the only thing systematic is the destruction of america


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008

this writer tells it like it is,that facemasks are about as effective against some alleged deadly virus as using a pencil to try and hit a baseball with.:thup:

In Part 1 of this article I detailed the purposeful systematic destruction of global economies, with a bad flu as the catalyst, as part of a plan by the Davos elite to reconstruct the world in a manner most beneficial to these evil men and detrimental to you and me. The fight remains to be fought. Orwell’s worst fears are coming to fruition.

The masking of the masses has been, and continues to be, about despotic politicians and arrogant bureaucrats demanding obedience as a mechanism to judge their ability to shame the masses into submission. It has nothing to do with health or protecting others. The health “experts” like Fauci, the Surgeon General and CDC director actually told the truth back in March when they told everyone masks didn’t protect you from viruses. When the powers that be decided this flu needed to be hyped and blown out of all proportion, mask wearing was used as the symbol of fear necessary to panic the public into submission.Media campaigns, celebrity virtue signaling, corporate coordination, and fake documentation were immediately implemented to corral the sheep and force them to conform. Dehumanizing the population, using a false narrative to shame non-maskers as serial killers, turning neighbors into snitches, and using police thugs to enforce these unconstitutional dictates, has created an atmosphere of anxiety, suspicion and fear as the perfect method of domination. The non-critical thinking sheep are driven by emotion and feelings.
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..there is no systematic racism.....I've asked the leftists/blackies to prove it and what to I get:

It is a dichotomy of personal behavior and individual responsibility. We live in a mixed neighborhood just outside the gates of a major military installation. Most of my black neighbors are great people. We get along with the Asians, the French speaking Haitians, and the Hispanic immigrants as well. My wife and I base our interactions or lack thereof with neighbors and locals on several criteria, which includes their individual, personal public behavior. If a guy or gal is toking up in our neighborhood, regardless of color, we avoid them—even more so when they're pulling out to drive somewhere. If the youth are aggressive or play violent rap, we avoid them. If the youth or adults are militant or racist on the surface, we avoid them.

There's nothing systemic about it. It is all about survival and safety. Some people of all colors are amazing, solid, great Americans. Others are trash violent criminals and racists—yes, there are some very racist black folk around here. We interact with folks on a case by case basis. It's up to them really, whether or not we bother with them.
..there is no systematic racism.....I've asked the leftists/blackies to prove it and what to I get:
There used to be systemic racism, slavery and black codes proved it. When did that system racism end? Can you give us the exact date when the right wing started treating everyone equally?
..there is no systematic racism.....I've asked the leftists/blackies to prove it and what to I get:
There used to be systemic racism, slavery and black codes proved it. When did that system racism end? Can you give us the exact date when the right wing started treating everyone equally?
1. prove there is a problem of racism or systematic racism...
2. so the right wing is the EVIL people!!!!--hahahahhah--the KKK was anti-Republican
..there is no systematic racism.....I've asked the leftists/blackies to prove it and what to I get:
There used to be systemic racism, slavery and black codes proved it. When did that system racism end? Can you give us the exact date when the right wing started treating everyone equally?
1. prove there is a problem of racism or systematic racism...
2. so the right wing is the EVIL people!!!!--hahahahhah--the KKK was anti-Republican
Isn't it self-evident by incarceration and poverty rates? Are you claiming the former condition of slavery or black codes has nothing to do with it?

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

It wasn't the left who levied War against the Union.

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