The ONLY reason MOST Obama voters voted for Obama...

Those of us who had obviously more information about Obama had SEVERAL reasons for not voting for him.
So millions of apparently "intelligent" voters should have had the same information we had so why did they still vote for Obama?

For example those of us that voted against Obama AND NOT for McCain by the way did so because we knew this about Obama:
A) He told us he was going to use "Tricks" and "tactics" to fool people that might have a fear he was an angry black man.
B) He told us he wanted to raise gas prices... not just so fast!
C) He told us he would make it so financially hard that utilities would be bankrupt.
D) He told us that by doing that our utilities costs would "skyrocket".
E) He told us he preferred to put out of business 1,400 companies, lay off 400,000 people and decrease $100 billion in Fed/state/local income taxes.
F) He told us that his friends included terrorists that were on the FBI terrorists list.
G) He told us he thought all the military planners on purpose with malice "air-raided villages and killed civilians".

And his actions also showed those of us that didn't vote that Obama was totally inexperienced in the Senate.
These are the 5 bills of 137 that he sponsored that became law. Those of us that opposed took these 5 bills and examples of his competency.
1)Democratic Republic of the Congo Relief, Security, and Democracy Promotion Act of 2005
2)To congratulate the Chicago White Sox on winning the 2005 World Series Championship.
3)Recognizing the historical significance of Juneteenth Independence Day and expressing the sense of the Senate that history
4)Designating July 13, 2006, as `National Summer Learning Day'.
5)A resolution commemorating the 44th anniversary of the deaths of civil rights workers Andrew Goodman, James Chaney,
These are the Obama's sole Congressional contributions before he became President.
List of bills sponsored by Barack Obama in the United States Senate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So given ALL these actions and activities that intelligent people would say.."WOA!!" Let's think a minute about him!
Why would these supposedly intelligent voters KNOWING all of the above STILL vote for Obama?

The majority of them that did vote for him in spite of the lack of experience, knowledge and in spite of what he said and his actions.
WHY? If they knew the above about Obama but they still KNOWING he favored higher gas,utility,putting people out of work they voted?

Because the only reason they had was they didn't want to have people think the ONLY reason they voted against was because he was black!
That is these people that knew Obama was a trickster, was inexperienced, voted because they just didn't want to be considered "racist"!

That's it! There is no conceivable reason for voting for Obama as everything he told us he wanted to happen is happening!
We have utilities closing, gas prices highest ever, skyrocketing utilities and now the highest number of people on food stamps, highest unemployment, and highest number of people on SS disability! Everything Obama told us has happened.

So why if all those destructive events have occurred... why did these people vote other then they didn't want to think themselves as "RACIST"!

Hmmmmm....they didnt have cable and only watched the LSM?

He's "my hero," yet you're the one marching in lockstep behind him.

You fuckwads crack me up, as if you just shut up and obeyed when Bush one.

You know sparky, despite your delusion, the Republicans will regain the presidency. It's a cycle that has been revolving longer than any of us have been alive.

Every time you dims gain the white house, you declare that you will rule forever. You and the demagogues of the MSM love to declare how the GOP is finished and you'll rule without challenge forever and ever... A thousand years of uninterrupted dim rule...

You did it with Clinton, just as Armybolshivik does now with your Messiah®.
Thanks for the explanation.

I've never said any of that stuff, I've never thought any of that stuff, and I would make a lousy Democrat.

Other than that, you're right on the money.


I would have voted for a dead dog over Romney.
The republican candidates have gone so far to the right, they're considered to be in the fringe.
They're out of touch with the realities of the population demographics.
Hispanics are the largest minority and going to overtake the white-european type population in a few decades. White-europeans type people are already the minority in births, but the republicans couldn't see beyond the southern-white baptists, strict catholics and evangelicals.
Oh, by the way: "Oil speculators" who predict oil prices are the major contributors to increases in gas prices, as are the oil company executives greed and OPEC. The presidents have nothing to do with that.
There hasn't been a Republican President since Nixon who gained the office without some controversy. Bush 1 maybe.....but the way he became VP tarnishes his legacy too.

And.....we gave Bush II plenty of room to move. When he moved in the opposite direction of common sense....we let him know it.
Because unlike Admiral Simpleton McCain, Obama wasn't a Bush League type who started two shit-for-brains wars and broke the economy.

Hadn't voted for a major party candidate since 1976 but I'd have voted for the literal devil in 2008 if Democrats had nominated him. Last election I voted for Gary Johnson, the man who said his dog had created more shovel ready jobs in his neighbor's yard than Obama's policies had created.

Unless Jeb Bush runs, 2008 was the last vote of my life for a corporatist. If Bush runs, I'll be voting for the Democrat. Even if he or she has a tail and horns.
Why America voted for Obama in 2008

1) Opposition to US involvement in Iraq
2) Collapsing economy
3) Obama offered a refreshing vision of the future
4) A young dyanamic black president looked promising
5) McCain/Palin was a scary ticket

Combination of the above

And when none of those panned out, why did people double down and vote for him again in 2012?

