The Palin Brawl

Quit your babbling....nobody is paying attention to your gibberish.

Heretofore I hadn't thought of our little Merkin as a "nobody". But since she/he/it is obviously paying a lot of attention....whoops! There 'tis!

Now, nobody, do you think your damp squib in The White House could work nearly the magic Governor Palin had in (if we believe the left wing blogs) get somebody fired from a company she doesn't own and doesn't work for? I mean, could Obama get you fired for failing to capitalize when referring to Him if He so choose?

Now being thrown off welfare would not count as fired since there is federal money involved, so mayhap not a fair question on my part.

Ah well, life is hard......

You shouldn't drink and post. Still posting gibberish, I see.....:D

So is Stoopid Stuff.

Read her rant about dog fighting and how we should give child abusers a pass.
Another Nfl Player Arrested For Domestic Abuse US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Post #11

Freakin' weird.

'night all -
how do you keep up:? you got haten in the Trump thread and still going strong in this one. You got a lotta haten to go around eh?
you're so sad

You talking to Uncensored, aren't you? Yep, he's got lots of haten......but I think the word is "hating".....just sayin.............:D
On the difference between Todd Palin and Barack Hussein Obama:

The Palin family has two boy children.

The Obama family has two girl children.

It takes a MAN to make a boy but any little prick can make a girl.

See, I can "do" liberal civility now that Dotty and Gummo have made families fair game!
So is Henry B Hough. ^^^

They are SO predictable.

I think he's drunk. His posts make no sense, somebody should help him type what he really means to say............:D There's no one, though.....they all have trouble spelling and putting coherent sentences together....they must be part of the group that demands everyone speak English....when they can't speak it themselves.....:banana:
True. Thats pretty obvious that Rightie is :alcoholic: while posting.

Gummo will continue to spew obscenely filthy racist hate.

Luddie will continue to applaud.

The stench of their fear that Governor Palin might oppose Hillary hangs heavy in the air.

Hahahahaha, that is really funny. I'd like to see Sarah Palin even make it out of a Republican primary. I'd like to see her debate with Perry.....that would be comic relief, I'm sure, between their "gotchas" and "Oops" - I'm sure they would keep you enthralled.............:D
That is the best photo of Vince Foster we've seen yet!

Too bad it obscures what many believe to have been Hillary's best work.

Hey, it's you.....don't you recognize yourself from 50 years ago? But, the egg is the same, today.
On the difference between Todd Palin and Barack Hussein Obama:

The Palin family has two boy children.

The Obama family has two girl children.

It takes a MAN to make a boy but any little prick can make a girl.

See, I can "do" liberal civility now that Dotty and Gummo have made families fair game!

You are really very ignorant, and sexist on top of that. No wonder you are a conservative, you do hate women, don't you? Of course, you probably don't even understand what you just're so ignorant.
You really are ignorant. Obama has done a lot in spite of the recalcitrant Republicans voting "no" on everything. Now do yourself a favor and do some research, and turn Faux News off, it is poisoning your brain and making you dumb.

Yeah, he birdied three times on the 14th - Obama has done wonders....

You're just jealous because your old man McCain couldn't beat him and Romoney couldn't either........and now you have what? The three amigos that are all under grand jury investigation............bwahahaha!

[ But, I see you're avoiding the Equal Pay issue with your deflection about Palin's success. Hope you do some research, so you won't be so uninformed.

If you want to criticize obama, shouldn't you start a new thread for that?
I think he's drunk. His posts make no sense, somebody should help him type what he really means to say............:D There's no one, though.....they all have trouble spelling and putting coherent sentences together....they must be part of the group that demands everyone speak English....when they can't speak it themselves.....:banana:

You post that mess and criticize someone else for not being able to put together a coherent sentence? Clean up your own yard, hypocrite.
On the difference between Todd Palin and Barack Hussein Obama:

The Palin family has two boy children.

The Obama family has two girl children.

