blowgun a doggie treat! :clap2:
* * * *
I have a bet going that you both won't last a month.

* * * *

And he'll sit there WONDERING how he can pay himself when he loses even to himself.


We'll see. I'm still betting you don't have the backbone or self esteem to take a whole lot of unfiltered banter from USMB given your protective home forum. 1 month. bet.

I was told he went to pieces over a one week time out...but I don't know much more than that.
I was told he went to pieces over a one week time out...but I don't know much more than that.

Methinks there is an unhealthy amount of projection going on.

He constantly needs to remind us how much he hurts our feelings. He constantly needs to remind us how much we care about what he thinks. He constantly needs to remind us that we can't handle his personal attacks. He constantly needs to declare victory.

You know...being a smart, capable, intelligent, witty, incisive person is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you're a lady, you're not.
And he'll sit there WONDERING how he can pay himself when he loses even to himself.


We'll see. I'm still betting you don't have the backbone or self esteem to take a whole lot of unfiltered banter from USMB given your protective home forum. 1 month. bet.

I was told he went to pieces over a one week time out...but I don't know much more than that.

You don't even "know" that.

It is, by the way, false. A lie. But don't bother yourself with verification. Accept what you're "told."

It appears that you are libtarded.
...ME, is here.

I look forward to participating in the wide variety of discussion topics at this wonderful forum.

Oh, and pissing off liberals, which is a fortunate by-product of my existence.


Ari... What up, Family!...

Good to have another Brother here.


Welcome to the sandbox. Hope you brought your own toys. You'll be happy here. There's lots of liberals to pick on.

What I've noticed about the liberals here thusfar:

1) They are the most hate-ridden people on the planet
2) They are utterly miserable
3) They completely lack the ability to actually address any matter of substance, and can only name-call and make vulgar jokes.

Or...could be you started out on the wrong foot. Quite an observation after such a short time. I wish I'd read your intro before I started reading some of your own offerings of (1), (2), (3), above.
I doubt it. You certainly won't find the same thing about me.

Excellent. But I can make you a large list of cons that fit the above description.

I seriously doubt it.

By the way, Shogun here above is the classic example of the liberal about whom I speak.

You will be hard-pressed to find a more hate-filled person in the whole world.

Every time I see your avatar confirms that you're the one who's intent on coming on with both barrels blaring. And using a cat as a shield? Nice.
Another Hannity psycho.. Example of number 3 on your list? See numbers 2 and 1. Oh and don't forget to check out the avvie..


My fans abound!

Only morons are offended by my obviously comical avatar.

You're not offended by my obviously comical avatar, are you?

Not really. Now that you've made your intentions clear, I'm always up for a good cat fight.


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