The other GOP candidates promise to support the liar, con artist for president

The economy is doing OK, but recovery has been slow and we still have some work to do. It is still a smart time to invest into stimulus, especially with interest rates as low as they are.
Nope......It's time to start paying down the debt.

Leave whatever work you think needs doing to the states.
Why is it time to pay down our debt?

Really? you have to ask that?
Yes, your answer will show how much you understand about economics

That you asked it shows how much YOU do.
Let's not worry about me right now
Nope......It's time to start paying down the debt.

Leave whatever work you think needs doing to the states.
Why is it time to pay down our debt?

Really? you have to ask that?
Yes, your answer will show how much you understand about economics

That you asked it shows how much YOU do.
Let's not worry about me right now

why not? you are the one who said we should not pay down the debt. Should we just let it continue to increase until the interest on it consumes the entire budget? Should we borrow more from the Chinese in order to make interest payments to the Chinese?

This is not just about economics, its about common sense and the lack of same in the liberal mind.
Nope......It's time to start paying down the debt.

Leave whatever work you think needs doing to the states.
Why is it time to pay down our debt?

Really? you have to ask that?
Yes, your answer will show how much you understand about economics

That you asked it shows how much YOU do.
Let's not worry about me right now

Oh, let's. S'matter? Supporter of the "tough guy" can't handle what he wants to dish out? Big shock.
Why is it time to pay down our debt?

Really? you have to ask that?
Yes, your answer will show how much you understand about economics

That you asked it shows how much YOU do.
Let's not worry about me right now

Oh, let's. S'matter? Supporter of the "tough guy" can't handle what he wants to dish out? Big shock.
Are we talking about the debt, or are you trying to start a fist fight on the internet?

Pretty retarded, if you ask me.
Why is it time to pay down our debt?

Really? you have to ask that?
Yes, your answer will show how much you understand about economics

That you asked it shows how much YOU do.
Let's not worry about me right now

Oh, let's. S'matter? Supporter of the "tough guy" can't handle what he wants to dish out? Big shock.
Why is it time to pay down our debt?

Really? you have to ask that?
Yes, your answer will show how much you understand about economics

That you asked it shows how much YOU do.
Let's not worry about me right now

why not? you are the one who said we should not pay down the debt. Should we just let it continue to increase until the interest on it consumes the entire budget? Should we borrow more from the Chinese in order to make interest payments to the Chinese?

This is not just about economics, its about common sense and the lack of same in the liberal mind.
I didn't say we shouldn't pay down the debt, I asked you to back up your statement with reasoning... Responding by asking me for my reason isn't an answer... I hear so many statements, like the one you made about borrowing from the Chinese and paying them interest, that tells me you have no clue what you are talking about when it comes to our National Economic's and the actual nature of our debt.
Why is it time to pay down our debt?

Really? you have to ask that?
Yes, your answer will show how much you understand about economics

That you asked it shows how much YOU do.
Let's not worry about me right now

Oh, let's. S'matter? Supporter of the "tough guy" can't handle what he wants to dish out? Big shock.
Have another glass of wine Cecillie... you add nothing to the conversation.
Really? you have to ask that?
Yes, your answer will show how much you understand about economics

That you asked it shows how much YOU do.
Let's not worry about me right now

Oh, let's. S'matter? Supporter of the "tough guy" can't handle what he wants to dish out? Big shock.
Are we talking about the debt, or are you trying to start a fist fight on the internet?

Pretty retarded, if you ask me.

One Trumpette at a time, if you please. I'm not looking to drown in mindless cult fanatics.
Really? you have to ask that?
Yes, your answer will show how much you understand about economics

That you asked it shows how much YOU do.
Let's not worry about me right now

Oh, let's. S'matter? Supporter of the "tough guy" can't handle what he wants to dish out? Big shock.
Really? you have to ask that?
Yes, your answer will show how much you understand about economics

That you asked it shows how much YOU do.
Let's not worry about me right now

why not? you are the one who said we should not pay down the debt. Should we just let it continue to increase until the interest on it consumes the entire budget? Should we borrow more from the Chinese in order to make interest payments to the Chinese?

This is not just about economics, its about common sense and the lack of same in the liberal mind.
I didn't say we shouldn't pay down the debt, I asked you to back up your statement with reasoning... Responding by asking me for my reason isn't an answer... I hear so many statements, like the one you made about borrowing from the Chinese and paying them interest, that tells me you have no clue what you are talking about when it comes to our National Economic's and the actual nature of our debt.

