The Palin Brawl

Why won't you stay on topic?

What are you afraid of?

And, since you're working so hard to deflect attention away from $uffering $arah, it wouldn't matter what Obama did, you'd lie about it. You'd play that same tired card about king Obama.

Playtex asked a question, you boob.

So Puddley Pillowbite - have YOU found a story on this that does not thread back to paid DNC panty sniffer Amanda Coyne?

Didn't think so.

And yeah, that does prove this is just a hit job by you fucking demagogues.
Anchorage Police have confirmed an incident took place, they got a call about it and responded with officers. They are still investigating. Are you suggesting the Anchorage Police Department is involved with a conspiracy with Ms. Amanda Coyne?

And Amanda Coyne wrote the story as was told to her by witnesses, one who has since been fired or breaking the silence and telling what happened

did you see my post above with this link? She admits it did happen but says its Obama's fault.

Thrilla In Wasilla Palin Speaks Out Blames Obama For Bar Brawl - National Report National Report

Can't even take responsibility for her own actions.

how do you keep up:? you got haten in the Trump thread and still going strong in this one. You got a lotta haten to go around eh?
you're so sad
When one looks at statistics the damndest things turn up.

For instance, there are TWO instances where pharmacies in Chicago were all, simultaneously, sold out of Viagra.

The first in November, 1997.

The second in October, 2000.

The stores reported the purchases were all made by a slight dark individual wearing a hoodie and golf shoes.

It seems somebody had a difficult-to-face task ahead of Him but, with a little help from His friends, handled it effectively.

You trying to say Track buys too much Viagra?

Or are you lost?

Take your racist shit to a different thread.
When one looks at statistics the damndest things turn up.

For instance, there are TWO instances where pharmacies in Chicago were all, simultaneously, sold out of Viagra.

The first in November, 1997.

The second in October, 2000.

The stores reported the purchases were all made by a slight dark individual wearing a hoodie and golf shoes.

It seems somebody had a difficult-to-face task ahead of Him but, with a little help from His friends, handled it effectively.

You trying to say Track buys too much Viagra?

Or are you lost?

Take your racist shit to a different thread.

shut up and go to bed you old gossiping hen
Why won't you stay on topic?

What are you afraid of?

And, since you're working so hard to deflect attention away from $uffering $arah, it wouldn't matter what Obama did, you'd lie about it. You'd play that same tired card about king Obama.

Playtex asked a question, you boob.

So Puddley Pillowbite - have YOU found a story on this that does not thread back to paid DNC panty sniffer Amanda Coyne?

Didn't think so.

And yeah, that does prove this is just a hit job by you fucking demagogues.
Anchorage Police have confirmed an incident took place, they got a call about it and responded with officers. They are still investigating. Are you suggesting the Anchorage Police Department is involved with a conspiracy with Ms. Amanda Coyne?

And Amanda Coyne wrote the story as was told to her by witnesses, one who has since been fired or breaking the silence and telling what happened

did you see my post above with this link? She admits it did happen but says its Obama's fault.

Thrilla In Wasilla Palin Speaks Out Blames Obama For Bar Brawl - National Report National Report

Can't even take responsibility for her own actions.
I'll have to read that in a legit news source before I believe Palin actually said something that retarded. It reads more like satire to me. Then again, Sarah "The Quitter" Palin is a satire of herself, so who knows? :dunno:
Why won't you stay on topic?

What are you afraid of?

And, since you're working so hard to deflect attention away from $uffering $arah, it wouldn't matter what Obama did, you'd lie about it. You'd play that same tired card about king Obama.

Playtex asked a question, you boob.

So Puddley Pillowbite - have YOU found a story on this that does not thread back to paid DNC panty sniffer Amanda Coyne?

Didn't think so.

And yeah, that does prove this is just a hit job by you fucking demagogues.
Anchorage Police have confirmed an incident took place, they got a call about it and responded with officers. They are still investigating. Are you suggesting the Anchorage Police Department is involved with a conspiracy with Ms. Amanda Coyne?

And Amanda Coyne wrote the story as was told to her by witnesses, one who has since been fired or breaking the silence and telling what happened

did you see my post above with this link? She admits it did happen but says its Obama's fault.

