The Physics Of WTC 7

How sad you're too delusional to understand that video offers zero evidence that a) the explosions came from WTC7 or b) any explosions from earlier in the day (long before the building came down) were the result of explosives used to bring the building down.

In the moments just before the building collapsed -- there were no explosions. None.

Even in the video with the reporter interviewing the woman with a child, which I referred to earlier, there is no sound of an explosion, though the voiceover falsely claims there is. He points to her looking back to the building and claims an explosion got her attention, when in fact, she is seen turning to the building after it started coming down. That is what caught her attention. Don't forget, the roof collapsed about 7 seconds before the rest of the building -- that is what caught her attention.

Not only that -- that same reported was waiting for the building to come down. Like many others that day, she was informed it was about to collapse -- it was just a matter of time ...

Reporter at WTC 7: "That is the building that is going to go down next!" - YouTube

"Brad, I can no longer hear you but I just want to reiterate for you if we can zoom in past me ... that building right there. The brown building, the tall one, is number seven World Trade Center. Heard several reports from several different officers now, that that is the building that is going to go down next. In fact, one officer told me, they're just waiting for that to come down, at this point, there's no way it's going to be recovered and there's no way they can stabilize it." ~ Ashley Banfield, MSNBC News​

But hey, look at the bright side, Fruitcake ... you're too insane to know when you've been proven wrong.


video offers no evidence, for me but they are fact for you huh
nice one retard!

all those boomee boom booms! those are explosions

made an ass out of yourself once again.

No, freak of nature, that was the sound of the building coming down.

Even the person who put that video together admits it, even though he likely doesn't realize it ...

He claims there were audible explosions which he demonstrates lasted about two seconds -- at which point, the reporter blurts out, "oh my G-d." This was about 4 seconds before she said, "this is it," which is when the entire building collapsed.

Do you get it, Fruitcake? I showed you a video where a portion of the roof collapsed into the building about 7 seconds before the building came down. The sounds heard in that video, weren't explosions -- it was the roof collapsing into the building.

fuck off troll
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video offers no evidence, for me but they are fact for you huh
nice one retard!

all those boomee boom booms! those are explosions

made an ass out of yourself once again.

No, freak of nature, that was the sound of the building coming down.

Even the person who put that video together admits it, even though he likely doesn't realize it ...

He claims there were audible explosions which he demonstrates lasted about two seconds -- at which point, the reporter blurts out, "oh my G-d." This was about 4 seconds before she said, "this is it," which is when the entire building collapsed.

Do you get it, Fruitcake? I showed you a video where a portion of the roof collapsed into the building about 7 seconds before the building came down. The sounds heard in that video, weren't explosions -- it was the roof collapsing into the building.

fuck off troll

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

No one here has shown any substantial or compelling evidence/theory that would contradict David Chandler, or show any special exemption from physical principles.

Explain this one thing. E.L.C.

David Chandlers graph shows a BREAK in freefall (inside the blue oval). How do you explain that?

Who cares about David Chandler? His initial informal analysis was only an approximation looking at a Timex Watch or something, close enough to be an indicator (no cigars).

That was later enhanced and refined by the NIST, which conducted a formal pixel by pixel analysis (using individual pixels as reference points), and the NIST says the building came down at free fall for 2.25 seconds (105 feet). Their analysis is the final word man (cigars all around boys, light'em up!).... You want to argue with the NIST? Sure pal, go ahead, let me know how that works out for you.


Forget Chandler, the NIST like really rules dude!

Hey clown! When it comes to the
NIST, you just can't miss....
Don't be no free fall fool!!


yes this is where we left off before the troll infestation jumped in.

I will bet you they ate to many stoopid pills to figure out that ALL demolitions if measure in the same way nist has, have this same curve.

I feel their pain that NIST agreed with freefall speed and they all made fools of themselves.

I have no fear they will "get it" even when told.
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Explain this one thing. E.L.C.

David Chandlers graph shows a BREAK in freefall (inside the blue oval). How do you explain that?

Who cares about David Chandler? His initial informal analysis was only an approximation looking at a Timex Watch or something, close enough to be an indicator (no cigars).

