The Party of Obama

I find it funny how republicans are simultaneously telling us how they did not own slaves and that we should be republicans because Lincoln freed us from slavery 160 years ago. But you see 12 years ago this country elected it's first black president. A democrat. Barack Obama. So why should we not be members of the party of Obama? Because Obama freed a whole lot of black people. Because of him, young black children are growing up knowing that no matter how long they have to fight racism they can beat it. There are young black kids growing up knowing they can maybe one day grow up and be president without getting shot and killed. And if not for an Obama we would not see the changes we're looking at to come.

So why should blacks abandon the party of Obama? We were republicans for 100 years and when we finally got civil rights, the republican party took a knee on us.

Obozo didn’t do anything special. He was a Manchurian candidate that was pushed up the ranks. He doesn’t get any credit for being the first half black president, the evil, racist system is what made it possible for him to become president
Why Did Black Voters Flee The Republican Party In The 1960s?

Vincent Hutchings, a political scientist who studies voter patterns at the University of Michigan, says the first major shift in black party affiliation away from the Republican Party happened during the Depression. Franklin Roosevelt's second administration — led by the New Deal — made the Democrats a beacon for black Americans deeply affected by the crushing poverty that was plaguing the country.

But many black voters stuck with the party of Lincoln.

"The data suggests that even as late as 1960, only about two-thirds of African-Americans were identified with the Democratic Party," he says. "Now, two-thirds is a pretty big number. But when you compare it to today, that number hovers at about 90 percent."

Ninety percent. So what happened?

Well, according to Hutchings and to Tufts University historian Peniel Joseph, Barry Goldwater happened.

Goldwater can be seen as the godfather (or maybe the midwife) of the current Tea Party. He wanted the federal government out of the states' business. He believed the Civil Rights Act was unconstitutional — although he said that once it had been enacted into law, it would be obeyed. But states, he said, should implement the law in their own time. Many white southerners, especially segregationists, felt reassured by Goldwater's words. Black Americans, says Vince Hutchings, felt anything but:

"African-Americans heard the message that was intended to be heard. Which was that Goldwater and the Goldwater wing of the Republican party were opposed not only to the Civil Rights Act, but to the civil rights movement, in large part, as well."

An Abrupt Exit From The GOP

When Goldwater, in his acceptance speech, famously told the ecstatic convention "extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice," he was speaking of "a very specific notion of liberty," says Peniel Joseph: "Small government, a government that doesn't give out handouts to black people. A government that doesn't have laws that interfere with states' rights. A government that is not conducting a war on poverty."

It was a signal both sides heard loud and clear. Goldwater attracted the white Southern votes his advisers thought were essential, paving the way for the "Southern Strategy" that Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan would use successfully in later years. And the third of black Republican voters remaining speedily exited the party.

"It was an abrupt shift," says Hutchings. "For [the] relatively few — but still not trivial — fraction of blacks, they moved aggressively, and almost unanimously, into the Democratic Party."

Blacks got Civil Rights and republicans took a knee on us.
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Get over it. Negros and Arabs in Africa and the Middle East owned more slaves Negro slaves and treated them like shit. Slavery in the USA was a fucking blessing for the low IQ savages.


Why can't cowardly racists stand it when facts are discussed? Why must they always resort to the childish "Oh yeah, he did it too"?

Funny that they never see that they are proving themselves to be savages with low IQs? Indeed, ignorant racists are proud that they are not intelligent. Bizarre but they always prove this is true.
I find it funny how republicans are simultaneously telling us how they did not own slaves and that we should be republicans because Lincoln freed us from slavery 160 years ago. But you see 12 years ago this country elected it's first black president. A democrat. Barack Obama. So why should we not be members of the party of Obama? Because Obama freed a whole lot of black people. Because of him, young black children are growing up knowing that no matter how long they have to fight racism they can beat it. There are young black kids growing up knowing they can maybe one day grow up and be president without getting shot and killed. And if not for an Obama we would not see the changes we're looking at to come.

So why should blacks abandon the party of Obama? We were republicans for 100 years and when we finally got civil rights, the republican party took a knee on us.

1. Lincoln did not free the slaves
2. nothing has changed for blacks since 1968
3 blacks under Trump have become wealthy
4 you're a retard racist

Still got that IQ of what? What did you used to say your IQ is? Something like 213. So, that must mean you know "retards" when you see them? LOL

In any event, you have not addressed any of the OP but the funniest is that blacks have become wealthy under the MAGAt. PUH-lese.

Oh and BTW, there's a link in my sig that shows the jobs MAGAt has created.
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You righties crack me up. Live in your own fantasy land. Obama put this country back on track from a Republican disaster. Guess what? Biden will do the same with the dumpster fire handed to him. You wouldn’t know reality if she was a stripper on your lap.

Bullshit .. it was Democrat inaction/government disaster .. Obama further screwed up and ended up with doubling the national debt along with an anemic economy and a cowards foreign policy.


