The Party of Obama

Actually, there's no evidence of that...

And SNOPES won't even back up your claim!!!

But we DO know that Obama and Biden are both descendants of slave owners, so maybe you can call THEM and demand that THEY pay you reparations!!!
Americans are woefully uninformed about American history...

Actually, there's no evidence of that...

And SNOPES won't even back up your claim!!!

But we DO know that Obama and Biden are both descendants of slave owners, so maybe you can call THEM and demand that THEY pay you reparations!!!
Americans are woefully uninformed about American history...

Evidently, SOME Americans are woefully misinformed about history, or you would know the Confederacy was formed by butthurt Democrats...

You know, the folks that wanted to keep their slaves!!!

As a matter of fact, Biden's great-grandaddy (Joseph J Biden) was a slave owner and fought for the Confederacy!!!

And BTW, the ACLU is partisan, racist, and a downright joke...
Evidently, SOME Americans are woefully misinformed about history, or you would know the Confederacy was formed by butthurt Democrats...

You know, the folks that wanted to keep their slaves!!!

As a matter of fact, Biden's great-grandaddy (Joseph J Biden) was a slave owner and fought for the Confederacy!!!

And BTW, the ACLU is partisan, racist, and a downright joke...
Are you going to watch the video hack?
Evidently, SOME Americans are woefully misinformed about history, or you would know the Confederacy was formed by butthurt Democrats...

You know, the folks that wanted to keep their slaves!!!

As a matter of fact, Biden's great-grandaddy (Joseph J Biden) was a slave owner and fought for the Confederacy!!!

And BTW, the ACLU is partisan, racist, and a downright joke...
Are you going to watch the video hack?
Over an hour and a half of bullshit???

Do you think everybody else is a welfare leech, and have nothing to do but waste all their time watching crap videos???
You righties crack me up. Live in your own fantasy land. Obama put this country back on track from a Republican disaster. Guess what? Biden will do the same with the dumpster fire handed to him. You wouldn’t know reality if she was a stripper on your lap.

Bullshit .. it was Democrat inaction/government disaster .. Obama further screwed up and ended up with doubling the national debt along with an anemic economy and a cowards foreign policy.


Eh, we've already established that you can't handle the truth "Tom" .. ;)
You haven't established shit and calling me tom is a joke since your white ass calling me a tom means nothing. When the blacks he call me a tom, then I will be concerned.

:laugh: ... I'm glad the real IM2 has finally showed up ..

I'll go with "Slow Tom" if you'd like given that you can't blame the political Party that suppressed/suppresses "your people" and uses them like fodder especially in election years.
When the financial system finally collapses it will not be pretty, more so for Africans
Africans may have been freed physically from forced slavery but mentally
the overwhelming majority have been kept slaves
Calling African Americans Africans is stupid. Don’t you know this?
Who the fuck made your white ass the arbiter of what we describe as our heritage?
Who the fuck made your black ass the arbiter of black heritage?
Evidently, SOME Americans are woefully misinformed about history, or you would know the Confederacy was formed by butthurt Democrats...

You know, the folks that wanted to keep their slaves!!!

As a matter of fact, Biden's great-grandaddy (Joseph J Biden) was a slave owner and fought for the Confederacy!!!

And BTW, the ACLU is partisan, racist, and a downright joke...
Are you going to watch the video hack?
Over an hour and a half of bullshit???

Do you think everybody else is a welfare leech, and have nothing to do but waste all their time watching crap videos???
Look at the date of joining and the amount of posts most posters make. You'll see which ones are shiftless with nothing to do.

Speaking of which what did you do with yourself all day?
Evidently, SOME Americans are woefully misinformed about history, or you would know the Confederacy was formed by butthurt Democrats...

You know, the folks that wanted to keep their slaves!!!

As a matter of fact, Biden's great-grandaddy (Joseph J Biden) was a slave owner and fought for the Confederacy!!!

And BTW, the ACLU is partisan, racist, and a downright joke...
Are you going to watch the video hack?
Over an hour and a half of bullshit???

