The Part of History You've Always Skipped | Neoslavery


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
Take an hour out of your life to educate yourself. We have been miseducated in America. What we have been taught is revised history. Bits and pieces left out to create a narrative of white supremacy. Or white primacy. Either way, we been taught lies. And because of that we have lived a national lie. In the 21st century, it's time to learn the truth.

This isn't really a history topic.

Slavery has been with humans since they crawled out of the mud, and it is still with them. It is a continuing fight.

Western civilization and the enlightenment has been at the vanguard at maybe, putting forward the idea, that we should get rid of it? :dunno:

Why attack western civilization, when it is the source of the philosophy that we should end slavery?

Attacking the modern US culture is shooting that notion in the foot, and the best source for fighting this abhorrent practice, that anyone should be enslaved. .

Countries that Still Have Slavery 2023​

Slavery is a system in which principles of property law are applied to people, enabling individuals to own, buy, and sell other individuals—designated "slaves"—as a form of property. Slaves are unable to withdraw from this arrangement and are typically forced to work for little to no pay. Slavery has played a role in the history of nearly every country on Earth and remains a massive problem in many places around the globe.

What is Modern Slavery and How Prevalent is It?

Many countries around the world have made slavery illegal but because of different forms of enslavement, 167 countries still have some form of modern slavery, which affects an estimated 46 million people worldwide. Modern slavery can be difficult to detect and recognize in many cases. This is because slavery has moved underground in most countries and because the definition of slavery has expanded and evolved over the past several decades.
For example, the U.S. Department of State defines modern slavery as "the act of recruiting, harboring, transporting, providing, or obtaining a person for compelled labor or commercial sex acts through the use of force, fraud or coercion." Similarly, a 2017 report from the International Labour Office describes modern slavery as not just laborers "owned" by other people, but also forced marriages, state-imposed forced labor, and victims of human trafficking and sexual exploitation.. .. "


This isn't really a history topic.

Slavery has been with humans since they crawled out of the mud, and it is still with them. It is a continuing fight.

Western civilization and the enlightenment has been at the vanguard at maybe, putting forward the idea, that we should get rid of it? :dunno:

Why attack western civilization, when it is the source of the philosophy that we should end slavery?

Attacking the modern US culture is shooting that notion in the foot, and the best source for fighting this abhorrent practice, that anyone should be enslaved. .

Countries that Still Have Slavery 2023​

Slavery is a system in which principles of property law are applied to people, enabling individuals to own, buy, and sell other individuals—designated "slaves"—as a form of property. Slaves are unable to withdraw from this arrangement and are typically forced to work for little to no pay. Slavery has played a role in the history of nearly every country on Earth and remains a massive problem in many places around the globe.

What is Modern Slavery and How Prevalent is It?

Many countries around the world have made slavery illegal but because of different forms of enslavement, 167 countries still have some form of modern slavery, which affects an estimated 46 million people worldwide. Modern slavery can be difficult to detect and recognize in many cases. This is because slavery has moved underground in most countries and because the definition of slavery has expanded and evolved over the past several decades.
For example, the U.S. Department of State defines modern slavery as "the act of recruiting, harboring, transporting, providing, or obtaining a person for compelled labor or commercial sex acts through the use of force, fraud or coercion." Similarly, a 2017 report from the International Labour Office describes modern slavery as not just laborers "owned" by other people, but also forced marriages, state-imposed forced labor, and victims of human trafficking and sexual exploitation.. .. "
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Yes it is a history topic and the subject is about what happened in America. So this stale tired tactic must stop. Therefore I'm reporting all replies like this one..
Take an hour out of your life to educate yourself. We have been miseducated in America. What we have been taught is revised history. Bits and pieces left out to create a narrative of white supremacy. Or white primacy. Either way, we been taught lies. And because of that we have lived a national lie. In the 21st century, it's time to learn the truth.

