The other GOP candidates promise to support the liar, con artist for president seriously have no clue on how big of a shit storm we are facing....none at all.
Enlighten us please

Where do I start? How about the wage disparity? 71 percent that even have a job make less than 50K, 51 percent make less than 30K and 28 percent make less than 20K and that dollar has decreased in purchasing power by three percent every year since 2008. We have 93 million people on some type of "gubermint" subsidy". All the while we have an open border while Barrypuppet and the U.N have been flying in Middle Eastern refugees and just dropping them off "wherever" without even vetting them. We owe an ungodly amount of debt to China, we owe the foreign owned Federal Reserve bankers trillions upon trillions of dollars for extending us credit created from a few strokes on a keyboard. How do you not know this shit? You must be very insulated....I, however, am not. I spent almost three years in Detroit for work and saw firsthand how badly people are hurting and barely getting by.Unfair trade agreements were not an accident, this was done on purpose because the influence of a prosperous middle class scared the ruling class so thus they must be done away with....after all, poor people are easier to control and leave less of a carbon "footprint". You see, the elite class believe that we are eating their food and breathing their air.....get it now?
Nice breakdown of the shitstorm we face... I don't know what gives you the impression that I am ignorant to the issues at hand... Where we may agree or disagree is on the right way to address these problems and who is best suited to lead the charge. To address your points:

How about the wage disparity?

Big issue that can be addressed through improving education and supporting business growth. I would support higher income tax for the 1%... They pay themselves plenty, but I'd improve tax incentives for businesses to reinvest their profits towards growing and creating more jobs and higher wages.

we have an open border...
I've posted about this before, but feel the immigration problem is over blown and too many resources are being wasted in the fight. We can be smarter with the influx of immigrants and utilize them to grow our workforce, industry, and economy. As for the security issues, a solid vetting process is necessary and shouldn't be too hard to implement. If somebody can't be properly vetted then they don't come in... There are plenty that can be properly vetted.

We owe an ungodly amount of debt to China...
The bigger issue is the trade deficit. China makes a fortune on selling goods to US consumers and the US makes nothing in comparison. The debt comes from China reinvesting their profits into treasury bonds instead of exchanging it to yen and releasing it into their economy. This enables them to keep their wages and production costs extremely low. This is the real issue. As for our debt it is not a big issue as our economy is in good shape. Relatively speaking I'd like to see our Debt to GDP ratio drop to 60% range (like Japan) but overall we are looking pretty good. Don't listen to the radical "Edge of the cliff" arguments. Study your economics. List of countries by external debt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We owe the foreign owned Federal Reserve bankers trillions upon trillions of dollars
Are you referring to the FED? I'm not sure what you are talking about with this...

You must be very insulated...
Not at all

Unfair trade agreements
Perhaps one of the biggest problems of our time and driver of our economic difficulties. Cities like Detroit that used to be a leader in manufacturing got obliterated because they couldn't compete with the low prices of foreign competitors. The concept of free trade and a global economy is a great one that opens a ton of opportunity however, it got away from us and many other countries are taking advantage to the detriment of our workers. This is not one parties fault, both are to blame and luckily both parties recognize that there are issues. Now who has the smartest plan to keep companies here, prices competitive and still promote a free/fair global trade policy? We have a lot of work to do.

get it now?
Got it
And it was all done on purpose

Its interesting in the decade leading up to the bush great recession, Democrats were warning it was going to happen and Republicans denied it.

So it's odd now for them to say they are going to fix the problem they created.

Trumps just saying what people want to hear.

total horseshit. do you have anything besides dem/lib talking points and lies?

What could I possibly say to you that you wouldn't think is a liberal talking point?

The point is, Trump's points sound a lot like what we've been saying for years. That's why independents, democrats and even moderate republicans are supporting him.

What is total horseshit is anything Rubio Cruz or Kasich says. The American people have spoken.

Soon you'll be a Trumpeter and I'll be a Hillary supporter but don't forget your party is the party that has already proven to have FAILED. The voters have decided. It's over, they/you just don't know it yet.
the 2014 elections prove you wrong on "blowing up their party"
I'm talking about this election cycle... It's like Rubio trying to be Trump with the insults... Just doesn't work.

but its ok when Hillary hurls insults at the republicans? double standard?
Makes me cringe a little when I hear that BS. I'm not a huge Hillary fan. I also don't see her as the devil... She's got some good things to say.
And you will hear them when she debates trump.

Christy will have some good VP debates. Hillary better pick a good vp

give us a list of the "good things" that Hillary has to say, then give us a list of the ones she has actually accomplished.

Christie will be AG not VP. Right now I would predict a Trump/Kasich ticket.
Why don't we just wait for her and Trump to debate and see what America decides. Let the chips fall where they may. One things for sure is the revolution has already started and the GOP are not going to be in the White House.

And if Trump is going to be a better/different Republican, I'm all for that. Maybe he will get the entire Republican party to change. And he is going to cost them in November. Maybe the Democrats will take back control of the Senate. Bye Bye Mitch McConnell.
Enlighten us please

Where do I start? How about the wage disparity? 71 percent that even have a job make less than 50K, 51 percent make less than 30K and 28 percent make less than 20K and that dollar has decreased in purchasing power by three percent every year since 2008. We have 93 million people on some type of "gubermint" subsidy". All the while we have an open border while Barrypuppet and the U.N have been flying in Middle Eastern refugees and just dropping them off "wherever" without even vetting them. We owe an ungodly amount of debt to China, we owe the foreign owned Federal Reserve bankers trillions upon trillions of dollars for extending us credit created from a few strokes on a keyboard. How do you not know this shit? You must be very insulated....I, however, am not. I spent almost three years in Detroit for work and saw firsthand how badly people are hurting and barely getting by.Unfair trade agreements were not an accident, this was done on purpose because the influence of a prosperous middle class scared the ruling class so thus they must be done away with....after all, poor people are easier to control and leave less of a carbon "footprint". You see, the elite class believe that we are eating their food and breathing their air.....get it now?
Nice breakdown of the shitstorm we face... I don't know what gives you the impression that I am ignorant to the issues at hand... Where we may agree or disagree is on the right way to address these problems and who is best suited to lead the charge. To address your points:

How about the wage disparity?

Big issue that can be addressed through improving education and supporting business growth. I would support higher income tax for the 1%... They pay themselves plenty, but I'd improve tax incentives for businesses to reinvest their profits towards growing and creating more jobs and higher wages.

we have an open border...
I've posted about this before, but feel the immigration problem is over blown and too many resources are being wasted in the fight. We can be smarter with the influx of immigrants and utilize them to grow our workforce, industry, and economy. As for the security issues, a solid vetting process is necessary and shouldn't be too hard to implement. If somebody can't be properly vetted then they don't come in... There are plenty that can be properly vetted.

We owe an ungodly amount of debt to China...
The bigger issue is the trade deficit. China makes a fortune on selling goods to US consumers and the US makes nothing in comparison. The debt comes from China reinvesting their profits into treasury bonds instead of exchanging it to yen and releasing it into their economy. This enables them to keep their wages and production costs extremely low. This is the real issue. As for our debt it is not a big issue as our economy is in good shape. Relatively speaking I'd like to see our Debt to GDP ratio drop to 60% range (like Japan) but overall we are looking pretty good. Don't listen to the radical "Edge of the cliff" arguments. Study your economics. List of countries by external debt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We owe the foreign owned Federal Reserve bankers trillions upon trillions of dollars
Are you referring to the FED? I'm not sure what you are talking about with this...

You must be very insulated...
Not at all

Unfair trade agreements
Perhaps one of the biggest problems of our time and driver of our economic difficulties. Cities like Detroit that used to be a leader in manufacturing got obliterated because they couldn't compete with the low prices of foreign competitors. The concept of free trade and a global economy is a great one that opens a ton of opportunity however, it got away from us and many other countries are taking advantage to the detriment of our workers. This is not one parties fault, both are to blame and luckily both parties recognize that there are issues. Now who has the smartest plan to keep companies here, prices competitive and still promote a free/fair global trade policy? We have a lot of work to do.

get it now?
Got it
Sorry, I don't mean to come across as condescending.... it is simply frustration because due to all the reading and researching I have done, it's so friggin' obvious to me what has been done to us and this system of fraud and corruption is so deeply ingrained that I don't know if anything other than a revolt would change it. I know that there are "white hats" working behind the scenes that have been keeping the wolf at bay but for how long they can continue to do it is anyone's guess. This move towards a one world government and one world currency with the banking oligarchs owning EVERYTHING is not that far away from being completed. It has been done in such small increments over many generations and so compartmentalized that very few even realized it. The ones that saw this coming and tried to warn us were called "whackjobs" and were marginalized and demonized as "alarmists" and extremists and by damn, they were right.

