CDZ The Perils of Inaction


Gold Member
Dec 4, 2013
Yes we have too many postings on the immigration debate but I want to look at the big picture from the republican side.

You cannot win at politics from a defensive position only. Whether it is the maginot line, the Spanish Armada, George Patton, or the mongol horde history is full of examples of big static entities being overcome by nimble, fast moving, professional forces, and recent history is proving that Barack Obama has mastered the art of nimbleness when it comes to politics, spanking the republicans ass at every turn. It is not obamas mastery as much as it is republican ineptitude. But you say, how can one say that after winning the midterms so convincingly? Because Obama is still doing everything he wants against the will of the people even after the elections! And not only that but in the perception arena Obama is unbelievably gaining the moral high ground even as he engages in criminal activity. I have said this a million times on USMB. The republican brain trust is calcified, moribund, stuck in the past, and bereft of any creativity and that is not what we who voted them in expect.

As republicans have sat like Java the hut in their constitutional cold bath water Obama has been throwing anything and everything he can think of against the conservative household. If you let it go on long enough something is bound to stick. Now we have republicans paired up with jackbooted thugs who break the doors down of the huts of illegals, rip babies out of the arms of their mothers, and March the men out to be shot in front of mass graves. None of this is true of course but that is not the point, the point is that Obama has planted that image in the minds of Americans and now just like racism many people are reticent to punch back too hard for fear of looking like they don't care for immigrant families. This is the poster child of everything that is wrong with republican strategies. A failure to come up with a digestible, simple, constitutional, and feel good plan for immigration. Obama just,out flanks the repubs, the repubs respond with some spineless whiney anger, Obama laughs and out flanks them again.

Obama is a train wreck. He is a bully. He is a liar. His level of govt management incompetence has never been seen before in this country, but his smoke and mirrors style of leadership has never been seen before either and no one has ever used it as well as he has. His ability to discard one crisis, create another, and slip out of that harness to yet another is breathtaking. No one is ever allowed to get to the facts or more importantly for Obama to ever get bored with the presidents actions. He is such a moving target that no one can get a shot off. We have crisis after unsolved crisis piling up to which the president says that is so yesterday's news! Whether it is the irs, Benghazi, obamacare, executive orders the goal is in the doing, the doneness of each of these activities. Not in the Monday morning quarterbacking. When your only goal is the further concentration of power you never stop to reflect you just push forward to the next village to be raped and pillaged. Obama is always on offense. Competence, integrity, the American people, the economy, principled actions, international affairs. None of this matters and most are just speed umps in obamas relentless quest for power.

What's the answer and more to the point are there any individuals to implement a plan. First of all, learn from a pro. Adopt obamas offensive scheme. If you can't beat em, join em. Starting in January, put a bill on obamas desk every week. Close the border. Register illegals and issue work permits. Pick apart obamacare one medical device at a time. Pass the penny plan to reduce the debt. A flat tax. Pass your version of raising the minimum wage. Repatriate the two trillion dollars waiting offshore. The pipeline. Get rid of the glacial pace of legislation and gang bang the docket. Every day students bang out turn papers overnight, there is so much legislation that has been aging for years, dust it off, and move it through. Hammer Obama with legislative body blows. He can't handle it. The media won't be able to keep up either just like they can't with obamas stuff. Show Americans that republicans can give em action, not corroded arteries. Legislate with a sense of urgency and a sense of purpose. Remember how much Obama left on the table in his first two years don't make the same mistake. Seek to be great, to realign the country on its proper axis. Seize the moment because if you don't you will be licking obamas boots for the next two years.

Who can do it. Clone Trey Goudy. Put him out front. Cruz, Lee, Cotton, Rubio. Get the new and young faces out front and on the talk shows. Give Paul Ryan a stunt double to rap on the Sunday shows. Talk up the middle class and change the perpetual center of gravity from the poor who are living very comfortably to the middle class which is being hammered by obamas policies. Beat the middle class drum and adopt one theme, if it doesn't benefit the middle class we are not going to consider it or we are going to tax it more. Parade the successful governors and how they have straightened out their budgets.