Thrilla In Wasilla Palin Speaks Out Blames Obama For Bar Brawl - National Report National Report

Can't even take responsibility for her own actions.
I'll have to read that in a legit news source before I believe Palin actually said something that retarded. It reads more like satire to me. Then again, Sarah "The Quitter" Palin is a satire of herself, so who knows? :dunno:

Hmmm ... it squares with the Wash Post article I posted as well.

Time will tell.

But, it IS Palin.
Ain't it grand how Luddie confuses Democrat Central Committee sponsored media with actual news sources!

He's worse than an old woman. He has no life if you look in every thread he's in tonight...going around ranting and raving telling people to shut up, fxxk off and on and's pathetic and sad
Ain't it grand how Luddie confuses Democrat Central Committee sponsored media with actual news sources!

He's worse than an old woman. He has no life if you look in every thread he's in tonight...going around ranting and raving telling people to shut up, fxxk off and on and's pathetic and sad

There's so much adulterated cocaine on the market these days that it may not entirely be her fault.
Didn't think you could. Thanks for proving how inept you really are. He already signed the Ledbetter act......but your leaders refused to sign the new bill.

Equal Pay Act of 1963, was defeated in one of those classic Senate votes in which the bill had 52 votes—a majority—but was blocked by 40 Republicans. That's no surprise:
Just in time for the election Republicans vote against fair pay for women ... again

Playtex, bummer your IQ isn't as big as your bra size.

I see you linked KOS - were the Stormfront servers down?

So, you realize that you're lying, yet still lie?


Equal Pay/Compensation and Sex Discrimination
Title VII also makes it illegal to discriminate based on sex in pay and benefits. Therefore, someone who has an Equal Pay Act claim may also have a claim under Title VII.}

Equal Pay and Compensation Discrimination

Ha,ha, you wish you had an IQ. You not only do not make any sense, you don't know what's going on in the real world. Pathetic you.
What difference do laws make when Holder's "Justice" Department is allowed to decide which they will and will NOT enforce?

One might think our "First" black president (OK, you have to ignore Slick Willie's claim to believe that) would not come down hard on the side of equality - actual EQUAL enforcement of all laws.

OK, so a hive-minded liberal would so believe but only because it's an absolute requirement for continued bennies.
No matter how many legit links have been posted, that's the best you can come up with.

Hell, even Bul Kurtz posted a link he trusted only to be surprised that it said the same and worse.


Really really lame.

Ah, you think you can lie your way out of this?

Seriously- who do you think is reading this?

Everyone here already knows that I've traced EVERY LAST FUCKING ONE OF THOSE, including Bul Kurtz, right back to Amanda Coyne.

So who are you fucking lying to, shithead? And to what purpose.

Come up with a story NOT sourced from the DNC twat - or admit that this is a hoax perpetrated by you filthy demagogues - yet again.

The $uffering $arah Fan Club has ranted on and on for pages, calling all libs, all dems, all progressives liars.

I post proof and poor little $arah's own words and they hypocritical cowards don't have the integrity to just admit they were wrong.

Is anyone surprised?


They are so angry, all they can do is rant and rave and curse, their Princess has let them down. But, they won't admit it.....they keep trying to find some way to make the story go away...but they can' they call names....poor Uncensored, poor Steph, poor Lonely.....they're all so mad...............
They can't deny facts, so they deflect and make up other kinds of crap to try and save face....but, too late, they've got egg all over their faces.
Quit your babbling....nobody is paying attention to your gibberish.

Heretofore I hadn't thought of our little Merkin as a "nobody". But since she/he/it is obviously paying a lot of attention....whoops! There 'tis!

Now, nobody, do you think your damp squib in The White House could work nearly the magic Governor Palin had in (if we believe the left wing blogs) get somebody fired from a company she doesn't own and doesn't work for? I mean, could Obama get you fired for failing to capitalize when referring to Him if He so choose?

Now being thrown off welfare would not count as fired since there is federal money involved, so mayhap not a fair question on my part.

Ah well, life is hard......

You shouldn't drink and post. Still posting gibberish, I see.....:D
So is Henry B Hough. ^^^

They are SO predictable.

I think he's drunk. His posts make no sense, somebody should help him type what he really means to say............:D There's no one, though.....they all have trouble spelling and putting coherent sentences together....they must be part of the group that demands everyone speak English....when they can't speak it themselves.....:banana:

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