It takes a MAN to make a boy but any little prick can make a girl.

See, I can "do" liberal civility now that Dotty and Gummo have made families fair game!

Just wow.

On the difference between Todd Palin and Barack Hussein Obama:

The Palin family has two boy children.

The Obama family has two girl children.

It takes a MAN to make a boy but any little prick can make a girl.

See, I can "do" liberal civility now that Dotty and Gummo have made families fair game!

You are really very ignorant, and sexist on top of that. No wonder you are a conservative, you do hate women, don't you? Of course, you probably don't even understand what you just're so ignorant.
That..was an amazing post.

It was incredibly hateful of kids and women.
On the difference between Todd Palin and Barack Hussein Obama:

The Palin family has two boy children.

The Obama family has two girl children.

It takes a MAN to make a boy but any little prick can make a girl.

See, I can "do" liberal civility now that Dotty and Gummo have made families fair game!

You are really very ignorant, and sexist on top of that. No wonder you are a conservative, you do hate women, don't you? Of course, you probably don't even understand what you just're so ignorant.
That..was an amazing post.

It was incredibly hateful of kids and women.
A tenet of Conservatism. It shines through loudly and boldly often in their posts.
I'm sorry but I don't answer stupid questions.

Translation: I'm defeated, I have no answer to the question, so I'll respond with a nonsensical retort.

No need for translation. We all know you got nothing.

You got nothing. You made a statement that you couldn't back up with facts....typical conservative, then you hide behind your common shield....act dumb....:D

I said Obama is a quitter. It is a known fact the he resigned. Are you disputing that fact?

Your sock asked a stupid question that deserved no answer.
Say what?? You said esmeralda is my sock ... now you're saying Mertex is my sock too?? Who else do you hallucinate I am?

Dayam, you really are a fruit loop dingus. :cuckoo:

I'm not sure who's sock you are. But I'm fairly certain you're a sock.
Palin totally unnerves Progressives and unmasks them for the shill, frail, helpless little people they truly are, begging Big Daddy government to take care of them, provide for them, even love them, from cradle to grave
Satire works because its very close to reality. Such as here ... coming from the ditz who didn't know Africa is a continent, thought North Korea is our ally and who, along with Michelle Bachmann, wanted to retaliate with nuk-U-lur weapons against a cyber attack, this would not be at all surprising.

Read the entire letter at the link.


Sarah Palin Calls on Obama to Invade Ebola National Report
Dear Mr. President:

I call on you to immediately apply swift and immediate invasionary action against Ebola, located in [the] continent of Africa.

A dangerous and immediate threat to our freedoms and security is directly aimed at us from Ebola. It has demonstrated this against America and her allies and is inappropriate for us as a country. Because of the democratically elected traditions that you so obviously do not respect, I must ask you this: Why not put your past examples of outrageous abuses of power to good use and invade the evil Ebola empire?

- See more at: Sarah Palin Calls on Obama to Invade Ebola National Report
Satire works because its very close to reality. Such as here ... coming from the ditz who didn't know Africa is a continent, thought North Korea is our ally and who, along with Michelle Bachmann, wanted to retaliate with nuk-U-lur weapons against a cyber attack, this would not be at all surprising.

Read the entire letter at the link.


Sarah Palin Calls on Obama to Invade Ebola National Report
Dear Mr. President:

I call on you to immediately apply swift and immediate invasionary action against Ebola, located in [the] continent of Africa.

A dangerous and immediate threat to our freedoms and security is directly aimed at us from Ebola. It has demonstrated this against America and her allies and is inappropriate for us as a country. Because of the democratically elected traditions that you so obviously do not respect, I must ask you this: Why not put your past examples of outrageous abuses of power to good use and invade the evil Ebola empire?

- See more at: Sarah Palin Calls on Obama to Invade Ebola National Report

At least she knows Austrian isn't a language and it's Marine Corpsman not corpseman.

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