The Party of Obama

I find it funny how republicans are simultaneously telling us how they did not own slaves and that we should be republicans because Lincoln freed us from slavery 160 years ago. But you see 12 years ago this country elected it's first black president. A democrat. Barack Obama. So why should we not be members of the party of Obama? Because Obama freed a whole lot of black people. Because of him, young black children are growing up knowing that no matter how long they have to fight racism they can beat it. There are young black kids growing up knowing they can maybe one day grow up and be president without getting shot and killed. And if not for an Obama we would not see the changes we're looking at to come.

So why should blacks abandon the party of Obama? We were republicans for 100 years and when we finally got civil rights, the republican party took a knee on us.

First they have to be educated, have healthy family structures and be safe in their neighborhoods and that's not happening where Democrats are in political control .. instead over many decades of Democratic Party failure and lack of support by Uncle Tom Democrats such as yourself they are used as merely fodder for your deranged political benefit and half witted political causes.

btw. Obama had a great opportunity to accomplish great things for Blacks but he failed miserably. Trump out benefited Blacks more in his first year in office than Obama & Biden did in 8 years.
They don't have to do shit you say. Economic development is what WE must have and republicans have been in political control too. trump hasn't done a damn thing for us and if Obama had done everything we wanted him to there would have been record unprecedented whining from whites like you.

So you lied and toyed with being a racist , yet admit Obama failed but you blame whites like me and not elected and otherwise selected Democrat political leadership that calls the shots in ghetto neighborhoods and depressed cities completely under their political control..

You don't care about poor Blacks, you just care about winning elections for more of the same Democratic Party failures, you are nothing more than a traitor to the people you falsely claim to care about and use for political fodder.
That bailout saved this country.
I don't think the 6+ million homeowners who lost their homes
the majority being black would agree

People got more money turning in a clunker car
then was spent on a homeowner to keep them in their house

$29 TRILLION DOLLARS and under Obama
more money was given to foreign countries then was used for HAMP

The bailout didn't save this country, it saved wealthy people and politicians
from dealing with angry mobs...the bailout prolonged the inevitable
I abandoned Obama the second he signed off on the bailout

I had every intention of voting for him, was super freaking excited to vote for him,
had signs in my window, wore blue ribbons, constantly telling someone to vote for him...
I didn't care that he was black...he wanted to change the way Washington does business
He wanted fiscal responsibility and accountability to tax payers

When he signed off on that bailout with John I felt like someone hit me upside the head,
ripped my heart out, stole my joy and tore the hope I had into a billion pieces
I had never felt so let down by someone I didn't know but thought I did
Truth be told, I felt like a fool for believing he was different...genuine

This is God's stage and we are merely players
That’s the thing...No one thought the black guy would support the wealthy criminals on Wall Street, who crashed the economy. No one thought the black guy would protect and enrich the extreme wealthy. No one thought the black guy would throw over 5 million people out of their homes...but that’s exactly what he did.
I find it funny how republicans are simultaneously telling us how they did not own slaves and that we should be republicans because Lincoln freed us from slavery 160 years ago. But you see 12 years ago this country elected it's first black president. A democrat. Barack Obama. So why should we not be members of the party of Obama? Because Obama freed a whole lot of black people. Because of him, young black children are growing up knowing that no matter how long they have to fight racism they can beat it. There are young black kids growing up knowing they can maybe one day grow up and be president without getting shot and killed. And if not for an Obama we would not see the changes we're looking at to come.

So why should blacks abandon the party of Obama? We were republicans for 100 years and when we finally got civil rights, the republican party took a knee on us.

Actually, Obama's ancestors owned slaves...

Until the Republicans freed them!!!
The first black president was a democrat. Republicans are not freeing anybody now. Instead you are bitching because symbols of slavery are being torn down.

Dems are the party of slavery and segregation and still oppress blacks today. Yes, blm and protesters are that stupid. Theyre tearing down statues such as matthias baldwin who was an abolitionist and grant who led the north against slavery.
That didn't happen. Your article is disingenuous. They are putting damage caused by Bush on Obama. But Obama was still the first black president.