. . . Aaaaand that's it for you. If it's too much trouble for you to address posts individually, it's too much trouble for me to bother with you at all.

Buh-bye. :fu:
Yes, your answer will show how much you understand about economics

That you asked it shows how much YOU do.
Let's not worry about me right now

Oh, let's. S'matter? Supporter of the "tough guy" can't handle what he wants to dish out? Big shock.
Yes, your answer will show how much you understand about economics

That you asked it shows how much YOU do.
Let's not worry about me right now

why not? you are the one who said we should not pay down the debt. Should we just let it continue to increase until the interest on it consumes the entire budget? Should we borrow more from the Chinese in order to make interest payments to the Chinese?

This is not just about economics, its about common sense and the lack of same in the liberal mind.
I didn't say we shouldn't pay down the debt, I asked you to back up your statement with reasoning... Responding by asking me for my reason isn't an answer... I hear so many statements, like the one you made about borrowing from the Chinese and paying them interest, that tells me you have no clue what you are talking about when it comes to our National Economic's and the actual nature of our debt.

. . . Aaaaand that's it for you. If it's too much trouble for you to address posts individually, it's too much trouble for me to bother with you at all.

Buh-bye. :fu:
The other GOP candidates have promised to support the liar and con artist? I can’t believe it. I can’t believe they’d promise to support Hillary Clinton.

You know the Hillary who stood in front of the grieving Benghazi victims families and told them their loved ones were killed because of a video and that the government was gonna bring the video producers to justice. The same Hillary who said she never saw or rejected security requests, when cables have been found that prove she did see and reject security requests. The same Hillary who said Chris Stevens never, ever, ever asked her for help on the hundreds of his security requests that had been rejected. The same Hillary who said she was under sniper fire when she arrived in Tusla, Bosnia, and had to run for cover, when in fact nothing of the kind happened. Indeed, there were kids there to greet her and she had Chelsea by her side, with no hint of any trouble whatsoever.

Yes, your answer will show how much you understand about economics

That you asked it shows how much YOU do.
Let's not worry about me right now

Oh, let's. S'matter? Supporter of the "tough guy" can't handle what he wants to dish out? Big shock.
Are we talking about the debt, or are you trying to start a fist fight on the internet?

Pretty retarded, if you ask me.

One Trumpette at a time, if you please. I'm not looking to drown in mindless cult fanatics.
You must mean Progressives.

Most of the rest of us folks are thinking pretty damned clearly.
That you asked it shows how much YOU do.
Let's not worry about me right now

Oh, let's. S'matter? Supporter of the "tough guy" can't handle what he wants to dish out? Big shock.
Are we talking about the debt, or are you trying to start a fist fight on the internet?

Pretty retarded, if you ask me.

One Trumpette at a time, if you please. I'm not looking to drown in mindless cult fanatics.
You must mean Progressives.

Most of the rest of us folks are thinking pretty damned clearly.

I see no evidence that Trump supporters are thinking at all.
Let's not worry about me right now

Oh, let's. S'matter? Supporter of the "tough guy" can't handle what he wants to dish out? Big shock.
Are we talking about the debt, or are you trying to start a fist fight on the internet?

Pretty retarded, if you ask me.

One Trumpette at a time, if you please. I'm not looking to drown in mindless cult fanatics.
You must mean Progressives.

Most of the rest of us folks are thinking pretty damned clearly.

I see no evidence that Trump supporters are thinking at all.
If they weren't Bush would be winning. In your case, Hillary has the support of mindless blue haired grannies. Bernie's support comes from mindless college students looking for freebies.
Oh, let's. S'matter? Supporter of the "tough guy" can't handle what he wants to dish out? Big shock.
Are we talking about the debt, or are you trying to start a fist fight on the internet?

Pretty retarded, if you ask me.

One Trumpette at a time, if you please. I'm not looking to drown in mindless cult fanatics.
You must mean Progressives.

Most of the rest of us folks are thinking pretty damned clearly.

I see no evidence that Trump supporters are thinking at all.
If they weren't Bush would be winning. In your case, Hillary has the support of mindless blue haired grannies. Bernie's support comes from mindless college students looking for freebies.

