The Party of Black Death & Mayhem

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Yup, it's the Democrats... stats on just one of their many failures to perform and improve the lives of the American people.

Interesting that even BLM, the Black Caucus and the NAACP could seemingly care less, it's not politically correct to blame the Democratic Party I guess even though they're in political control...:eusa_think:

2017 Stats | Chicago Murder, Crime & Mayhem | HeyJackass!
Aaaaaaand in comes Lumpster with his "Democrats invented Bubonic Plague" middle-finger salute to history. The latest installment in his series that includes such toe-tappin' tunes as "Democrats invented slavery", "Democrats invented ebola" and who can forget the all-time classic, "Democrats invented the common cold".

Where's the channel changer on this thing.....
Aaaaaaand in comes Lumpster with his "Democrats invented Bubonic Plague" middle-finger salute to history. The latest installment in his series that includes such toe-tappin' tunes as "Democrats invented slavery", "Democrats invented ebola" and who can forget the all-time classic, "Democrats invented the common cold".

Where's the channel changer on this thing.....

Looks like you need a distraction from the OP reality, Pogo Puss

Soo much suppressed guilt and liberal hypocrisy is my guess... :)
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Rob Emanuel (D) Mayor Of Chicago .. he's on the job, making Democrats sooo proud......:disbelief:

Yup, it's the Democrats... stats on just one of their many failures to perform and improve the lives of the American people.

Interesting that even BLM, the Black Caucus and the NAACP could seemingly care less, it's not politically correct to blame the Democratic Party I guess even though they're in political control...:eusa_think:

2017 Stats | Chicago Murder, Crime & Mayhem | HeyJackass!
Okay...Since taking office, what specific initiatives have Republicans undertaken that can be shown unequivocally to be causal in reducing the incidence of, say, homicide, in Chicago?

I have to ask that question because:
  • The Republicans are the ones in power now and have been for over a year.
  • While it's politically/rhetorically expedient and easy to point fingers elsewhere and identify what actions someone else didn't undertake and what outcomes their initiatives didn't achieve, the real proof comes from upon one's assuming power, what specific initiatives one undertakes and what specific outcomes those initiatives achieve(-ed).
As shown in the chart below, homicide rates go up and down, thus the mere fact that they are, for any given year, cannot be presumed to be due to any specific actions by the people in power at the time. That said, one can see quite clearly that Chicago homicide rates over the past eight years of federal Democratic leadership dropped dramatically from what it had been for about the past fifty years.

The chart below, which is found at the site to which the OP-er linked, also shows there is variability in crime rates.

2017 Chicago Homicide Trend

As the charts above importantly indicate, the average homicide trend in Chicago from 2009 to 2016 was ~464/year. To match the homicide rate reduction outcomes of Democrats (about a ~25% to ~35% decline from the prior ~50 years) -- be it decline due to circumstance or implementing specific initiatives -- Republicans, more precisely Trump, have a very long road to travel before they can claim anything near the observed outcome that endured for seven of the eight years in which Democrats, Obama, held the WH.
Yup, it's the Democrats... stats on just one of their many failures to perform and improve the lives of the American people.

Interesting that even BLM, the Black Caucus and the NAACP could seemingly care less, it's not politically correct to blame the Democratic Party I guess even though they're in political control...:eusa_think:

2017 Stats | Chicago Murder, Crime & Mayhem | HeyJackass!
Okay...Since taking office, what specific initiatives have Republicans undertaken that can be shown unequivocally to be causal in reducing the incidence of, say, homicide, in Chicago?

I have to ask that question because:
  • The Republicans are the ones in power now and have been for over a year.
  • While it's politically/rhetorically expedient and easy to point fingers elsewhere and identify what actions someone else didn't undertake and what outcomes their initiatives didn't achieve, the real proof comes from upon one's assuming power, what specific initiatives one undertakes and what specific outcomes those initiatives achieve(-ed).
As shown in the chart below, homicide rates go up and down, thus the mere fact that they are, for any given year, cannot be presumed to be due to any specific actions by the people in power at the time. That said, one can see quite clearly that Chicago homicide rates over the past eight years of federal Democratic leadership dropped dramatically from what it had been for about the past fifty years.