That was later enhanced and refined by the NIST, which conducted a formal pixel by pixel analysis (using individual pixels as reference points), and the NIST says the building came down at free fall for 2.25 seconds (105 feet). Their analysis is the final word man (cigars all around boys, light'em up!).... You want to argue with the NIST? Sure pal, go ahead, let me know how that works out for you.


Forget Chandler, the NIST like really rules dude!

Hey clown! When it comes to the
NIST, you just can't miss....
Don't be no free fall fool!!


yes this is where we left off before the troll infestation jumped in.

I feel their pain that NIST agreed with freefall speed and they all made fools of themselves.

And yet, I'm still waiting for you to explain what was gained by bringing WTC7 down? :eusa_whistle:
And yet, I'm still waiting for you to explain what was gained by bringing WTC7 down? :eusa_whistle:

The Illuminati knew that Americans wouldn't be mad enough to go to war after the Towers fell and 3,000 people were killed. So they had to demolish an empty, obscure building that was on on fire. Only after that event would America finally be pissed off and demand retaliatory action.

[/Twoofer mode]
The Illuminati knew that Americans wouldn't be mad enough to go to war after the Towers fell and 3,000 people were killed. So they had to demolish an empty, obscure building that was on on fire. Only after that event would America finally be pissed off and demand retaliatory action.

[/Twoofer mode]

so you think the illuminatti blew the hell out of it huh? Well nist admitted it freefell so you might be right, got a citation?
The Illuminati knew that Americans wouldn't be mad enough to go to war after the Towers fell and 3,000 people were killed. So they had to demolish an empty, obscure building that was on on fire. Only after that event would America finally be pissed off and demand retaliatory action.

[/Twoofer mode]

so you think the illuminatti blew the hell out of it huh? Well nist admitted it freefell so you might be right, got a citation?

He was mocking you Truthers, dumbfuck, since you won't answer the question.
The Illuminati knew that Americans wouldn't be mad enough to go to war after the Towers fell and 3,000 people were killed. So they had to demolish an empty, obscure building that was on on fire. Only after that event would America finally be pissed off and demand retaliatory action.

[/Twoofer mode]

so you think the illuminatti blew the hell out of it huh? Well nist admitted it freefell so you might be right, got a citation?

He was mocking you Truthers, dumbfuck, since you won't answer the question.

I was mocking him trougher troll retard

What do you know? I found a way that a structural component can (un-naturally) fail that permits the load to fall at gravitational acceleration. Oops.... that damn Chandler guy beat me to it!


Can anyone come up with any natural failure modes that could possibly accomplish the same thing?
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Can anyone come up with any natural failure modes that could accomplish the same thing?

Aren't you and your buddies in natural failure mode right now? :eusa_whistle:

Me? I may be a nobody, but I'm nobodys buddy, buddy, and neither are any of my non-buddy nobody buddies. You see, Rockland, your trouble isn't with me, or any of my non-buddy nobody buddies....

It's that damn Newton guy man! It's all his fault! Now don't hold back or pull any punches, just let him have it.... be a man and show him who's boss! C'mon, kick some ass dude! Here he is....

You want a piece of me?
Come get you some, sir!

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Can anyone come up with any natural failure modes that could accomplish the same thing?

Aren't you and your buddies in natural failure mode right now? :eusa_whistle:

Me? I may be a nobody, but I'm nobodys buddy, buddy, and neither are any of my non-buddy nobody buddies. You see, Rockland, your trouble isn't with me, or any of my non-buddy nobody buddies....

It's that damn Newton guy man! It's all his fault! Now don't hold back or pull any punches, just let him have it.... be a man and show him who's boss! C'mon, kick some ass dude! Here he is....

You want a piece of me?
Come get you some, sir!


they cant even fucking spell it!
What do you know? I found a way that a structural component can (un-naturally) fail that permits the load to fall at gravitational acceleration. Oops.... that damn Chandler guy beat me to it!


Can anyone come up with any natural failure modes that could possibly accomplish the same thing?

Thanks for posting these E.L.C.! You getting closer to proving my point. Here's something for you to think about. Starting with the BEGINNING of the collapse, which above picture represents the TOTAL collapse of WTC7?
Well, that didn't take long. In answer to your question, I do want to explore it. We'd have to agree about the parameters first though (nothing complicated).... What say you?