Do you think everybody else is a welfare leech, and have nothing to do but waste all their time watching crap videos???
Look at the date of joining and the amount of posts most posters make. You'll see which ones are shiftless with nothing to do.

Speaking of which what did you do with yourself all day?
I worked...

That's why I'm not on here all the time demanding free money (AKA "reparations") to get by...
Evidently, SOME Americans are woefully misinformed about history, or you would know the Confederacy was formed by butthurt Democrats...

You know, the folks that wanted to keep their slaves!!!

As a matter of fact, Biden's great-grandaddy (Joseph J Biden) was a slave owner and fought for the Confederacy!!!

And BTW, the ACLU is partisan, racist, and a downright joke...
Are you going to watch the video hack?
Over an hour and a half of bullshit???

Do you think everybody else is a welfare leech, and have nothing to do but waste all their time watching crap videos???
Look at the date of joining and the amount of posts most posters make. You'll see which ones are shiftless with nothing to do.

Speaking of which what did you do with yourself all day?

I'm looking at both your join dates and post numbers

You average 2,283 posts a year, 190 a month

Obi averages 1,947 posts a year, 162 a month,
which is higher than her #'s actually are because I just used 5(yrs)
and didn't account for her additional 3 months which would have lowered her #'s

I'm looking at both your join dates and post numbers

You average 2,283 posts a year, 190 a month

Obi averages 1,947 posts a year, 162 a month,
which is higher than her #'s actually are because I just used 5(yrs)
and didn't account for her additional 3 months which would have lowered her #'s
Now compare your findings to the rest of your fellow USMB rightwing posters.
I find it funny how republicans are simultaneously telling us how they did not own slaves and that we should be republicans because Lincoln freed us from slavery 160 years ago. But you see 12 years ago this country elected it's first black president. A democrat. Barack Obama. So why should we not be members of the party of Obama? Because Obama freed a whole lot of black people. Because of him, young black children are growing up knowing that no matter how long they have to fight racism they can beat it. There are young black kids growing up knowing they can maybe one day grow up and be president without getting shot and killed. And if not for an Obama we would not see the changes we're looking at to come.

So why should blacks abandon the party of Obama? We were republicans for 100 years and when we finally got civil rights, the republican party took a knee on us.

Every time I hear Obama speak I can’t help but say out loud, fucking liar!
Trumpsters transparently focus on history because they don't want to acknowledge the present.

Hey, it's how they're trained.

The present is the fact that obama is a racist.....he is allies with the biggest racist hustlers in the country, al sharpton, jeremiah wright and louis farrakhan........he exploited race for power. The core groups of the modern democrat party are racist to their core........

the democrat party is the home of racism. When people say institutional racism...the only institution in this country that is racist is the democrat party and it's allies.
I find it funny how republicans are simultaneously telling us how they did not own slaves and that we should be republicans because Lincoln freed us from slavery 160 years ago. But you see 12 years ago this country elected it's first black president. A democrat. Barack Obama. So why should we not be members of the party of Obama? Because Obama freed a whole lot of black people. Because of him, young black children are growing up knowing that no matter how long they have to fight racism they can beat it. There are young black kids growing up knowing they can maybe one day grow up and be president without getting shot and killed. And if not for an Obama we would not see the changes we're looking at to come.

So why should blacks abandon the party of Obama? We were republicans for 100 years and when we finally got civil rights, the republican party took a knee on us.

First they have to be educated, have healthy family structures and be safe in their neighborhoods and that's not happening where Democrats are in political control .. instead over many decades of Democratic Party failure and lack of support by Uncle Tom Democrats such as yourself they are used as merely fodder for your deranged political benefit and half witted political causes.

btw. Obama had a great opportunity to accomplish great things for Blacks but he failed miserably. Trump out benefited Blacks more in his first year in office than Obama & Biden did in 8 years.

