The Only Two Men I Can Support for President

I'm not sure it matters who runs against Diaper boy at this point.
Descent is is such a better candidate. P!us he can speak fluently. Knows how to discuss rather than name call.
Yup, DeSantis or Trump. :thup:

But things will have to be different next time ....NO STEALING OF ELECTIONS! NO MORE....because that worries me.
We still have another 2 1/2 years. It's time to consider the mid terms and how the hell we are going to get through the rest of Brandon's term.
He's really declined since 2021. I really don't think they can keep him propped up for 2 years. Something's gonna give
I will happily support 4 more years of PRESIDENT Trump, or, even more so, Ron DeSantis

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You honestly felt that who you - some faceless, nameless nothing on a chat forum - will support for POTUS warrants an entire threat?

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:


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