Raising taxes is not going to do anything as long as this corporate entity borrows credit extended by the foreign owned Federal Reserve bankers with usury attached to every dollar with interest compounded? How can you possibly pay off the debt? It's not is a perpetual debt cycle that can only be broken by telling the Fed bankers to take a hike and "Oh by the way, we are going to do a top to bottom audit and confiscate your ill-gotten wealth and put it in a trust after we bring up charges" much like Iceland did. The unfair trade agreements had nothing to do with American workers not producing good products, it was about the doing away with tariffs produced on goods made with cheap and slave labor. Illegal Immigration has also hurt those at the bottom and for a litany of reasons and so it needs to be curbed. Most of the people that are coming over here are not like the ones that came to Ellis Island and waited to be processed. They do not wish to assimilate into our culture or embrace what it means to be an American. They want the perks that come with being a citizen while holding onto their own identity from whatever country they are from and this is all by design as well. Here is a quote by Richard Gardener, CFR member and globalist from one of their own papers. "In short, the 'house of world order' will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down...An end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old fashioned assault..." and they have been accomplishing that with legal and illegal immigration, unfair trade agreements and environmental laws that were necessary because of the INTENTIONAL polluting of this country by the multi-national corporations that they control. This is but a smidgen of what has been done to us. I could give a three hour lecture and barely scratch the surface. You are more awake than most....I will give you that much.
I appreciate your ideas... some I agree with and others I don't but it's a great discussion and one that I wish more people had. I think for the most part we all recognize and are effected by the many many problems we face in our nation and we all want the same thing... Progress, solutions, and action! If we can foster an environment where ideas are discussed, researched, explored, and analyzed in an open and honest way then we would have the ability to find effective solutions. All this damn partisan rhetoric just polarizes people and closes their ears. Instead of open minded discussion and learning there is just close minded stubborn debate and insults. You gave me some good stuff to think about... Cheers!

When did the partisan rhetoric become so great that it paralyzed Washington? Which side started it?

Reagan and O'Neill worked together and got things done
Clinton and Newt worked together and got things done

Bush 43 tried to work with Kennedy and the dems but the dems refused

Obama refused to even try to work with the GOP, Obamacare is a perfect example, rammed up our collective asses before anyone could even read it, passed by dems only using reconciliation procedures (never before used for something this important).

You want to know why the country is so divided and Washington is do dysfunctional? Look no further than Obama.

Hillary's big problem is that Bill Clinton went along with the GOP too much. Signed their NAFTA for example.

And keep in mind the GOP weren't complete assholes back then like they were from 2000-2014. You know, the tea baggers shutting down government.

Don't forget Mitch said he'd make Obama a one term president. So he/they sabotaged America's recovery for 4 years.

And the only reason the ACA sucks is because this was the only way we could get enough Republicans to go along. We tried to get single payer but the GOP and Insurance giants wouldn't let them have a seat at the table.
Enlighten us please

Where do I start? How about the wage disparity? 71 percent that even have a job make less than 50K, 51 percent make less than 30K and 28 percent make less than 20K and that dollar has decreased in purchasing power by three percent every year since 2008. We have 93 million people on some type of "gubermint" subsidy". All the while we have an open border while Barrypuppet and the U.N have been flying in Middle Eastern refugees and just dropping them off "wherever" without even vetting them. We owe an ungodly amount of debt to China, we owe the foreign owned Federal Reserve bankers trillions upon trillions of dollars for extending us credit created from a few strokes on a keyboard. How do you not know this shit? You must be very insulated....I, however, am not. I spent almost three years in Detroit for work and saw firsthand how badly people are hurting and barely getting by.Unfair trade agreements were not an accident, this was done on purpose because the influence of a prosperous middle class scared the ruling class so thus they must be done away with....after all, poor people are easier to control and leave less of a carbon "footprint". You see, the elite class believe that we are eating their food and breathing their air.....get it now?
Nice breakdown of the shitstorm we face... I don't know what gives you the impression that I am ignorant to the issues at hand... Where we may agree or disagree is on the right way to address these problems and who is best suited to lead the charge. To address your points:

How about the wage disparity?

Big issue that can be addressed through improving education and supporting business growth. I would support higher income tax for the 1%... They pay themselves plenty, but I'd improve tax incentives for businesses to reinvest their profits towards growing and creating more jobs and higher wages.

we have an open border...
I've posted about this before, but feel the immigration problem is over blown and too many resources are being wasted in the fight. We can be smarter with the influx of immigrants and utilize them to grow our workforce, industry, and economy. As for the security issues, a solid vetting process is necessary and shouldn't be too hard to implement. If somebody can't be properly vetted then they don't come in... There are plenty that can be properly vetted.

We owe an ungodly amount of debt to China...
The bigger issue is the trade deficit. China makes a fortune on selling goods to US consumers and the US makes nothing in comparison. The debt comes from China reinvesting their profits into treasury bonds instead of exchanging it to yen and releasing it into their economy. This enables them to keep their wages and production costs extremely low. This is the real issue. As for our debt it is not a big issue as our economy is in good shape. Relatively speaking I'd like to see our Debt to GDP ratio drop to 60% range (like Japan) but overall we are looking pretty good. Don't listen to the radical "Edge of the cliff" arguments. Study your economics. List of countries by external debt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We owe the foreign owned Federal Reserve bankers trillions upon trillions of dollars
Are you referring to the FED? I'm not sure what you are talking about with this...

You must be very insulated...
Not at all

Unfair trade agreements
Perhaps one of the biggest problems of our time and driver of our economic difficulties. Cities like Detroit that used to be a leader in manufacturing got obliterated because they couldn't compete with the low prices of foreign competitors. The concept of free trade and a global economy is a great one that opens a ton of opportunity however, it got away from us and many other countries are taking advantage to the detriment of our workers. This is not one parties fault, both are to blame and luckily both parties recognize that there are issues. Now who has the smartest plan to keep companies here, prices competitive and still promote a free/fair global trade policy? We have a lot of work to do.

get it now?
Got it
Sorry, I don't mean to come across as condescending.... it is simply frustration because due to all the reading and researching I have done, it's so friggin' obvious to me what has been done to us and this system of fraud and corruption is so deeply ingrained that I don't know if anything other than a revolt would change it. I know that there are "white hats" working behind the scenes that have been keeping the wolf at bay but for how long they can continue to do it is anyone's guess. This move towards a one world government and one world currency with the banking oligarchs owning EVERYTHING is not that far away from being completed. It has been done in such small increments over many generations and so compartmentalized that very few even realized it. The ones that saw this coming and tried to warn us were called "whackjobs" and were marginalized and demonized as "alarmists" and extremists and by damn, they were right.

Raising taxes is not going to do anything as long as this corporate entity borrows credit extended by the foreign owned Federal Reserve bankers with usury attached to every dollar with interest compounded? How can you possibly pay off the debt? It's not is a perpetual debt cycle that can only be broken by telling the Fed bankers to take a hike and "Oh by the way, we are going to do a top to bottom audit and confiscate your ill-gotten wealth and put it in a trust after we bring up charges" much like Iceland did. The unfair trade agreements had nothing to do with American workers not producing good products, it was about the doing away with tariffs produced on goods made with cheap and slave labor. Illegal Immigration has also hurt those at the bottom and for a litany of reasons and so it needs to be curbed. Most of the people that are coming over here are not like the ones that came to Ellis Island and waited to be processed. They do not wish to assimilate into our culture or embrace what it means to be an American. They want the perks that come with being a citizen while holding onto their own identity from whatever country they are from and this is all by design as well. Here is a quote by Richard Gardener, CFR member and globalist from one of their own papers. "In short, the 'house of world order' will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down...An end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old fashioned assault..." and they have been accomplishing that with legal and illegal immigration, unfair trade agreements and environmental laws that were necessary because of the INTENTIONAL polluting of this country by the multi-national corporations that they control. This is but a smidgen of what has been done to us. I could give a three hour lecture and barely scratch the surface. You are more awake than most....I will give you that much.
I appreciate your ideas... some I agree with and others I don't but it's a great discussion and one that I wish more people had. I think for the most part we all recognize and are effected by the many many problems we face in our nation and we all want the same thing... Progress, solutions, and action! If we can foster an environment where ideas are discussed, researched, explored, and analyzed in an open and honest way then we would have the ability to find effective solutions. All this damn partisan rhetoric just polarizes people and closes their ears. Instead of open minded discussion and learning there is just close minded stubborn debate and insults. You gave me some good stuff to think about... Cheers!

