The peace and love of the Democratic Party is very hard to comprehend because


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
The peace and love of the Democratic Party is very hard to comprehend because of their violent Antifa Rioters, racist Nation of Islam terrorist, racist Klan, racist La Raza, racist Black Panthers, anti-American LULAC, genocidal Muslim Brotherhood, racist BLM separatist, racist Aztlan Nationalist, anti-Semitic CAIR …….
The peace and love of the Democratic Party is very hard to comprehend because of their violent Antifa Rioters, racist Nation of Islam terrorist, racist Klan, racist La Raza, racist Black Panthers, anti-American LULAC, genocidal Muslim Brotherhood, racist BLM separatist, racist Aztlan Nationalist, anti-Semitic CAIR …….

Damn, you are WAAY ahead of me! I'm still just looking to find ANY peace or love. Where are the Dems hiding it???
I think I've found it!

Here it is!

The peace and love of the Democratic Party is very hard to comprehend because of their violent Antifa Rioters, racist Nation of Islam terrorist, racist Klan, racist La Raza, racist Black Panthers, anti-American LULAC, genocidal Muslim Brotherhood, racist BLM separatist, racist Aztlan Nationalist, anti-Semitic CAIR …….
Pigeonholing this early in the day?
And here!



I just wonder, DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOUR DAUGHTER IS? Where was Heather Heyer's? Who is supervising your kid? Where are these kid's parents? They are either lousy parents or complicit in their destruction. But just remember, these people will be running the world some day, the Obama Generation, King of the Social Organizers! Organizing dumb children everywhere!

The peace and love of the Democratic Party is very hard to comprehend because of their violent Antifa Rioters, racist Nation of Islam terrorist, racist Klan, racist La Raza, racist Black Panthers, anti-American LULAC, genocidal Muslim Brotherhood, racist BLM separatist, racist Aztlan Nationalist, anti-Semitic CAIR …….

anti-semitic CAIR?

how about you worry about your Nazis that the Donald and trumptards love so much.

The peace and love of the Democratic Party is very hard to comprehend because of their violent Antifa Rioters, racist Nation of Islam terrorist, racist Klan, racist La Raza, racist Black Panthers, anti-American LULAC, genocidal Muslim Brotherhood, racist BLM separatist, racist Aztlan Nationalist, anti-Semitic CAIR …….

There are three kinds of Leftist Activists. And I want everyone on THE RIGHT TO PAY ATTENTION.

And then there are spectators.
All are 100% Loyal to The Leftist Cause...but there are those....that don't know why they are so loyal to the Left Socialist Agenda...only that it "seems right to them" to be so.

The only group out of the three that you could turn to the righteous path of Freedom are The Spectators. These are the "fine people" The President spoke about...who though they may be active in social protests, really are just riding a wave, are ignorant, and don't really understand why they are being manipulated.

In order to get to them and rescue them from their own ignorance and participation as a useful idiot, you have to destroy the Bait Dogs, and PitBulls, and expose them for what they are. You have to break up The Dog Fighting Ring.


Figure it out. I can't tell you how I know this, but if You have read a few of my posts, you will realize I know what the Hell I am talking about.
The peace and love of the Democratic Party is very hard to comprehend because of their violent Antifa Rioters, racist Nation of Islam terrorist, racist Klan, racist La Raza, racist Black Panthers, anti-American LULAC, genocidal Muslim Brotherhood, racist BLM separatist, racist Aztlan Nationalist, anti-Semitic CAIR …….

anti-semitic CAIR?

how about you worry about your Nazis that the Donald and trumptards love so much.


We're coming after your Commie Asses.
Here's more of the Democrat's Leftist Peace & Love, taught them by their liberal California professor mentors how WRECKED America is and that it's time to STIR IT UP:


Because, you know, the way to collapse a Republic Of The People back to a Globalist Oligarchy is via ANARCHY.

yet more:


See how GOOD they are? How they fight Fascism? When will they declare fascism dead? When there's no one left but themselves?


See how they are given a WIDE BERTH? No fear of repercussions? Where are the police? They are establishing a FLAG! Where is the crowd control? Is this a license to DISORDERLY CONDUCT and destruction of public property with impunity?


The little kiddies. Our generation of useful idiots: THE LEFT IS STANDING OUT IN THE OPEN, TELLING YOU WHAT IS COMING DOWN and HOW.


WHEN will our government take action to protect us? Or are they the ones letting it happen? THEY are safe in their limos and gated communities! How many more Republicans will defend them and tell Trump he has some extreme serious apologizing to do?

Is the answer to do what the GOP are best at: first trying to APPEASE the Media, APPEASE the terrorists and now try to APPEASE anarchist revolutionaries? How has that worked out so far???

One of the points of the 2nd Amendment was to allow its citizens to defend themselves when the government state fails to do so.
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