The Palin Brawl

No matter how many legit links have been posted, that's the best you can come up with.

Hell, even Bul Kurtz posted a link he trusted only to be surprised that it said the same and worse.


Really really lame.

Ah, you think you can lie your way out of this?

Seriously- who do you think is reading this?

Everyone here already knows that I've traced EVERY LAST FUCKING ONE OF THOSE, including Bul Kurtz, right back to Amanda Coyne.

So who are you fucking lying to, shithead? And to what purpose.

Come up with a story NOT sourced from the DNC twat - or admit that this is a hoax perpetrated by you filthy demagogues - yet again.

The $uffering $arah Fan Club has ranted on and on for pages, calling all libs, all dems, all progressives liars.

I post proof and poor little $arah's own words and they hypocritical cowards don't have the integrity to just admit they were wrong.

Is anyone surprised?

Quit your babbling....nobody is paying attention to your gibberish.

Heretofore I hadn't thought of our little Merkin as a "nobody". But since she/he/it is obviously paying a lot of attention....whoops! There 'tis!

Now, nobody, do you think your damp squib in The White House could work nearly the magic Governor Palin had in (if we believe the left wing blogs) get somebody fired from a company she doesn't own and doesn't work for? I mean, could Obama get you fired for failing to capitalize when referring to Him if He so choose?

Now being thrown off welfare would not count as fired since there is federal money involved, so mayhap not a fair question on my part.

Ah well, life is hard......

Gummo will continue to spew obscenely filthy racist hate.

Luddie will continue to applaud.

The stench of their fear that Governor Palin might oppose Hillary hangs heavy in the air.


Gummo will continue to spew obscenely filthy racist hate.

Luddie will continue to applaud.

The stench of their fear that Governor Palin might oppose Hillary hangs heavy in the air.

Ohhhhhhhh Poor exploied white christer bo elling rasccism

Gummo will continue to spew obscenely filthy racist hate.

Luddie will continue to applaud.

The stench of their fear that Governor Palin might oppose Hillary hangs heavy in the air.

yea we are very afraid that a white trash bible thumping whore will run :laugh2::itsok:

Gummo will continue to spew obscenely filthy racist hate.

Luddie will continue to applaud.

The stench of their fear that Governor Palin might oppose Hillary hangs heavy in the air.

Sure - terrified of a wannabe drunk and that's what she is.

If only she would run for prez.

'course, that would be a lot like real work. Better she stay with fux.
Why won't you stay on topic?

What are you afraid of?

And, since you're working so hard to deflect attention away from $uffering $arah, it wouldn't matter what Obama did, you'd lie about it. You'd play that same tired card about king Obama.

Playtex asked a question, you boob.

So Puddley Pillowbite - have YOU found a story on this that does not thread back to paid DNC panty sniffer Amanda Coyne?

Didn't think so.

And yeah, that does prove this is just a hit job by you fucking demagogues.
Anchorage Police have confirmed an incident took place, they got a call about it and responded with officers. They are still investigating. Are you suggesting the Anchorage Police Department is involved with a conspiracy with Ms. Amanda Coyne?

And Amanda Coyne wrote the story as was told to her by witnesses, one who has since been fired or breaking the silence and telling what happened
Obama is also a quitter. So what is your point?


Liar? Obama didn't quit the Senate? Then every news agency in the country lied.

That's not called quitting. That's being promoted to the most powerful position in the World. Something the conservative candidates may never see again, with any luck.
With the blessing of his Illinois constituents. Unlike Palin, who left her constituents high and dry when she quit.

Please link to those "blessings".
It would be my pleasure ...

2008 election results - Illinois
Alaska law required that Governor Palin resign before ("before", look that up, haters). How does one explain a senator who QUITS representing His constituents by voting "present" rather than take a position? Of course when your constituents are universally Democrats, incapable of decision without a direct instruction, then it may be excusable. Especially if Mr. Soros forgot to send Him His directives on those days.
Your post is built upon the fragility of a false premise. Obama didn't quit representing his constituents. He still represents them. And unlike the quitter from Twitter, he asked for his constituents' consent to lead them from the Oval Office instead of from the Capitol, and they overwhelmingly approved.
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Oh? What did he quit?

I'm sorry but I don't answer stupid questions.

