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The PAIN is Coming = Trump's Coming Depression

some blood letting on Wall Street today as DOW is currently down about 480 points
Many Americans were not satisfied with the annual average GDP of 2.1% during the Obama years, nor with the annual average rate of inflation of 1.4%.
Many were also not happy with the narrowing debt to GDP ration that was being experienced during the last several Obama years.

So, enter the angry, white, male Trump, Hell bent on increasing GDP at all costs.
Annualized GDP for 2017 was 2.3% & so far for 2018 GDP average is 3.3%.

OK; so far Trump's economy has increased GDP on average by 0.7% over the Obama economy. This is not a terrible feat but by no means are the Trump economy GDP numbers anything to 'write home' about.

Let's throw in other factors when looking at the larger Trump economic & GDP picture.
Inflation, and Debt are two huge factors that will weigh heavily on the Trump GDP big picture.
Combined inflation rate so far for 2017 & 2018 is 4.0% and that does NOT include very expensive factors such as FOOD & ENERGY costs.
US federal debt set a new six year high record in 2018 as a result of the Trump tax cuts that offer tax relief for the wealthiest 0.01% of individuals & for corporations.
So, even while the wealthiest individuals & corporations enjoy record tax breaks the US deficit is increasing at record pace.

Add up the numbers
So, with an increase of GDP by about ~1% we also gain massive debt, all while we should be paying down debt.
What else is going on?
Real wages are NOT increasing at any substantial level, particularly when accounting for inflation; real wages are actually DECREASING.
Consumer spending aka the largest driving force of increasing GDP is ALSO increasing private debt aka consumer debt is driving the increase in GDP.

Housing starts & sales are both decreasing.
Oil is about to go into free fall.
The corporations that received all of those tax breaks are NOT spreading the economic love to employees.
The equity markets are IMO set for an even further decline of 10% to 25%, or even worse.
America is about to experience some REAL PAIN economically; it's just around the corner.
Thanks Trump for the coming DEPRESSION.
Was it all worth a temporary GDP gain of ~0.7%?


There isn’t going to be a depression under Trump.

A recession maybe, but not a depression.

Oh look; someone that likes recessions!!!

You aren’t very intelligent.

Meaning what exactly? He is stupid? Intelligent but not 'very' intelligent? What?

And where is your factual proof to backup your matter-of-fact statement?

I am guessing you have zip and are just indulging in libelous nonsense again and/or flat out trolling.

When I responded that nothing he posted presaged a depression, he responded that I must like recessions.

That makes him unintelligent.

And since your response was also unintelligent, I can make the same conclusion about you.

1) how exactly does his belief that you must like recessions make him unintelligent?

2) a response cannot be intelligent or unintelligent.

'Definition of intelligent

1a: having or indicating a high or satisfactory degree of intelligence and mental capacity

b: revealing or reflecting good judgment or sound thought : SKILLFUL'

Definition of INTELLIGENT

A response is not a person...it is not capable of thought...thus, it cannot be intelligent or have judgement.

So to call a post 'unintelligent' is ridiculous...at least by anyone who calls themself 'intelligent' (which I assume you think of yourself as).

So far pal, it is you whom is making remarks that point to a lack of knowledge AND accordingly, a lack of intelligence.
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And that thought has you harder than nails, doesn’t it? Getting excited about news that will harm your fellow Americans is as cynical as it is shitty.

What harm? I am trying to lessen harm.

LOTS of people have long said America (and the West) are living on borrowed time...cheap debt. Go to ZeroHedge (for example) and you will read dozens of comments from them...many from VERY wealthy people.
And the chart below - IMO - proves it.