You've already set the parameters!
In a race to ground, all naturally failing load bearing structures, to one degree or another, will prevent a load from falling as fast as a similar weight dropped from the same height at the same time falling through air.... There are no known exceptions.

Here is a failing structure.

Are you telling me that no matter how much that load increases, there is no chance for that column beneath it to EVER reach zero resistance?

And you keep avoiding my other question.

When the entire roofline started to descend, does that mean explosives were simultaneously set throughout the entire structure? I mean, the ENTIRE roofline across the building descended at the same time right?
Actually, no, it didn't. A portion of the roof collapsed into the building about 7 seconds before the rest of the roof fell in. Something which has never happened in a controlled demolition.

Go to the 7:20 mark in this video...

I understand that. What these numbnuts are focusing on is one part of the graph. The middle part. That ENTIRE graph represents the descent of the roofline.

What I want E.L.C. to answer is what initiated the descent of the ENTIRE roofline. The canned trigger answer is simultaneous explosives going off blowing ALL the columns.
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What do you know? I found a way that a structural component can (un-naturally) fail that permits the load to fall at gravitational acceleration. Oops.... that damn Chandler guy beat me to it!


Hmmm. Which picture above resembles this graph?


Starting to see your problem yet E.L.C.?
What do you know? I found a way that a structural component can (un-naturally) fail that permits the load to fall at gravitational acceleration. Oops.... that damn Chandler guy beat me to it!


Can anyone come up with any natural failure modes that could possibly accomplish the same thing?

Thanks for posting these E.L.C.! You getting closer to proving my point. Here's something for you to think about. Starting with the BEGINNING of the collapse, which above picture represents the TOTAL collapse of WTC7?

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You've already set the parameters!

Here is a failing structure.

Are you telling me that no matter how much that load increases, there is no chance for that column beneath it to EVER reach zero resistance?

And you keep avoiding my other question.

When the entire roofline started to descend, does that mean explosives were simultaneously set throughout the entire structure? I mean, the ENTIRE roofline across the building descended at the same time right?

That's a failing structure? Because I've been checking on it over the last couple of days. It looks pretty stressed out man, but it's holding.

This is a failing structure....


....and just like the other failing structure I posted....

f50ac181b138272f31f1a16d04ab486a.gif a race to ground it will not be the same fall time as a similar weight dropped from the same height at the same time falling through air.

All I'm saying is that naturally failing load bearing structures, to one degree or another, will always prevent a load from falling as fast as a similar weight dropped from the same height at the same time falling through air, and that there are no known exceptions.

Obviously, any structural component can reach a point where it no longer offers any resistance to the load above it. It happens all the time, either because of overloading or damage to the load bearing structural component.... but it can't go into free fall unless/until structural failure is complete (bifurcation), which takes time. Only after bifurcation occurs can the load go into free fall since, as long as any part the column continues to offer any resistance, some of the falling load's potential energy will continue to be used for the purpose of overcoming it, so not all of its potential energy will be converted into motion, which is the definition of free fall....

For gravitational acceleration, all the potential energy of a falling object due to gravity must be converted to motion. It's that damn Newton guy again!

well his whole premise is a farce from the onset. He shows his ricky retardo single column to represent this:

reality is a bitch


gamoron, see if you can figure out why your single column representation is so tarded.

good luck!
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You've already set the parameters!

Here is a failing structure.

Are you telling me that no matter how much that load increases, there is no chance for that column beneath it to EVER reach zero resistance?

And you keep avoiding my other question.

When the entire roofline started to descend, does that mean explosives were simultaneously set throughout the entire structure? I mean, the ENTIRE roofline across the building descended at the same time right?
Actually, no, it didn't. A portion of the roof collapsed into the building about 7 seconds before the rest of the roof fell in. Something which has never happened in a controlled demolition.

Go to the 7:20 mark in this video...

I understand that. What these numbnuts are focusing on is one part of the graph. The middle part. That ENTIRE graph represents the descent of the roofline.

What I want E.L.C. to answer is what initiated the descent of the ENTIRE roofline. The canned trigger answer is simultaneous explosives going off blowing ALL the columns.

It's clearly not from setting off explosives in a controlled demolition since we can see a big chunk of the roof cave in 7 seconds ahead of the rest of the building. That's not how controlled demolitions work.

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