The only people in a panic over Trump are libs, media and GOP rhinos.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
I keep seeing that Trump has people in a panic and chaos in the GOP. Folks....only 3 groups are in a panic.

1. The Media. They've smeared and attacked him mercilessly. And HE'S GOING UP in polls. The media is in a panic because their power is dwindling. Calling others racist once ensured their power. Now....they're scared. People no longer are as influenced by their bullshit.

2. Libs. They see the cold backlash against PC coming. It's here and it's growing. They know the party of unchecked liberalism and forced multiculturalism is coming to an end.

3. GOP Rhinos. The right wants this. Most of it anyway. They're tired of the GOP games. These rhinos know the "same old same old" is being rejected.

The rest of us? No panic. No chaos. We welcome this.
I keep seeing that Trump has people in a panic and chaos in the GOP. Folks....only 3 groups are in a panic.

1. The Media. They've smeared and attacked him mercilessly. And HE'S GOING UP in polls. The media is in a panic because their power is dwindling. Calling others racist once ensured their power. Now....they're scared. People no longer are as influenced by their bullshit.

2. Libs. They see the cold backlash against PC coming. It's here and it's growing. They know the party of unchecked liberalism and forced multiculturalism is coming to an end.

3. GOP Rhinos. The right wants this. Most of it anyway. They're tired of the GOP games. These rhinos know the "same old same old" is being rejected.

The rest of us? No panic. No chaos. We welcome this.
When the light bulb comes on in your head you will panic. Youre like a dumb farm animal that doesnt realize the barn is on fire.
I keep seeing that Trump has people in a panic and chaos in the GOP. Folks....only 3 groups are in a panic.

1. The Media. They've smeared and attacked him mercilessly. And HE'S GOING UP in polls. The media is in a panic because their power is dwindling. Calling others racist once ensured their power. Now....they're scared. People no longer are as influenced by their bullshit.

2. Libs. They see the cold backlash against PC coming. It's here and it's growing. They know the party of unchecked liberalism and forced multiculturalism is coming to an end.

3. GOP Rhinos. The right wants this. Most of it anyway. They're tired of the GOP games. These rhinos know the "same old same old" is being rejected.

The rest of us? No panic. No chaos. We welcome this.

Actually come December next year I believe the ones that will be in panic mode will be those like you and not those you believe are in a panic over Trump.


Because you will discover even though America is sick and tire of the partisan bull, the fact remains Trump is not the right candidate to fix it, and will give Hillary Clinton the Oval Office.

You will disagree, and I accept the fact we will not agree on this but the reality is Trump is really a bad choice and you should just run Cruz if you want someone from the Tea Party Caucus.
I keep seeing that Trump has people in a panic and chaos in the GOP. Folks....only 3 groups are in a panic.

1. The Media. They've smeared and attacked him mercilessly. And HE'S GOING UP in polls. The media is in a panic because their power is dwindling. Calling others racist once ensured their power. Now....they're scared. People no longer are as influenced by their bullshit.

2. Libs. They see the cold backlash against PC coming. It's here and it's growing. They know the party of unchecked liberalism and forced multiculturalism is coming to an end.

3. GOP Rhinos. The right wants this. Most of it anyway. They're tired of the GOP games. These rhinos know the "same old same old" is being rejected.

The rest of us? No panic. No chaos. We welcome this.

he he he

pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze don't nominate Misser Trump. He skars the bejesus out of me as a liberal!!!!

I much prefer cute and cuddly Marco Rubio.....

Oh my stars (back of right hand to forehead).
I keep seeing that Trump has people in a panic and chaos in the GOP. Folks....only 3 groups are in a panic.

1. The Media. They've smeared and attacked him mercilessly. And HE'S GOING UP in polls. The media is in a panic because their power is dwindling. Calling others racist once ensured their power. Now....they're scared. People no longer are as influenced by their bullshit.

2. Libs. They see the cold backlash against PC coming. It's here and it's growing. They know the party of unchecked liberalism and forced multiculturalism is coming to an end.

3. GOP Rhinos. The right wants this. Most of it anyway. They're tired of the GOP games. These rhinos know the "same old same old" is being rejected.