Velocity of M2 Money Stock

The above chart means that the higher it is - the more money is changing hands. That is good in that it means the economy is generally healthy and money is being 'recycled' over and over again.
The lows means that money is changing hands less...that is why most of the big dips are during recessions. Money is not moving because people are not spending.
Yet, look at the chart since the start of the Great Recession? It plummeted, went up a bit after the GR ended and has been falling almost ever since. And this despite the stock market booming and the economy slowly growing.
Because cheap money thanks to the Fed's ZIRP (zero interest rate policy) has encouraged people, corporations and governments to take out MASSIVE amounts of debt.
So instead of existing money changing hands - new money (in the form of debt) is being created and spent. So the 'velocity' drops.
And it is now lower than it has been since the 1950's!!! And this is happening almost all over the world - heck, Japan has been doing it for decades (and their debt situation is THE worst on Earth...by miles on a debt-to-GDP measure).
BTW, the reason it has gone up slightly lately is the Fed is FINALLY starting to raise rates again.

All this debt has to be paid off eventually. And if inflation ever rears its head - lookout.

IMO, a MASSIVE crash is inevitable. Sure, the Fed will delay it as long as possible. But they cannot stop it forever, I believe.

So, please ask yourself? If you believed the economy was going to crash VERY HARD because of too much debt - would it be better if it crashed sooner (with less debt) or later (with even more debt - and thus a harder crash)?
Obviously, the former.

This crash is inevitable - even Trump talked about it during the election (and he nailed it):

Of course, he stopped talking about it the day he took office.

I want this crash to happen sooner - rather than later - so as to save Americans harm. Not to cause them harm.

ZeroHedge sucks.

I call it ZeroMoney, because that’s what you’d have if you followed their advice.

What are you blathering about? ZeroHedge - itself - does not give advice.

Show me a ZeroHedge written article (NOT one they re-posted from somewhere else) that gave you specific advice about a specific financial purchase/sale? I doubt you can.

Either you have not been there or you did not read much when you did. They just give info and ideas about trends as they see them...but I have never seen a ZH-written article that gave people actual investment advice (there may have have been articles from other sources that they re-posted that did...but that is NOT ZeroHedge).

Do I like everything ZH posts? NOPE. They are too extreme for my tastes. And I wish they would stick to economics.

But they are definitely free market/Austrian School types...and that is DEFINITELY my type.

And they often post some fantastically detailed statistics that no one else does (that I have seen).


s0n, not only have I read Socialism by Ludwig von Mises - which still resides on my shelf - and many other similar books, I was an Ayn Rand Objectivist before I entered RL. I have spent the past 25 years in the capital markets, and I used to read ZeroMoney daily when it was first launched. As someone who makes a living managing large pools of capital, I soon realized that ZeroMoney is primarily about ideology, not finance and economics. For every one article that’s good on that site, 100 are nonsense. And I’m saying that as someone who has made more money in the gold markets than all the Tyler Durdens combined.

Blah, blah, blah...and I am the Postmaster General. So far, all I know about you is you insult people without just cause, you call people stupid based on single sentences they post, you obviously like to try to stir up excrement and you have no idea that ZH does NOT give direct, specific investment advice...they just give general beliefs/directions.
Frankly, you sound like a selfish, ignorant, low IQ troll.

I will ask you again,

Show me a ZeroHedge written article (NOT one they re-posted from somewhere else) that gave you specific advice about a specific financial purchase/sale? I doubt you can.

If you are SOOOOO familiar with the site...that should be simple (by your earlier statements about it)

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And that thought has you harder than nails, doesn’t it? Getting excited about news that will harm your fellow Americans is as cynical as it is shitty.

What harm? I am trying to lessen harm.

LOTS of people have long said America (and the West) are living on borrowed time...cheap debt. Go to ZeroHedge (for example) and you will read dozens of comments from them...many from VERY wealthy people.
And the chart below - IMO - proves it.