Obviously, an overwhelming majority disagreed with your assessment. Obama rescued the economy, ended the war in Iraq and Republicans still looked scary
In 2008, Obama had the most charisma since JFK. His only drawback was inexperience

Republicans countered with a war hero with 28 years of experience. They paired him with a dimwit with less understanding than Obama. They needed a strong break from Bush policies and failed to deliver
The President has a fiduciary responsibility to the American taxpayer to prosecute the war as effectively and as cost efficiently as possible. To this end, he has failed. In many cases, we’re actually paying our undeclared enemies hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars a year – and in return we receive precious little. Simply put, the President and his ideological allies are raking the American taxpayer over the coals. Moreover, this administration is extraordinarily hostile towards our military. Specifically, we’re prosecuting more members of our armed services than ever before. Often for crimes they did not commit. And no one seems to care. Additionally, there is no doubt in my mind that Osama Bin Laden died the way he lived. That is to say, in the heat of battle with a gun in his hand. Truly told, he lived and died by the sword. But now, the White house is leaking contradictory information. They say he was unarmed and frightened and that he was surrounded by women and children. The Whitehouse, through back channels, makes it sound like OBL was murdered in cold blood. And if we, as Americans, don’t take a stand against this sort of nonsense, the taxpayer could wind up paying “restitution” to the sponsors of terrorism. But this is par for the course. Astonishingly, there are people in this administration who want the Attorney General to bring charges against these heroic SEALS for war crimes.

The President has refused to release Osama Bin Laden’s photo for all the wrong reasons. I would remind you that it was the American taxpayer who funded and financed this operation, and in this capacity, we have an absolute right to see the proof. In other words, the American taxpayer needs to see that he got his money’s worth. After all, the IRS requires that we prove our deductions. And to this end, taxpayer’s are regularly required to release their bank records and documents. Shouldn’t the government be held to a similar standard. Or is the President really saying, “do as I say and not as I do”.

Let's have a look at the post above through a different lens, shall we?

President Junebug Bush has a fiduciary responsibility to the American taxpayer to prosecute the war as effectively and as cost efficiently as possible. To this end, he has failed. In many cases, we’re actually paying our undeclared enemies hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars a year – and in return we receive precious little. Simply put, President Junebug Bush and his "Mission Accomplished" team are raking the American taxpayer over the coals - are, in sum, extraordinarily hostile towards taxpayers.

[FONT=&quot]To wit, Cheney's former company, Halliburton has no-bid contracts as does Blackwater. Competitors need not bid. Both corporations have killed and maimed US soldiers through substandard contract performance without penalty. No Bush Leaguer seems to care. The Bush League's degree of passive hostility to US men and woman at arms is unprecedented in US history. One wonders if stories about warehousing wounded soldiers in tents in hostile areas pending openings in Germany and the US are accurate.

The President has refused to release evidence proving he did not start these wars with lies, evidence that is apparently classified solely for the purpose of protecting The Bush League. I would remind you that it was the American taxpayer who funded and financed this operation, and in this capacity, we have an absolute right to see the proof. In other words, the American taxpayer needs to see that he got his money’s worth. After all, the IRS requires that we prove our deductions. And to this end, taxpayer’s are regularly required to release their bank records and documents. Shouldn’t the government be held to a similar standard. Or is President Bush really saying, “Fuck you, taxpayers. I'm the decider.”

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Why America voted for Obama in 2008

1) Opposition to US involvement in Iraq
2) Collapsing economy
3) Obama offered a refreshing vision of the future
4) A young dyanamic black president looked promising
5) McCain/Palin was a scary ticket

Combination of the above

And when none of those panned out, why did people double down and vote for him again in 2012?

Mainly because lowlife cocksuckers doubled down on their spiritual leader, Junebug Bush in 2004. Here is something for low degraded scum who voted for Bush in 2004 to think about when they are looking at the degenerate in the mirror: "I elected Obama with my vote in 2004." Had the scum of the earth not re elected Bush, there sure as hell would not have been a President Barack Hussein Obama in 2009.

Now your Lord and Master can laugh like hell at the white trash of America.

Enjoy it, pal.
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I thought you were going to say because his party didn't philosophize about rape
Why America voted for Obama in 2008

1) Opposition to US involvement in Iraq
2) Collapsing economy
3) Obama offered a refreshing vision of the future
4) A young dyanamic black president looked promising
5) McCain/Palin was a scary ticket

Combination of the above

And when none of those panned out, why did people double down and vote for him again in 2012?

Mainly because lowlife cocksuckers doubled down on their spiritual leader, Junebug Bush in 2004. Here is something for low degraded scum who voted for Bush in 2004 to think about when they are looking at the degenerate in the mirror: "I elected Obama with my vote in 2004." Had the scum of the earth not re elected Bush, there sure as hell would not have been a President Barack Hussein Obama in 2009.