When did the partisan rhetoric become so great that it paralyzed Washington? Which side started it?

Reagan and O'Neill worked together and got things done
Clinton and Newt worked together and got things done

Bush 43 tried to work with Kennedy and the dems but the dems refused

Obama refused to even try to work with the GOP, Obamacare is a perfect example, rammed up our collective asses before anyone could even read it, passed by dems only using reconciliation procedures (never before used for something this important).

You want to know why the country is so divided and Washington is do dysfunctional? Look no further than Obama.
Its tough for me to respect the opinion of anybody who can't see both sides of the coin. The problem is within BOTH parties. Man up and take some responsibility, the tone and partisanship of your post are exactly what feeds the problem. These tunnel vision, it's all the other guys fault arguments are weak and petty and do nothing to bridge the gap.
Where do I start? How about the wage disparity? 71 percent that even have a job make less than 50K, 51 percent make less than 30K and 28 percent make less than 20K and that dollar has decreased in purchasing power by three percent every year since 2008. We have 93 million people on some type of "gubermint" subsidy". All the while we have an open border while Barrypuppet and the U.N have been flying in Middle Eastern refugees and just dropping them off "wherever" without even vetting them. We owe an ungodly amount of debt to China, we owe the foreign owned Federal Reserve bankers trillions upon trillions of dollars for extending us credit created from a few strokes on a keyboard. How do you not know this shit? You must be very insulated....I, however, am not. I spent almost three years in Detroit for work and saw firsthand how badly people are hurting and barely getting by.Unfair trade agreements were not an accident, this was done on purpose because the influence of a prosperous middle class scared the ruling class so thus they must be done away with....after all, poor people are easier to control and leave less of a carbon "footprint". You see, the elite class believe that we are eating their food and breathing their air.....get it now?
Nice breakdown of the shitstorm we face... I don't know what gives you the impression that I am ignorant to the issues at hand... Where we may agree or disagree is on the right way to address these problems and who is best suited to lead the charge. To address your points:

How about the wage disparity?

Big issue that can be addressed through improving education and supporting business growth. I would support higher income tax for the 1%... They pay themselves plenty, but I'd improve tax incentives for businesses to reinvest their profits towards growing and creating more jobs and higher wages.

we have an open border...
I've posted about this before, but feel the immigration problem is over blown and too many resources are being wasted in the fight. We can be smarter with the influx of immigrants and utilize them to grow our workforce, industry, and economy. As for the security issues, a solid vetting process is necessary and shouldn't be too hard to implement. If somebody can't be properly vetted then they don't come in... There are plenty that can be properly vetted.

We owe an ungodly amount of debt to China...
The bigger issue is the trade deficit. China makes a fortune on selling goods to US consumers and the US makes nothing in comparison. The debt comes from China reinvesting their profits into treasury bonds instead of exchanging it to yen and releasing it into their economy. This enables them to keep their wages and production costs extremely low. This is the real issue. As for our debt it is not a big issue as our economy is in good shape. Relatively speaking I'd like to see our Debt to GDP ratio drop to 60% range (like Japan) but overall we are looking pretty good. Don't listen to the radical "Edge of the cliff" arguments. Study your economics. List of countries by external debt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We owe the foreign owned Federal Reserve bankers trillions upon trillions of dollars
Are you referring to the FED? I'm not sure what you are talking about with this...

You must be very insulated...
Not at all

Unfair trade agreements
Perhaps one of the biggest problems of our time and driver of our economic difficulties. Cities like Detroit that used to be a leader in manufacturing got obliterated because they couldn't compete with the low prices of foreign competitors. The concept of free trade and a global economy is a great one that opens a ton of opportunity however, it got away from us and many other countries are taking advantage to the detriment of our workers. This is not one parties fault, both are to blame and luckily both parties recognize that there are issues. Now who has the smartest plan to keep companies here, prices competitive and still promote a free/fair global trade policy? We have a lot of work to do.

get it now?
Got it
Sorry, I don't mean to come across as condescending.... it is simply frustration because due to all the reading and researching I have done, it's so friggin' obvious to me what has been done to us and this system of fraud and corruption is so deeply ingrained that I don't know if anything other than a revolt would change it. I know that there are "white hats" working behind the scenes that have been keeping the wolf at bay but for how long they can continue to do it is anyone's guess. This move towards a one world government and one world currency with the banking oligarchs owning EVERYTHING is not that far away from being completed. It has been done in such small increments over many generations and so compartmentalized that very few even realized it. The ones that saw this coming and tried to warn us were called "whackjobs" and were marginalized and demonized as "alarmists" and extremists and by damn, they were right.

Raising taxes is not going to do anything as long as this corporate entity borrows credit extended by the foreign owned Federal Reserve bankers with usury attached to every dollar with interest compounded? How can you possibly pay off the debt? It's not is a perpetual debt cycle that can only be broken by telling the Fed bankers to take a hike and "Oh by the way, we are going to do a top to bottom audit and confiscate your ill-gotten wealth and put it in a trust after we bring up charges" much like Iceland did. The unfair trade agreements had nothing to do with American workers not producing good products, it was about the doing away with tariffs produced on goods made with cheap and slave labor. Illegal Immigration has also hurt those at the bottom and for a litany of reasons and so it needs to be curbed. Most of the people that are coming over here are not like the ones that came to Ellis Island and waited to be processed. They do not wish to assimilate into our culture or embrace what it means to be an American. They want the perks that come with being a citizen while holding onto their own identity from whatever country they are from and this is all by design as well. Here is a quote by Richard Gardener, CFR member and globalist from one of their own papers. "In short, the 'house of world order' will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down...An end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old fashioned assault..." and they have been accomplishing that with legal and illegal immigration, unfair trade agreements and environmental laws that were necessary because of the INTENTIONAL polluting of this country by the multi-national corporations that they control. This is but a smidgen of what has been done to us. I could give a three hour lecture and barely scratch the surface. You are more awake than most....I will give you that much.
I appreciate your ideas... some I agree with and others I don't but it's a great discussion and one that I wish more people had. I think for the most part we all recognize and are effected by the many many problems we face in our nation and we all want the same thing... Progress, solutions, and action! If we can foster an environment where ideas are discussed, researched, explored, and analyzed in an open and honest way then we would have the ability to find effective solutions. All this damn partisan rhetoric just polarizes people and closes their ears. Instead of open minded discussion and learning there is just close minded stubborn debate and insults. You gave me some good stuff to think about... Cheers!

When did the partisan rhetoric become so great that it paralyzed Washington? Which side started it?

Reagan and O'Neill worked together and got things done
Clinton and Newt worked together and got things done

Bush 43 tried to work with Kennedy and the dems but the dems refused

Obama refused to even try to work with the GOP, Obamacare is a perfect example, rammed up our collective asses before anyone could even read it, passed by dems only using reconciliation procedures (never before used for something this important).

You want to know why the country is so divided and Washington is do dysfunctional? Look no further than Obama.
Its tough for me to respect the opinion of anybody who can't see both sides of the coin. The problem is within BOTH parties. Man up and take some responsibility, the tone and partisanship of your post are exactly what feeds the problem. These tunnel vision, it's all the other guys fault arguments are weak and petty and do nothing to bridge the gap.

what I said is fact, not partisan rhetoric. But I do agree that both sides are responsible for creating this mess. Liberalism has invaded both parties and is destroying our country. Liberalism is the enemy, not either party. However, in general the dems have leaned far more left than the pubs.
Nice breakdown of the shitstorm we face... I don't know what gives you the impression that I am ignorant to the issues at hand... Where we may agree or disagree is on the right way to address these problems and who is best suited to lead the charge. To address your points:

How about the wage disparity?

Big issue that can be addressed through improving education and supporting business growth. I would support higher income tax for the 1%... They pay themselves plenty, but I'd improve tax incentives for businesses to reinvest their profits towards growing and creating more jobs and higher wages.

we have an open border...
I've posted about this before, but feel the immigration problem is over blown and too many resources are being wasted in the fight. We can be smarter with the influx of immigrants and utilize them to grow our workforce, industry, and economy. As for the security issues, a solid vetting process is necessary and shouldn't be too hard to implement. If somebody can't be properly vetted then they don't come in... There are plenty that can be properly vetted.