Riiiiight. You've decided I'm a Hillary supporter, and you're thinking "pretty damned clearly"? You're so fucking brain-dead on Trump Kool-Aid, you can't even hear how embarrassingly clueless you sound right now.
I see it being talked about all over the place but it's all chitter chatter and assumptions. I don't think the FBI has even named Hillary the focus of the investigation.

She had a private email server I assume to protect communication from the partisan hounds in Washington. I really don't see the big deal. And I don't understand why republicans are so focused on it. It's like trying to win a game based on a technicality and not the score. Why can't you all just focus on policy, ideas and strategy.... Win the favor of the voters based on those virtues. The petty mud slinging, and vigorous attempts to expose hypocrisy and corruption just makes you all look desperate.

they are focusing on policy and the mistakes of Obama, the hypocrisy of Hillary, and the failure of liberalism as implemented by both parties.

Real America is mad and is tired of being lied to while the govt fat cats get fatter and the country goes further into debt.

HRC will make all of that worse. Trump is the only candidate who even has any idea how to fix the mess.

HRC illegally used a private server to transact government business, some of which was classified, and for the record, it doesn't matter if it was marked or not, the content makes it classified not the markings. She committed a felony and should be held accountable.
they are focusing on policy and the mistakes of Obama, the hypocrisy of Hillary, and the failure of liberalism as implemented by both parties.
They are slinging mud and attack ads because it feeds anger and frustration which are powerful emotions. It is a political tactic to rally base supporters but also very polarizing because they are presenting one-sided arguments which comes off to most as manipulative.

Real America is mad and is tired of being lied to while the govt fat cats get fatter and the country goes further into debt.
Agreed about the anger about getting spoon fed talking points and partisan rhetoric instead of being engaged in real discussion. The debt is not a big issue right now, despite all the "edge of cliff" talk from the right. Currently, our economy is in a relatively good state and needs investment and smart spending. The debt does need to decrease but not at the detriment of growing the economy, so the time isn't right to focus on that.

HRC will make all of that worse. Trump is the only candidate who even has any idea how to fix the mess.
Trumps last job was hosting a reality show. I like the idea of bringing smart business men to political game... we need that. But he has no government experience and we would be crazy to put somebody like that into the white house.

HRC illegally used a private server to transact government business, some of which was classified, and for the record, it doesn't matter if it was marked or not, the content makes it classified not the markings. She committed a felony and should be held accountable.
None of that has been proven and nobody has all the facts so I wouldn't be so fast to draw conclusions based on the rhetoric and assumptions being carelessly spouted by our media. The investigation could be a simple security inspection, procedural violations or perhaps some laws were broken but thats a leap and we shall see. seriously have no clue on how big of a shit storm we are facing....none at all.
Enlighten us please

Where do I start? How about the wage disparity? 71 percent that even have a job make less than 50K, 51 percent make less than 30K and 28 percent make less than 20K and that dollar has decreased in purchasing power by three percent every year since 2008. We have 93 million people on some type of "gubermint" subsidy". All the while we have an open border while Barrypuppet and the U.N have been flying in Middle Eastern refugees and just dropping them off "wherever" without even vetting them. We owe an ungodly amount of debt to China, we owe the foreign owned Federal Reserve bankers trillions upon trillions of dollars for extending us credit created from a few strokes on a keyboard. How do you not know this shit? You must be very insulated....I, however, am not. I spent almost three years in Detroit for work and saw firsthand how badly people are hurting and barely getting by.Unfair trade agreements were not an accident, this was done on purpose because the influence of a prosperous middle class scared the ruling class so thus they must be done away with....after all, poor people are easier to control and leave less of a carbon "footprint". You see, the elite class believe that we are eating their food and breathing their air.....get it now?
Nice breakdown of the shitstorm we face... I don't know what gives you the impression that I am ignorant to the issues at hand... Where we may agree or disagree is on the right way to address these problems and who is best suited to lead the charge. To address your points:

How about the wage disparity?
Big issue that can be addressed through improving education and supporting business growth. I would support higher income tax for the 1%... They pay themselves plenty, but I'd improve tax incentives for businesses to reinvest their profits towards growing and creating more jobs and higher wages.

we have an open border...
I've posted about this before, but feel the immigration problem is over blown and too many resources are being wasted in the fight. We can be smarter with the influx of immigrants and utilize them to grow our workforce, industry, and economy. As for the security issues, a solid vetting process is necessary and shouldn't be too hard to implement. If somebody can't be properly vetted then they don't come in... There are plenty that can be properly vetted.

