The Party of Obama

I find it funny how republicans are simultaneously telling us how they did not own slaves and that we should be republicans because Lincoln freed us from slavery 160 years ago. But you see 12 years ago this country elected it's first black president. A democrat. Barack Obama. So why should we not be members of the party of Obama? Because Obama freed a whole lot of black people. Because of him, young black children are growing up knowing that no matter how long they have to fight racism they can beat it. There are young black kids growing up knowing they can maybe one day grow up and be president without getting shot and killed. And if not for an Obama we would not see the changes we're looking at to come.

So why should blacks abandon the party of Obama? We were republicans for 100 years and when we finally got civil rights, the republican party took a knee on us.

The Hussein “freed” black people?

Jesus, how delusional can Dems get?
Zero delusions here son. But your the Hussein reference shows me you're a loon.
Obama was a smooth-talking, smiling war criminal who destroyed entire countries and murdered hundreds of thousands of innocents.

No, the “whole world” does not miss him. Only dupes miss that fraud.

The black mascot for Wall Street.

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