Black lives matter to the democrat party for a few weeks every two years....after the election they don't care what happens to you can see in the cities that have been under democrat party control for decades......the sad thing is that Blacks keep voting for the democrat party.....the party that destroys Black families and the lives of Black children.....
the democrat party is the home of racism.

This is pipe dream shit meant to feed the n-I-g-g-e-r-s and the s-p-I-c-s because they're stupid enough to believe that shit.
Today blacks act like animals because they are BARELY evolved past the Ape and need a strong central figure (the white man) to keep them in place and acting like normal people.
Sick of their shit and we should not hide it anymore. When they call me a fucking racist, and I say you damn right I am!!! Fuck those fucking people!
Why do Browns ("people of color") feel compelled to steal, assault, rape, murder Whites, their obvious superior beings? Browns should be worshiping Whites instead of being jealous douchebag criminals.'
Blacks... prone to violence, think they're still in the jungle, low IQ blacks.
How can you look at the world and not see that ALL ADVANCEMENTS came from Europe and America? Yeah, we're the superior race on the earth. All others developed because of whites
Look, he is actually intelligent and an actual person of color! How often does that happen?
“We swear muthafuckers, you take our beaners from us and we’ll come for your guns one day” Filthy fucks!
MAGA! This is great news! Everything is falling into place so we can build the Wall and thwart this invasion of brown diseease ridden third worlders who are a threat to our sovereignty, culture and American traditions.
Being the elected representative of a bunch of dumbass ghetto Jungle Monkeys doesn't take intelligence. It take a ghetto dialect and a promise to get them more welfare.
Valerie Jarrett.... Is she that light skinned negro who looks like that ape in Planet of the Apes (negroes?)
I thought she was an ape...Next you'll be telling me Mooch isn't really a shaved wookie.
The asians made fun of obama.....the asians refer to negroes as 'monkey people' and not in jest....they are serious....and why shouldn't they be?
Pay the pavement ape or he will get very angry and burn his house down.
Yawn, Kambala wants every African American crack addict to have their own home while White, Red, and Yellow Americans some disabled vets rot on the street.
Nigga's acting like a Nigga...must be part of the Thugery... most blacks don't act like that!
Engage me and die, n'gr.
Folks, you couldn't today pay me enough to live anywhere near a large black population.
I believe the black race is inferior to both the white and yellow races....I can prove it by taking a look at the world map and income, innovation/scientific discoveries, and prison populations. Maybe you have some other mysterious way of defining the word but you never seem to say what it is.
Most intelligent people understand how stupid blacks are....average i.q. of 85.....being one you should know.
Come on people you blacks are better than this shit every fucking week....stand BEHIND your police, you do the crime you get locked fuck with THE MAN, he has every right to beat the shit out of you, and your community standing behind you just shows what stupid, low life idiots you are!
Fuck off House Negro. Shine my boots bitch
You're talking about balkanization. I'm all for it. I'm also for restoring the 1790 Naturalization Act, the very first legislation by the first Congress making only White people U.S. Citizens.
Hasn't it been proven, in the last few days, that blacks are incapable of living in the environment of civilization? Send them back to Africa.
..just like Africa is the shithole of the world, the black US communities mirror that
You can take a negro out of the ghetto. But you can't take the ghetto out of the negro.
Last edited:
  • Love
Reactions: IM2
the democrat party is the home of racism.

