The Orange Man Bad mantra rolls on...Let’s talk policy...Which current Democrat policies are good for good Americans?

The college initiatives, a $15/hour FMW

Yes, 25 trillion in debt and growing, and he's going to buy votes by funding college. Brilliant.

$15.00 MW will cause companies to close, layoff workers, outsource, move overseas, invest in more automation to replace human workers, cause inflation and cost of living. Brilliant.
The college initiatives, a $15/hour FMW

Yes, 25 trillion in debt and growing, and he's going to buy votes by funding college. Brilliant.

$15.00 MW will cause companies to close, layoff workers, outsource, move overseas, invest in more automation to replace human workers, cause inflation and cost of living. Brilliant.

$27 trillion and growing.
What if we raise the minimum wage to raise more tax revenue?
The national park I'm planning to visit in a few weeks is open. There is no federal lock down.
Try going inside the statue of liberty then.

The Statue is open:

The National Parks are a treasure and all Americans should visit them (this includes the National Seashores, the National Wildlife Areas, National Military Parks, National Historic Sites, National Recreation Areas, and National Forests....

If you're a veteran....your entry is free!!!!
Raising the minimum wage also increases demand and generates multiples more in tax revenue.
We are fully aware of all the Dem policies aimed to benefit Mexico and foreigners.
Lax border
Free healthcare
DACA ‘citizenships’
Rent control
$15 minimum wage
Free college

But tell us, what policies will the Biden / Harris administration roll out to benefit good, real core Americans?

  • Ignore you & serve all American Citizens
  • Tell the truth, Not mislead the people
  • Repeal and replace the Ryan/McConnell/Trump Tax Fraud
  • Keep the ACA and improve what needs to be fixed
  • Repair and Replace our nation's infrastructure
  • Heal the divide, and allow the AG & DOJ to enforce our laws.
  • Try to heal the wounds with our NATO Partners
  • Fix our Foreign Policy, using diplomacy first, and leave the bellicose rhetoric to the neocons
  • Offer free airfare to any nation which would accept you, you are not a "real core American".
  • Tell the truth, Not mislead the people

  • Repair and Replace our nation's infrastructure
  • Heal the divide, and allow the AG & DOJ to enforce our laws.
  • Try to heal the wounds with our NATO Partners
  • Fix our Foreign Policy, using diplomacy first, and leave the bellicose rhetoric to the neocons

In other words. Return to normalcy.
Funny, from somebody who voted for the guy who routinely lied to people, just to boost his ego.

Show me one President that never lied. It's not how often people lie, it's what they lie about that's important. Trump telling us we had the best economy in the world doesn't hurt anybody. Telling people you have a healthcare plan that's going to save them $2,500 a year plus be great plans, and it was never affordable and the plans were shit, that hurts tens of millions of people.
The college initiatives, a $15/hour FMW

Yes, 25 trillion in debt and growing, and he's going to buy votes by funding college. Brilliant.

$15.00 MW will cause companies to close, layoff workers, outsource, move overseas, invest in more automation to replace human workers, cause inflation and cost of living. Brilliant.

$27 trillion and growing.
What if we raise the minimum wage to raise more tax revenue?

I'm good with raising the minimum wage regardless.

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