Velocity of M2 Money Stock

The above chart means that the higher it is - the more money is changing hands. That is good in that it means the economy is generally healthy and money is being 'recycled' over and over again.
The lows means that money is changing hands less...that is why most of the big dips are during recessions. Money is not moving because people are not spending.
Yet, look at the chart since the start of the Great Recession? It plummeted, went up a bit after the GR ended and has been falling almost ever since. And this despite the stock market booming and the economy slowly growing.
Because cheap money thanks to the Fed's ZIRP (zero interest rate policy) has encouraged people, corporations and governments to take out MASSIVE amounts of debt.
So instead of existing money changing hands - new money (in the form of debt) is being created and spent. So the 'velocity' drops.
And it is now lower than it has been since the 1950's!!! And this is happening almost all over the world - heck, Japan has been doing it for decades (and their debt situation is THE worst on Earth...by miles on a debt-to-GDP measure).
BTW, the reason it has gone up slightly lately is the Fed is FINALLY starting to raise rates again.

All this debt has to be paid off eventually. And if inflation ever rears its head - lookout.

IMO, a MASSIVE crash is inevitable. Sure, the Fed will delay it as long as possible. But they cannot stop it forever, I believe.

So, please ask yourself? If you believed the economy was going to crash VERY HARD because of too much debt - would it be better if it crashed sooner (with less debt) or later (with even more debt - and thus a harder crash)?
Obviously, the former.

This crash is inevitable - even Trump talked about it during the election (and he nailed it):

Of course, he stopped talking about it the day he took office.

I want this crash to happen sooner - rather than later - so as to save Americans harm. Not to cause them harm.

ZeroHedge sucks.

I call it ZeroMoney, because that’s what you’d have if you followed their advice.

What are you blathering about? ZeroHedge - itself - does not give advice.

Show me a ZeroHedge written article (NOT one they re-posted from somewhere else) that gave you specific advice about a specific financial purchase/sale? I doubt you can.

Either you have not been there or you did not read much when you did. They just give info and ideas about trends as they see them...but I have never seen a ZH-written article that gave people actual investment advice (there may have have been articles from other sources that they re-posted that did...but that is NOT ZeroHedge).

Do I like everything ZH posts? NOPE. They are too extreme for my tastes. And I wish they would stick to economics.

But they are definitely free market/Austrian School types...and that is DEFINITELY my type.

And they often post some fantastically detailed statistics that no one else does (that I have seen).


s0n, not only have I read Socialism by Ludwig von Mises - which still resides on my shelf - and many other similar books, I was an Ayn Rand Objectivist before I entered RL. I have spent the past 25 years in the capital markets, and I used to read ZeroMoney daily when it was first launched. As someone who makes a living managing large pools of capital, I soon realized that ZeroMoney is primarily about ideology, not finance and economics. For every one article that’s good on that site, 100 are nonsense. And I’m saying that as someone who has made more money in the gold markets than all the Tyler Durdens combined.

Blah, blah, blah...and I am the Postmaster General. So far, all I know about you is you insult people without just cause, you call people stupid based on single sentences they post, you obviously like to try to stir up excrement and you have no idea that ZH does NOT give direct, specific investment advice...they just give general beliefs/directions.
Frankly, you sound like a selfish, ignorant, low IQ troll.

I will ask you again,

Show me a ZeroHedge written article (NOT one they re-posted from somewhere else) that gave you specific advice about a specific financial purchase/sale? I doubt you can.

If you are SOOOOO familiar with the site...that should be simple (by your earlier statements about it)



You’re a student, aren’t you?

s0n, you have sooooo much to learn.

And the first lesson you need to learn, yung’in, is to not listen to biased sources like ZeroMoney.

The grown-ups who think like you have no money, at least not from the markets.
What harm? I am trying to lessen harm.

LOTS of people have long said America (and the West) are living on borrowed time...cheap debt. Go to ZeroHedge (for example) and you will read dozens of comments from them...many from VERY wealthy people.
And the chart below - IMO - proves it.


