The Party Of Amnesty Is Not The Working Man’s Friend

Then why did Reagan do it???

He didn't. Congress passed a amnesty and he just signed the bill with the promise of enforcement which never happened. YOU KNOW THAT. It never helps somebodies case if they act childish.
Yay. Another NumbersUSA parrot.

Just what we needed.

How exactly is Obama "trying his hardest" for amnesty?
Yay. Another NumbersUSA parrot.

Just what we needed.

How exactly is Obama "trying his hardest" for amnesty?

Are you kidding me? He's actually contemplating circumventing Congress and issuing an executive order pertaining to amnesty. In terms of trying hard, not even Jorge Bush approached that level of crazy.
Then why did Reagan do it???

He didn't. Congress passed a amnesty and he just signed the bill with the promise of enforcement which never happened. YOU KNOW THAT. It never helps somebodies case if they act childish.

Why of course Reagan is never guilty of anything, but he is the only president to grant amnesty to the illegals. He could have refused to sign..He could have sent the military to the border and they could have built the fence...You do know that the president signs a bill into a law??
Both parties are as guilty as sin, when it comes to accommodating Illegal Aliens.

Both parties are Vote Whores, when it comes to pandering to the Hispanic voting bloc, in connection with Illegal Aliens.

Both parties are full of shit clean up to their ears on the subject and are not to be trusted.
Both parties are as guilty as sin, when it comes to accommodating Illegal Aliens.

Both parties are Vote Whores, when it comes to pandering to the Hispanic voting bloc, in connection with Illegal Aliens.

Both parties are full of shit clean up to their ears on the subject and are not to be trusted.

Hence the rise of the TEA Party and their remarkable effort of primarying the wrong kind of Republican politicians. There is a massive disconnect between the conservative electorate and the Republicans in office.

You're right, both parties are part of the problem. The only reason we have this delay with regards to immigration reform is that Republicans are scared of being voted out of office by their supporters if they go along with the Democratic plan to import more democratic party voters. The Conservative electorate is the only thing saving this nation from this impending tragedy.
"Why of course Reagan is never guilty of anything". What? Nobody said that.

That was 1986. It's 2014. There was a promise of enforcement. Learn to read.

It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.
Then why did Reagan do it???

He didn't. Congress passed a amnesty and he just signed the bill with the promise of enforcement which never happened. YOU KNOW THAT. It never helps somebodies case if they act childish.

Why of course Reagan is never guilty of anything, but he is the only president to grant amnesty to the illegals. He could have refused to sign..He could have sent the military to the border and they could have built the fence...You do know that the president signs a bill into a law??
Democrats controlled both houses when Reagan was president, but he did better than Obama's failure when he has a majority.
Then why did Reagan do it???

He didn't. Congress passed a amnesty and he just signed the bill with the promise of enforcement which never happened. YOU KNOW THAT. It never helps somebodies case if they act childish.

Why of course Reagan is never guilty of anything, but he is the only president to grant amnesty to the illegals. He could have refused to sign..He could have sent the military to the border and they could have built the fence...You do know that the president signs a bill into a law??
Democrats controlled both houses when Reagan was president, but he did better than Obama's failure when he has a majority.
Then why did Reagan do it???

He didn't. Congress passed a amnesty and he just signed the bill with the promise of enforcement which never happened. YOU KNOW THAT. It never helps somebodies case if they act childish.

Why of course Reagan is never guilty of anything, but he is the only president to grant amnesty to the illegals. He could have refused to sign..He could have sent the military to the border and they could have built the fence...You do know that the president signs a bill into a law??
Democrats controlled both houses when Reagan was president, but he did better than Obama's failure when he has a majority.

Yes, because the politicians were different then, they believed in compromise for the good of the nation. Today's politicians are more self centered and have a personal agenda and do not want to compromise on a majority of issues...Today's politicians are like the ones in the era before the Civil War. The only exclusion was the Great Compromise...
Because Obama's supporters have no good argument to support Obama on his love of illegal aliens they always bring up Reagan. It's desperation.
Then why did Reagan do it???

He didn't. Congress passed a amnesty and he just signed the bill with the promise of enforcement which never happened. YOU KNOW THAT. It never helps somebodies case if they act childish.

Why of course Reagan is never guilty of anything, but he is the only president to grant amnesty to the illegals. He could have refused to sign..He could have sent the military to the border and they could have built the fence...You do know that the president signs a bill into a law??
Democrats controlled both houses when Reagan was president, but he did better than Obama's failure when he has a majority.

Yes, because the politicians were different then, they believed in compromise for the good of the nation. Today's politicians are more self centered and have a personal agenda and do not want to compromise on a majority of issues...Today's politicians are like the ones in the era before the Civil War. The only exclusion was the Great Compromise...
No Reagan trusted the democrats on segregation, and got screwed. He later said that he regretted doing it.
Then why did Reagan do it???

He didn't. Congress passed a amnesty and he just signed the bill with the promise of enforcement which never happened. YOU KNOW THAT. It never helps somebodies case if they act childish.

Exactly!! Libs get that wrong every time they try to do so! And still today, no enforcement..... You'd think we'd have learned our lesson....but noooOOOoooo! Drones care more for the Kardashians than the health and welfare of the last, greats hope....

Hell, even Mexico has stricter immigration policies that the US. How stupid are we? Oh wait, I know exactly how stupid we are....we twice elected the most ill-experienced man to ever get a national candidacy for our highest office.
Who was being segregated in the US?

People naturally segregate.

Blacks today mostly live with other blacks
Whites mostly live with other whites
Asians mostly live with other asians

This is reality....

Blacks were better off with their own kind.
Oh stfu- you were doing so well...

Pubs blocked enforcement and now the solution- the good SS/ID card included in the Schumer/ LINDSAY GRAHAM bill. YOU CAN"T DEPORT 10 MILLION PEOPLE< DIMWIT HATER DUPES>
And "Amnesty" is hardly the incredible bs they have to do to get citizenship...
Oh stfu- you were doing so well...

Pubs blocked enforcement and now the solution- the good SS/ID card included in the Schumer/ LINDSAY GRAHAM bill. YOU CAN"T DEPORT 10 MILLION PEOPLE< DIMWIT HATER DUPES>

I just discovered you to be a maroon.

1. Pubic hair has blocked nothing. Not crabs, not syphilis, not liberalism.
2. Your signature is about as dumb a thing as I have ever read. All the self-loathing, maleducated crap, and yet the U.S. remains the primary destination of the planets migrants. And your policies inevitably want to destroy that. Illogical, all... PLEASE debate me on any potion of that drivel...
3. No reasonable person is advocating deporting 11M people. Most conservatives simply ask to secure the boarder before any further discussion. And you lower yourself by ignoring that fact?

While I will be the first to concede that most republicans are not conservative, and thus have capitulated on many things, immigration and amnesty being but one, you cannot truthfully state they "blocked" immigration enforcement. Either the bill was riddled with expensive pork, or did not address the root problems, or Reid denied a debate/vote. Either way, our federal government as a HOLE (yes, misspelled for a reason), is the problem.

Too succinct to be comprehensive, I's a drive by thing. Please engage me on specifics later or elsewhere, as I bet it'll be fun fodder for me. The more I read your signature, the more I relish the thought....

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