The Pennsylvania Result Doesn't Add Up.


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Biden's Numbers Don't Add Up in Pennsylvania

It's a fairly long article, but the bottom line is, Trump almost certainly got more votes in PA than Biden did, but "we" may never be able to rectify the theft of our 20 electoral votes, basically because the Democrat counties of Allegheny (Pittsburgh) and Philadelphia created rules to make it impossible to trace the fraudulent and defective votes that brought Biden over the top.

Even if "we" are right, this U.S. Supreme Court will be very reluctant to do what is required and disqualify hundreds of thousands of votes (that were commingled with the bad ones), even if that is what the law technically requires.

And this was done after the PA Legislature - both houses of which are controlled by the GOP - wrote a law that was intended to prevent exactly this sort of bullshit. Can you imagine making rules that PREVENT checking signatures for mail in ballots while REQUIRING it for voting in person? Ridiculous.

Vote by mail is bullshit. While there are valid reasons why someone would not want to come to the polls, the rules should have been the SAME AS FOR ABSENTEE BALLOTS. Making looser rules was not a mistake; it was part of a comprehensive policy to facilitate exactly what was done...theft of the PA election.
Facts don't care about your feelings.

The people have spoken loser.

Deal with it!!!
basically because the Democrat counties of Allegheny (Pittsburgh) and Philadelphia created rules to make it impossible to trace the fraudulent and defective votes that brought Biden over the top.

How? How did they make it impossible to track defective votes? What do you mean by saying defective votes? Can you use proper nomenclature and less ambiguous indirect terms?
The SCOTUS has already gave indication that the late votes will not count. in PA

The Georgia recount + Military votes - will go to Trump

Arizona legal ballots will show a Trump win.

That puts him at 279

That's enough even without the possible wins in Michigan and Wisc.

So -

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