Eh, we've already established that you can't handle the truth "Tom" .. ;)
You haven't established shit and calling me tom is a joke since your white ass calling me a tom means nothing. When the blacks he call me a tom, then I will be concerned.
In the final analysis, Obama was elected based on racial identification, not qualification. It helped him enormously that the other side of the duopoly offered no one much more qualified.
He was apparently qualified since he saved this nation from a depression.
When the financial system finally collapses it will not be pretty, more so for Africans
Africans may have been freed physically from forced slavery but mentally
the overwhelming majority have been kept slaves
Calling African Americans Africans is stupid. Don’t you know this?
Who the fuck made your white ass the arbiter of what we describe as our heritage?
I find it funny how republicans are simultaneously telling us how they did not own slaves and that we should be republicans because Lincoln freed us from slavery 160 years ago. But you see 12 years ago this country elected it's first black president. A democrat. Barack Obama. So why should we not be members of the party of Obama? Because Obama freed a whole lot of black people. Because of him, young black children are growing up knowing that no matter how long they have to fight racism they can beat it. There are young black kids growing up knowing they can maybe one day grow up and be president without getting shot and killed. And if not for an Obama we would not see the changes we're looking at to come.

So why should blacks abandon the party of Obama? We were republicans for 100 years and when we finally got civil rights, the republican party took a knee on us.

First they have to be educated, have healthy family structures and be safe in their neighborhoods and that's not happening where Democrats are in political control .. instead over many decades of Democratic Party failure and lack of support by Uncle Tom Democrats such as yourself they are used as merely fodder for your deranged political benefit and half witted political causes.

btw. Obama had a great opportunity to accomplish great things for Blacks but he failed miserably. Trump out benefited Blacks more in his first year in office than Obama & Biden did in 8 years.
They don't have to do shit you say. Economic development is what WE must have and republicans have been in political control too. trump hasn't done a damn thing for us and if Obama had done everything we wanted him to there would have been record unprecedented whining from whites like you.
Trump responsible for Opportunity zones, First Steps Act and before the Obama funded Wuhan flu, lowest black unemployment in human history.
trump has not done a damn thing for blacks.

The majority of Opportunity zones are rural white areas. Corey Booker wrote and fought for the first step act. Obama did not fun Wuhan anything and black unemployment went down 1 point with trump after it was cut nearly 10 points under Obama.
I find it funny how republicans are simultaneously telling us how they did not own slaves and that we should be republicans because Lincoln freed us from slavery 160 years ago. But you see 12 years ago this country elected it's first black president. A democrat. Barack Obama. So why should we not be members of the party of Obama? Because Obama freed a whole lot of black people. Because of him, young black children are growing up knowing that no matter how long they have to fight racism they can beat it. There are young black kids growing up knowing they can maybe one day grow up and be president without getting shot and killed. And if not for an Obama we would not see the changes we're looking at to come.

So why should blacks abandon the party of Obama? We were republicans for 100 years and when we finally got civil rights, the republican party took a knee on us.

1. Lincoln did not free the slaves
2. nothing has changed for blacks since 1968
3 blacks under Trump have become wealthy
4 you're a retard racist

Still got that IQ of what? What did you used to say your IQ is? Something like 213. So, that must mean you know "retards" when you see them? LOL

In any event, you have not addressed any of the OP but the funniest is that blacks have become wealthy under the MAGAt. PUH-lese.

Oh and BTW, there's a link in my sig that shows the jobs MAGAt has created.
No dumbass I said I had an IQ of 119
I can't stop you from your TDS INFLUENCED REALITY
but reality can
I find it funny how republicans are simultaneously telling us how they did not own slaves and that we should be republicans because Lincoln freed us from slavery 160 years ago. But you see 12 years ago this country elected it's first black president. A democrat. Barack Obama. So why should we not be members of the party of Obama? Because Obama freed a whole lot of black people. Because of him, young black children are growing up knowing that no matter how long they have to fight racism they can beat it. There are young black kids growing up knowing they can maybe one day grow up and be president without getting shot and killed. And if not for an Obama we would not see the changes we're looking at to come.

So why should blacks abandon the party of Obama? We were republicans for 100 years and when we finally got civil rights, the republican party took a knee on us.

First they have to be educated, have healthy family structures and be safe in their neighborhoods and that's not happening where Democrats are in political control .. instead over many decades of Democratic Party failure and lack of support by Uncle Tom Democrats such as yourself they are used as merely fodder for your deranged political benefit and half witted political causes.

btw. Obama had a great opportunity to accomplish great things for Blacks but he failed miserably. Trump out benefited Blacks more in his first year in office than Obama & Biden did in 8 years.
They don't have to do shit you say. Economic development is what WE must have and republicans have been in political control too. trump hasn't done a damn thing for us and if Obama had done everything we wanted him to there would have been record unprecedented whining from whites like you.
Trump responsible for Opportunity zones, First Steps Act and before the Obama funded Wuhan flu, lowest black unemployment in human history.
trump has not done a damn thing for blacks.