The rest of us? No panic. No chaos. We welcome this.
When the light bulb comes on in your head you will panic. Youre like a dumb farm animal that doesnt realize the barn is on fire.

Your barn may be on fire. Our barn is standing tall. Go jump off a bridge before the Donald comes for you. Boo!
I keep seeing that Trump has people in a panic and chaos in the GOP. Folks....only 3 groups are in a panic.

1. The Media. They've smeared and attacked him mercilessly. And HE'S GOING UP in polls. The media is in a panic because their power is dwindling. Calling others racist once ensured their power. Now....they're scared. People no longer are as influenced by their bullshit.

2. Libs. They see the cold backlash against PC coming. It's here and it's growing. They know the party of unchecked liberalism and forced multiculturalism is coming to an end.

3. GOP Rhinos. The right wants this. Most of it anyway. They're tired of the GOP games. These rhinos know the "same old same old" is being rejected.

The rest of us? No panic. No chaos. We welcome this.

Actually come December next year I believe the ones that will be in panic mode will be those like you and not those you believe are in a panic over Trump.


Because you will discover even though America is sick and tire of the partisan bull, the fact remains Trump is not the right candidate to fix it, and will give Hillary Clinton the Oval Office.

You will disagree, and I accept the fact we will not agree on this but the reality is Trump is really a bad choice and you should just run Cruz if you want someone from the Tea Party Caucus.

The only man that scares me more than Trump is cruz.

*backs of both hands to forehead*
I keep seeing that Trump has people in a panic and chaos in the GOP. Folks....only 3 groups are in a panic.

1. The Media. They've smeared and attacked him mercilessly. And HE'S GOING UP in polls. The media is in a panic because their power is dwindling. Calling others racist once ensured their power. Now....they're scared. People no longer are as influenced by their bullshit.

2. Libs. They see the cold backlash against PC coming. It's here and it's growing. They know the party of unchecked liberalism and forced multiculturalism is coming to an end.

3. GOP Rhinos. The right wants this. Most of it anyway. They're tired of the GOP games. These rhinos know the "same old same old" is being rejected.

The rest of us? No panic. No chaos. We welcome this.

Actually come December next year I believe the ones that will be in panic mode will be those like you and not those you believe are in a panic over Trump.


Because you will discover even though America is sick and tire of the partisan bull, the fact remains Trump is not the right candidate to fix it, and will give Hillary Clinton the Oval Office.

You will disagree, and I accept the fact we will not agree on this but the reality is Trump is really a bad choice and you should just run Cruz if you want someone from the Tea Party Caucus.

I support Cruz myself but I also know full well that were Cruz leading in the polls, you Liberals would be in an all out attack mode upon him just as you were with Ben Carson. We know your methodology.
2. Libs. They see the cold backlash against PC coming. It's here and it's growing. They know the party of unchecked liberalism and forced multiculturalism is coming to an end.

"Forced multiculturalism" he says, lmao

I keep seeing that Trump has people in a panic and chaos in the GOP. Folks....only 3 groups are in a panic.

1. The Media. They've smeared and attacked him mercilessly. And HE'S GOING UP in polls. The media is in a panic because their power is dwindling. Calling others racist once ensured their power. Now....they're scared. People no longer are as influenced by their bullshit.

2. Libs. They see the cold backlash against PC coming. It's here and it's growing. They know the party of unchecked liberalism and forced multiculturalism is coming to an end.

3. GOP Rhinos. The right wants this. Most of it anyway. They're tired of the GOP games. These rhinos know the "same old same old" is being rejected.

The rest of us? No panic. No chaos. We welcome this.

Actually come December next year I believe the ones that will be in panic mode will be those like you and not those you believe are in a panic over Trump.


Because you will discover even though America is sick and tire of the partisan bull, the fact remains Trump is not the right candidate to fix it, and will give Hillary Clinton the Oval Office.

You will disagree, and I accept the fact we will not agree on this but the reality is Trump is really a bad choice and you should just run Cruz if you want someone from the Tea Party Caucus.

The only man that scares me more than Trump is cruz.

*backs of both hands to forehead*

Cruz is scary but the reality is it will be either Trump, Cruz or Rubio, and the way the Tea Party Caucus has turn on Rubio the other two will most likely be the candidate.
I keep seeing that Trump has people in a panic and chaos in the GOP. Folks....only 3 groups are in a panic.