We owe an ungodly amount of debt to China...
The bigger issue is the trade deficit. China makes a fortune on selling goods to US consumers and the US makes nothing in comparison. The debt comes from China reinvesting their profits into treasury bonds instead of exchanging it to yen and releasing it into their economy. This enables them to keep their wages and production costs extremely low. This is the real issue. As for our debt it is not a big issue as our economy is in good shape. Relatively speaking I'd like to see our Debt to GDP ratio drop to 60% range (like Japan) but overall we are looking pretty good. Don't listen to the radical "Edge of the cliff" arguments. Study your economics. List of countries by external debt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We owe the foreign owned Federal Reserve bankers trillions upon trillions of dollars
Are you referring to the FED? I'm not sure what you are talking about with this...

You must be very insulated...
Not at all

Unfair trade agreements
Perhaps one of the biggest problems of our time and driver of our economic difficulties. Cities like Detroit that used to be a leader in manufacturing got obliterated because they couldn't compete with the low prices of foreign competitors. The concept of free trade and a global economy is a great one that opens a ton of opportunity however, it got away from us and many other countries are taking advantage to the detriment of our workers. This is not one parties fault, both are to blame and luckily both parties recognize that there are issues. Now who has the smartest plan to keep companies here, prices competitive and still promote a free/fair global trade policy? We have a lot of work to do.

get it now?
Got it
Sorry, I don't mean to come across as condescending.... it is simply frustration because due to all the reading and researching I have done, it's so friggin' obvious to me what has been done to us and this system of fraud and corruption is so deeply ingrained that I don't know if anything other than a revolt would change it. I know that there are "white hats" working behind the scenes that have been keeping the wolf at bay but for how long they can continue to do it is anyone's guess. This move towards a one world government and one world currency with the banking oligarchs owning EVERYTHING is not that far away from being completed. It has been done in such small increments over many generations and so compartmentalized that very few even realized it. The ones that saw this coming and tried to warn us were called "whackjobs" and were marginalized and demonized as "alarmists" and extremists and by damn, they were right.

Raising taxes is not going to do anything as long as this corporate entity borrows credit extended by the foreign owned Federal Reserve bankers with usury attached to every dollar with interest compounded? How can you possibly pay off the debt? It's not is a perpetual debt cycle that can only be broken by telling the Fed bankers to take a hike and "Oh by the way, we are going to do a top to bottom audit and confiscate your ill-gotten wealth and put it in a trust after we bring up charges" much like Iceland did. The unfair trade agreements had nothing to do with American workers not producing good products, it was about the doing away with tariffs produced on goods made with cheap and slave labor. Illegal Immigration has also hurt those at the bottom and for a litany of reasons and so it needs to be curbed. Most of the people that are coming over here are not like the ones that came to Ellis Island and waited to be processed. They do not wish to assimilate into our culture or embrace what it means to be an American. They want the perks that come with being a citizen while holding onto their own identity from whatever country they are from and this is all by design as well. Here is a quote by Richard Gardener, CFR member and globalist from one of their own papers. "In short, the 'house of world order' will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down...An end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old fashioned assault..." and they have been accomplishing that with legal and illegal immigration, unfair trade agreements and environmental laws that were necessary because of the INTENTIONAL polluting of this country by the multi-national corporations that they control. This is but a smidgen of what has been done to us. I could give a three hour lecture and barely scratch the surface. You are more awake than most....I will give you that much.
I appreciate your ideas... some I agree with and others I don't but it's a great discussion and one that I wish more people had. I think for the most part we all recognize and are effected by the many many problems we face in our nation and we all want the same thing... Progress, solutions, and action! If we can foster an environment where ideas are discussed, researched, explored, and analyzed in an open and honest way then we would have the ability to find effective solutions. All this damn partisan rhetoric just polarizes people and closes their ears. Instead of open minded discussion and learning there is just close minded stubborn debate and insults. You gave me some good stuff to think about... Cheers!

When did the partisan rhetoric become so great that it paralyzed Washington? Which side started it?

Reagan and O'Neill worked together and got things done
Clinton and Newt worked together and got things done

Bush 43 tried to work with Kennedy and the dems but the dems refused

Obama refused to even try to work with the GOP, Obamacare is a perfect example, rammed up our collective asses before anyone could even read it, passed by dems only using reconciliation procedures (never before used for something this important).

You want to know why the country is so divided and Washington is do dysfunctional? Look no further than Obama.
Its tough for me to respect the opinion of anybody who can't see both sides of the coin. The problem is within BOTH parties. Man up and take some responsibility, the tone and partisanship of your post are exactly what feeds the problem. These tunnel vision, it's all the other guys fault arguments are weak and petty and do nothing to bridge the gap.

what I said is fact, not partisan rhetoric. But I do agree that both sides are responsible for creating this mess. Liberalism has invaded both parties and is destroying our country. Liberalism is the enemy, not either party. However, in general the dems have leaned far more left than the pubs.
Recognizing the responsibility of both parties is a good first step... Next step is recognizing the virtues of both liberalism and conservatism. Both are effective and necessary given the various circumstances. They are both necessary to maintain balance. The discussion should be that of strategy. By labeling and blaming all that's broken on liberal policies you show lack of understanding and objectivity which hinders your ability to contribute to useful solutions.

For example, following a recession, liberal policies and governement spending is the best way to stimulate the economy. After recovery more conservative policies become the smarter strategy. It's a recognition of when to invest and when to save depending on market conditions. And it's also making smart investment choices and being efficient in execution. Too much of one thing will get you into trouble. We should be working together on implementing the best strategies. Instead we are flooded with one sided ineffective arguments which has slowed progress to a crawl.
Where do I start? How about the wage disparity? 71 percent that even have a job make less than 50K, 51 percent make less than 30K and 28 percent make less than 20K and that dollar has decreased in purchasing power by three percent every year since 2008. We have 93 million people on some type of "gubermint" subsidy". All the while we have an open border while Barrypuppet and the U.N have been flying in Middle Eastern refugees and just dropping them off "wherever" without even vetting them. We owe an ungodly amount of debt to China, we owe the foreign owned Federal Reserve bankers trillions upon trillions of dollars for extending us credit created from a few strokes on a keyboard. How do you not know this shit? You must be very insulated....I, however, am not. I spent almost three years in Detroit for work and saw firsthand how badly people are hurting and barely getting by.Unfair trade agreements were not an accident, this was done on purpose because the influence of a prosperous middle class scared the ruling class so thus they must be done away with....after all, poor people are easier to control and leave less of a carbon "footprint". You see, the elite class believe that we are eating their food and breathing their air.....get it now?
Nice breakdown of the shitstorm we face... I don't know what gives you the impression that I am ignorant to the issues at hand... Where we may agree or disagree is on the right way to address these problems and who is best suited to lead the charge. To address your points:

How about the wage disparity?

Big issue that can be addressed through improving education and supporting business growth. I would support higher income tax for the 1%... They pay themselves plenty, but I'd improve tax incentives for businesses to reinvest their profits towards growing and creating more jobs and higher wages.

we have an open border...
I've posted about this before, but feel the immigration problem is over blown and too many resources are being wasted in the fight. We can be smarter with the influx of immigrants and utilize them to grow our workforce, industry, and economy. As for the security issues, a solid vetting process is necessary and shouldn't be too hard to implement. If somebody can't be properly vetted then they don't come in... There are plenty that can be properly vetted.

We owe an ungodly amount of debt to China...
The bigger issue is the trade deficit. China makes a fortune on selling goods to US consumers and the US makes nothing in comparison. The debt comes from China reinvesting their profits into treasury bonds instead of exchanging it to yen and releasing it into their economy. This enables them to keep their wages and production costs extremely low. This is the real issue. As for our debt it is not a big issue as our economy is in good shape. Relatively speaking I'd like to see our Debt to GDP ratio drop to 60% range (like Japan) but overall we are looking pretty good. Don't listen to the radical "Edge of the cliff" arguments. Study your economics. List of countries by external debt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We owe the foreign owned Federal Reserve bankers trillions upon trillions of dollars
Are you referring to the FED? I'm not sure what you are talking about with this...