Obama was the first Half-Black President. His mother was white and his grandmother was a “typical” white woman (his words, not mine). The US has yet to elect a President with two Black parents or a Black mother. Even if Kamala Harris becomes VP or even President one day, the US will still not have yet elected a President with two Black parents or a Black mother.

Looks like Democrats can’t go all in.
That didn't happen. Your article is disingenuous. They are putting damage caused by Bush on Obama. But Obama was still the first black president.

Obama was the first Half-Black President. His mother was white and his grandmother was a “typical” white woman (his words, not mine). The US has yet to elect a President with two Black parents or a Black mother. Even if Kamala Harris becomes VP or even President one day, the US will still not have yet elected a President with two Black parents or a Black mother.

Looks like Democrats can’t go all in.
Obama was the first black president. He would be black if he was on Americas Most Wanted so he is black now. Seems like republicans have a hard time accepting this.
"It" isn't Obama's party. "It" isn't Lincoln's party. "It" is the duopoly, committed only to its own power and continuation. America is too rich and too strong for this cabal to be in charge. It is not good for anyone except the constituency it represents, and that is not the people of the U.S. Yet, here we are.
"Race" is merely another means of diversion and division. When we tire of that, there will be another.
Race has been an issue from day one. It's not about a duopoly using race as a diversion.
Yes, "an" issue, and always divisive, trying to divide humans into categories that can be played off against each other and their best interests.
The biggest division and discrimination, of course, has been to the disfavor of what is actually the majority; women.
You righties crack me up. Live in your own fantasy land. Obama put this country back on track from a Republican disaster. Guess what? Biden will do the same with the dumpster fire handed to him. You wouldn’t know reality if she was a stripper on your lap.
That didn't happen. Your article is disingenuous. They are putting damage caused by Bush on Obama. But Obama was still the first black president.

Obama was the first Half-Black President. His mother was white and his grandmother was a “typical” white woman (his words, not mine). The US has yet to elect a President with two Black parents or a Black mother. Even if Kamala Harris becomes VP or even President one day, the US will still not have yet elected a President with two Black parents or a Black mother.

Looks like Democrats can’t go all in.
Obama was the first black president. He would be black if he was on Americas Most Wanted so he is black now. Seems like republicans have a hard time accepting this.

He is the first President to grow up with both White Privilege and Black Privilege.
Let me repeat:

Blacks were republicans for 100 years. When we got civil rights, republicans decided that extremism in the cause of liberty is no vice, turned their backs on us and began letting southern white racists become part of the party. So just cut the crap. trump hasn't done shit for blacks and the uncle toms are the blacks republicans throw at us to listen to. Because black republicans that don't deny that racism exists are part of the party, but you won't see them on fox news.

Understand? This is why we aren't republicans. Republicans took a knee on us. Now they want us to come back so they can implement policies that will put a chokehold on us. Your party is anti affirmative action, anti civil rights, anti voting rights but we are supposed to run to the republican party because trump quotes statistics about a situation his policies did not create.
That didn't happen. Your article is disingenuous. They are putting damage caused by Bush on Obama. But Obama was still the first black president.

Obama was the first Half-Black President. His mother was white and his grandmother was a “typical” white woman (his words, not mine). The US has yet to elect a President with two Black parents or a Black mother. Even if Kamala Harris becomes VP or even President one day, the US will still not have yet elected a President with two Black parents or a Black mother.

Looks like Democrats can’t go all in.
Obama was the first black president. He would be black if he was on Americas Most Wanted so he is black now. Seems like republicans have a hard time accepting this.

He is the first President to grow up with both White Privilege and Black Privilege.
There is no black privilege and he damn sure didn't get any white privileges growing up in the 60's and 70's.
You righties crack me up. Live in your own fantasy land. Obama put this country back on track from a Republican disaster. Guess what? Biden will do the same with the dumpster fire handed to him. You wouldn’t know reality if she was a stripper on your lap.
There it is again!

No one says W did a good job, but many on the left claim O did a good job. Yet, both men governed almost identically. They were blood brothers from different mothers.

Proof the MSM can still dupe millions of Americans.
That didn't happen. Your article is disingenuous. They are putting damage caused by Bush on Obama. But Obama was still the first black president.

