The only proof you need that Ford is "wrong"

You are incorrect. No statute for sex crimes.
Why did Maryland say there was a statute then?

I just pasted a link. I was surprised too. Also he is done coaching his kids in hoops. Deserved if he is guilty but a shame if he is not.
I know you pasted a link. It says emails and texts should do away with the statutes you said were not there. :21:

Law was changed in 1996 from misdemeanor to crime no statute.
Yes and since there WAS a statute of limitations in 1982 THAT is what applies dumb ass.

Why would she go to the police?
Why wouldn’t she?

I'll help you out here...

Because of a little thing called "statute of limitations".

Now you can go look it up and figure the rest out for yourself.
I’ll give you a little hint, Maryland said if she would fill one out, they would investigate.
I will give you a little hint, Maryland can do nothing due to statute of Limitations.
I heard a nice radio ad this morning while driving.......

"Are YOU a victim of sexual assault? Has someone made unwelcome advances towards you, touched you inappropriately or made unwanted sexual comments in your presence? Have you been held back at work due to your sexual orientation? Has your spouse made unwanted sexual advances against you?

If YOU have been a victim of ANY of these or ANY type of sexual assault or unwanted harrassment of a sexual nature, then CALL THE LAW FIRM OF (Law firm Name Here) for your FREE Consultation NOW! Our team of legal professionals can determine if you deserve compensation for your injuries........"

(and on it went)

OBVIOUSLY trying to capitalize on the Kavanaiugh hearings. Bet they don't take cases from men.

What's with this War On Men in the USA ? God help you if you're a "disgusting" white male.
I heard a nice radio ad this morning while driving.......

"Are YOU a victim of sexual assault? Has someone made unwelcome advances towards you, touched you inappropriately or made unwanted sexual comments in your presence? Have you been held back at work due to your sexual orientation? Has your spouse made unwanted sexual advances against you?

If YOU have been a victim of ANY of these or ANY type of sexual assault or unwanted harrassment of a sexual nature, then CALL THE LAW FIRM OF (Law firm Name Here) for your FREE Consultation NOW! Our team of legal professionals can determine if you deserve compensation for your injuries........"

(and on it went)

OBVIOUSLY trying to capitalize on the Kavanaiugh hearings. Bet they don't take cases from men.

What's with this War On Men in the USA ? God help you if you're a "disgusting" white male.
Some big fat girl at the prison was always touching me in a way I didn't like. I told another female officer about it and she said I should report it. I said, "What? And have them all think I'm a faggot?"
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Why would she go to the police?
Why wouldn’t she?

I'll help you out here...

Because of a little thing called "statute of limitations".

Now you can go look it up and figure the rest out for yourself.
I’ll give you a little hint, Maryland said if she would fill one out, they would investigate.
I will give you a little hint, Maryland can do nothing due to statute of Limitations.
They have already said if a report was filed, they would investigate.
Why would she go to the police?
Why wouldn’t she?

I'll help you out here...

Because of a little thing called "statute of limitations".

Now you can go look it up and figure the rest out for yourself.
I’ll give you a little hint, Maryland said if she would fill one out, they would investigate.
I will give you a little hint, Maryland can do nothing due to statute of Limitations.
They have already said if a report was filed, they would investigate.
They can investigate all they want what they can not do is file charges NO MATTER what the investigation determines.
Why wouldn’t she?

I'll help you out here...

Because of a little thing called "statute of limitations".

Now you can go look it up and figure the rest out for yourself.
I’ll give you a little hint, Maryland said if she would fill one out, they would investigate.
I will give you a little hint, Maryland can do nothing due to statute of Limitations.
They have already said if a report was filed, they would investigate.
They can investigate all they want what they can not do is file charges NO MATTER what the investigation determines.
No shit.
Why wouldn’t she?

I'll help you out here...

Because of a little thing called "statute of limitations".