Translation: I'm defeated, I have no answer to the question, so I'll respond with a nonsensical retort.

No need for translation. We all know you got nothing.

You got nothing. You made a statement that you couldn't back up with facts....typical conservative, then you hide behind your common shield....act dumb....:D

I said Obama is a quitter. It is a known fact the he resigned. Are you disputing that fact?

Your sock asked a stupid question that deserved no answer.
Say what?? You said esmeralda is my sock ... now you're saying Mertex is my sock too?? Who else do you hallucinate I am?

Dayam, you really are a fruit loop dingus. :cuckoo:
Surely Obama could NOT changes at the White House.

He has proven Himself incapable do doing much at all - with the possible exception of playing golf and even then.....

Would be interesting to see Obama vs. Palin in a game of golf where both had to WALK the entire course. No sedan chair allowed......
Please, Palin would QUIT before they ever made it to the back nine. :lmao::lmao::lmao:
Today a friend called from Anchorage and explained why the local hate squad is so bent out of shape!

It's apparently because the Palin family had TWO opportunities to act presidential in all of this and missed both of them.

First, when confronted with an aggressor, "presidential" would require dropping pants and bending over. Instead they kicked ass.

Then, and this seems to really twist their little knickers, not a single member of the Palin family has called a press conference to do the presidential thing and apologize.

I can see why they don't believe Governor Palin should be president!
Why won't you stay on topic?

What are you afraid of?

And, since you're working so hard to deflect attention away from $uffering $arah, it wouldn't matter what Obama did, you'd lie about it. You'd play that same tired card about king Obama.

Playtex asked a question, you boob.

So Puddley Pillowbite - have YOU found a story on this that does not thread back to paid DNC panty sniffer Amanda Coyne?

Didn't think so.

And yeah, that does prove this is just a hit job by you fucking demagogues.
Anchorage Police have confirmed an incident took place, they got a call about it and responded with officers. They are still investigating. Are you suggesting the Anchorage Police Department is involved with a conspiracy with Ms. Amanda Coyne?

And Amanda Coyne wrote the story as was told to her by witnesses, one who has since been fired or breaking the silence and telling what happened

did you see my post above with this link? She admits it did happen but says its Obama's fault.

Thrilla In Wasilla Palin Speaks Out Blames Obama For Bar Brawl - National Report National Report

Can't even take responsibility for her own actions.
Today a friend called from Anchorage and explained why the local hate squad is so bent out of shape!

It's apparently because the Palin family had TWO opportunities to act presidential in all of this and missed both of them.

First, when confronted with an aggressor, "presidential" would require dropping pants and bending over. Instead they kicked ass.

Then, and this seems to really twist their little knickers, not a single member of the Palin family has called a press conference to do the presidential thing and apologize.

I can see why they don't believe Governor Palin should be president!

Actually, it was her son who said he wanted to 'bend over the women on the lawn'. The women's husband's took offense and cleaned his clock.
Why won't you stay on topic?

What are you afraid of?

And, since you're working so hard to deflect attention away from $uffering $arah, it wouldn't matter what Obama did, you'd lie about it. You'd play that same tired card about king Obama.

Playtex asked a question, you boob.

So Puddley Pillowbite - have YOU found a story on this that does not thread back to paid DNC panty sniffer Amanda Coyne?

Didn't think so.

And yeah, that does prove this is just a hit job by you fucking demagogues.
Anchorage Police have confirmed an incident took place, they got a call about it and responded with officers. They are still investigating. Are you suggesting the Anchorage Police Department is involved with a conspiracy with Ms. Amanda Coyne?

And Amanda Coyne wrote the story as was told to her by witnesses, one who has since been fired or breaking the silence and telling what happened

did you see my post above with this link? She admits it did happen but says its Obama's fault.

Thrilla In Wasilla Palin Speaks Out Blames Obama For Bar Brawl - National Report National Report

Can't even take responsibility for her own actions.

She is one mentally ill white trash whore
When one looks at statistics the damndest things turn up.

For instance, there are TWO instances where pharmacies in Chicago were all, simultaneously, sold out of Viagra.

The first in November, 1997.

The second in October, 2000.

The stores reported the purchases were all made by a slight dark individual wearing a hoodie and golf shoes.

It seems somebody had a difficult-to-face task ahead of Him but, with a little help from His friends, handled it effectively.

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