The chart below, which is found at the site to which the OP-er linked, also shows there is variability in crime rates.

2017 Chicago Homicide Trend

As the charts above importantly indicate, the average homicide trend in Chicago from 2009 to 2016 was ~464/year. To match the homicide rate reduction outcomes of Democrats (about a ~25% to ~35% decline from the prior ~50 years) -- be it decline due to circumstance or implementing specific initiatives -- Republicans, more precisely Trump, have a very long road to travel before they can claim anything near the observed outcome that endured for seven of the eight years in which Democrats, Obama, held the WH.

Lumpy's playing with his favorite toy, Wilful Ignorance. He likes to ignore the fact that these are cities, not countries, where political party affiliation is irrelevant except as regards entrenched machines --- there's clearly nothing "left" or "right" about deciding which day the Fourth Precinct gets it garbage picked up.

He also likes to ignore that cities everywhere are run by Democrats --- big cities, small cities, rich cities, poor cities, improving cities, decaying cities, nice cities, nasty cities... he prolly doesn't know that only recently in history have city governments affiliated with any political party at all, since they had no need to, or that the last Republican mayor of Chicago, Big Bill Thompson, was voted out of office for his cozying up to Al Capone and for his ethnic slurs against the opponent who beat him.

Then he falls back on the intentional conflation between cultural demographics and political parties. That seems to be the puerile children's game to which he reduces everything because he can't handle complexity or context.

Hey Lumpy.

Member the Great Flood that Noah built the ark for?
Democrats created that flood.

Watch him run with that....
I think it's gotta be wilful since rational analysis is in no way some obscure secret decoder ring thing. Wags like this apparently think deliberate ignorance is funny, or sump'm. I'm not sure how the Cult of Ignorance rationalizes its own existence actually.

It never ceases to amaze that message board posters continue to flood the joint with political-party-as-football-game fantasy, either having, or purporting to have, no clue as to what political parties do or why they exist. They seem to run with this lame and discredited comic book idea that a political party is some kind of social values force that stays fixed in one socio-ideological place, forever, as opposed to the simple cartel for consolidating power that it is.

The sheriff of my town ran for, and won, election as a Republican. The last time out he ran, and won, as a Democrat.
Same guy, same "policies" -- insofar as a local official can have "policies", as if sheriffing has jack cheese to do with political ideologies.. The Lumpsters of the world just can't explain how the Strom Thurmonds and the Arlen Specters and the Trent Lotts and the Jesse Helmses and the Richard Shelbys and the Frank Rizzoes and the Jim Justices are the same people as Republicans that they were as Democrats. Because if they tried to explain it their dichotomous comic book fantasy would flush right down the crapper, where it belongs.
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You do understand that those committing crimes such as murder are always focusing on planks of a political party...
BLM, NAACP, Black Causcus make NO sense at all
blacks murder EIGHT other blacks every DAY and they issue travel warnings against discrimination !!!!!???!!!
they don't issue travel warnings to stay away from other blacks---that are MURDERING
Yup, it's the Democrats... stats on just one of their many failures to perform and improve the lives of the American people.

Interesting that even BLM, the Black Caucus and the NAACP could seemingly care less, it's not politically correct to blame the Democratic Party I guess even though they're in political control...:eusa_think:

2017 Stats | Chicago Murder, Crime & Mayhem | HeyJackass!
Okay...Since taking office, what specific initiatives have Republicans undertaken that can be shown unequivocally to be causal in reducing the incidence of, say, homicide, in Chicago?

I have to ask that question because:
  • The Republicans are the ones in power now and have been for over a year.
  • While it's politically/rhetorically expedient and easy to point fingers elsewhere and identify what actions someone else didn't undertake and what outcomes their initiatives didn't achieve, the real proof comes from upon one's assuming power, what specific initiatives one undertakes and what specific outcomes those initiatives achieve(-ed).
As shown in the chart below, homicide rates go up and down, thus the mere fact that they are, for any given year, cannot be presumed to be due to any specific actions by the people in power at the time. That said, one can see quite clearly that Chicago homicide rates over the past eight years of federal Democratic leadership dropped dramatically from what it had been for about the past fifty years.