1. The Media. They've smeared and attacked him mercilessly. And HE'S GOING UP in polls. The media is in a panic because their power is dwindling. Calling others racist once ensured their power. Now....they're scared. People no longer are as influenced by their bullshit.

2. Libs. They see the cold backlash against PC coming. It's here and it's growing. They know the party of unchecked liberalism and forced multiculturalism is coming to an end.

3. GOP Rhinos. The right wants this. Most of it anyway. They're tired of the GOP games. These rhinos know the "same old same old" is being rejected.

The rest of us? No panic. No chaos. We welcome this.

Actually come December next year I believe the ones that will be in panic mode will be those like you and not those you believe are in a panic over Trump.


Because you will discover even though America is sick and tire of the partisan bull, the fact remains Trump is not the right candidate to fix it, and will give Hillary Clinton the Oval Office.

You will disagree, and I accept the fact we will not agree on this but the reality is Trump is really a bad choice and you should just run Cruz if you want someone from the Tea Party Caucus.

I support Cruz myself but I also know full well that were Cruz leading in the polls, you Liberals would be in an all out attack mode upon him just as you were with Ben Carson. We know your methodology.

Would I write mean and nasty stuff about Cruz?

Sure, but believe it or not I am not voting for Hillary either, so I do apologize for you thinking I am with the Progressive Segment of this board.
I keep seeing that Trump has people in a panic and chaos in the GOP. Folks....only 3 groups are in a panic.

1. The Media. They've smeared and attacked him mercilessly. And HE'S GOING UP in polls. The media is in a panic because their power is dwindling. Calling others racist once ensured their power. Now....they're scared. People no longer are as influenced by their bullshit.

2. Libs. They see the cold backlash against PC coming. It's here and it's growing. They know the party of unchecked liberalism and forced multiculturalism is coming to an end.

3. GOP Rhinos. The right wants this. Most of it anyway. They're tired of the GOP games. These rhinos know the "same old same old" is being rejected.

The rest of us? No panic. No chaos. We welcome this.

Actually come December next year I believe the ones that will be in panic mode will be those like you and not those you believe are in a panic over Trump.


Because you will discover even though America is sick and tire of the partisan bull, the fact remains Trump is not the right candidate to fix it, and will give Hillary Clinton the Oval Office.

You will disagree, and I accept the fact we will not agree on this but the reality is Trump is really a bad choice and you should just run Cruz if you want someone from the Tea Party Caucus.

The only man that scares me more than Trump is cruz.

*backs of both hands to forehead*

Cruz is scary but the reality is it will be either Trump, Cruz or Rubio, and the way the Tea Party Caucus has turn on Rubio the other two will most likely be the candidate.

Didn't he say he didn't want the Jews money anyway?

Trump cancels Israel visit after uproar over his comments
Dec 10,`15 -- GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump canceled plans Thursday to visit Israel, a trip for which even Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu - widely seen as an ally of the Republican Party - had shown little enthusiasm.
Trump announced his decision on Twitter, saying he would reschedule "at a later date after I become President of the U.S." Appearing on Fox News, he said there were many reasons for the move, among them that he didn't want to put Netanyahu in a bind. "In fact, I did a campaign ad for him, and he's a good man, but I didn't want to put him under pressure," Trump said. "I also did it because I'm in the midst of a powerful campaign that's going very well."

Trump, who has maintained a wide lead in most early preference polling, unleashed an uproar this week when he called for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the U.S. The billionaire businessman has cast the idea as a prudent step in the wake of the mass shooting by an Islamic militant couple of 14 people in San Bernardino, California, while critics call it both racist and unconstitutional. Trump also drew criticism from some American Jews for his comments last week to a gathering of Jewish donors. He was booed after refusing to endorse Jerusalem as the undivided capital of Israel - a key Israeli position. Some of his other comments were seen by some as promoting Jewish stereotypes.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest said at a briefing that "most people are relieved that he's reconsidered" the visit to Israel. "The situation in Israel is particularly volatile, and so I think in this case, his decision to reconsider that trip is a good outcome for all of those involved," Earnest added. From the day he launched his candidacy, Trump's campaign has been driven by one controversy after the next. There was his assertion that that Mexican government was sending its rapists and criminals across the border; his statement that Sen. John McCain wasn't a war hero because he was captured; his feud with Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly; a series of factually inaccurate remarks; and the time he called Iowa voters stupid.