Velocity of M2 Money Stock

The above chart means that the higher it is - the more money is changing hands. That is good in that it means the economy is generally healthy and money is being 'recycled' over and over again.
The lows means that money is changing hands less...that is why most of the big dips are during recessions. Money is not moving because people are not spending.
Yet, look at the chart since the start of the Great Recession? It plummeted, went up a bit after the GR ended and has been falling almost ever since. And this despite the stock market booming and the economy slowly growing.
Because cheap money thanks to the Fed's ZIRP (zero interest rate policy) has encouraged people, corporations and governments to take out MASSIVE amounts of debt.
So instead of existing money changing hands - new money (in the form of debt) is being created and spent. So the 'velocity' drops.
And it is now lower than it has been since the 1950's!!! And this is happening almost all over the world - heck, Japan has been doing it for decades (and their debt situation is THE worst on Earth...by miles on a debt-to-GDP measure).
BTW, the reason it has gone up slightly lately is the Fed is FINALLY starting to raise rates again.

All this debt has to be paid off eventually. And if inflation ever rears its head - lookout.

IMO, a MASSIVE crash is inevitable. Sure, the Fed will delay it as long as possible. But they cannot stop it forever, I believe.

So, please ask yourself? If you believed the economy was going to crash VERY HARD because of too much debt - would it be better if it crashed sooner (with less debt) or later (with even more debt - and thus a harder crash)?
Obviously, the former.

This crash is inevitable - even Trump talked about it during the election (and he nailed it):

Of course, he stopped talking about it the day he took office.

I want this crash to happen sooner - rather than later - so as to save Americans harm. Not to cause them harm.

ZeroHedge sucks.

I call it ZeroMoney, because that’s what you’d have if you followed their advice.

What are you blathering about? ZeroHedge - itself - does not give advice.

Show me a ZeroHedge written article (NOT one they re-posted from somewhere else) that gave you specific advice about a specific financial purchase/sale? I doubt you can.

Either you have not been there or you did not read much when you did. They just give info and ideas about trends as they see them...but I have never seen a ZH-written article that gave people actual investment advice (there may have have been articles from other sources that they re-posted that did...but that is NOT ZeroHedge).

Do I like everything ZH posts? NOPE. They are too extreme for my tastes. And I wish they would stick to economics.

But they are definitely free market/Austrian School types...and that is DEFINITELY my type.

And they often post some fantastically detailed statistics that no one else does (that I have seen).


s0n, not only have I read Socialism by Ludwig von Mises - which still resides on my shelf - and many other similar books, I was an Ayn Rand Objectivist before I entered RL. I have spent the past 25 years in the capital markets, and I used to read ZeroMoney daily when it was first launched. As someone who makes a living managing large pools of capital, I soon realized that ZeroMoney is primarily about ideology, not finance and economics. For every one article that’s good on that site, 100 are nonsense. And I’m saying that as someone who has made more money in the gold markets than all the Tyler Durdens combined.

Blah, blah, blah...and I am the Postmaster General. So far, all I know about you is you insult people without just cause, you call people stupid based on single sentences they post, you obviously like to try to stir up excrement and you have no idea that ZH does NOT give direct, specific investment advice...they just give general beliefs/directions.
Frankly, you sound like a selfish, ignorant, low IQ troll.

I will ask you again,

Show me a ZeroHedge written article (NOT one they re-posted from somewhere else) that gave you specific advice about a specific financial purchase/sale? I doubt you can.

If you are SOOOOO familiar with the site...that should be simple (by your earlier statements about it)



You’re a student, aren’t you?

s0n, you have sooooo much to learn.

And the first lesson you need to learn, yung’in, is to not listen to biased sources like ZeroMoney.

The grown-ups who think like you have no money, at least not from the markets.

I would NEVER take investment advice from ANY source other than my brain (and the information that I put into it).

And still you keep ducking the question:

Show me a ZeroHedge written article (NOT one they re-posted from somewhere else) that gave you specific advice about a specific financial purchase/sale?

Until you can, your above statements about them are nonsense.
MORE PAIN coming via Trump & the GOP ass holes that corrupted America.

Between now & 11-22 aka turkey day, expect some MAJOR turkey shit to flow OUT of markets.

What's for dessert? 2019 will be a cluster fvck for markets.