You must be very insulated...
Not at all

Unfair trade agreements
Perhaps one of the biggest problems of our time and driver of our economic difficulties. Cities like Detroit that used to be a leader in manufacturing got obliterated because they couldn't compete with the low prices of foreign competitors. The concept of free trade and a global economy is a great one that opens a ton of opportunity however, it got away from us and many other countries are taking advantage to the detriment of our workers. This is not one parties fault, both are to blame and luckily both parties recognize that there are issues. Now who has the smartest plan to keep companies here, prices competitive and still promote a free/fair global trade policy? We have a lot of work to do.

get it now?
Got it
Sorry, I don't mean to come across as condescending.... it is simply frustration because due to all the reading and researching I have done, it's so friggin' obvious to me what has been done to us and this system of fraud and corruption is so deeply ingrained that I don't know if anything other than a revolt would change it. I know that there are "white hats" working behind the scenes that have been keeping the wolf at bay but for how long they can continue to do it is anyone's guess. This move towards a one world government and one world currency with the banking oligarchs owning EVERYTHING is not that far away from being completed. It has been done in such small increments over many generations and so compartmentalized that very few even realized it. The ones that saw this coming and tried to warn us were called "whackjobs" and were marginalized and demonized as "alarmists" and extremists and by damn, they were right.

Raising taxes is not going to do anything as long as this corporate entity borrows credit extended by the foreign owned Federal Reserve bankers with usury attached to every dollar with interest compounded? How can you possibly pay off the debt? It's not is a perpetual debt cycle that can only be broken by telling the Fed bankers to take a hike and "Oh by the way, we are going to do a top to bottom audit and confiscate your ill-gotten wealth and put it in a trust after we bring up charges" much like Iceland did. The unfair trade agreements had nothing to do with American workers not producing good products, it was about the doing away with tariffs produced on goods made with cheap and slave labor. Illegal Immigration has also hurt those at the bottom and for a litany of reasons and so it needs to be curbed. Most of the people that are coming over here are not like the ones that came to Ellis Island and waited to be processed. They do not wish to assimilate into our culture or embrace what it means to be an American. They want the perks that come with being a citizen while holding onto their own identity from whatever country they are from and this is all by design as well. Here is a quote by Richard Gardener, CFR member and globalist from one of their own papers. "In short, the 'house of world order' will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down...An end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old fashioned assault..." and they have been accomplishing that with legal and illegal immigration, unfair trade agreements and environmental laws that were necessary because of the INTENTIONAL polluting of this country by the multi-national corporations that they control. This is but a smidgen of what has been done to us. I could give a three hour lecture and barely scratch the surface. You are more awake than most....I will give you that much.
I appreciate your ideas... some I agree with and others I don't but it's a great discussion and one that I wish more people had. I think for the most part we all recognize and are effected by the many many problems we face in our nation and we all want the same thing... Progress, solutions, and action! If we can foster an environment where ideas are discussed, researched, explored, and analyzed in an open and honest way then we would have the ability to find effective solutions. All this damn partisan rhetoric just polarizes people and closes their ears. Instead of open minded discussion and learning there is just close minded stubborn debate and insults. You gave me some good stuff to think about... Cheers!

When did the partisan rhetoric become so great that it paralyzed Washington? Which side started it?

Reagan and O'Neill worked together and got things done
Clinton and Newt worked together and got things done

Bush 43 tried to work with Kennedy and the dems but the dems refused

Obama refused to even try to work with the GOP, Obamacare is a perfect example, rammed up our collective asses before anyone could even read it, passed by dems only using reconciliation procedures (never before used for something this important).

You want to know why the country is so divided and Washington is do dysfunctional? Look no further than Obama.
Its tough for me to respect the opinion of anybody who can't see both sides of the coin. The problem is within BOTH parties. Man up and take some responsibility, the tone and partisanship of your post are exactly what feeds the problem. These tunnel vision, it's all the other guys fault arguments are weak and petty and do nothing to bridge the gap.
Lets hope next year the GOP House is willing to work with the Democratic controlled Senate and Hillary.
The current U.S. Senate has 54 Republicans and 45 Democrats (including one independent). The 2016 Senate election takes place on November 8, 2016. There are 34 seats up in 2016, of which 24 are held by Republicans. Democrats will need to gain 4 or 5 seats to take control.

This is going to be easy peezy.
Where do I start? How about the wage disparity? 71 percent that even have a job make less than 50K, 51 percent make less than 30K and 28 percent make less than 20K and that dollar has decreased in purchasing power by three percent every year since 2008. We have 93 million people on some type of "gubermint" subsidy". All the while we have an open border while Barrypuppet and the U.N have been flying in Middle Eastern refugees and just dropping them off "wherever" without even vetting them. We owe an ungodly amount of debt to China, we owe the foreign owned Federal Reserve bankers trillions upon trillions of dollars for extending us credit created from a few strokes on a keyboard. How do you not know this shit? You must be very insulated....I, however, am not. I spent almost three years in Detroit for work and saw firsthand how badly people are hurting and barely getting by.Unfair trade agreements were not an accident, this was done on purpose because the influence of a prosperous middle class scared the ruling class so thus they must be done away with....after all, poor people are easier to control and leave less of a carbon "footprint". You see, the elite class believe that we are eating their food and breathing their air.....get it now?
Nice breakdown of the shitstorm we face... I don't know what gives you the impression that I am ignorant to the issues at hand... Where we may agree or disagree is on the right way to address these problems and who is best suited to lead the charge. To address your points:

How about the wage disparity?

Big issue that can be addressed through improving education and supporting business growth. I would support higher income tax for the 1%... They pay themselves plenty, but I'd improve tax incentives for businesses to reinvest their profits towards growing and creating more jobs and higher wages.

we have an open border...
I've posted about this before, but feel the immigration problem is over blown and too many resources are being wasted in the fight. We can be smarter with the influx of immigrants and utilize them to grow our workforce, industry, and economy. As for the security issues, a solid vetting process is necessary and shouldn't be too hard to implement. If somebody can't be properly vetted then they don't come in... There are plenty that can be properly vetted.

We owe an ungodly amount of debt to China...
The bigger issue is the trade deficit. China makes a fortune on selling goods to US consumers and the US makes nothing in comparison. The debt comes from China reinvesting their profits into treasury bonds instead of exchanging it to yen and releasing it into their economy. This enables them to keep their wages and production costs extremely low. This is the real issue. As for our debt it is not a big issue as our economy is in good shape. Relatively speaking I'd like to see our Debt to GDP ratio drop to 60% range (like Japan) but overall we are looking pretty good. Don't listen to the radical "Edge of the cliff" arguments. Study your economics. List of countries by external debt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We owe the foreign owned Federal Reserve bankers trillions upon trillions of dollars
Are you referring to the FED? I'm not sure what you are talking about with this...

You must be very insulated...
Not at all

Unfair trade agreements
Perhaps one of the biggest problems of our time and driver of our economic difficulties. Cities like Detroit that used to be a leader in manufacturing got obliterated because they couldn't compete with the low prices of foreign competitors. The concept of free trade and a global economy is a great one that opens a ton of opportunity however, it got away from us and many other countries are taking advantage to the detriment of our workers. This is not one parties fault, both are to blame and luckily both parties recognize that there are issues. Now who has the smartest plan to keep companies here, prices competitive and still promote a free/fair global trade policy? We have a lot of work to do.

get it now?
Got it
Sorry, I don't mean to come across as condescending.... it is simply frustration because due to all the reading and researching I have done, it's so friggin' obvious to me what has been done to us and this system of fraud and corruption is so deeply ingrained that I don't know if anything other than a revolt would change it. I know that there are "white hats" working behind the scenes that have been keeping the wolf at bay but for how long they can continue to do it is anyone's guess. This move towards a one world government and one world currency with the banking oligarchs owning EVERYTHING is not that far away from being completed. It has been done in such small increments over many generations and so compartmentalized that very few even realized it. The ones that saw this coming and tried to warn us were called "whackjobs" and were marginalized and demonized as "alarmists" and extremists and by damn, they were right.

