The Payoffs Begin


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
I bet you can find all of Obama's new appointees on his donor list. What new failing businesses will we taxpayers invest in this time?
Report: Google and Facebook competing for an Obama cabinet slot

November 8, 2012 | 2:05 pm

Obama plans to reshuffle his cabinet, the job of running the Treasury Department could fall to Google’s old CEO, Eric Schmidt, or Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg.

White House Chief of Staff Jack Lew is the favorite to replace Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, but Obama aide Pete Rouse is looking for “a Fortune 500 CEO” to work under the president who embraced Occupy Wall Street.

Schmidt, whom Obama installed on his Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, was reportedly at the Obama campaign headquarters when the president visited his staff on election day. And Google employees combined to form the third-highest source of campaign donations to the president.
Report: Google and Facebook competing for an Obama cabinet slot |
I'm old enough to remember when this was a thing.

Fox News talk show host Glenn Beck has seized on a claim circulating on the Internet to argue that the Obama administration has little understanding of American business and is too focused on expanding government.

"History has proven over and over again — and so has the post office, for that matter — that government is not the answer," Beck said on his Nov. 30, 2009, show. "You need to unleash the people. The entrepreneurs. And if you are wondering how it is that the government can't see that — how they can be pondering even bigger stimulus packages as they stare the failure of the first one right in the face — I'll show you. Here are the past presidents and the number of appointees in their Cabinets with private sector experience — folks that have done more than write on the chalkboard; they've been out there, in the real world. Let's compare President Nixon — he's over 50 percent — with President Obama: Under 10 percent of his appointees have any experience in the private sector."

Ah, memories.
I'm old enough to remember when this was a thing.

Fox News talk show host Glenn Beck has seized on a claim circulating on the Internet to argue that the Obama administration has little understanding of American business and is too focused on expanding government.

"History has proven over and over again — and so has the post office, for that matter — that government is not the answer," Beck said on his Nov. 30, 2009, show. "You need to unleash the people. The entrepreneurs. And if you are wondering how it is that the government can't see that — how they can be pondering even bigger stimulus packages as they stare the failure of the first one right in the face — I'll show you. Here are the past presidents and the number of appointees in their Cabinets with private sector experience — folks that have done more than write on the chalkboard; they've been out there, in the real world. Let's compare President Nixon — he's over 50 percent — with President Obama: Under 10 percent of his appointees have any experience in the private sector."

Ah, memories.

Do you think that Nixon's appointees bought their jobs too? Why, maybe he really was a crook.
Personally I think the USA lost out when it gave up the PATRONAGE SYSTEM.

I know that flies in the face of what you've probably heard about patronage and political corruption.

But let me ask you...does anyone here think our current system is NOT corrupt?

The ONLY difference that I can see is now the only PATRONAGE jobs given out are to the very highest positions in government.

I think this nation might benefit if we went back to a time when patronage meant that rank and file partisans benefitted, too.

Right now the POLS win, they thank you and then GOOD LUCK citizen you're on your own.
I bet you can find all of Obama's new appointees on his donor list. What new failing businesses will we taxpayers invest in this time?
Report: Google and Facebook competing for an Obama cabinet slot

November 8, 2012 | 2:05 pm

Obama plans to reshuffle his cabinet, the job of running the Treasury Department could fall to Google’s old CEO, Eric Schmidt, or Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg.

White House Chief of Staff Jack Lew is the favorite to replace Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, but Obama aide Pete Rouse is looking for “a Fortune 500 CEO” to work under the president who embraced Occupy Wall Street.

Schmidt, whom Obama installed on his Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, was reportedly at the Obama campaign headquarters when the president visited his staff on election day. And Google employees combined to form the third-highest source of campaign donations to the president.
Report: Google and Facebook competing for an Obama cabinet slot |

Jobs for donors....that would be a break from his 2008 campaign promise.
I bet you can find all of Obama's new appointees on his donor list. What new failing businesses will we taxpayers invest in this time?
Report: Google and Facebook competing for an Obama cabinet slot

November 8, 2012 | 2:05 pm

Obama plans to reshuffle his cabinet, the job of running the Treasury Department could fall to Google’s old CEO, Eric Schmidt, or Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg.

White House Chief of Staff Jack Lew is the favorite to replace Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, but Obama aide Pete Rouse is looking for “a Fortune 500 CEO” to work under the president who embraced Occupy Wall Street.

Schmidt, whom Obama installed on his Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, was reportedly at the Obama campaign headquarters when the president visited his staff on election day. And Google employees combined to form the third-highest source of campaign donations to the president.
Report: Google and Facebook competing for an Obama cabinet slot |

Fear not comrade

Papa Obama understands how to use power


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