The Physics Of WTC 7

What's the matter E.L.C.? Don't want to answer?

Well, that didn't take long. In answer to your question, I do want to explore it. We'd have to agree about the parameters first though (nothing complicated).... What say you?


You've already set the parameters!
In a race to ground, all naturally failing load bearing structures, to one degree or another, will prevent a load from falling as fast as a similar weight dropped from the same height at the same time falling through air.... There are no known exceptions.

Here is a failing structure.

Are you telling me that no matter how much that load increases, there is no chance for that column beneath it to EVER reach zero resistance?

And you keep avoiding my other question.

When the entire roofline started to descend, does that mean explosives were simultaneously set throughout the entire structure? I mean, the ENTIRE roofline across the building descended at the same time right?
Actually, no, it didn't. A portion of the roof collapsed into the building about 7 seconds before the rest of the roof fell in. Something which has never happened in a controlled demolition.

Go to the 7:20 mark in this video...
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Well, that didn't take long. In answer to your question, I do want to explore it. We'd have to agree about the parameters first though (nothing complicated).... What say you?


You've already set the parameters!
In a race to ground, all naturally failing load bearing structures, to one degree or another, will prevent a load from falling as fast as a similar weight dropped from the same height at the same time falling through air.... There are no known exceptions.

Here is a failing structure.

Are you telling me that no matter how much that load increases, there is no chance for that column beneath it to EVER reach zero resistance?

And you keep avoiding my other question.

When the entire roofline started to descend, does that mean explosives were simultaneously set throughout the entire structure? I mean, the ENTIRE roofline across the building descended at the same time right?
Actually, no, it didn't. A portion of the roof collapsed into the building about 7 seconds before the rest of the roof fell in. Something which has never happened in a controlled demolition.

Go to the 7:20 mark in this video...


sure it has where did you get jewel if bullshit from?

you don't know! thanks for admitting that!

That's why Koko is on ignore for me. Never adds anything to the discussion and clutters the thread with useless pictures. Makes viewing this thread MUCH easier.

nope koko is on ignore with you because koko makes mincemeat out of your ass and like a few others you damn well know it!


You spout nothing but delusions, meaning your self proclamation of victory is equally delusional. :cool:
That's why Koko is on ignore for me. Never adds anything to the discussion and clutters the thread with useless pictures. Makes viewing this thread MUCH easier.

nope koko is on ignore with you because koko makes mincemeat out of your ass and like a few others you damn well know it!


You spout nothing but delusions, meaning your self proclamation of victory is equally delusional. :cool:

wow lots of blind accusations with zero validation.

yup another retard post LMAO

The way is works is when you edit out the sound there is nothing, or if you edit yap mouth over the top there is yap mouth.

thats the way these things work.
Edit out the sound???


There were plenty of clips in there with sound. In one, a reporter is interviewing a woman with a child when WTC7 came down. There were no explosions. None whatsoever. None could be seen and none could be heard.

Hold fast to your delusions.:cuckoo:

yeh thats what you do when you want to tamper with the evidence. Its criminal. Its why this guy had to be eliminated.

[ame=]Barry Jennings - 9/11 Early Afternoon ABC7 Interview - YouTube[/ame]

he was not in wtc 1

he was not in wtc 2

Where do you think he was?

He is dead now, just like the 30 year demolition vet who publically stated 7 was without question an explosive demolition.

and there are videos that have the sound, damned if I am stoopid enough to post it.
There are no videos with sound where explosions can be heard coming from WTC7 when the building collapsed. That is because there were no explosions when the building collapsed. Even the video you just posted was from a man inside a stairwell when the south tower fell. Meaning he couldn't see where the explosion came from.

Seems you're under the delusion that WTC7 was the first controlled demolition where silent explosives were used.


You've already set the parameters!

Here is a failing structure.

Are you telling me that no matter how much that load increases, there is no chance for that column beneath it to EVER reach zero resistance?

And you keep avoiding my other question.

When the entire roofline started to descend, does that mean explosives were simultaneously set throughout the entire structure? I mean, the ENTIRE roofline across the building descended at the same time right?
Actually, no, it didn't. A portion of the roof collapsed into the building about 7 seconds before the rest of the roof fell in. Something which has never happened in a controlled demolition.

Go to the 7:20 mark in this video...


sure it has where did you get jewel if bullshit from?

Are you that insane that you can't see thd left side of the roof cave in about 7 seconds before the rest of the roof collapse in the video I posted.

it's as clear as day. Go to the 7:20 mark in that video and you can't possibly miss it.
Actually, no, it didn't. A portion of the roof collapsed into the building about 7 seconds before the rest of the roof fell in. Something which has never happened in a controlled demolition.