This is pipe dream shit meant to feed the n-I-g-g-e-r-s and the s-p-I-c-s because they're stupid enough to believe that shit.
Today blacks act like animals because they are BARELY evolved past the Ape and need a strong central figure (the white man) to keep them in place and acting like normal people.
Sick of their shit and we should not hide it anymore. When they call me a fucking racist, and I say you damn right I am!!! Fuck those fucking people!
Why do Browns ("people of color") feel compelled to steal, assault, rape, murder Whites, their obvious superior beings? Browns should be worshiping Whites instead of being jealous douchebag criminals.'
Blacks... prone to violence, think they're still in the jungle, low IQ blacks.
How can you look at the world and not see that ALL ADVANCEMENTS came from Europe and America? Yeah, we're the superior race on the earth. All others developed because of whites
Look, he is actually intelligent and an actual person of color! How often does that happen?
“We swear muthafuckers, you take our beaners from us and we’ll come for your guns one day” Filthy fucks!
MAGA! This is great news! Everything is falling into place so we can build the Wall and thwart this invasion of brown diseease ridden third worlders who are a threat to our sovereignty, culture and American traditions.
Being the elected representative of a bunch of dumbass ghetto Jungle Monkeys doesn't take intelligence. It take a ghetto dialect and a promise to get them more welfare.
Valerie Jarrett.... Is she that light skinned negro who looks like that ape in Planet of the Apes (negroes?)
I thought she was an ape...Next you'll be telling me Mooch isn't really a shaved wookie.
The asians made fun of obama.....the asians refer to negroes as 'monkey people' and not in jest....they are serious....and why shouldn't they be?
Pay the pavement ape or he will get very angry and burn his house down.
Yawn, Kambala wants every African American crack addict to have their own home while White, Red, and Yellow Americans some disabled vets rot on the street.
Nigga's acting like a Nigga...must be part of the Thugery... most blacks don't act like that!
Engage me and die, n'gr.
Folks, you couldn't today pay me enough to live anywhere near a large black population.
I believe the black race is inferior to both the white and yellow races....I can prove it by taking a look at the world map and income, innovation/scientific discoveries, and prison populations. Maybe you have some other mysterious way of defining the word but you never seem to say what it is.
Most intelligent people understand how stupid blacks are....average i.q. of 85.....being one you should know.
Come on people you blacks are better than this shit every fucking week....stand BEHIND your police, you do the crime you get locked fuck with THE MAN, he has every right to beat the shit out of you, and your community standing behind you just shows what stupid, low life idiots you are!
Fuck off House Negro. Shine my boots bitch
Hasn't it been proven, in the last few days, that blacks are incapable of living in the environment of civilization? Send them back to Africa.
..just like Africa is the shithole of the world, the black US communities mirror that
You can take a negro out of the ghetto. But you can't take the ghetto out of the negro.

As Andrew Klavan points out.....the nut jobs on the Right are reserved to the internet.....the racist asshats on the left make up the core of the democrat party leadership.....big difference.....

I did notice that you refuse to address the fact that obama is a racist....who has friends and allies who are the biggest racists in the country....but, there are some posters on U.S.messageboard who post racist things.........I can see the difference......

A democrat party actual racist....vs........posters on the internet....

You really are dim...
the democrat party is the home of racism.

This is pipe dream shit meant to feed the n-I-g-g-e-r-s and the s-p-I-c-s because they're stupid enough to believe that shit.
Today blacks act like animals because they are BARELY evolved past the Ape and need a strong central figure (the white man) to keep them in place and acting like normal people.
Sick of their shit and we should not hide it anymore. When they call me a fucking racist, and I say you damn right I am!!! Fuck those fucking people!
Why do Browns ("people of color") feel compelled to steal, assault, rape, murder Whites, their obvious superior beings? Browns should be worshiping Whites instead of being jealous douchebag criminals.'
Blacks... prone to violence, think they're still in the jungle, low IQ blacks.
How can you look at the world and not see that ALL ADVANCEMENTS came from Europe and America? Yeah, we're the superior race on the earth. All others developed because of whites
Look, he is actually intelligent and an actual person of color! How often does that happen?
“We swear muthafuckers, you take our beaners from us and we’ll come for your guns one day” Filthy fucks!
MAGA! This is great news! Everything is falling into place so we can build the Wall and thwart this invasion of brown diseease ridden third worlders who are a threat to our sovereignty, culture and American traditions.
Being the elected representative of a bunch of dumbass ghetto Jungle Monkeys doesn't take intelligence. It take a ghetto dialect and a promise to get them more welfare.
Valerie Jarrett.... Is she that light skinned negro who looks like that ape in Planet of the Apes (negroes?)
I thought she was an ape...Next you'll be telling me Mooch isn't really a shaved wookie.
The asians made fun of obama.....the asians refer to negroes as 'monkey people' and not in jest....they are serious....and why shouldn't they be?
Pay the pavement ape or he will get very angry and burn his house down.
Yawn, Kambala wants every African American crack addict to have their own home while White, Red, and Yellow Americans some disabled vets rot on the street.
Nigga's acting like a Nigga...must be part of the Thugery... most blacks don't act like that!
Engage me and die, n'gr.
Folks, you couldn't today pay me enough to live anywhere near a large black population.
I believe the black race is inferior to both the white and yellow races....I can prove it by taking a look at the world map and income, innovation/scientific discoveries, and prison populations. Maybe you have some other mysterious way of defining the word but you never seem to say what it is.
Most intelligent people understand how stupid blacks are....average i.q. of 85.....being one you should know.
Come on people you blacks are better than this shit every fucking week....stand BEHIND your police, you do the crime you get locked fuck with THE MAN, he has every right to beat the shit out of you, and your community standing behind you just shows what stupid, low life idiots you are!
Fuck off House Negro. Shine my boots bitch
Hasn't it been proven, in the last few days, that blacks are incapable of living in the environment of civilization? Send them back to Africa.
..just like Africa is the shithole of the world, the black US communities mirror that
You can take a negro out of the ghetto. But you can't take the ghetto out of the negro.