Now you can go look it up and figure the rest out for yourself.
I’ll give you a little hint, Maryland said if she would fill one out, they would investigate.
I will give you a little hint, Maryland can do nothing due to statute of Limitations.
They have already said if a report was filed, they would investigate.
They can investigate all they want what they can not do is file charges NO MATTER what the investigation determines.
Don't put it past despicable bed wetting libstains to violate any laws.
That FACT, the GD FACT, that instead of going to the police first, she went to liberal "news" sources and politicians. The end.
What were the police going to do other than tell her the statutes of limitations had run out?
Well if you knew you ass from a hole in the ground, liar, you would know that Maryland has no such statue for sex crimes. And troll, if the statutes have expired then there no prosecution is there dumbass?
I don't think he's trolling. I think those IQ studies regarding people like him explain his posts.
Why would she go to the police?
Why wouldn’t she?

I'll help you out here...

Because of a little thing called "statute of limitations".

Now you can go look it up and figure the rest out for yourself.
I’ll give you a little hint, Maryland said if she would fill one out, they would investigate.

For your edification:

According to police, the law at the time of the offense occurred is the law that must be applied to any charges that might be brought.

In 1982 in Maryland, assault and attempted rape were both misdemeanors and subject to a one-year statute of limitations.
Why would she go to the police?
Why wouldn’t she?

I'll help you out here...

Because of a little thing called "statute of limitations".

Now you can go look it up and figure the rest out for yourself.
I’ll give you a little hint, Maryland said if she would fill one out, they would investigate.

For your edification:

According to police, the law at the time of the offense occurred is the law that must be applied to any charges that might be brought.

In 1982 in Maryland, assault and attempted rape were both misdemeanors and subject to a one-year statute of limitations.
For your edification. The state police and the A.g. Have said for her to file a complaint and they will investigate.
Why would she go to the police?
Why wouldn’t she?

I'll help you out here...

Because of a little thing called "statute of limitations".

Now you can go look it up and figure the rest out for yourself.
I’ll give you a little hint, Maryland said if she would fill one out, they would investigate.

For your edification:

According to police, the law at the time of the offense occurred is the law that must be applied to any charges that might be brought.

In 1982 in Maryland, assault and attempted rape were both misdemeanors and subject to a one-year statute of limitations.
For your edification. The state police and the A.g. Have said for her to file a complaint and they will investigate.
For your edification they can investigate all they want, what they can NOT do is bring charges NO MATTER the outcome of said investigation.
Why wouldn’t she?

I'll help you out here...

Because of a little thing called "statute of limitations".

Now you can go look it up and figure the rest out for yourself.
I’ll give you a little hint, Maryland said if she would fill one out, they would investigate.

For your edification:

According to police, the law at the time of the offense occurred is the law that must be applied to any charges that might be brought.

In 1982 in Maryland, assault and attempted rape were both misdemeanors and subject to a one-year statute of limitations.
For your edification. The state police and the A.g. Have said for her to file a complaint and they will investigate.
For your edification they can investigate all they want, what they can NOT do is bring charges NO MATTER the outcome of said investigation.
No shit!
Why wouldn’t she?

I'll help you out here...

Because of a little thing called "statute of limitations".

Now you can go look it up and figure the rest out for yourself.
I’ll give you a little hint, Maryland said if she would fill one out, they would investigate.

For your edification:

According to police, the law at the time of the offense occurred is the law that must be applied to any charges that might be brought.

In 1982 in Maryland, assault and attempted rape were both misdemeanors and subject to a one-year statute of limitations.
For your edification. The state police and the A.g. Have said for her to file a complaint and they will investigate.
For your edification they can investigate all they want, what they can NOT do is bring charges NO MATTER the outcome of said investigation.
You underestimate democrat scum.
The most convenient explanation for you, you mean?

I’m not saying it’s true, but if it is it changes everything. It would have shut down the hearing Thursday. I’d like to know the source. There is no evidence of her claim, and now he’s being scrutinized on other [emoji90] that also can’t be substantiated. If he is guilty,someone needs to prove it. This isn’t a cold case of a murder with a body. There’s nothing to investigate. If someone came at you with allegations like this publicly, a civil suit would be a slam dunk. There are plenty of criminals getting prosecuted and sanctioned all the time. This situation doesn’t apply to everything else.