Go to the 7:20 mark in this video...


sure it has where did you get jewel if bullshit from?

Are you that insane that you can't see thd left side of the roof cave in about 7 seconds before the rest of the roof collapse in the video I posted.

it's as clear as day. Go to the 7:20 mark in that video and you can't possibly miss it.

so what?

So what do you think is remotely significant about that?
sure it has where did you get jewel if bullshit from?

Are you that insane that you can't see thd left side of the roof cave in about 7 seconds before the rest of the roof collapse in the video I posted.

it's as clear as day. Go to the 7:20 mark in that video and you can't possibly miss it.

so what?

So what do you think is remotely significant about that?

You intimated part of the roof didn't collapse first. Are you now admitting you see it now?
Are you that insane that you can't see thd left side of the roof cave in about 7 seconds before the rest of the roof collapse in the video I posted.

it's as clear as day. Go to the 7:20 mark in that video and you can't possibly miss it.

so what?

So what do you think is remotely significant about that?

You intimated part of the roof didn't collapse first. Are you now admitting you see it now?

I did? quote it.

WHats your point because the ventilators are irrelevant
so what?

So what do you think is remotely significant about that?

You intimated part of the roof didn't collapse first. Are you now admitting you see it now?

I did? quote it.

WHats your point because the ventilators are irrelevant

Umm, Fruitcake, I understand you're batshit insane, bat don't you even know what your gibberish means? I posted a video showing a partial roof collapse and you called it, "bullshit."

Your nuttiness aside, there has never been a controlled demolition with no explosives where part of the roof collapsed before the rest of the roof.
there has never been a controlled demolition with no explosives where part of the roof collapsed before the rest of the roof.

yeh ok we already know explosives were used so what?

Now you're flat out lying; the last refuge of a scoundrel. The reality is, you have absolutely no evidence that any explosives were used on WTC7.

And again, I posted a video with multiple shots of the WTC7 collapse, many with sound.

Not one showed an explosion prior to the building coming down; and not one with sound presented audio evidence of any explosions.

You remain with nothing to prove your claim.

Again, here's what real control demolitions sound and look like ...

[ame=]Implosionworld Explosive Demolition Compilation 2003 - YouTube[/ame]

Most obvious, are the massive explosions, both visual and auditory, which remain the hallmark of a controlled demolition. Not only are such explosions completely absent in the demise of WTC7, but even attempting to bring down such a massive building would have required far more explosives than the much smaller buildings brought down in the video I posted.
there has never been a controlled demolition with no explosives where part of the roof collapsed before the rest of the roof.

yeh ok we already know explosives were used so what?

Furthermore -- there was absolutely nothing to be gained by bringing WTC7 down. So you also lack motive as well.

sure there was you are just to fucking ignorant to have a clu! LMAO
there has never been a controlled demolition with no explosives where part of the roof collapsed before the rest of the roof.

yeh ok we already know explosives were used so what?

Now you're flat out lying; the last refuge of a scoundrel. The reality is, you have absolutely no evidence that any explosives were used on WTC7.

And again, I posted a video with multiple shots of the WTC7 collapse, many with sound.

Not one showed an explosion prior to the building coming down; and not one with sound presented audio evidence of any explosions.

You remain with nothing to prove your claim.

Again, here's what real control demolitions sound and look like ...

[ame=""]Implosionworld Explosive Demolition Compilation 2003 - YouTube[/ame]

Most obvious, are the massive explosions, both visual and auditory, which remain the hallmark of a controlled demolition. Not only are such explosions completely absent in the demise of WTC7, but even attempting to bring down such a massive building would have required far more explosives than the much smaller buildings brought down in the video I posted.

well you fucked up again.


you official story huggers must take double doses of stoopid pills every day to be that much of a asshelmet
yeh ok we already know explosives were used so what?

Now you're flat out lying; the last refuge of a scoundrel. The reality is, you have absolutely no evidence that any explosives were used on WTC7.

And again, I posted a video with multiple shots of the WTC7 collapse, many with sound.

Not one showed an explosion prior to the building coming down; and not one with sound presented audio evidence of any explosions.

You remain with nothing to prove your claim.

Again, here's what real control demolitions sound and look like ...

[ame=""]Implosionworld Explosive Demolition Compilation 2003 - YouTube[/ame]

Most obvious, are the massive explosions, both visual and auditory, which remain the hallmark of a controlled demolition. Not only are such explosions completely absent in the demise of WTC7, but even attempting to bring down such a massive building would have required far more explosives than the much smaller buildings brought down in the video I posted.

well you fucked up again.