Each time, Trump's comments have drawn fury from his opponents and prompted pundits to predict his pending demise. But each time, Trump has emerged unscathed. It remains unclear whether his proposal on Muslim immigration will have any long-lasting impact on his campaign. But overseas, the Israel trip is just one of many casualties. A visit to Israel is considered a rite of passage for U.S. presidential candidates as they seek to burnish their foreign policy credentials and appeal to Jewish American voters, and Netanyahu has hosted scores of candidates and elected American officials over the years.

I keep seeing that Trump has people in a panic and chaos in the GOP. Folks....only 3 groups are in a panic.

1. The Media. They've smeared and attacked him mercilessly. And HE'S GOING UP in polls. The media is in a panic because their power is dwindling. Calling others racist once ensured their power. Now....they're scared. People no longer are as influenced by their bullshit.

2. Libs. They see the cold backlash against PC coming. It's here and it's growing. They know the party of unchecked liberalism and forced multiculturalism is coming to an end.

3. GOP Rhinos. The right wants this. Most of it anyway. They're tired of the GOP games. These rhinos know the "same old same old" is being rejected.

The rest of us? No panic. No chaos. We welcome this.

Actually come December next year I believe the ones that will be in panic mode will be those like you and not those you believe are in a panic over Trump.


Because you will discover even though America is sick and tire of the partisan bull, the fact remains Trump is not the right candidate to fix it, and will give Hillary Clinton the Oval Office.

You will disagree, and I accept the fact we will not agree on this but the reality is Trump is really a bad choice and you should just run Cruz if you want someone from the Tea Party Caucus.

The only man that scares me more than Trump is cruz.

*backs of both hands to forehead*

Cruz is scary but the reality is it will be either Trump, Cruz or Rubio, and the way the Tea Party Caucus has turn on Rubio the other two will most likely be the candidate.


No, and I swear to God!

I am a Kasich supporter, so no to Rubio, and will vote third party in the next General Election seeing Kasich has no chance.
I keep seeing that Trump has people in a panic and chaos in the GOP. Folks....only 3 groups are in a panic.

1. The Media. They've smeared and attacked him mercilessly. And HE'S GOING UP in polls. The media is in a panic because their power is dwindling. Calling others racist once ensured their power. Now....they're scared. People no longer are as influenced by their bullshit.

2. Libs. They see the cold backlash against PC coming. It's here and it's growing. They know the party of unchecked liberalism and forced multiculturalism is coming to an end.

3. GOP Rhinos. The right wants this. Most of it anyway. They're tired of the GOP games. These rhinos know the "same old same old" is being rejected.

The rest of us? No panic. No chaos. We welcome this.

Actually come December next year I believe the ones that will be in panic mode will be those like you and not those you believe are in a panic over Trump.


Because you will discover even though America is sick and tire of the partisan bull, the fact remains Trump is not the right candidate to fix it, and will give Hillary Clinton the Oval Office.

You will disagree, and I accept the fact we will not agree on this but the reality is Trump is really a bad choice and you should just run Cruz if you want someone from the Tea Party Caucus.

The only man that scares me more than Trump is cruz.

*backs of both hands to forehead*

Cruz is scary but the reality is it will be either Trump, Cruz or Rubio, and the way the Tea Party Caucus has turn on Rubio the other two will most likely be the candidate.


No, and I swear to God!

I am a Kasich supporter, so no to Rubio, and will vote third party in the next General Election seeing Kasich has no chance.
c' should vote for Cruz or Trump. Don't throw your vote away!!!!
Actually come December next year I believe the ones that will be in panic mode will be those like you and not those you believe are in a panic over Trump.


Because you will discover even though America is sick and tire of the partisan bull, the fact remains Trump is not the right candidate to fix it, and will give Hillary Clinton the Oval Office.

You will disagree, and I accept the fact we will not agree on this but the reality is Trump is really a bad choice and you should just run Cruz if you want someone from the Tea Party Caucus.