Well, I tried to listen to this but by 18 minutes into his "I'm sorry to be white" rant, I had to turn it off. A couple of things:
The 3/5th rule was in fact put in there by Jefferson. But, he's assuming that Jefferson owned slaves because he was inherently evil. There were strict laws involved in the North about slavery and allowing their slaves to go free. Something he didn't want to cover. See, the voting makeup at the time was such that disallowing 2/5ths or 40% of the Black population from the South would give the North a fighting chance to end slavery. The South miscalculated thinking they would still have the votes to stay in power enough to keep slavery going. Jefferson knew better. So, by 1808, they did end the importation of new slaves. Note how the narrator glossed over that when that was very important. Remember the 3/5th rule. Had the South been able to continue the importation of slaves, the South could have kept their power and Lincoln would not have been elected.

What this duffus does is what all liberal Democrats do today, lie about the intent of the Founding Fathers. The fact is, there would be no United States of America had the Founding Fathers attempted to eliminate slavery before the ratification of the Constitution was complete. And, they had to fool the South enough to get things like the 3/5th rule through along with the 1808 rule as well. Just because Jefferson had to keep his slaves or kill them if he tried to let them go, doesn't mean he still believed in slavery. It's weird how when Democrats get caught with a past like racism, they always claim they have changed and we are all supposed to believe they have. Robert Byrd was a KKK Wizard and Hillary Clinton praised him at his funeral. So, why should we not believe Jefferson had also changed concerning slavery? So, they did plan slavery to end.

It's sad that he also says the Emancipation Proclamation didn't have a thing about freeing the slaves. What he fails to connect is without the Emancipation Proclamation there would be no 13th Amendment. And, it did a lot because to enforce the Proclamation, the North had to invade the South and force it to happen. It was the reason for the Civil War to end slavery. Once the North controlled the South, the 13th Amendment could be voted on and ratified. He sees no cause and affect with any of this.

One other statement he put in the first 18 minutes was that our country really begun in 1619 is stupid too. The Colonies were not a separate country from England. And, his stupid statement on why people came here is dumber than dirt. Yes, people came because of religious persecution. But, Godless Democrats don't want us to know that. There were other reasons to come as well. But, freedom of religion was a very important part as for a reason being in the 1st Amendment and Bill of Rights. Maybe he mentions later that when the Revolutionary War began, there were more colonists who were against the Declaration of Independence than for it. Yes, the country was founded July 4th, 1776. Not a day before.
Well, I tried to listen to this but by 18 minutes into his "I'm sorry to be white" rant, I had to turn it off. A couple of things:
The 3/5th rule was in fact put in there by Jefferson. But, he's assuming that Jefferson owned slaves because he was inherently evil. There were strict laws involved in the North about slavery and allowing their slaves to go free. Something he didn't want to cover. See, the voting makeup at the time was such that disallowing 2/5ths or 40% of the Black population from the South would give the North a fighting chance to end slavery. The South miscalculated thinking they would still have the votes to stay in power enough to keep slavery going. Jefferson knew better. So, by 1808, they did end the importation of new slaves. Note how the narrator glossed over that when that was very important. Remember the 3/5th rule. Had the South been able to continue the importation of slaves, the South could have kept their power and Lincoln would not have been elected.

What this duffus does is what all liberal Democrats do today, lie about the intent of the Founding Fathers. The fact is, there would be no United States of America had the Founding Fathers attempted to eliminate slavery before the ratification of the Constitution was complete. And, they had to fool the South enough to get things like the 3/5th rule through along with the 1808 rule as well. Just because Jefferson had to keep his slaves or kill them if he tried to let them go, doesn't mean he still believed in slavery. It's weird how when Democrats get caught with a past like racism, they always claim they have changed and we are all supposed to believe they have. Robert Byrd was a KKK Wizard and Hillary Clinton praised him at his funeral. So, why should we not believe Jefferson had also changed concerning slavery? So, they did plan slavery to end.