As Andrew Klavan points out.....the nut jobs on the Right are reserved to the internet.....the racist asshats on the left make up the core of the democrat party leadership.....big difference.....

I did notice that you refuse to address the fact that obama is a racist....who has friends and allies who are the biggest racists in the country....but, there are some posters on U.S.messageboard who post racist things.........I can see the difference......

A democrat party actual racist....vs........posters on the internet....

You really are dim...
You are what you are. Play all the games you want.
  • Love
Reactions: IM2
the democrat party is the home of racism.

This is pipe dream shit meant to feed the n-I-g-g-e-r-s and the s-p-I-c-s because they're stupid enough to believe that shit.
Today blacks act like animals because they are BARELY evolved past the Ape and need a strong central figure (the white man) to keep them in place and acting like normal people.
Sick of their shit and we should not hide it anymore. When they call me a fucking racist, and I say you damn right I am!!! Fuck those fucking people!
Why do Browns ("people of color") feel compelled to steal, assault, rape, murder Whites, their obvious superior beings? Browns should be worshiping Whites instead of being jealous douchebag criminals.'
Blacks... prone to violence, think they're still in the jungle, low IQ blacks.
How can you look at the world and not see that ALL ADVANCEMENTS came from Europe and America? Yeah, we're the superior race on the earth. All others developed because of whites
Look, he is actually intelligent and an actual person of color! How often does that happen?
“We swear muthafuckers, you take our beaners from us and we’ll come for your guns one day” Filthy fucks!
MAGA! This is great news! Everything is falling into place so we can build the Wall and thwart this invasion of brown diseease ridden third worlders who are a threat to our sovereignty, culture and American traditions.
Being the elected representative of a bunch of dumbass ghetto Jungle Monkeys doesn't take intelligence. It take a ghetto dialect and a promise to get them more welfare.
Valerie Jarrett.... Is she that light skinned negro who looks like that ape in Planet of the Apes (negroes?)
I thought she was an ape...Next you'll be telling me Mooch isn't really a shaved wookie.
The asians made fun of obama.....the asians refer to negroes as 'monkey people' and not in jest....they are serious....and why shouldn't they be?
Pay the pavement ape or he will get very angry and burn his house down.
Yawn, Kambala wants every African American crack addict to have their own home while White, Red, and Yellow Americans some disabled vets rot on the street.
Nigga's acting like a Nigga...must be part of the Thugery... most blacks don't act like that!
Engage me and die, n'gr.
Folks, you couldn't today pay me enough to live anywhere near a large black population.
I believe the black race is inferior to both the white and yellow races....I can prove it by taking a look at the world map and income, innovation/scientific discoveries, and prison populations. Maybe you have some other mysterious way of defining the word but you never seem to say what it is.
Most intelligent people understand how stupid blacks are....average i.q. of 85.....being one you should know.
Come on people you blacks are better than this shit every fucking week....stand BEHIND your police, you do the crime you get locked fuck with THE MAN, he has every right to beat the shit out of you, and your community standing behind you just shows what stupid, low life idiots you are!
Fuck off House Negro. Shine my boots bitch
Hasn't it been proven, in the last few days, that blacks are incapable of living in the environment of civilization? Send them back to Africa.
..just like Africa is the shithole of the world, the black US communities mirror that
You can take a negro out of the ghetto. But you can't take the ghetto out of the negro.

