The Physics Of WTC 7

wrong again shit for brains nists investigation was full of right and wrong answers so yes, I can state that that nist was right and wrong at the same time.
you ass always are attempting to spin the investigation to make it seem like a criminal act.
you have no evidence for (now read this carefully) YOUR claim!

and only a retard like you would apply to the same issue.

keep digging tard!

suffice to say you are clueless and dont know! LMAO

so barry jennings was shiting out of his mouth?

if this is true:" anybody can get in front of a camera and shit out of their mouth,"-kokojo

then logically barry jennings was lying..!

then the only llogical conclusion is that you are completely full of shit

but we already knew that.

////compacted the tards drivel into one post
another dodge! proving you can't prove any of you claims ..
love the royal we....appealing to a nonexistent authority ....

no its point on!

again you prove you are a tard.

Gotts give you credit for being good at something.
Well, I have never heard of a controlled demolition that took 5 hours to take down a building from the initial explosions.... So if this was a controlled demolition and unless someone can point to such a long interval in controlled demolition explosions, Barry must have been "shitting out of his mouth".
notice kokjo has pulled up his skirts and run away on that one!

not my problem you dont understand the versatile nature of demolition.

whatever that psychotic shit mess was supposed to be.
two nebulous dodges in one post!
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and only a retard like you would apply to the same issue.

keep digging tard!

suffice to say you are clueless and dont know! LMAO

then the only llogical conclusion is that you are completely full of shit

but we already knew that.

////compacted the tards drivel into one post
another dodge! proving you can't prove any of you claims ..
love the royal we....appealing to a nonexistent authority ....

no its point on!

again you prove you are a tard.

Gotts give you credit for being good at something.
yeah it points up that you make false claims and false declarations..
it also proves you're a bigot, your constant use of the word tard.. is more than enough to make that clear to anyone reading this thread..
another dodge! proving you can't prove any of you claims ..
love the royal we....appealing to a nonexistent authority ....

no its point on!

again you prove you are a tard.

Gotts give you credit for being good at something.
yeah it points up that you make false claims and false declarations..
it also proves you're a bigot, your constant use of the word tard.. is more than enough to make that clear to anyone reading this thread..

nope there is no requirement for me to teach kindergarten to debators who dont even know which building is wtc 7. its not the bank trust.

otherwise you are doing fine, come back in 50 years.
I understand that. What these numbnuts are focusing on is one part of the graph. The middle part. That ENTIRE graph represents the descent of the roofline.

What I want E.L.C. to answer is what initiated the descent of the ENTIRE roofline. The canned trigger answer is simultaneous explosives going off blowing ALL the columns.

It's clearly not from setting off explosives in a controlled demolition since we can see a big chunk of the roof cave in 7 seconds ahead of the rest of the building. That's not how controlled demolitions work.

the only thing that is perfectly clear and you continue to prove is that you are a total nutcase tard.

by tard standards this is not a demolition either!

only someone with no demolition knowledge what so ever would say something so ignorant.
It's no one's problem but yours that you are too fucking stoopid to know that controlled demolitions don't bring down portions of a roof before bringing down the rest of the building, which is how WTC7 came down. Then factor in there were no explosions, seen or heard, preceding the collapse, and all you have left are your delusions.
What do you know? I found a way that a structural component can (un-naturally) fail that permits the load to fall at gravitational acceleration. Oops.... that damn Chandler guy beat me to it!


Hmmm. Which picture above resembles this graph?


Starting to see your problem yet E.L.C.?

How 'bout it E.L.C.?

No answer?

your issues were addressed long time ago, sorry you do not like the answer.

So you previously addressed the issue of a controlled demolition taking 5 hours to complete from the time the initial explosions occurred?

Link please

Also I would like to see any video which you may have which portrays a controlled demolition which was immediately proceeded by 6 hours of intense fires and structural damage. Thanks in advance
not my problem you dont understand the versatile nature of demolition.

So you can identify a controlled demolition wherein the initial explosions began 5 hours prior to the building collapsing?

Link please

no mainstream demolition company [gets its revenue from government demolitions] is going to humor a retard, and only a criminal would need to mask one explosion under another over that period of time, so if you want to supply, the building, pull the permits, I will give you a discount, for 1000 bucks per hour labor you can have a live demonstration, min charge 1 day labor, 8 hours per day, 2x overtime plus materials plus airfare hotel and meals.