Raising taxes is not going to do anything as long as this corporate entity borrows credit extended by the foreign owned Federal Reserve bankers with usury attached to every dollar with interest compounded? How can you possibly pay off the debt? It's not is a perpetual debt cycle that can only be broken by telling the Fed bankers to take a hike and "Oh by the way, we are going to do a top to bottom audit and confiscate your ill-gotten wealth and put it in a trust after we bring up charges" much like Iceland did. The unfair trade agreements had nothing to do with American workers not producing good products, it was about the doing away with tariffs produced on goods made with cheap and slave labor. Illegal Immigration has also hurt those at the bottom and for a litany of reasons and so it needs to be curbed. Most of the people that are coming over here are not like the ones that came to Ellis Island and waited to be processed. They do not wish to assimilate into our culture or embrace what it means to be an American. They want the perks that come with being a citizen while holding onto their own identity from whatever country they are from and this is all by design as well. Here is a quote by Richard Gardener, CFR member and globalist from one of their own papers. "In short, the 'house of world order' will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down...An end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old fashioned assault..." and they have been accomplishing that with legal and illegal immigration, unfair trade agreements and environmental laws that were necessary because of the INTENTIONAL polluting of this country by the multi-national corporations that they control. This is but a smidgen of what has been done to us. I could give a three hour lecture and barely scratch the surface. You are more awake than most....I will give you that much.
I appreciate your ideas... some I agree with and others I don't but it's a great discussion and one that I wish more people had. I think for the most part we all recognize and are effected by the many many problems we face in our nation and we all want the same thing... Progress, solutions, and action! If we can foster an environment where ideas are discussed, researched, explored, and analyzed in an open and honest way then we would have the ability to find effective solutions. All this damn partisan rhetoric just polarizes people and closes their ears. Instead of open minded discussion and learning there is just close minded stubborn debate and insults. You gave me some good stuff to think about... Cheers!

When did the partisan rhetoric become so great that it paralyzed Washington? Which side started it?

Reagan and O'Neill worked together and got things done
Clinton and Newt worked together and got things done

Bush 43 tried to work with Kennedy and the dems but the dems refused

Obama refused to even try to work with the GOP, Obamacare is a perfect example, rammed up our collective asses before anyone could even read it, passed by dems only using reconciliation procedures (never before used for something this important).

You want to know why the country is so divided and Washington is do dysfunctional? Look no further than Obama.

Hillary's big problem is that Bill Clinton went along with the GOP too much. Signed their NAFTA for example.

And keep in mind the GOP weren't complete assholes back then like they were from 2000-2014. You know, the tea baggers shutting down government.

Don't forget Mitch said he'd make Obama a one term president. So he/they sabotaged America's recovery for 4 years.

And the only reason the ACA sucks is because this was the only way we could get enough Republicans to go along. We tried to get single payer but the GOP and Insurance giants wouldn't let them have a seat at the table.

You seem like a decent of enough person....I believe that you sincerely want what is best for this country....but seriously, you don't understand "the system" at all. You are caught up in the "left versus right" paradigm...and you are not alone. There are plenty of neocons that believe all democrats are bad and all repubs are good....nothing could be further from the truth. At the very top (and the ones I call the establishment that are total Illuminati/Freemasons) are just different sides of the same coin. When some fresh faced congressman or congresswoman gets elected, they are "felt out" and they attempt to compromise them to "play ball", if they can't be compromised or refuse to become corrupted, they are shunned, not put on any committees and they have a very short shelf life as their opponent for the next election will have tons of money to outspend them. This has been going on for a very long time.
Last edited:
Sorry, I don't mean to come across as condescending.... it is simply frustration because due to all the reading and researching I have done, it's so friggin' obvious to me what has been done to us and this system of fraud and corruption is so deeply ingrained that I don't know if anything other than a revolt would change it. I know that there are "white hats" working behind the scenes that have been keeping the wolf at bay but for how long they can continue to do it is anyone's guess. This move towards a one world government and one world currency with the banking oligarchs owning EVERYTHING is not that far away from being completed. It has been done in such small increments over many generations and so compartmentalized that very few even realized it. The ones that saw this coming and tried to warn us were called "whackjobs" and were marginalized and demonized as "alarmists" and extremists and by damn, they were right.

Raising taxes is not going to do anything as long as this corporate entity borrows credit extended by the foreign owned Federal Reserve bankers with usury attached to every dollar with interest compounded? How can you possibly pay off the debt? It's not is a perpetual debt cycle that can only be broken by telling the Fed bankers to take a hike and "Oh by the way, we are going to do a top to bottom audit and confiscate your ill-gotten wealth and put it in a trust after we bring up charges" much like Iceland did. The unfair trade agreements had nothing to do with American workers not producing good products, it was about the doing away with tariffs produced on goods made with cheap and slave labor. Illegal Immigration has also hurt those at the bottom and for a litany of reasons and so it needs to be curbed. Most of the people that are coming over here are not like the ones that came to Ellis Island and waited to be processed. They do not wish to assimilate into our culture or embrace what it means to be an American. They want the perks that come with being a citizen while holding onto their own identity from whatever country they are from and this is all by design as well. Here is a quote by Richard Gardener, CFR member and globalist from one of their own papers. "In short, the 'house of world order' will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down...An end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old fashioned assault..." and they have been accomplishing that with legal and illegal immigration, unfair trade agreements and environmental laws that were necessary because of the INTENTIONAL polluting of this country by the multi-national corporations that they control. This is but a smidgen of what has been done to us. I could give a three hour lecture and barely scratch the surface. You are more awake than most....I will give you that much.
I appreciate your ideas... some I agree with and others I don't but it's a great discussion and one that I wish more people had. I think for the most part we all recognize and are effected by the many many problems we face in our nation and we all want the same thing... Progress, solutions, and action! If we can foster an environment where ideas are discussed, researched, explored, and analyzed in an open and honest way then we would have the ability to find effective solutions. All this damn partisan rhetoric just polarizes people and closes their ears. Instead of open minded discussion and learning there is just close minded stubborn debate and insults. You gave me some good stuff to think about... Cheers!

When did the partisan rhetoric become so great that it paralyzed Washington? Which side started it?

Reagan and O'Neill worked together and got things done
Clinton and Newt worked together and got things done

Bush 43 tried to work with Kennedy and the dems but the dems refused

Obama refused to even try to work with the GOP, Obamacare is a perfect example, rammed up our collective asses before anyone could even read it, passed by dems only using reconciliation procedures (never before used for something this important).

You want to know why the country is so divided and Washington is do dysfunctional? Look no further than Obama.
Its tough for me to respect the opinion of anybody who can't see both sides of the coin. The problem is within BOTH parties. Man up and take some responsibility, the tone and partisanship of your post are exactly what feeds the problem. These tunnel vision, it's all the other guys fault arguments are weak and petty and do nothing to bridge the gap.

what I said is fact, not partisan rhetoric. But I do agree that both sides are responsible for creating this mess. Liberalism has invaded both parties and is destroying our country. Liberalism is the enemy, not either party. However, in general the dems have leaned far more left than the pubs.
Recognizing the responsibility of both parties is a good first step... Next step is recognizing the virtues of both liberalism and conservatism. Both are effective and necessary given the various circumstances. They are both necessary to maintain balance. The discussion should be that of strategy. By labeling and blaming all that's broken on liberal policies you show lack of understanding and objectivity which hinders your ability to contribute to useful solutions.

For example, following a recession, liberal policies and governement spending is the best way to stimulate the economy. After recovery more conservative policies become the smarter strategy. It's a recognition of when to invest and when to save depending on market conditions. And it's also making smart investment choices and being efficient in execution. Too much of one thing will get you into trouble. We should be working together on implementing the best strategies. Instead we are flooded with one sided ineffective arguments which has slowed progress to a crawl.

nice write up. But your ideas are somewhat naïve. Liberalism has never worked, socialism has never worked. The USA became the greatest country in the history of the world because of freedom, free enterprise, and capitalism. Liberal policies require that the government control the lives and outcomes of every citizen. THAT is the flaw in liberal ideology.

You mentioned 'government spending'. The government has only 3 sources of money to 'spend'--------taxes, printing it, or borrowing it. None of those benefit the individual citizens or the long term economy of the country. The 'government spending is good' mantra is the major reason we are in the fiscal mess we are in today.
The current U.S. Senate has 54 Republicans and 45 Democrats (including one independent). The 2016 Senate election takes place on November 8, 2016. There are 34 seats up in 2016, of which 24 are held by Republicans. Democrats will need to gain 4 or 5 seats to take control.

This is going to be easy peezy.

which 5 senatorial seats do you see going dem?
I appreciate your ideas... some I agree with and others I don't but it's a great discussion and one that I wish more people had. I think for the most part we all recognize and are effected by the many many problems we face in our nation and we all want the same thing... Progress, solutions, and action! If we can foster an environment where ideas are discussed, researched, explored, and analyzed in an open and honest way then we would have the ability to find effective solutions. All this damn partisan rhetoric just polarizes people and closes their ears. Instead of open minded discussion and learning there is just close minded stubborn debate and insults. You gave me some good stuff to think about... Cheers!

When did the partisan rhetoric become so great that it paralyzed Washington? Which side started it?