Now your Lord and Master can laugh like hell at the white trash of America.

Enjoy it, pal.
Bush set the stage for the election of Obama. He also doomed the chances for the election of Hillary
Why America voted for Obama in 2008

1) Opposition to US involvement in Iraq
2) Collapsing economy
3) Obama offered a refreshing vision of the future
4) A young dyanamic black president looked promising
5) McCain/Palin was a scary ticket

Combination of the above

And when none of those panned out, why did people double down and vote for him again in 2012?

Mainly because lowlife cocksuckers doubled down on their spiritual leader, Junebug Bush in 2004. Here is something for low degraded scum who voted for Bush in 2004 to think about when they are looking at the degenerate in the mirror: "I elected Obama with my vote in 2004." Had the scum of the earth not re elected Bush, there sure as hell would not have been a President Barack Hussein Obama in 2009.

Now your Lord and Master can laugh like hell at the white trash of America.

Enjoy it, pal.

Hey Nancy, don't get worked up and fall off of your high heels. Your customers might drive right on past your corner. Was never a Bush fan. I'm libertarian. BTW, you might want to fan yourself after that little tirade.
Those of us who had obviously more information about Obama had SEVERAL reasons for not voting for him.
So millions of apparently "intelligent" voters should have had the same information we had so why did they still vote for Obama?

For example those of us that voted against Obama AND NOT for McCain by the way did so because we knew this about Obama:
A) He told us he was going to use "Tricks" and "tactics" to fool people that might have a fear he was an angry black man.
B) He told us he wanted to raise gas prices... not just so fast!
C) He told us he would make it so financially hard that utilities would be bankrupt.
D) He told us that by doing that our utilities costs would "skyrocket".
E) He told us he preferred to put out of business 1,400 companies, lay off 400,000 people and decrease $100 billion in Fed/state/local income taxes.
F) He told us that his friends included terrorists that were on the FBI terrorists list.
G) He told us he thought all the military planners on purpose with malice "air-raided villages and killed civilians".

And his actions also showed those of us that didn't vote that Obama was totally inexperienced in the Senate.
These are the 5 bills of 137 that he sponsored that became law. Those of us that opposed took these 5 bills and examples of his competency.
1)Democratic Republic of the Congo Relief, Security, and Democracy Promotion Act of 2005
2)To congratulate the Chicago White Sox on winning the 2005 World Series Championship.
3)Recognizing the historical significance of Juneteenth Independence Day and expressing the sense of the Senate that history
4)Designating July 13, 2006, as `National Summer Learning Day'.
5)A resolution commemorating the 44th anniversary of the deaths of civil rights workers Andrew Goodman, James Chaney,
These are the Obama's sole Congressional contributions before he became President.
List of bills sponsored by Barack Obama in the United States Senate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So given ALL these actions and activities that intelligent people would say.."WOA!!" Let's think a minute about him!
Why would these supposedly intelligent voters KNOWING all of the above STILL vote for Obama?

The majority of them that did vote for him in spite of the lack of experience, knowledge and in spite of what he said and his actions.
WHY? If they knew the above about Obama but they still KNOWING he favored higher gas,utility,putting people out of work they voted?

Because the only reason they had was they didn't want to have people think the ONLY reason they voted against was because he was black!
That is these people that knew Obama was a trickster, was inexperienced, voted because they just didn't want to be considered "racist"!

That's it! There is no conceivable reason for voting for Obama as everything he told us he wanted to happen is happening!
We have utilities closing, gas prices highest ever, skyrocketing utilities and now the highest number of people on food stamps, highest unemployment, and highest number of people on SS disability! Everything Obama told us has happened.

So why if all those destructive events have occurred... why did these people vote other then they didn't want to think themselves as "RACIST"!

More information? LOL!
And when none of those panned out, why did people double down and vote for him again in 2012?

Mainly because lowlife cocksuckers doubled down on their spiritual leader, Junebug Bush in 2004. Here is something for low degraded scum who voted for Bush in 2004 to think about when they are looking at the degenerate in the mirror: "I elected Obama with my vote in 2004." Had the scum of the earth not re elected Bush, there sure as hell would not have been a President Barack Hussein Obama in 2009.

Now your Lord and Master can laugh like hell at the white trash of America.

Enjoy it, pal.

Hey Nancy, don't get worked up and fall off of your high heels. Your customers might drive right on past your corner. Was never a Bush fan. I'm libertarian. BTW, you might want to fan yourself after that little tirade.

Sure you aren't a Bush fan. That's why you negged me for echoing some halfwit's challenge of Obama with truths about Bush - including a picture of the chimpy looking ha'wit scumball.

You should have simply put the shovel down. Now your nutball pals know you're a liar as well as a Judas.
We are going to be $20 trillion in debt in very short order.If you think that's a promising future for this country...

Well it does explain why you voted for Obama that's plain enough.

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