The chart below, which is found at the site to which the OP-er linked, also shows there is variability in crime rates.

2017 Chicago Homicide Trend

As the charts above importantly indicate, the average homicide trend in Chicago from 2009 to 2016 was ~464/year. To match the homicide rate reduction outcomes of Democrats (about a ~25% to ~35% decline from the prior ~50 years) -- be it decline due to circumstance or implementing specific initiatives -- Republicans, more precisely Trump, have a very long road to travel before they can claim anything near the observed outcome that endured for seven of the eight years in which Democrats, Obama, held the WH.

Lumpy's playing with his favorite toy, Wilful Ignorance. He likes to ignore the fact that these are cities, not countries, where political party affiliation is irrelevant except as regards entrenched machines --- there's clearly nothing "left" or "right" about deciding which day the Fourth Precinct gets it garbage picked up.

He also likes to ignore that cities everywhere are run by Democrats --- big cities, small cities, rich cities, poor cities, improving cities, decaying cities, nice cities, nasty cities... he prolly doesn't know that only recently in history have city governments affiliated with any political party at all, since they had no need to, or that the last Republican mayor of Chicago, Big Bill Thompson, was voted out of office for his cozying up to Al Capone and for his ethnic slurs against the opponent who beat him.

Then he falls back on the intentional conflation between cultural demographics and political parties. That seems to be the puerile children's game to which he reduces everything because he can't handle complexity or context.

Hey Lumpy.

Member the Great Flood that Noah built the ark for?
Democrats created that flood.

Watch him run with that....

You babble too much and say very little of consequence, I rarely read your posts, you're just too boring, delusional and really, no fun and too needy.
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Yup, it's the Democrats... stats on just one of their many failures to perform and improve the lives of the American people.

Interesting that even BLM, the Black Caucus and the NAACP could seemingly care less, it's not politically correct to blame the Democratic Party I guess even though they're in political control...:eusa_think:

2017 Stats | Chicago Murder, Crime & Mayhem | HeyJackass!
Okay...Since taking office, what specific initiatives have Republicans undertaken that can be shown unequivocally to be causal in reducing the incidence of, say, homicide, in Chicago?

I have to ask that question because:
  • The Republicans are the ones in power now and have been for over a year.
  • While it's politically/rhetorically expedient and easy to point fingers elsewhere and identify what actions someone else didn't undertake and what outcomes their initiatives didn't achieve, the real proof comes from upon one's assuming power, what specific initiatives one undertakes and what specific outcomes those initiatives achieve(-ed).
As shown in the chart below, homicide rates go up and down, thus the mere fact that they are, for any given year, cannot be presumed to be due to any specific actions by the people in power at the time. That said, one can see quite clearly that Chicago homicide rates over the past eight years of federal Democratic leadership dropped dramatically from what it had been for about the past fifty years.

The chart below, which is found at the site to which the OP-er linked, also shows there is variability in crime rates.

2017 Chicago Homicide Trend

As the charts above importantly indicate, the average homicide trend in Chicago from 2009 to 2016 was ~464/year. To match the homicide rate reduction outcomes of Democrats (about a ~25% to ~35% decline from the prior ~50 years) -- be it decline due to circumstance or implementing specific initiatives -- Republicans, more precisely Trump, have a very long road to travel before they can claim anything near the observed outcome that endured for seven of the eight years in which Democrats, Obama, held the WH.

Republicans are now in charge of Chicago and have been for a year and a half? The delusions are strong for this one. Rahm Emmanual is STILL the mayor, Democrats still control Chicago and to claim otherwise is just dishonest craziness.
Yup, it's the Democrats... stats on just one of their many failures to perform and improve the lives of the American people.

Interesting that even BLM, the Black Caucus and the NAACP could seemingly care less, it's not politically correct to blame the Democratic Party I guess even though they're in political control...:eusa_think:

2017 Stats | Chicago Murder, Crime & Mayhem | HeyJackass!
Okay...Since taking office, what specific initiatives have Republicans undertaken that can be shown unequivocally to be causal in reducing the incidence of, say, homicide, in Chicago?