Reagan and O'Neill worked together and got things done
Clinton and Newt worked together and got things done

Bush 43 tried to work with Kennedy and the dems but the dems refused

Obama refused to even try to work with the GOP, Obamacare is a perfect example, rammed up our collective asses before anyone could even read it, passed by dems only using reconciliation procedures (never before used for something this important).

You want to know why the country is so divided and Washington is do dysfunctional? Look no further than Obama.
Its tough for me to respect the opinion of anybody who can't see both sides of the coin. The problem is within BOTH parties. Man up and take some responsibility, the tone and partisanship of your post are exactly what feeds the problem. These tunnel vision, it's all the other guys fault arguments are weak and petty and do nothing to bridge the gap.

what I said is fact, not partisan rhetoric. But I do agree that both sides are responsible for creating this mess. Liberalism has invaded both parties and is destroying our country. Liberalism is the enemy, not either party. However, in general the dems have leaned far more left than the pubs.
Recognizing the responsibility of both parties is a good first step... Next step is recognizing the virtues of both liberalism and conservatism. Both are effective and necessary given the various circumstances. They are both necessary to maintain balance. The discussion should be that of strategy. By labeling and blaming all that's broken on liberal policies you show lack of understanding and objectivity which hinders your ability to contribute to useful solutions.

For example, following a recession, liberal policies and governement spending is the best way to stimulate the economy. After recovery more conservative policies become the smarter strategy. It's a recognition of when to invest and when to save depending on market conditions. And it's also making smart investment choices and being efficient in execution. Too much of one thing will get you into trouble. We should be working together on implementing the best strategies. Instead we are flooded with one sided ineffective arguments which has slowed progress to a crawl.

nice write up. But your ideas are somewhat naïve. Liberalism has never worked, socialism has never worked. The USA became the greatest country in the history of the world because of freedom, free enterprise, and capitalism. Liberal policies require that the government control the lives and outcomes of every citizen. THAT is the flaw in liberal ideology.

You mentioned 'government spending'. The government has only 3 sources of money to 'spend'--------taxes, printing it, or borrowing it. None of those benefit the individual citizens or the long term economy of the country. The 'government spending is good' mantra is the major reason we are in the fiscal mess we are in today.
The government has a responsibility to spend. And responsible spending isn't a bad thing, I don't understand why you think it is... How do you think we got out of the Great Depression? Stimulus spending. The Government is the only entity that exists to benefit the people. Private industry, the backbone of our nation, has monetary motivations. Elements like our infrastructure, environment, public safety, military, education, healthcare and our financial sector all have elements that if abused or neglected would cause tremendous hardship on our nation. The government is far from perfect in execution but it exists for the right reasons and plays a necessary role in the well being of our people.

Government spending/debt creates a surplus in the private sector... This is what a stimulus is. If you don't understand the advantages of government spending then you should do a little more homework on the economics of a sovereign nation and understand really what our debt and deficits are. There is time for investment and time for savings. If we did it all one way we would not prosper.
When did the partisan rhetoric become so great that it paralyzed Washington? Which side started it?

Reagan and O'Neill worked together and got things done
Clinton and Newt worked together and got things done

Bush 43 tried to work with Kennedy and the dems but the dems refused

Obama refused to even try to work with the GOP, Obamacare is a perfect example, rammed up our collective asses before anyone could even read it, passed by dems only using reconciliation procedures (never before used for something this important).

You want to know why the country is so divided and Washington is do dysfunctional? Look no further than Obama.
Its tough for me to respect the opinion of anybody who can't see both sides of the coin. The problem is within BOTH parties. Man up and take some responsibility, the tone and partisanship of your post are exactly what feeds the problem. These tunnel vision, it's all the other guys fault arguments are weak and petty and do nothing to bridge the gap.

what I said is fact, not partisan rhetoric. But I do agree that both sides are responsible for creating this mess. Liberalism has invaded both parties and is destroying our country. Liberalism is the enemy, not either party. However, in general the dems have leaned far more left than the pubs.
Recognizing the responsibility of both parties is a good first step... Next step is recognizing the virtues of both liberalism and conservatism. Both are effective and necessary given the various circumstances. They are both necessary to maintain balance. The discussion should be that of strategy. By labeling and blaming all that's broken on liberal policies you show lack of understanding and objectivity which hinders your ability to contribute to useful solutions.

For example, following a recession, liberal policies and governement spending is the best way to stimulate the economy. After recovery more conservative policies become the smarter strategy. It's a recognition of when to invest and when to save depending on market conditions. And it's also making smart investment choices and being efficient in execution. Too much of one thing will get you into trouble. We should be working together on implementing the best strategies. Instead we are flooded with one sided ineffective arguments which has slowed progress to a crawl.

nice write up. But your ideas are somewhat naïve. Liberalism has never worked, socialism has never worked. The USA became the greatest country in the history of the world because of freedom, free enterprise, and capitalism. Liberal policies require that the government control the lives and outcomes of every citizen. THAT is the flaw in liberal ideology.

You mentioned 'government spending'. The government has only 3 sources of money to 'spend'--------taxes, printing it, or borrowing it. None of those benefit the individual citizens or the long term economy of the country. The 'government spending is good' mantra is the major reason we are in the fiscal mess we are in today.
The government has a responsibility to spend. And responsible spending isn't a bad thing, I don't understand why you think it is... How do you think we got out of the Great Depression? Stimulus spending. The Government is the only entity that exists to benefit the people. Private industry, the backbone of our nation, has monetary motivations. Elements like our infrastructure, environment, public safety, military, education, healthcare and our financial sector all have elements that if abused or neglected would cause tremendous hardship on our nation. The government is far from perfect in execution but it exists for the right reasons and plays a necessary role in the well being of our people.

Government spending/debt creates a surplus in the private sector... This is what a stimulus is. If you don't understand the advantages of government spending then you should do a little more homework on the economics of a sovereign nation and understand really what our debt and deficits are. There is time for investment and time for savings. If we did it all one way we would not prosper.
According to Obama and Hillary, the economy is doing great.
What do we need a Stimulus for?
Its tough for me to respect the opinion of anybody who can't see both sides of the coin. The problem is within BOTH parties. Man up and take some responsibility, the tone and partisanship of your post are exactly what feeds the problem. These tunnel vision, it's all the other guys fault arguments are weak and petty and do nothing to bridge the gap.

what I said is fact, not partisan rhetoric. But I do agree that both sides are responsible for creating this mess. Liberalism has invaded both parties and is destroying our country. Liberalism is the enemy, not either party. However, in general the dems have leaned far more left than the pubs.
Recognizing the responsibility of both parties is a good first step... Next step is recognizing the virtues of both liberalism and conservatism. Both are effective and necessary given the various circumstances. They are both necessary to maintain balance. The discussion should be that of strategy. By labeling and blaming all that's broken on liberal policies you show lack of understanding and objectivity which hinders your ability to contribute to useful solutions.

For example, following a recession, liberal policies and governement spending is the best way to stimulate the economy. After recovery more conservative policies become the smarter strategy. It's a recognition of when to invest and when to save depending on market conditions. And it's also making smart investment choices and being efficient in execution. Too much of one thing will get you into trouble. We should be working together on implementing the best strategies. Instead we are flooded with one sided ineffective arguments which has slowed progress to a crawl.

nice write up. But your ideas are somewhat naïve. Liberalism has never worked, socialism has never worked. The USA became the greatest country in the history of the world because of freedom, free enterprise, and capitalism. Liberal policies require that the government control the lives and outcomes of every citizen. THAT is the flaw in liberal ideology.

You mentioned 'government spending'. The government has only 3 sources of money to 'spend'--------taxes, printing it, or borrowing it. None of those benefit the individual citizens or the long term economy of the country. The 'government spending is good' mantra is the major reason we are in the fiscal mess we are in today.
The government has a responsibility to spend. And responsible spending isn't a bad thing, I don't understand why you think it is... How do you think we got out of the Great Depression? Stimulus spending. The Government is the only entity that exists to benefit the people. Private industry, the backbone of our nation, has monetary motivations. Elements like our infrastructure, environment, public safety, military, education, healthcare and our financial sector all have elements that if abused or neglected would cause tremendous hardship on our nation. The government is far from perfect in execution but it exists for the right reasons and plays a necessary role in the well being of our people.