It's sad that he also says the Emancipation Proclamation didn't have a thing about freeing the slaves. What he fails to connect is without the Emancipation Proclamation there would be no 13th Amendment. And, it did a lot because to enforce the Proclamation, the North had to invade the South and force it to happen. It was the reason for the Civil War to end slavery. Once the North controlled the South, the 13th Amendment could be voted on and ratified. He sees no cause and affect with any of this.

One other statement he put in the first 18 minutes was that our country really begun in 1619 is stupid too. The Colonies were not a separate country from England. And, his stupid statement on why people came here is dumber than dirt. Yes, people came because of religious persecution. But, Godless Democrats don't want us to know that. There were other reasons to come as well. But, freedom of religion was a very important part as for a reason being in the 1st Amendment and Bill of Rights. Maybe he mentions later that when the Revolutionary War began, there were more colonists who were against the Declaration of Independence than for it. Yes, the country was founded July 4th, 1776. Not a day before.
Drop the excuses and whitesplaning son.

Until you listen to it all, you have nothing to say that I will listen to. I have zero sympathy for whites who are so weak that they can't face the truth of their history in this country. We as blacks have had to face the fact that we were slaves and treated as less than human by laws in this country until 60 years ago. So you running away from a video because it's hard on whites just shows that you're a punk.
Yes it is a history topic and the subject is about what happened in America. So this stale tired tactic must stop. Therefore I'm reporting all replies like this one..
I viewed the index;

Viewed a few parts, and did not learn a whole lot I did not already know. Though, I had an honors History course in H.S. and got a 5 on my AP and tested out of most of that, for my general at University.

I think most of the folks we have at this site, know all of this information, TBH.

Although, after reading some of the comments, I was particularly interested in learning/reading this;


The State of Louisiana Literacy Test

IMO? Everyone that has Netflix, really should watch this documentary, if they don't already know this stuff;

13TH | FULL FEATURE | Netflix​

I viewed the the index;
View attachment 817608

Viewed a few parts, and did not learn a whole lot I did not already know. Though, I had an honors History course in H.S. and got a 5 on my AP and tested out of most of that, for my general at University.

I think most of the folks we have at this site, know all of this information, TBH.

Although, after reading some of the comments, I was particularly interested in learning/reading this;

View attachment 817612

The State of Louisiana Literacy Test
View attachment 817613

IMO? Everyone that has Netflix, really should watch this documentary, if they don't already know this stuff;

13TH | FULL FEATURE | Netflix​

I doubt that. Because it appears that you and most of the others like you here have no clue about the implications of the policies that have been enacted.

For example, I stated long ago that slavery did not end with the EP. And all of you dissed me. So whatever you say you studied must have missed that.
Yes it is a history topic and the subject is about what happened in America.
. . . and no, it is NOT a strictly historical topic, that is limited to one race. Involuntary servitude for economic or other control over people, i.e. "neoslavery," is still a problem, for the same reasons it has always been.

Trafficked in America (full documentary) | FRONTLINE​

Stay on topic or don't reply.
The only reply was a denial that the subject in the OP belonged in “History.” Were you “correcting” a fellow mod?

Also, wouldn’t it be cool if the OP had complied with the rules about what a video is all about? The shitty original post doesn’t even bother to define its own main term.
Take an hour out of your life to educate yourself. We have been miseducated in America. What we have been taught is revised history. Bits and pieces left out to create a narrative of white supremacy. Or white primacy. Either way, we been taught lies. And because of that we have lived a national lie. In the 21st century, it's time to learn the truth.

Try offering some intelligent commentary in your own typically racist original post. Define the terms used IN your original post. Why should anyone click your link or watch your video of you won’t even bother to offer a snippet about what it says?
The only reply was a denial that the subject in the OP belonged in “History.” Were you “correcting” a fellow mod?

Also, wouldn’t it be cool if the OP had complied with the rules about what a video is all about? The shitty original post doesn’t even bother to define its own main term.
I defer at all times to senior moderation.
I defer at all times to senior moderation.
We’ll be careful. He may have been talking directly at you. Or to you. Or whatever.