Obama was the first Half-Black President. His mother was white and his grandmother was a “typical” white woman (his words, not mine). The US has yet to elect a President with two Black parents or a Black mother. Even if Kamala Harris becomes VP or even President one day, the US will still not have yet elected a President with two Black parents or a Black mother.

Looks like Democrats can’t go all in.
Obama was the first black president. He would be black if he was on Americas Most Wanted so he is black now. Seems like republicans have a hard time accepting this.

He is the first President to grow up with both White Privilege and Black Privilege.
There is no black privilege and he damn sure didn't get any white privileges growing up in the 60's and 70's.
Surely you don't deny his daughters benefit from the privilege of money
and having a father who was the president and a mother who was the first lady
That didn't happen. Your article is disingenuous. They are putting damage caused by Bush on Obama. But Obama was still the first black president.

Obama was the first Half-Black President. His mother was white and his grandmother was a “typical” white woman (his words, not mine). The US has yet to elect a President with two Black parents or a Black mother. Even if Kamala Harris becomes VP or even President one day, the US will still not have yet elected a President with two Black parents or a Black mother.

Looks like Democrats can’t go all in.
Obama was the first black president. He would be black if he was on Americas Most Wanted so he is black now. Seems like republicans have a hard time accepting this.

He is the first President to grow up with both White Privilege and Black Privilege.
There is no black privilege and he damn sure didn't get any white privileges growing up in the 60's and 70's.
Surely you don't deny his daughters benefit from the privilege of money
and having a father who was the president and a mother who was the first lady
O got more privilege than just about anyone.
You righties crack me up. Live in your own fantasy land. Obama put this country back on track from a Republican disaster. Guess what? Biden will do the same with the dumpster fire handed to him. You wouldn’t know reality if she was a stripper on your lap.
There it is again!

No one says W did a good job, but many on the left claim O did a good job. Yet, both men governed almost identically. They were blood brothers from different mothers.

Proof the MSM can still dupe millions of Americans.
Ahh, W isn’t a Republican. I’m sure you nuts will be denying Trump was ever a Republican. I got $100 on the way out the door this forum will be inundated with threads about how Trump was a democratic plant to ruin republicans as evident from all the pics of him hanging out with Dems his whole life.
We see that the word advantage has been replaced with the word privilege. English is becoming poorer and poorer each day.
That didn't happen. Your article is disingenuous. They are putting damage caused by Bush on Obama. But Obama was still the first black president.

Obama was the first Half-Black President. His mother was white and his grandmother was a “typical” white woman (his words, not mine). The US has yet to elect a President with two Black parents or a Black mother. Even if Kamala Harris becomes VP or even President one day, the US will still not have yet elected a President with two Black parents or a Black mother.

Looks like Democrats can’t go all in.
Obama was the first black president. He would be black if he was on Americas Most Wanted so he is black now. Seems like republicans have a hard time accepting this.

He is the first President to grow up with both White Privilege and Black Privilege.
There is no black privilege and he damn sure didn't get any white privileges growing up in the 60's and 70's.

I understand your denial of Black Privilege but you need to check Obama’s life in the 60s and 70s. His mother and grandparents were wealthy living in Hawaii where Obama went to the finest private school and young with predominant, wealthy whites. This is a great thing! I’m happy for him. I just don’t buy his bullshit that he “struggled”. You want to see struggle and dealing with racism and poverty? Contrast Obama’s upbringing with Ben Carson’s.
You righties crack me up. Live in your own fantasy land. Obama put this country back on track from a Republican disaster. Guess what? Biden will do the same with the dumpster fire handed to him. You wouldn’t know reality if she was a stripper on your lap.
There it is again!

No one says W did a good job, but many on the left claim O did a good job. Yet, both men governed almost identically. They were blood brothers from different mothers.

Proof the MSM can still dupe millions of Americans.
Ahh, W isn’t a Republican. I’m sure you nuts will be denying Trump was ever a Republican. I got $100 on the way out the door this forum will be inundated with threads about how Trump was a democratic plant to ruin republicans as evident from all the pics of him hanging out with Dems his whole life.
What? That is not a rebuttal. I’m not an R and I won’t vote for dumb Don, but I do know I’m much smarter than you.

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