We owe an ungodly amount of debt to China...
The bigger issue is the trade deficit. China makes a fortune on selling goods to US consumers and the US makes nothing in comparison. The debt comes from China reinvesting their profits into treasury bonds instead of exchanging it to yen and releasing it into their economy. This enables them to keep their wages and production costs extremely low. This is the real issue. As for our debt it is not a big issue as our economy is in good shape. Relatively speaking I'd like to see our Debt to GDP ratio drop to 60% range (like Japan) but overall we are looking pretty good. Don't listen to the radical "Edge of the cliff" arguments. Study your economics. List of countries by external debt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We owe the foreign owned Federal Reserve bankers trillions upon trillions of dollars
Are you referring to the FED? I'm not sure what you are talking about with this...

You must be very insulated...
Not at all

Unfair trade agreements
Perhaps one of the biggest problems of our time and driver of our economic difficulties. Cities like Detroit that used to be a leader in manufacturing got obliterated because they couldn't compete with the low prices of foreign competitors. The concept of free trade and a global economy is a great one that opens a ton of opportunity however, it got away from us and many other countries are taking advantage to the detriment of our workers. This is not one parties fault, both are to blame and luckily both parties recognize that there are issues. Now who has the smartest plan to keep companies here, prices competitive and still promote a free/fair global trade policy? We have a lot of work to do.

get it now?
Got it
Blast from the past... Back when we used to rumble! I’ve definitely gotten dumber over the years as there’s no way I could make a post like that now. :)

Hope you are feeling better my friend!
I see it being talked about all over the place but it's all chitter chatter and assumptions. I don't think the FBI has even named Hillary the focus of the investigation.

She had a private email server I assume to protect communication from the partisan hounds in Washington. I really don't see the big deal. And I don't understand why republicans are so focused on it. It's like trying to win a game based on a technicality and not the score. Why can't you all just focus on policy, ideas and strategy.... Win the favor of the voters based on those virtues. The petty mud slinging, and vigorous attempts to expose hypocrisy and corruption just makes you all look desperate.

they are focusing on policy and the mistakes of Obama, the hypocrisy of Hillary, and the failure of liberalism as implemented by both parties.

Real America is mad and is tired of being lied to while the govt fat cats get fatter and the country goes further into debt.

HRC will make all of that worse. Trump is the only candidate who even has any idea how to fix the mess.

HRC illegally used a private server to transact government business, some of which was classified, and for the record, it doesn't matter if it was marked or not, the content makes it classified not the markings. She committed a felony and should be held accountable.
they are focusing on policy and the mistakes of Obama, the hypocrisy of Hillary, and the failure of liberalism as implemented by both parties.
They are slinging mud and attack ads because it feeds anger and frustration which are powerful emotions. It is a political tactic to rally base supporters but also very polarizing because they are presenting one-sided arguments which comes off to most as manipulative.

Real America is mad and is tired of being lied to while the govt fat cats get fatter and the country goes further into debt.
Agreed about the anger about getting spoon fed talking points and partisan rhetoric instead of being engaged in real discussion. The debt is not a big issue right now, despite all the "edge of cliff" talk from the right. Currently, our economy is in a relatively good state and needs investment and smart spending. The debt does need to decrease but not at the detriment of growing the economy, so the time isn't right to focus on that.

HRC will make all of that worse. Trump is the only candidate who even has any idea how to fix the mess.
Trumps last job was hosting a reality show. I like the idea of bringing smart business men to political game... we need that. But he has no government experience and we would be crazy to put somebody like that into the white house.