You can bring your recording equipment and have full rights to the event.

So if you want proof for tards I will be happy to oblige you.

How long would you like this demolition to take? Hours? Day? 2 days? week?

if you want to add fire make sure the building is rural and you get all appropriate permits.

for an extra 5000 you can see a detcordless demo.

if you are on a budget you may wish to choose a small building.

its your money!

here is one that lasted a week

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no demolition company is going to humor a retard, and only a criminal would need to mask one explosion under another over that period of time,

So, to make a long story short, you have no other examples in the history of the universe wherein a controlled demolition took in excess of 5 hours to accomplish from the beginning of the initial explosions. Nor do you have any videos of a controlled demolition being preceded by 6 hours of intense fires and structural damage.

It seems your claim relies upon the explanation of the explosions and the fires and the structural damage being part of the criminal conspiracy to cover up the latter controlled demolition?

Have you ever considered that the "cover up explosions" and "cover up fires" and "cover up structural damage" could possibly impact the capacity to carry out the controlled demolition? That no criminal conspiracy of this magnitude would risk such circumstance which might prevent the demolition from succeeding because then there would be clear and unequivocal evidence of the scheme?
no demolition company is going to humor a retard, and only a criminal would need to mask one explosion under another over that period of time,

So, to make a long story short, you have no other examples in the history of the universe wherein a controlled demolition took in excess of 5 hours to accomplish from the beginning of the initial explosions. Nor do you have any videos of a controlled demolition being preceded by 6 hours of intense fires and structural damage.

It seems your claim relies upon the explanation of the explosions and the fires and the structural damage being part of the criminal conspiracy to cover up the latter controlled demolition?

Have you ever considered that the "cover up explosions" and "cover up fires" and "cover up structural damage" could possibly impact the capacity to carry out the controlled demolition? That no criminal conspiracy of this magnitude would risk such circumstance which might prevent the demolition from succeeding because then there would be clear and unequivocal evidence of the scheme?

Nor do you have any videos of a controlled demolition being preceded by 6 hours of intense fires and structural damage.

meaingless supposition.
I already posted videos of a demolition preceded by fires, do you have proof there is no way to do it with existing materials

you have the opportunity to make and see history, if you turn it down that is not my problem, I just posted a 1 week delayed demolition.

show me in history where
"the "cover up explosions" and "cover up fires" and "cover up structural damage" could possibly impact the capacity to carry out the controlled demolition"
link please

That no criminal conspiracy of this magnitude would risk such circumstance which might prevent the demolition from succeeding because then there would be clear and unequivocal evidence of the scheme?

so who else was involved in it with you to make those risk determinations?

It seems your claim relies upon the explanation of the explosions and the fires and the structural damage being part of the criminal conspiracy to cover up the latter controlled demolition?

since nist felt the necessity to falsify the data um... let me think.... yeh
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not my problem you dont understand the versatile nature of demolition.

So you can identify a controlled demolition wherein the initial explosions began 5 hours prior to the building collapsing?

Link please

no mainstream demolition company [gets its revenue from government demolitions] is going to humor a retard, and only a criminal would need to mask one explosion under another over that period of time, so if you want to supply, the building, pull the permits, I will give you a discount, for 1000 bucks per hour labor you can have a live demonstration, min charge 1 day labor, 8 hours per day, 2x overtime plus materials plus airfare hotel and meals.

You can bring your recording equipment and have full rights to the event.

So if you want proof for tards I will be happy to oblige you.

How long would you like this demolition to take? Hours? Day? 2 days? week?

if you want to add fire make sure the building is rural and you get all appropriate permits.

for an extra 5000 you can see a detcordless demo.

if you are on a budget you may wish to choose a small building.

its your money!
Translation: no such evidence exists, therefore, no such links will be provided. In lieu of evidence which doesn't exist, kookoo will instead post his usual delusional nonsense hoping no one will notice he's completely batshit insane.
So you can identify a controlled demolition wherein the initial explosions began 5 hours prior to the building collapsing?