The majority of Opportunity zones are rural white areas. Corey Booker wrote and fought for the first step act. Obama did not fun Wuhan anything and black unemployment went down 1 point with trump after it was cut nearly 10 points under Obama.
So why hasn't black unemployment went down with the black president?
Why did welfare go up with the black president? Food stamps? Black Wealth went down while we had a black president.
In the final analysis, Obama was elected based on racial identification, not qualification. It helped him enormously that the other side of the duopoly offered no one much more qualified.
He was apparently qualified since he saved this nation from a depression.
You would have done just as well or better in the same situation, I am sincerely sure.
Even I could have.
Get over it. Negros and Arabs in Africa and the Middle East owned more slaves Negro slaves and treated them like shit. Slavery in the USA was a fucking blessing for the low IQ savages.


Why can't cowardly racists stand it when facts are discussed? Why must they always resort to the childish "Oh yeah, he did it too"?

Funny that they never see that they are proving themselves to be savages with low IQs? Indeed, ignorant racists are proud that they are not intelligent. Bizarre but they always prove this is true.
I'll ask you the same thing why can't you as a member of the historically racist democrat party why are you still a racist?
I find it funny how republicans are simultaneously telling us how they did not own slaves and that we should be republicans because Lincoln freed us from slavery 160 years ago. But you see 12 years ago this country elected it's first black president. A democrat. Barack Obama. So why should we not be members of the party of Obama? Because Obama freed a whole lot of black people. Because of him, young black children are growing up knowing that no matter how long they have to fight racism they can beat it. There are young black kids growing up knowing they can maybe one day grow up and be president without getting shot and killed. And if not for an Obama we would not see the changes we're looking at to come.

So why should blacks abandon the party of Obama? We were republicans for 100 years and when we finally got civil rights, the republican party took a knee on us.

Actually, Obama's ancestors owned slaves...

Until the Republicans freed them!!!
The first black president was a democrat. Republicans are not freeing anybody now. Instead you are bitching because symbols of slavery are being torn down.
Maybe you weren't aware of this, either....

View attachment 353912
So you support reparations.

trumps father was in the klan.
You may bill your family in Africa that sold you.
Why Did Black Voters Flee The Republican Party In The 1960s?

Vincent Hutchings, a political scientist who studies voter patterns at the University of Michigan, says the first major shift in black party affiliation away from the Republican Party happened during the Depression. Franklin Roosevelt's second administration — led by the New Deal — made the Democrats a beacon for black Americans deeply affected by the crushing poverty that was plaguing the country.

But many black voters stuck with the party of Lincoln.

"The data suggests that even as late as 1960, only about two-thirds of African-Americans were identified with the Democratic Party," he says. "Now, two-thirds is a pretty big number. But when you compare it to today, that number hovers at about 90 percent."

Ninety percent. So what happened?

Well, according to Hutchings and to Tufts University historian Peniel Joseph, Barry Goldwater happened.

Goldwater can be seen as the godfather (or maybe the midwife) of the current Tea Party. He wanted the federal government out of the states' business. He believed the Civil Rights Act was unconstitutional — although he said that once it had been enacted into law, it would be obeyed. But states, he said, should implement the law in their own time. Many white southerners, especially segregationists, felt reassured by Goldwater's words. Black Americans, says Vince Hutchings, felt anything but:

"African-Americans heard the message that was intended to be heard. Which was that Goldwater and the Goldwater wing of the Republican party were opposed not only to the Civil Rights Act, but to the civil rights movement, in large part, as well."

An Abrupt Exit From The GOP

When Goldwater, in his acceptance speech, famously told the ecstatic convention "extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice," he was speaking of "a very specific notion of liberty," says Peniel Joseph: "Small government, a government that doesn't give out handouts to black people. A government that doesn't have laws that interfere with states' rights. A government that is not conducting a war on poverty."

It was a signal both sides heard loud and clear. Goldwater attracted the white Southern votes his advisers thought were essential, paving the way for the "Southern Strategy" that Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan would use successfully in later years. And the third of black Republican voters remaining speedily exited the party.

"It was an abrupt shift," says Hutchings. "For [the] relatively few — but still not trivial — fraction of blacks, they moved aggressively, and almost unanimously, into the Democratic Party."

Blacks got Civil Rights and republicans took a knee on us.
Perfectly ignorant
I find it funny how republicans are simultaneously telling us how they did not own slaves and that we should be republicans because Lincoln freed us from slavery 160 years ago. But you see 12 years ago this country elected it's first black president. A democrat. Barack Obama. So why should we not be members of the party of Obama? Because Obama freed a whole lot of black people. Because of him, young black children are growing up knowing that no matter how long they have to fight racism they can beat it. There are young black kids growing up knowing they can maybe one day grow up and be president without getting shot and killed. And if not for an Obama we would not see the changes we're looking at to come.

So why should blacks abandon the party of Obama? We were republicans for 100 years and when we finally got civil rights, the republican party took a knee on us.

Actually, Obama's ancestors owned slaves...

Until the Republicans freed them!!!
The first black president was a democrat. Republicans are not freeing anybody now. Instead you are bitching because symbols of slavery are being torn down.
Maybe you weren't aware of this, either....

View attachment 353912
So you support reparations.

trumps father was in the klan.
Actually, there's no evidence of that...

And SNOPES won't even back up your claim!!!

But we DO know that Obama and Biden are both descendants of slave owners, so maybe you can call THEM and demand that THEY pay you reparations!!!

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