The only proof you need that Ford is "wrong"

Not to mention Kavs mom was a big shot judge and his father was an attorney.

His mother was also a judge...her name was Martha Kavanaugh.

Claim: In a 1996 foreclosure case, Judge Martha Kavanaugh ruled against Ralph and Paula Blasey, thus providing motive for revenge for their daughter Christine Blasey Ford.

Or maybe she got sexually assaulted and also wanted revenge.
'''maybe''' is the key word
maybe ducks fly on the moon
maybe Elvis is in Alaska
maybe maybe maybe

Sure. But then Trump didn't stop to think maybe when he accused Hillary.
but we are talking about how you think BK is guilty
this has nothing to do with Hillary

Actually we're talking about a lot of things, like hypocrisy. But I can imagine you want to compartmentalize the whole thing, otherwise you'd have to actually try and make sense.
I like the way she said he almost accidentally killed her. Emphasis on the accidentally.
I dunno. How about some ‘almost’ emphasis also? I mean if he didn’t almost, then he couldn’t possibly have ‘accidently’ killed her, no?

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