The only man that scares me more than Trump is cruz.

*backs of both hands to forehead*

Cruz is scary but the reality is it will be either Trump, Cruz or Rubio, and the way the Tea Party Caucus has turn on Rubio the other two will most likely be the candidate.


No, and I swear to God!

I am a Kasich supporter, so no to Rubio, and will vote third party in the next General Election seeing Kasich has no chance.
c' should vote for Cruz or Trump. Don't throw your vote away!!!!

I had this discussion many years ago on another site, and it was a Democrat telling me how if I did not vote for their candidate then I was throwing my vote away, and I just disagree with that way of thinking.

I do not believe Donald Trump is being honest with those supporting him. I actually agree with some on the left that he is a plant by the Clinton's and is handing Hillary Clinton the Election, so it is a no.

As for Ted Cruz, well I do not support President Obama and even though Ted Cruz did work in the Bush administration the fact is Cruz still is a first term Senator and I believe someone like Kasich is a better choice seeing he has executive experience running a State, and Cruz does not.

So I will vote third party and not support the GOP and will never vote for Hillary Clinton!
The only man that scares me more than Trump is cruz.

*backs of both hands to forehead*

Cruz is scary but the reality is it will be either Trump, Cruz or Rubio, and the way the Tea Party Caucus has turn on Rubio the other two will most likely be the candidate.


No, and I swear to God!

I am a Kasich supporter, so no to Rubio, and will vote third party in the next General Election seeing Kasich has no chance.
c' should vote for Cruz or Trump. Don't throw your vote away!!!!

I had this discussion many years ago on another site, and it was a Democrat telling me how if I did not vote for their candidate then I was throwing my vote away, and I just disagree with that way of thinking.

I do not believe Donald Trump is being honest with those supporting him. I actually agree with some on the left that he is a plant by the Clinton's and is handing Hillary Clinton the Election, so it is a no.

As for Ted Cruz, well I do not support President Obama and even though Ted Cruz did work in the Bush administration the fact is Cruz still is a first term Senator and I believe someone like Kasich is a better choice seeing he has executive experience running a State, and Cruz does not.

So I will vote third party and not support the GOP and will never vote for Hillary Clinton!
It's funny to watch CNN. They lib out on Trump's craziness, then BREAKING NEWS, San Bernardino shooter came into this country without an interview... LibFest about the statue of liberty or some shit... BREAKING NEWS, shooter's sister did the same thing; jihadi numbers doubled since last year..
I keep seeing that Trump has people in a panic and chaos in the GOP. Folks....only 3 groups are in a panic.

1. The Media. They've smeared and attacked him mercilessly. And HE'S GOING UP in polls. The media is in a panic because their power is dwindling. Calling others racist once ensured their power. Now....they're scared. People no longer are as influenced by their bullshit.

2. Libs. They see the cold backlash against PC coming. It's here and it's growing. They know the party of unchecked liberalism and forced multiculturalism is coming to an end.

3. GOP Rhinos. The right wants this. Most of it anyway. They're tired of the GOP games. These rhinos know the "same old same old" is being rejected.

The rest of us? No panic. No chaos. We welcome this.
When the light bulb comes on in your head you will panic. Youre like a dumb farm animal that doesnt realize the barn is on fire.

Your barn may be on fire. Our barn is standing tall. Go jump off a bridge before the Donald comes for you. Boo!
See? Youre just like a dumb farm animal. :laugh:
I keep seeing that Trump has people in a panic and chaos in the GOP. Folks....only 3 groups are in a panic.

1. The Media. They've smeared and attacked him mercilessly. And HE'S GOING UP in polls. The media is in a panic because their power is dwindling. Calling others racist once ensured their power. Now....they're scared. People no longer are as influenced by their bullshit.

2. Libs. They see the cold backlash against PC coming. It's here and it's growing. They know the party of unchecked liberalism and forced multiculturalism is coming to an end.

3. GOP Rhinos. The right wants this. Most of it anyway. They're tired of the GOP games. These rhinos know the "same old same old" is being rejected.

The rest of us? No panic. No chaos. We welcome this.
You welcome this. Of course you do.

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