"The Only True Leader Of Black People In The U.S.A."


Gold Member
Feb 8, 2015
Yo, today is the anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr. "I Have A Dream" Speech! MLK was like a President to the Black Race, he fought the "Racist" Democrat Party, fighting tooth and nail, until they killed him in the end! I`m sure he has a seat next to GOD!!! I think GOD chose Martin Luther King Jr., like GOD chose President of United States Donald John Trump, to Lead the People in the Right direction, instead of the other direction, HELL!!!

For the short time he lived, Jan 15, 1929 - Apr 04, 1968 (age 39), he did more for the Black Race than anybody I`ve seen in my lifetime! I`m not Black, but have seen him on black & white T.V. in my younger years!

About Barack Hussein Obama II? I still have not figured out what Race he is? But I know he didn`t have the fighting spirit Martin Luther King Jr. had!!! When I see Obama, or hear his name mentioned, I think GAY-BOY, he did more for GAYS, than for Blacks!

If I was a Black? I would be ashamed to have a so-called man like Obama in my Race, period!!! What he did for Gays was immoral, and he used those, lets face it, Mental Disturbed Individuals, thank GOD for Free Speech, for Votes and Cash, only because an election was around the corner, GAYS should be pissed, but will not be because of their Mental Status, much like the Radical Womens Group, who have the same problem as the Gays in the head!!!

Now, Who Is The True Racist Party In The U.S.A.? They Call Trump A Racist For No Reason, Just To Hear Themselves Talk, Or Wanting To Be Liked By The Immoral Minority, SICK! The Clips Below Is An Example Of Facts Of Life, Enjoy!

President Lyndon Johnson using the "N" word

YIKES! After being called Racist - Trump Revisits Clinton's Comments About Black 'Superpredators'

Trump Black Support 8% In 2016, Now It`s Around 21% In 2018, You Can Throw The Racist Card Out The Window!!! CNN and MSNBC, Etc., Daily make Racism Up By Trump, These People Seem To Have The Same Problem As The Women And Gays Have Above!!!

This Sick Gay-Boy And His Ilk Will Grab A Topic Trump Says, And They Think Is Racist, They Will Spend 24 Hours A Day For Two Weeks Saying The Same Thing Over And Over, Like The Good Paid Propagandist They Are For The Hitler Democrat Party!!!

Lemon to Trump supporters: Bless your heart

I guess God gave you Obama too then.

Not everything G-d gives is good for us ...


Yo, God knows what to do, and when to do it!!!


So what race is God??? By the way , Trump would be blind if he followed the bible and probably handless and his penis would of been castrated. He would of become a blind, handless Eunuch.

Yo, GOD is not a Hitler Democrat, GOD does not see Race, all people are his Children, whether you like it or not, maybe that is your problem? You need some God in your Life, you don`t need to go to church, Religion is up to the Individual, you can stay at home with the Good Book, try it, you might Love It!!!!


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