Come January it will be game time, time for some smash mouth politics. We will find out if republicans are all talk and no action, if they are show and no go, if they will wilt under the hot air of the great pretender, if they have the courage of their convictions, and the interests of their countrymen at heart. I will know in the first three weeks of the next session what the future holds, pray that we have created a bunch of dragonslayers and dreamers whose motto will be; lead, follow, or get out of the way.
What do you think Mitch and John have been trying to do for the last four years

One, the American people flatly are scared of the far right. That won't change with the line up you are suggesting.

Two, pass the Senate version of the immigration bill and get that losing position out of the public's eye immediately.

Three, offer serious amendments to ACA.

Four, reach out to women's issues and build consensus wherever possible.

Such a program isolates the left, immobilizes the far right, and will give mainstream America a resounding vote for a Republican president in 2016.
What do you think Mitch and John have been trying to do for the last four years

One, the American people flatly are scared of the far right. That won't change with the line up you are suggesting.

Two, pass the Senate version of the immigration bill and get that losing position out of the public's eye immediately.

Three, offer serious amendments to ACA.

Four, reach out to women's issues and build consensus wherever possible.

Such a program isolates the left, immobilizes the far right, and will give mainstream America a resounding vote for a Republican president in 2016.

Excellent Democratic talking points! Shall we have Bush, or Christie as our candidate?
John and Mitch ain't done jack in the last four years except tread water

The American people ain't scared of real Americans and they don't care where you come from if you are doing what's best for the country.

Screw the senate version. Put your own stamp on a new immigration bill, done in piecemeal fashion to keep it in obamas face. Close the border, register, issue work permits, then tell everyone who wants to to get in line with everyone else for citizenship, but wash the stench of Harry Reid off of everything you do.

Death by a thousand cuts to the aca before the Supreme Court beheads it in June. Keep the popular points in crafting a new bill that is doctor centric and demands personal responsibility in exchange for insurance.

Respect women, don't be condescending and tell them the govt has to make decisions for you. Women's issues are the countries issues. We are all in this together not as specific interest groups.there has never been a war on women and I am not one of those who can be guilted into thinking so. Busted!

Forget about 2016. Forget about politics. Do what is right for the country
You forget. We have Boehner and McConnell who are not Supermen. They aren't Super at anything. You were absolutely right about what to do, but we have to get those clowns out of the leadership.
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What do you think Mitch and John have been trying to do for the last four years

One, the American people flatly are scared of the far right. That won't change with the line up you are suggesting.

Two, pass the Senate version of the immigration bill and get that losing position out of the public's eye immediately.

Three, offer serious amendments to ACA.

Four, reach out to women's issues and build consensus wherever possible.

Such a program isolates the left, immobilizes the far right, and will give mainstream America a resounding vote for a Republican president in 2016.

Excellent Democratic talking points! Shall we have Bush, or Christie as our candidate?

My points are mainstream GOP alternatives. Your points are nonsense from the far right. That is why folks are scared of the far right governing.
Uh? Um . . . far righties? No one is going to do what you want, certainly not the GOP mainstream.
NOW BE QUIET EVERYONE...... Fakey is speaking.....


I hope you all caught that..."JUST LIKE McLAME!!!!!" What number president was McLame....Beauler!....Beauler!......BEAULER?????
Yup, you guys now realize that the mainstream GOP has taken over, the far right has been emasculated, and you are unhappy.

Yes, I get that.
Yup, you guys now realize that the mainstream GOP has taken over, the far right has been emasculated, and you are unhappy.

Yes, I get that.

Yes, subversive, and we hear your treachery LOUD and CLEAR!....

Since you are on a first name basis with these 2 career know nothings, and cowards. I expected to see your face between the 2!
Yes, I know that you no longer have the power in the party.

That's a good thing, Vigilante, and I told you this day was coming.
Just a reminder that this is the Clean Debate Zone, thanks! :beer:
Vigilante, that means the mass of Republicans want Mitch and John, and they don't want Ted Cruz et al.

But you might consider forming a third party.
Even before the election "BONER" was IN DEBT to Obola!


Breitbart ^

House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) requested that President Barack Obama avoid making a “very public push” on immigration during the midterm primaries, according to White House Senior Adviser Valerie Jarrett.
So the far right twist of the news is in full swing.

Tough. The mainstream is not listening to you.

And in this thread, I have now stopped listening to you.
So the far right twist of the news is in full swing.

Tough. The mainstream is not listening to you.

And in this thread, I have now stopped listening to you.

Cowards always run. It's a shame all you post is useless babble, and you are unable to debate facts!

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