As Andrew Klavan points out.....the nut jobs on the Right are reserved to the internet.....the racist asshats on the left make up the core of the democrat party leadership.....big difference.....

I did notice that you refuse to address the fact that obama is a racist....who has friends and allies who are the biggest racists in the country....but, there are some posters on U.S.messageboard who post racist things.........I can see the difference......

A democrat party actual racist....vs........posters on the internet....

You really are dim...
You are what you are. Play all the games you want.

And you still didn't address the fact that the democrat the party of actual racism. You compare the democrat party and it's leader to guys on the internet at the democrat party followers burn, loot and kill in democrat party cities....targeting primarily Black neighborhoods for the burning, looting and destruction just before an election....... are dim.
I find it funny how republicans are simultaneously telling us how they did not own slaves and that we should be republicans because Lincoln freed us from slavery 160 years ago. But you see 12 years ago this country elected it's first black president. A democrat. Barack Obama. So why should we not be members of the party of Obama? Because Obama freed a whole lot of black people. Because of him, young black children are growing up knowing that no matter how long they have to fight racism they can beat it. There are young black kids growing up knowing they can maybe one day grow up and be president without getting shot and killed. And if not for an Obama we would not see the changes we're looking at to come.

So why should blacks abandon the party of Obama? We were republicans for 100 years and when we finally got civil rights, the republican party took a knee on us.

First they have to be educated, have healthy family structures and be safe in their neighborhoods and that's not happening where Democrats are in political control .. instead over many decades of Democratic Party failure and lack of support by Uncle Tom Democrats such as yourself they are used as merely fodder for your deranged political benefit and half witted political causes.

btw. Obama had a great opportunity to accomplish great things for Blacks but he failed miserably. Trump out benefited Blacks more in his first year in office than Obama & Biden did in 8 years.

Black lives matter to the democrat party for a few weeks every two years....after the election they don't care what happens to you can see in the cities that have been under democrat party control for decades......the sad thing is that Blacks keep voting for the democrat party.....the party that destroys Black families and the lives of Black children.....
Republicans run for offices in those cities and lose. If what they had to offer was so much better they wouldn't. Republicans are the anti black party. Democrats have not destroyed anything. White racism has.
I find it funny how republicans are simultaneously telling us how they did not own slaves and that we should be republicans because Lincoln freed us from slavery 160 years ago. But you see 12 years ago this country elected it's first black president. A democrat. Barack Obama. So why should we not be members of the party of Obama? Because Obama freed a whole lot of black people. Because of him, young black children are growing up knowing that no matter how long they have to fight racism they can beat it. There are young black kids growing up knowing they can maybe one day grow up and be president without getting shot and killed. And if not for an Obama we would not see the changes we're looking at to come.

So why should blacks abandon the party of Obama? We were republicans for 100 years and when we finally got civil rights, the republican party took a knee on us.

First they have to be educated, have healthy family structures and be safe in their neighborhoods and that's not happening where Democrats are in political control .. instead over many decades of Democratic Party failure and lack of support by Uncle Tom Democrats such as yourself they are used as merely fodder for your deranged political benefit and half witted political causes.

btw. Obama had a great opportunity to accomplish great things for Blacks but he failed miserably. Trump out benefited Blacks more in his first year in office than Obama & Biden did in 8 years.