I have to ask that question because:
  • The Republicans are the ones in power now and have been for over a year.
  • While it's politically/rhetorically expedient and easy to point fingers elsewhere and identify what actions someone else didn't undertake and what outcomes their initiatives didn't achieve, the real proof comes from upon one's assuming power, what specific initiatives one undertakes and what specific outcomes those initiatives achieve(-ed).
As shown in the chart below, homicide rates go up and down, thus the mere fact that they are, for any given year, cannot be presumed to be due to any specific actions by the people in power at the time. That said, one can see quite clearly that Chicago homicide rates over the past eight years of federal Democratic leadership dropped dramatically from what it had been for about the past fifty years.

The chart below, which is found at the site to which the OP-er linked, also shows there is variability in crime rates.

2017 Chicago Homicide Trend

As the charts above importantly indicate, the average homicide trend in Chicago from 2009 to 2016 was ~464/year. To match the homicide rate reduction outcomes of Democrats (about a ~25% to ~35% decline from the prior ~50 years) -- be it decline due to circumstance or implementing specific initiatives -- Republicans, more precisely Trump, have a very long road to travel before they can claim anything near the observed outcome that endured for seven of the eight years in which Democrats, Obama, held the WH.

Oh shit...

What are the criminals / dem voters going to do now?
Yup, it's the Democrats... stats on just one of their many failures to perform and improve the lives of the American people.

Interesting that even BLM, the Black Caucus and the NAACP could seemingly care less, it's not politically correct to blame the Democratic Party I guess even though they're in political control...:eusa_think:

2017 Stats | Chicago Murder, Crime & Mayhem | HeyJackass!
Okay...Since taking office, what specific initiatives have Republicans undertaken that can be shown unequivocally to be causal in reducing the incidence of, say, homicide, in Chicago?

I have to ask that question because:
  • The Republicans are the ones in power now and have been for over a year.
  • While it's politically/rhetorically expedient and easy to point fingers elsewhere and identify what actions someone else didn't undertake and what outcomes their initiatives didn't achieve, the real proof comes from upon one's assuming power, what specific initiatives one undertakes and what specific outcomes those initiatives achieve(-ed).
As shown in the chart below, homicide rates go up and down, thus the mere fact that they are, for any given year, cannot be presumed to be due to any specific actions by the people in power at the time. That said, one can see quite clearly that Chicago homicide rates over the past eight years of federal Democratic leadership dropped dramatically from what it had been for about the past fifty years.

The chart below, which is found at the site to which the OP-er linked, also shows there is variability in crime rates.

2017 Chicago Homicide Trend

As the charts above importantly indicate, the average homicide trend in Chicago from 2009 to 2016 was ~464/year. To match the homicide rate reduction outcomes of Democrats (about a ~25% to ~35% decline from the prior ~50 years) -- be it decline due to circumstance or implementing specific initiatives -- Republicans, more precisely Trump, have a very long road to travel before they can claim anything near the observed outcome that endured for seven of the eight years in which Democrats, Obama, held the WH.

Republicans are now in charge of Chicago and have been for a year and a half? The delusions are strong for this one. Rahm Emmanual is STILL the mayor, Democrats still control Chicago and to claim otherwise is just dishonest craziness.
Fine, but here's why that was the wrong tree to "bark up," dawg.

Then Republicans haven't been and aren't in charge in Chicago and Democrats are responsible for the material decline in the Chicago homicide rate from what it was prior to 2003 to what it was after 2004. Insofar as that is the case, the OP-er's gripe....
it's the Democrats... stats on just one of their many failures to perform and improve the lives of the American people.
... is baseless.


The OP-er can try citing Chicago homicides as an illustration of Democrats having failed to improve the lives of the American people, or you can indicate that in Chicago Democrats were in charge. Either way, you both have to deal with the fact that Chicago homicide rates dropped dramatically during Democrats' tenure in office and neither of you has reconciled that fact with the OP-er's thesis assertion.

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