Thank U Donald. :5_1_12024: Why don't you work your wonders Donny & file bankruptcy for the US? :19:
All the sources I've read on GDP growth under Obama puts him around 1.5% average GDP for two terms. Where do you get 2.6% average GDP growth under Obama? :linky:

Average GDP growth in Obama’s second term was 2.2%. It was been 2.8% under Trump.

Next time, include a link, please (though I was already aware of these numbers - but others might not be).

But, back to your other posts directed at me:

you obviously saw my posts (by your childish 'Funny' smilies. But not enough knoeledge to actually answer my questions or enough guts to admit you cannot).

So, conclusions...

1) you have no idea what ZeroHedge is like, as you failed to post even one post where they did as you said they did - even though I have asked you three times. Which strongly suggests you have no idea whatsoever what you are talking about on this subject.
2) you refused to give even the most basic reason as to why you called another member 'unintelligent' (not talking about me)? Which is pure trolling.
3) you called my post 'unintelligent' - when if you had any decent education/decent intelligence at ALL, you would know that to do such a thing is nonsensical as posts cannot have intelligence. So we now have even more evidence you are neither intelligent and/or well educated.
4) the only analysis of my original post in this thread you gave was to knock some website that I only mentioned in passing. Which is, again, pure trolling.

And in case - being an out-of-touch, old fart, troll...you don't actually know what a troll is:

One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument'

Urban Dictionary: troll

And I try not to waste my time on trolls.

So welcome to my ignore list you old troll.

Have a wonderful day.
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Many Americans were not satisfied with the annual average GDP of 2.1% during the Obama years, nor with the annual average rate of inflation of 1.4%.
Many were also not happy with the narrowing debt to GDP ration that was being experienced during the last several Obama years.

So, enter the angry, white, male Trump, Hell bent on increasing GDP at all costs.
Annualized GDP for 2017 was 2.3% & so far for 2018 GDP average is 3.3%.

OK; so far Trump's economy has increased GDP on average by 0.7% over the Obama economy. This is not a terrible feat but by no means are the Trump economy GDP numbers anything to 'write home' about.

Let's throw in other factors when looking at the larger Trump economic & GDP picture.
Inflation, and Debt are two huge factors that will weigh heavily on the Trump GDP big picture.
Combined inflation rate so far for 2017 & 2018 is 4.0% and that does NOT include very expensive factors such as FOOD & ENERGY costs.
US federal debt set a new six year high record in 2018 as a result of the Trump tax cuts that offer tax relief for the wealthiest 0.01% of individuals & for corporations.
So, even while the wealthiest individuals & corporations enjoy record tax breaks the US deficit is increasing at record pace.

Add up the numbers
So, with an increase of GDP by about ~1% we also gain massive debt, all while we should be paying down debt.
What else is going on?
Real wages are NOT increasing at any substantial level, particularly when accounting for inflation; real wages are actually DECREASING.
Consumer spending aka the largest driving force of increasing GDP is ALSO increasing private debt aka consumer debt is driving the increase in GDP.

Housing starts & sales are both decreasing.
Oil is about to go into free fall.
The corporations that received all of those tax breaks are NOT spreading the economic love to employees.
The equity markets are IMO set for an even further decline of 10% to 25%, or even worse.
America is about to experience some REAL PAIN economically; it's just around the corner.
Thanks Trump for the coming DEPRESSION.
Was it all worth a temporary GDP gain of ~0.7%?


It won't be "Trump's " depression, but instead one started by the Libs.

I expect the Democrat Party to immediately move to dramatically increase taxes. Get on the record to punish America's achievers.

They will overstep their mandate and look to sink the economy.
Many Americans were not satisfied with the annual average GDP of 2.1% during the Obama years, nor with the annual average rate of inflation of 1.4%.
Many were also not happy with the narrowing debt to GDP ration that was being experienced during the last several Obama years.

So, enter the angry, white, male Trump, Hell bent on increasing GDP at all costs.
Annualized GDP for 2017 was 2.3% & so far for 2018 GDP average is 3.3%.

OK; so far Trump's economy has increased GDP on average by 0.7% over the Obama economy. This is not a terrible feat but by no means are the Trump economy GDP numbers anything to 'write home' about.