Black lives matter to the democrat party for a few weeks every two years....after the election they don't care what happens to you can see in the cities that have been under democrat party control for decades......the sad thing is that Blacks keep voting for the democrat party.....the party that destroys Black families and the lives of Black children.....
Republicans run for offices in those cities and lose. If what they had to offer was so much better they wouldn't. Republicans are the anti black party. Democrats have not destroyed anything. White racism has.
The thing is Ds haven’t done anything for blacks either.

Yet another example of how the two criminal gangs are very much alike.
the democrat party is the home of racism.

This is pipe dream shit meant to feed the n-I-g-g-e-r-s and the s-p-I-c-s because they're stupid enough to believe that shit.
Today blacks act like animals because they are BARELY evolved past the Ape and need a strong central figure (the white man) to keep them in place and acting like normal people.
Sick of their shit and we should not hide it anymore. When they call me a fucking racist, and I say you damn right I am!!! Fuck those fucking people!
Why do Browns ("people of color") feel compelled to steal, assault, rape, murder Whites, their obvious superior beings? Browns should be worshiping Whites instead of being jealous douchebag criminals.'
Blacks... prone to violence, think they're still in the jungle, low IQ blacks.
How can you look at the world and not see that ALL ADVANCEMENTS came from Europe and America? Yeah, we're the superior race on the earth. All others developed because of whites
Look, he is actually intelligent and an actual person of color! How often does that happen?
“We swear muthafuckers, you take our beaners from us and we’ll come for your guns one day” Filthy fucks!
MAGA! This is great news! Everything is falling into place so we can build the Wall and thwart this invasion of brown diseease ridden third worlders who are a threat to our sovereignty, culture and American traditions.
Being the elected representative of a bunch of dumbass ghetto Jungle Monkeys doesn't take intelligence. It take a ghetto dialect and a promise to get them more welfare.
Valerie Jarrett.... Is she that light skinned negro who looks like that ape in Planet of the Apes (negroes?)
I thought she was an ape...Next you'll be telling me Mooch isn't really a shaved wookie.
The asians made fun of obama.....the asians refer to negroes as 'monkey people' and not in jest....they are serious....and why shouldn't they be?
Pay the pavement ape or he will get very angry and burn his house down.
Yawn, Kambala wants every African American crack addict to have their own home while White, Red, and Yellow Americans some disabled vets rot on the street.
Nigga's acting like a Nigga...must be part of the Thugery... most blacks don't act like that!
Engage me and die, n'gr.
Folks, you couldn't today pay me enough to live anywhere near a large black population.
I believe the black race is inferior to both the white and yellow races....I can prove it by taking a look at the world map and income, innovation/scientific discoveries, and prison populations. Maybe you have some other mysterious way of defining the word but you never seem to say what it is.
Most intelligent people understand how stupid blacks are....average i.q. of 85.....being one you should know.
Come on people you blacks are better than this shit every fucking week....stand BEHIND your police, you do the crime you get locked fuck with THE MAN, he has every right to beat the shit out of you, and your community standing behind you just shows what stupid, low life idiots you are!
Fuck off House Negro. Shine my boots bitch
Hasn't it been proven, in the last few days, that blacks are incapable of living in the environment of civilization? Send them back to Africa.
..just like Africa is the shithole of the world, the black US communities mirror that
You can take a negro out of the ghetto. But you can't take the ghetto out of the negro.

As Andrew Klavan points out.....the nut jobs on the Right are reserved to the internet.....the racist asshats on the left make up the core of the democrat party leadership.....big difference.....

I did notice that you refuse to address the fact that obama is a racist....who has friends and allies who are the biggest racists in the country....but, there are some posters on U.S.messageboard who post racist things.........I can see the difference......

A democrat party actual racist....vs........posters on the internet....

You really are dim...
Andrew Klavan?

He didn't address Obamas racism because there is none. Your white fragility has you calling anybody black that opposes white racism a racist. White who are not racists don't do that.

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