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The issue is that the US is changing. It used to be a man's society, now it's less a man's society and a lot of people don't like this change.

Well that's what it is.

When this guy was 17 the world was different. However people want Supreme Court justices they can trust, not people who might have blemishes. So many people have been rejected because of blemishes. This guy has only made it this far because Trump doesn't give a shit about anything. He's a womanizing fuckhead and he only cares about getting his own way. Any other president would have pulled him by now.

A lot of men are trash, agreed. Anybody that’s ever lived has blemishes. Just don’t see any evidence of anything here. Hillary didn’t seem to have any problem with letting Bill let little Bill play. She also wasn’t very believing of several women that had a lot more substantial evidence that Dr. Ford has come out with. She was downright nasty and hostile to those women. And she didn’t refer to any of them as brave or courageous either. I guess there’s different rules and standards of evidence for different people.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Right, let's bring up career politician Hillary.....

Two bad choices for president, great, shows the system is fucked.

Some people have blemishes, and other people have stains, this guy seems to have more stains than blemishes, and he's going to try and become one of a few people who rule on the law...... the right person? Probably not.

I respect your opinion, but again see no evidence.

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Well that's the way it goes.
That FACT, the GD FACT, that instead of going to the police first, she went to liberal "news" sources and politicians. The end.

So, she didn't go to the police when it happened, probably because she thought the police wouldn't do anything about it. Because the police often don't do anything about it and the woman gets treated like shit in a man's world.
Not to mention Kavs mom was a big shot judge and his father was an attorney.

His mother was also a judge...her name was Martha Kavanaugh.

Claim: In a 1996 foreclosure case, Judge Martha Kavanaugh ruled against Ralph and Paula Blasey, thus providing motive for revenge for their daughter Christine Blasey Ford.

Or maybe she got sexually assaulted and also wanted revenge.
'''maybe''' is the key word
maybe ducks fly on the moon
maybe Elvis is in Alaska
maybe maybe maybe

Sure. But then Trump didn't stop to think maybe when he accused Hillary.
That FACT, the GD FACT, that instead of going to the police first, she went to liberal "news" sources and politicians. The end.
I don't find this argument persuasive. It seems reasonable that a woman might be willing to overlook the asinine behavior of a drunken frat boy as an isolated incident. And it also seems reasonable that, years later, when that same jackass is being considered as a SC Justice, she might feel compelled to tell her story.

I don't know if that's the case here. Mostly I just think the Democrats want to push back on conservative SC nominations with anything they can drum up. But the idea that not coming forward initially compromises credibility isn't accurate.
That FACT, the GD FACT, that instead of going to the police first, she went to liberal "news" sources and politicians. The end.
I don't find this argument persuasive. It seems reasonable that a woman might be willing to overlook the asinine behavior of a drunken frat boy as an isolated incident. And it also seems reasonable that, years later, when that same jackass is being considered as a SC Justice, she might feel compelled to tell her story.

I don't know if that's the case here. Mostly I just think the Democrats want to push back on conservative SC nominations with anything they can drum up. But the idea that not coming forward initially compromises credibility isn't accurate.
So, she didn't go to the police when it happened, probably because she thought the police wouldn't do anything about it. Because the police often don't do anything about it and the woman gets treated like shit in a man's world.
Not to mention Kavs mom was a big shot judge and his father was an attorney.

His mother was also a judge...her name was Martha Kavanaugh.

Claim: In a 1996 foreclosure case, Judge Martha Kavanaugh ruled against Ralph and Paula Blasey, thus providing motive for revenge for their daughter Christine Blasey Ford.

Or maybe she got sexually assaulted and also wanted revenge.
'''maybe''' is the key word
maybe ducks fly on the moon
maybe Elvis is in Alaska
maybe maybe maybe

Sure. But then Trump didn't stop to think maybe when he accused Hillary.
but we are talking about how you think BK is guilty
this has nothing to do with Hillary

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