Let's throw in other factors when looking at the larger Trump economic & GDP picture.
Inflation, and Debt are two huge factors that will weigh heavily on the Trump GDP big picture.
Combined inflation rate so far for 2017 & 2018 is 4.0% and that does NOT include very expensive factors such as FOOD & ENERGY costs.
US federal debt set a new six year high record in 2018 as a result of the Trump tax cuts that offer tax relief for the wealthiest 0.01% of individuals & for corporations.
So, even while the wealthiest individuals & corporations enjoy record tax breaks the US deficit is increasing at record pace.

Add up the numbers
So, with an increase of GDP by about ~1% we also gain massive debt, all while we should be paying down debt.
What else is going on?
Real wages are NOT increasing at any substantial level, particularly when accounting for inflation; real wages are actually DECREASING.
Consumer spending aka the largest driving force of increasing GDP is ALSO increasing private debt aka consumer debt is driving the increase in GDP.

Housing starts & sales are both decreasing.
Oil is about to go into free fall.
The corporations that received all of those tax breaks are NOT spreading the economic love to employees.
The equity markets are IMO set for an even further decline of 10% to 25%, or even worse.
America is about to experience some REAL PAIN economically; it's just around the corner.
Thanks Trump for the coming DEPRESSION.
Was it all worth a temporary GDP gain of ~0.7%?


It won't be "Trump's " depression, but instead one started by the Libs.

I expect the Democrat Party to immediately move to dramatically increase taxes. Get on the record to punish America's achievers.

They will overstep their mandate and look to sink the economy.

LOL, yeah the GOP always fvcks everything to Hell then they blame the shitty GOP economy on the DemoRats
Many Americans were not satisfied with the annual average GDP of 2.1% during the Obama years, nor with the annual average rate of inflation of 1.4%.
Many were also not happy with the narrowing debt to GDP ration that was being experienced during the last several Obama years.

So, enter the angry, white, male Trump, Hell bent on increasing GDP at all costs.
Annualized GDP for 2017 was 2.3% & so far for 2018 GDP average is 3.3%.

OK; so far Trump's economy has increased GDP on average by 0.7% over the Obama economy. This is not a terrible feat but by no means are the Trump economy GDP numbers anything to 'write home' about.

Let's throw in other factors when looking at the larger Trump economic & GDP picture.
Inflation, and Debt are two huge factors that will weigh heavily on the Trump GDP big picture.
Combined inflation rate so far for 2017 & 2018 is 4.0% and that does NOT include very expensive factors such as FOOD & ENERGY costs.
US federal debt set a new six year high record in 2018 as a result of the Trump tax cuts that offer tax relief for the wealthiest 0.01% of individuals & for corporations.
So, even while the wealthiest individuals & corporations enjoy record tax breaks the US deficit is increasing at record pace.

Add up the numbers
So, with an increase of GDP by about ~1% we also gain massive debt, all while we should be paying down debt.
What else is going on?
Real wages are NOT increasing at any substantial level, particularly when accounting for inflation; real wages are actually DECREASING.
Consumer spending aka the largest driving force of increasing GDP is ALSO increasing private debt aka consumer debt is driving the increase in GDP.

Housing starts & sales are both decreasing.
Oil is about to go into free fall.
The corporations that received all of those tax breaks are NOT spreading the economic love to employees.
The equity markets are IMO set for an even further decline of 10% to 25%, or even worse.
America is about to experience some REAL PAIN economically; it's just around the corner.
Thanks Trump for the coming DEPRESSION.
Was it all worth a temporary GDP gain of ~0.7%?


It won't be "Trump's " depression, but instead one started by the Libs.

I expect the Democrat Party to immediately move to dramatically increase taxes. Get on the record to punish America's achievers.

They will overstep their mandate and look to sink the economy.