HRC illegally used a private server to transact government business, some of which was classified, and for the record, it doesn't matter if it was marked or not, the content makes it classified not the markings. She committed a felony and should be held accountable.
None of that has been proven and nobody has all the facts so I wouldn't be so fast to draw conclusions based on the rhetoric and assumptions being carelessly spouted by our media. The investigation could be a simple security inspection, procedural violations or perhaps some laws were broken but thats a leap and we shall see. seriously have no clue on how big of a shit storm we are facing....none at all.
Enlighten us please

Where do I start? How about the wage disparity? 71 percent that even have a job make less than 50K, 51 percent make less than 30K and 28 percent make less than 20K and that dollar has decreased in purchasing power by three percent every year since 2008. We have 93 million people on some type of "gubermint" subsidy". All the while we have an open border while Barrypuppet and the U.N have been flying in Middle Eastern refugees and just dropping them off "wherever" without even vetting them. We owe an ungodly amount of debt to China, we owe the foreign owned Federal Reserve bankers trillions upon trillions of dollars for extending us credit created from a few strokes on a keyboard. How do you not know this shit? You must be very insulated....I, however, am not. I spent almost three years in Detroit for work and saw firsthand how badly people are hurting and barely getting by.Unfair trade agreements were not an accident, this was done on purpose because the influence of a prosperous middle class scared the ruling class so thus they must be done away with....after all, poor people are easier to control and leave less of a carbon "footprint". You see, the elite class believe that we are eating their food and breathing their air.....get it now?
Nice breakdown of the shitstorm we face... I don't know what gives you the impression that I am ignorant to the issues at hand... Where we may agree or disagree is on the right way to address these problems and who is best suited to lead the charge. To address your points:

How about the wage disparity?
Big issue that can be addressed through improving education and supporting business growth. I would support higher income tax for the 1%... They pay themselves plenty, but I'd improve tax incentives for businesses to reinvest their profits towards growing and creating more jobs and higher wages.

we have an open border...
I've posted about this before, but feel the immigration problem is over blown and too many resources are being wasted in the fight. We can be smarter with the influx of immigrants and utilize them to grow our workforce, industry, and economy. As for the security issues, a solid vetting process is necessary and shouldn't be too hard to implement. If somebody can't be properly vetted then they don't come in... There are plenty that can be properly vetted.

We owe an ungodly amount of debt to China...
The bigger issue is the trade deficit. China makes a fortune on selling goods to US consumers and the US makes nothing in comparison. The debt comes from China reinvesting their profits into treasury bonds instead of exchanging it to yen and releasing it into their economy. This enables them to keep their wages and production costs extremely low. This is the real issue. As for our debt it is not a big issue as our economy is in good shape. Relatively speaking I'd like to see our Debt to GDP ratio drop to 60% range (like Japan) but overall we are looking pretty good. Don't listen to the radical "Edge of the cliff" arguments. Study your economics. List of countries by external debt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We owe the foreign owned Federal Reserve bankers trillions upon trillions of dollars
Are you referring to the FED? I'm not sure what you are talking about with this...

You must be very insulated...
Not at all

Unfair trade agreements
Perhaps one of the biggest problems of our time and driver of our economic difficulties. Cities like Detroit that used to be a leader in manufacturing got obliterated because they couldn't compete with the low prices of foreign competitors. The concept of free trade and a global economy is a great one that opens a ton of opportunity however, it got away from us and many other countries are taking advantage to the detriment of our workers. This is not one parties fault, both are to blame and luckily both parties recognize that there are issues. Now who has the smartest plan to keep companies here, prices competitive and still promote a free/fair global trade policy? We have a lot of work to do.

get it now?
Got it
Blast from the past... Back when we used to rumble! I’ve definitely gotten dumber over the years as there’s no way I could make a post like that now. :)

Hope you are feeling better my friend!
You are a very smart man and I truly enjoy the back and forth we have. I will always hold you in the highest of esteem when you took the "high road" when I went low. We were able to start a dialogue that remains cordial and respectful to this day. I learn much from you and grateful for the friendship that has been forged from our conversations.

As for the last part, these past three months have been absolutely brutal for me with the heat we have here which makes the neuralgia I suffer from almost unbearable at times. I guess I am tougher than I give myself credit for because I am still alive and kickin'. I thank you sincerely for your concern.
Slade if Dale is a friend of yours you have problems ........{supposed to be funny}
Slade if Dale is a friend of yours you have problems ........{supposed to be funny}
Haha, I absolutely have problems, but yes Dale Smith and I used to battle as we come at issues from different directions but I have no problem with other opinions, I enjoy good debates and Dale will answer any question you ask him with a tremendous amount of detail which I respect. He also appreciates people with open minds who can explain their ideas which I try to do given the opportunity. More so he is a bad ass bass player who has created some stellar music and I have a knack for sniffing out good musicians!

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