Link please

no mainstream demolition company [gets its revenue from government demolitions] is going to humor a retard, and only a criminal would need to mask one explosion under another over that period of time, so if you want to supply, the building, pull the permits, I will give you a discount, for 1000 bucks per hour labor you can have a live demonstration, min charge 1 day labor, 8 hours per day, 2x overtime plus materials plus airfare hotel and meals.

You can bring your recording equipment and have full rights to the event.

So if you want proof for tards I will be happy to oblige you.

How long would you like this demolition to take? Hours? Day? 2 days? week?

if you want to add fire make sure the building is rural and you get all appropriate permits.

for an extra 5000 you can see a detcordless demo.

if you are on a budget you may wish to choose a small building.

its your money!
Translation: no such evidence exists, therefore, no such links will be provided. In lieu of evidence which doesn't exist, kookoo will instead post his usual delusional nonsense hoping no one will notice he's completely batshit insane.

translation no one caters to tards, but when the money is right I WILL! LMAO

You want answers for your tard questions pay for them.

just think you will go down in history and can put it on youtube!

you have the pricing schedule

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You've already set the parameters!

Here is a failing structure.

Are you telling me that no matter how much that load increases, there is no chance for that column beneath it to EVER reach zero resistance?

And you keep avoiding my other question.

When the entire roofline started to descend, does that mean explosives were simultaneously set throughout the entire structure? I mean, the ENTIRE roofline across the building descended at the same time right?
Actually, no, it didn't. A portion of the roof collapsed into the building about 7 seconds before the rest of the roof fell in. Something which has never happened in a controlled demolition.

Go to the 7:20 mark in this video...

I understand that. What these numbnuts are focusing on is one part of the graph. The middle part. That ENTIRE graph represents the descent of the roofline.

What I want E.L.C. to answer is what initiated the descent of the ENTIRE roofline. The canned trigger answer is simultaneous explosives going off blowing ALL the columns.

The focus is on the period of free fall, you clown. You can look at the period of free fall by it self....


As one of three Stages....


Or you can look at it as one of eight Stages for all I care....


Nothing, not three Stages, not eight Stages, not even a thousand Stages will change the conditions required for gravitational acceleration to occur during that 2.25 seconds. The rule is simple. For gravitational acceleration, it says....

There can be nothing below it (mass) that would tend to impede its progress or offer any resistance. If there is anything below it (mass) that would tend to impede its progress or offer any resistance, then not all of the potential energy of the object would be converted to motion and so would not be found falling at gravitional acceleration. There's no exception to that rule, those are the conditions that must exist for gravitational acceleration to occur for the entirety of the duration of the time it occurs.

It doesn't say anything about exceptions to the rule because of any dumb ass "Stages" added on before and/or after the period of free fall making any difference.

I could see the building going into free fall for a few feet. If that were the case no one would even have noticed and we wouldn't be talking about it.... But how the hell do any "Stages" explain how it could fall symmetrically for over 100 fucking feet as if through air with so much mass in the intervening space?
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no mainstream demolition company [gets its revenue from government demolitions] is going to humor a retard, and only a criminal would need to mask one explosion under another over that period of time, so if you want to supply, the building, pull the permits, I will give you a discount, for 1000 bucks per hour labor you can have a live demonstration, min charge 1 day labor, 8 hours per day, 2x overtime plus materials plus airfare hotel and meals.

You can bring your recording equipment and have full rights to the event.

So if you want proof for tards I will be happy to oblige you.

How long would you like this demolition to take? Hours? Day? 2 days? week?

if you want to add fire make sure the building is rural and you get all appropriate permits.

for an extra 5000 you can see a detcordless demo.

if you are on a budget you may wish to choose a small building.

its your money!
Translation: no such evidence exists, therefore, no such links will be provided. In lieu of evidence which doesn't exist, kookoo will instead post his usual delusional nonsense hoping no one will notice he's completely batshit insane.

translation no one caters to tards, but when the money is right I WILL! LMAO

You want answers for your tard questions pay for them.

just think you will go down in history and can put it on youtube!

you have the pricing schedule

[ame=]Urine Ignition! - YouTube[/ame]
How funny is it that you delude yourself into believing anybody would pay you for anything. Did you really think the forum needed more evidence that you're batshit insane? Hell, I'm still waiting for you to post the first shred of evidence that you're not completely nuts. Unfortunately, you never produce any even though you are repeatedly asked fir proof your delusions are real.
Translation: no such evidence exists, therefore, no such links will be provided. In lieu of evidence which doesn't exist, kookoo will instead post his usual delusional nonsense hoping no one will notice he's completely batshit insane.