LOL, yeah the GOP always fvcks everything to Hell then they blame the shitty GOP economy on the DemoRats

The Dems actually WANT to destroy the economy as that will make the people more dependent on the government waste they are planning.
Many Americans were not satisfied with the annual average GDP of 2.1% during the Obama years, nor with the annual average rate of inflation of 1.4%.
Many were also not happy with the narrowing debt to GDP ration that was being experienced during the last several Obama years.

So, enter the angry, white, male Trump, Hell bent on increasing GDP at all costs.
Annualized GDP for 2017 was 2.3% & so far for 2018 GDP average is 3.3%.

OK; so far Trump's economy has increased GDP on average by 0.7% over the Obama economy. This is not a terrible feat but by no means are the Trump economy GDP numbers anything to 'write home' about.

Let's throw in other factors when looking at the larger Trump economic & GDP picture.
Inflation, and Debt are two huge factors that will weigh heavily on the Trump GDP big picture.
Combined inflation rate so far for 2017 & 2018 is 4.0% and that does NOT include very expensive factors such as FOOD & ENERGY costs.
US federal debt set a new six year high record in 2018 as a result of the Trump tax cuts that offer tax relief for the wealthiest 0.01% of individuals & for corporations.
So, even while the wealthiest individuals & corporations enjoy record tax breaks the US deficit is increasing at record pace.

Add up the numbers
So, with an increase of GDP by about ~1% we also gain massive debt, all while we should be paying down debt.
What else is going on?
Real wages are NOT increasing at any substantial level, particularly when accounting for inflation; real wages are actually DECREASING.
Consumer spending aka the largest driving force of increasing GDP is ALSO increasing private debt aka consumer debt is driving the increase in GDP.

Housing starts & sales are both decreasing.
Oil is about to go into free fall.
The corporations that received all of those tax breaks are NOT spreading the economic love to employees.
The equity markets are IMO set for an even further decline of 10% to 25%, or even worse.
America is about to experience some REAL PAIN economically; it's just around the corner.
Thanks Trump for the coming DEPRESSION.
Was it all worth a temporary GDP gain of ~0.7%?


It won't be "Trump's " depression, but instead one started by the Libs.

I expect the Democrat Party to immediately move to dramatically increase taxes. Get on the record to punish America's achievers.

They will overstep their mandate and look to sink the economy.

LOL, yeah the GOP always fvcks everything to Hell then they blame the shitty GOP economy on the DemoRats

The Dems actually WANT to destroy the economy as that will make the people more dependent on the government waste they are planning.

Oh, you mean like the most recent GOP induced 17% INCREASE in the deficit.

Yes; go ahead & blame that on the DemonRats but the GOP owns it.
When is that Russian/Saudi citizen Trump's DEPRESSION gonna kick in??????????
All the sources I've read on GDP growth under Obama puts him around 1.5% average GDP for two terms. Where do you get 2.6% average GDP growth under Obama? :linky:

Average GDP growth in Obama’s second term was 2.2%. It was been 2.8% under Trump.

Next time, include a link, please (though I was already aware of these numbers - but others might not be).

But, back to your other posts directed at me:

you obviously saw my posts (by your childish 'Funny' smilies. But not enough knoeledge to actually answer my questions or enough guts to admit you cannot).

So, conclusions...

1) you have no idea what ZeroHedge is like, as you failed to post even one post where they did as you said they did - even though I have asked you three times. Which strongly suggests you have no idea whatsoever what you are talking about on this subject.
2) you refused to give even the most basic reason as to why you called another member 'unintelligent' (not talking about me)? Which is pure trolling.
3) you called my post 'unintelligent' - when if you had any decent education/decent intelligence at ALL, you would know that to do such a thing is nonsensical as posts cannot have intelligence. So we now have even more evidence you are neither intelligent and/or well educated.
4) the only analysis of my original post in this thread you gave was to knock some website that I only mentioned in passing. Which is, again, pure trolling.

And in case - being an out-of-touch, old fart, troll...you don't actually know what a troll is:

One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument'

Urban Dictionary: troll

And I try not to waste my time on trolls.

So welcome to my ignore list you old troll.

Have a wonderful day.


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