Government spending/debt creates a surplus in the private sector... This is what a stimulus is. If you don't understand the advantages of government spending then you should do a little more homework on the economics of a sovereign nation and understand really what our debt and deficits are. There is time for investment and time for savings. If we did it all one way we would not prosper.
According to Obama and Hillary, the economy is doing great.
What do we need a Stimulus for?
The economy is doing OK, but recovery has been slow and we still have some work to do. It is still a smart time to invest into stimulus, especially with interest rates as low as they are.
what I said is fact, not partisan rhetoric. But I do agree that both sides are responsible for creating this mess. Liberalism has invaded both parties and is destroying our country. Liberalism is the enemy, not either party. However, in general the dems have leaned far more left than the pubs.
Recognizing the responsibility of both parties is a good first step... Next step is recognizing the virtues of both liberalism and conservatism. Both are effective and necessary given the various circumstances. They are both necessary to maintain balance. The discussion should be that of strategy. By labeling and blaming all that's broken on liberal policies you show lack of understanding and objectivity which hinders your ability to contribute to useful solutions.

For example, following a recession, liberal policies and governement spending is the best way to stimulate the economy. After recovery more conservative policies become the smarter strategy. It's a recognition of when to invest and when to save depending on market conditions. And it's also making smart investment choices and being efficient in execution. Too much of one thing will get you into trouble. We should be working together on implementing the best strategies. Instead we are flooded with one sided ineffective arguments which has slowed progress to a crawl.

nice write up. But your ideas are somewhat naïve. Liberalism has never worked, socialism has never worked. The USA became the greatest country in the history of the world because of freedom, free enterprise, and capitalism. Liberal policies require that the government control the lives and outcomes of every citizen. THAT is the flaw in liberal ideology.

You mentioned 'government spending'. The government has only 3 sources of money to 'spend'--------taxes, printing it, or borrowing it. None of those benefit the individual citizens or the long term economy of the country. The 'government spending is good' mantra is the major reason we are in the fiscal mess we are in today.
The government has a responsibility to spend. And responsible spending isn't a bad thing, I don't understand why you think it is... How do you think we got out of the Great Depression? Stimulus spending. The Government is the only entity that exists to benefit the people. Private industry, the backbone of our nation, has monetary motivations. Elements like our infrastructure, environment, public safety, military, education, healthcare and our financial sector all have elements that if abused or neglected would cause tremendous hardship on our nation. The government is far from perfect in execution but it exists for the right reasons and plays a necessary role in the well being of our people.

Government spending/debt creates a surplus in the private sector... This is what a stimulus is. If you don't understand the advantages of government spending then you should do a little more homework on the economics of a sovereign nation and understand really what our debt and deficits are. There is time for investment and time for savings. If we did it all one way we would not prosper.
According to Obama and Hillary, the economy is doing great.
What do we need a Stimulus for?
The economy is doing OK, but recovery has been slow and we still have some work to do. It is still a smart time to invest into stimulus, especially with interest rates as low as they are.
Nope......It's time to start paying down the debt.

Leave whatever work you think needs doing to the states.
Recognizing the responsibility of both parties is a good first step... Next step is recognizing the virtues of both liberalism and conservatism. Both are effective and necessary given the various circumstances. They are both necessary to maintain balance. The discussion should be that of strategy. By labeling and blaming all that's broken on liberal policies you show lack of understanding and objectivity which hinders your ability to contribute to useful solutions.

For example, following a recession, liberal policies and governement spending is the best way to stimulate the economy. After recovery more conservative policies become the smarter strategy. It's a recognition of when to invest and when to save depending on market conditions. And it's also making smart investment choices and being efficient in execution. Too much of one thing will get you into trouble. We should be working together on implementing the best strategies. Instead we are flooded with one sided ineffective arguments which has slowed progress to a crawl.

nice write up. But your ideas are somewhat naïve. Liberalism has never worked, socialism has never worked. The USA became the greatest country in the history of the world because of freedom, free enterprise, and capitalism. Liberal policies require that the government control the lives and outcomes of every citizen. THAT is the flaw in liberal ideology.

You mentioned 'government spending'. The government has only 3 sources of money to 'spend'--------taxes, printing it, or borrowing it. None of those benefit the individual citizens or the long term economy of the country. The 'government spending is good' mantra is the major reason we are in the fiscal mess we are in today.
The government has a responsibility to spend. And responsible spending isn't a bad thing, I don't understand why you think it is... How do you think we got out of the Great Depression? Stimulus spending. The Government is the only entity that exists to benefit the people. Private industry, the backbone of our nation, has monetary motivations. Elements like our infrastructure, environment, public safety, military, education, healthcare and our financial sector all have elements that if abused or neglected would cause tremendous hardship on our nation. The government is far from perfect in execution but it exists for the right reasons and plays a necessary role in the well being of our people.

Government spending/debt creates a surplus in the private sector... This is what a stimulus is. If you don't understand the advantages of government spending then you should do a little more homework on the economics of a sovereign nation and understand really what our debt and deficits are. There is time for investment and time for savings. If we did it all one way we would not prosper.
According to Obama and Hillary, the economy is doing great.
What do we need a Stimulus for?
The economy is doing OK, but recovery has been slow and we still have some work to do. It is still a smart time to invest into stimulus, especially with interest rates as low as they are.
Nope......It's time to start paying down the debt.

Leave whatever work you think needs doing to the states.
Why is it time to pay down our debt?
nice write up. But your ideas are somewhat naïve. Liberalism has never worked, socialism has never worked. The USA became the greatest country in the history of the world because of freedom, free enterprise, and capitalism. Liberal policies require that the government control the lives and outcomes of every citizen. THAT is the flaw in liberal ideology.

You mentioned 'government spending'. The government has only 3 sources of money to 'spend'--------taxes, printing it, or borrowing it. None of those benefit the individual citizens or the long term economy of the country. The 'government spending is good' mantra is the major reason we are in the fiscal mess we are in today.
The government has a responsibility to spend. And responsible spending isn't a bad thing, I don't understand why you think it is... How do you think we got out of the Great Depression? Stimulus spending. The Government is the only entity that exists to benefit the people. Private industry, the backbone of our nation, has monetary motivations. Elements like our infrastructure, environment, public safety, military, education, healthcare and our financial sector all have elements that if abused or neglected would cause tremendous hardship on our nation. The government is far from perfect in execution but it exists for the right reasons and plays a necessary role in the well being of our people.

Government spending/debt creates a surplus in the private sector... This is what a stimulus is. If you don't understand the advantages of government spending then you should do a little more homework on the economics of a sovereign nation and understand really what our debt and deficits are. There is time for investment and time for savings. If we did it all one way we would not prosper.
According to Obama and Hillary, the economy is doing great.
What do we need a Stimulus for?
The economy is doing OK, but recovery has been slow and we still have some work to do. It is still a smart time to invest into stimulus, especially with interest rates as low as they are.
Nope......It's time to start paying down the debt.

Leave whatever work you think needs doing to the states.
Why is it time to pay down our debt?

Really? you have to ask that?
The government has a responsibility to spend. And responsible spending isn't a bad thing, I don't understand why you think it is... How do you think we got out of the Great Depression? Stimulus spending. The Government is the only entity that exists to benefit the people. Private industry, the backbone of our nation, has monetary motivations. Elements like our infrastructure, environment, public safety, military, education, healthcare and our financial sector all have elements that if abused or neglected would cause tremendous hardship on our nation. The government is far from perfect in execution but it exists for the right reasons and plays a necessary role in the well being of our people.

Government spending/debt creates a surplus in the private sector... This is what a stimulus is. If you don't understand the advantages of government spending then you should do a little more homework on the economics of a sovereign nation and understand really what our debt and deficits are. There is time for investment and time for savings. If we did it all one way we would not prosper.
According to Obama and Hillary, the economy is doing great.
What do we need a Stimulus for?
The economy is doing OK, but recovery has been slow and we still have some work to do. It is still a smart time to invest into stimulus, especially with interest rates as low as they are.
Nope......It's time to start paying down the debt.

Leave whatever work you think needs doing to the states.
Why is it time to pay down our debt?

Really? you have to ask that?
Yes, your answer will show how much you understand about economics
According to Obama and Hillary, the economy is doing great.
What do we need a Stimulus for?
The economy is doing OK, but recovery has been slow and we still have some work to do. It is still a smart time to invest into stimulus, especially with interest rates as low as they are.
Nope......It's time to start paying down the debt.

Leave whatever work you think needs doing to the states.
Why is it time to pay down our debt?

Really? you have to ask that?
Yes, your answer will show how much you understand about economics

That you asked it shows how much YOU do.

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