Meanwhile, I maintain that it is true that the OP failed to comply with the rules regarding the starting of threads, even if this thread does belong in “history.”
Drop the excuses and whitesplaning son.

Until you listen to it all, you have nothing to say that I will listen to. I have zero sympathy for whites who are so weak that they can't face the truth of their history in this country. We as blacks have had to face the fact that we were slaves and treated as less than human by laws in this country until 60 years ago. So you running away from a video because it's hard on whites just shows that you're a punk.
You haven't been treated as less than human by the laws of this country. So, stop with your excuses on why you can't make it in America. And, if you can make it, then stop with the nonsense why other blacks can't. Especially by trying to blame whites since it was whites 60 years ago voted in the Civil Rights Bill. And, it was Republicans that did it. It was also mainly whites in the North that gave their lives for your freedoms. 350,000 of whites died for you. That's plenty of reparations for you. AND... The Northern Founding Fathers you call racist would have had their balls removed and then killed had they lost the Revolutionary War. Same with Lincoln and the Northern Politicians. What have you done to deserve my sympathies? Burned up cities, rioted killing a hundred cops his past few years, rob and steal from stores a thousand times a day? What are your people doing to gather any decent reputations? Thugs, thief's and murderers. And, the sickest part is your people are killing themselves!!! Yet, you speak of people 250 years ago as the reason for your current bad behaviors. Everything I wrote above is true and the reasons are correct. It's you that is the punk.
You haven't been treated as less than human by the laws of this country. So, stop with your excuses on why you can't make it in America. And, if you can make it, then stop with the nonsense why other blacks can't. Especially by trying to blame whites since it was whites 60 years ago voted in the Civil Rights Bill. And, it was Republicans that did it. It was also mainly whites in the North that gave their lives for your freedoms. 350,000 of whites died for you. That's plenty of reparations for you. AND... The Northern Founding Fathers you call racist would have had their balls removed and then killed had they lost the Revolutionary War. Same with Lincoln and the Northern Politicians. What have you done to deserve my sympathies? Burned up cities, rioted killing a hundred cops his past few years, rob and steal from stores a thousand times a day? What are your people doing to gather any decent reputations? Thugs, thief's and murderers. And, the sickest part is your people are killing themselves!!! Yet, you speak of people 250 years ago as the reason for your current bad behaviors. Everything I wrote above is true and the reasons are correct. It's you that is the punk.
Blacks have also had TWO GENERATIONS of priority treatment for college and grad school admissions. No excuse as to why the black underclass couldn’t get out from under given that advantage.

But here’s the thing race-baiters like IM2 don’t want known: MOST blacks have moved to the working and middle class. They’re not the oppressed victims Democrats want us to believe.
understanding contemporary and/or neo-history means addressing all it's history, not 'skipping' the parts one does not wish to hear

Because it appears that you and most of the others like you here have no clue about the implications of the policies that have been enacted.
I stated long ago that slavery did not end with the EP. And all of you dissed me.

You have introduced a thread, which introduces this new term, "neoslavery." It only refers to the old notion, of In-group favoritism, and Out-Group's discrimination. America always has had a caste system, and I have never denied this, you know this. Why are you lying about me?

Your video is sophomoric, and on the level of a H.S. understanding IMO.

On where people of color who are not Black fit into the caste system

". . .There was a tremendous churning at the beginning of the 20th century of people who were arriving in these undetermined or middle groups that did not fit neatly into the bipolar structure that America had created. And at the beginning of the 20th century, there were petitions to the Supreme Court, petitions to the government, for clarity about where they would fit in. And they were often petitioning to be admitted to the dominant caste.

One of the examples, a Japanese immigrant petitioned to qualify for being Caucasian because he said, "My skin is actually whiter than many people that I identified as white in America. I should qualify to be considered Caucasian." And his petition was rejected by the Supreme Court. But these are all examples of the long-standing uncertainties about who fits where when you have a caste system that is bipolar [Black and white], such as the one that was created here. . . ."

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