translation no one caters to tards, but when the money is right I WILL! LMAO

You want answers for your tard questions pay for them.

just think you will go down in history and can put it on youtube!

you have the pricing schedule

[ame=""]Urine Ignition! - YouTube[/ame]
How funny is it that you delude yourself into believing anybody would pay you for anything. Did you really think the forum needed more evidence that you're batshit insane? Hell, I'm still waiting for you to post the first shred of evidence that you're not completely nuts. Unfortunately, you never produce any even though you are repeatedly asked fir proof your delusions are real.

so you demand answers then turn right around and refuse them, that is a special sort of fucked in the head. at least you are consistent.

but then we already knew that about you.

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Actually, no, it didn't. A portion of the roof collapsed into the building about 7 seconds before the rest of the roof fell in. Something which has never happened in a controlled demolition.

Go to the 7:20 mark in this video...

I understand that. What these numbnuts are focusing on is one part of the graph. The middle part. That ENTIRE graph represents the descent of the roofline.

What I want E.L.C. to answer is what initiated the descent of the ENTIRE roofline. The canned trigger answer is simultaneous explosives going off blowing ALL the columns.

The focus is on the period if free fall, you clown. You can look at the period of free fall by it self....


As one of three Stages....


Or you can look at it as one of eight Stages for all I care....


Nothing, not three Stages, not eight Stages, not even a thousand Stages will change the conditions required for gravitational acceleration to occur during that 2.25 seconds. The rule is simple. For gravitational acceleration, it says....

There can be nothing below it (mass) that would tend to impede its progress or offer any resistance. If there is anything below it (mass) that would tend to impede its progress or offer any resistance, then not all of the potential energy of the object would be converted to motion and so would not be found falling at gravitional acceleration. There's no exception to that rule, those are the conditions that must exist for gravitational acceleration to occur for the entirety of the duration of the time it occurs.

I doesn't say anything about exceptions to the rule because of any dumb ass "Stages" added on before and/or after the period of free fall making any difference.

I could see the building going into free fall for a few feet. If that were the case no one would even have noticed and we wouldn't be talking about it.... But how the hell do any "Stages" explain how it could fall symmetrically for over 100 fucking feet as if through air with so much mass in the intervening space?

Alright I've heard enough Mr. Gamoclown and I'm TELLING you it CAN'T do
that.... IT'S AGAINST THE LAW ! Are you listening to me ? It doesn't make
ANY SENSE ! Now put on your listening ears and STOP BEING A SCHMUCK Mr Gamoclown.
If it doesn't MAKE SENSE it's NOT TRUE.... GOT IT ? That's all goodbye.

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Can anyone come up with any natural failure modes that could accomplish the same thing?

Aren't you and your buddies in natural failure mode right now? :eusa_whistle:

Me? I may be a nobody, but I'm nobodys buddy, buddy, and neither are any of my non-buddy nobody buddies. You see, Rockland, your trouble isn't with me, or any of my non-buddy nobody buddies....

It's that damn Newton guy man! It's all his fault! Now don't hold back or pull any punches, just let him have it.... be a man and show him who's boss! C'mon, kick some ass dude! Here he is....

You want a piece of me?
Come get you some, sir!

[ame=]Not your buddy, guy! - YouTube[/ame]​
translation no one caters to tards, but when the money is right I WILL! LMAO

You want answers for your tard questions pay for them.

just think you will go down in history and can put it on youtube!

you have the pricing schedule

Urine Ignition! - YouTube
How funny is it that you delude yourself into believing anybody would pay you for anything. Did you really think the forum needed more evidence that you're batshit insane? Hell, I'm still waiting for you to post the first shred of evidence that you're not completely nuts. Unfortunately, you never produce any even though you are repeatedly asked fir proof your delusions are real.

so you demand answers then turn right around and refuse them, that is a special sort of fucked in the head. at least you are consistent.

but then we already knew that about you.

Who knows how you think you've owned anyone but yourself given your total lack of proof of any of your claims? :dunno:

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