[ame=]WTC 7: Sound Evidence for Explosions - YouTube[/ame]

you official story huggers must take double doses of stoopid pills every day to be that much of a asshelmet

How sad you're too delusional to understand that video offers zero evidence that a) the explosions came from WTC7 or b) any explosions from earlier in the day (long before the building came down) were the result of explosives used to bring the building down.

In the moments just before the building collapsed -- there were no explosions. None.

Even in the video with the reporter interviewing the woman with a child, which I referred to earlier, there is no sound of an explosion, though the voiceover falsely claims there is. He points to her looking back to the building and claims an explosion got her attention, when in fact, she is seen turning to the building after it started coming down. That is what caught her attention. Don't forget, the roof collapsed about 7 seconds before the rest of the building -- that is what caught her attention.

Not only that -- that same reported was waiting for the building to come down. Like many others that day, she was informed it was about to collapse -- it was just a matter of time ...

[ame=]Reporter at WTC 7: "That is the building that is going to go down next!" - YouTube[/ame]

"Brad, I can no longer hear you but I just want to reiterate for you if we can zoom in past me ... that building right there. The brown building, the tall one, is number seven World Trade Center. Heard several reports from several different officers now, that that is the building that is going to go down next. In fact, one officer told me, they're just waiting for that to come down, at this point, there's no way it's going to be recovered and there's no way they can stabilize it." ~ Ashley Banfield, MSNBC News​

But hey, look at the bright side, Fruitcake ... you're too insane to know when you've been proven wrong.

Now you're flat out lying; the last refuge of a scoundrel. The reality is, you have absolutely no evidence that any explosives were used on WTC7.

And again, I posted a video with multiple shots of the WTC7 collapse, many with sound.

Not one showed an explosion prior to the building coming down; and not one with sound presented audio evidence of any explosions.

You remain with nothing to prove your claim.

Again, here's what real control demolitions sound and look like ...

Implosionworld Explosive Demolition Compilation 2003 - YouTube

Most obvious, are the massive explosions, both visual and auditory, which remain the hallmark of a controlled demolition. Not only are such explosions completely absent in the demise of WTC7, but even attempting to bring down such a massive building would have required far more explosives than the much smaller buildings brought down in the video I posted.

well you fucked up again.

[ame=""]WTC 7: Sound Evidence for Explosions - YouTube[/ame]

you official story huggers must take double doses of stoopid pills every day to be that much of a asshelmet

How sad you're too delusional to understand that video offers zero evidence that a) the explosions came from WTC7 or b) any explosions from earlier in the day (long before the building came down) were the result of explosives used to bring the building down.

In the moments just before the building collapsed -- there were no explosions. None.

Even in the video with the reporter interviewing the woman with a child, which I referred to earlier, there is no sound of an explosion,

What a fucking LIAR, dumb ass everyone who views the video must be laughing their asses off how you have been reduced to fucktard lying. if you are going to lie at least dont be so gawd damned obvious about it retard.

though the voiceover falsely claims there is. He points to her looking back to the building and claims an explosion got her attention, when in fact, she is seen turning to the building after it started coming down. That is what caught her attention. Don't forget, the roof collapsed about 7 seconds before the rest of the building -- that is what caught her attention.

Not only that -- that same reported was waiting for the building to come down. Like many others that day, she was informed it was about to collapse -- it was just a matter of time ...

[ame=""]Reporter at WTC 7: "That is the building that is going to go down next!" - YouTube[/ame]

"Brad, I can no longer hear you but I just want to reiterate for you if we can zoom in past me ... that building right there. The brown building, the tall one, is number seven World Trade Center. Heard several reports from several different officers now, that that is the building that is going to go down next. In fact, one officer told me, they're just waiting for that to come down, at this point, there's no way it's going to be recovered and there's no way they can stabilize it." ~ Ashley Banfield, MSNBC News​

But hey, look at the bright side, Fruitcake ... you're too insane to know when you've been proven wrong.


video offers no evidence, for me but they are fact for you huh
nice one retard!

all those boomee boom booms! those are explosions

you should find something more productive to do than make a consistent ass out of yourself.

now that I seen your bold face lie its clear you are nothing more than a fucking troll
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well you fucked up again.

WTC 7: Sound Evidence for Explosions - YouTube

you official story huggers must take double doses of stoopid pills every day to be that much of a asshelmet

How sad you're too delusional to understand that video offers zero evidence that a) the explosions came from WTC7 or b) any explosions from earlier in the day (long before the building came down) were the result of explosives used to bring the building down.

In the moments just before the building collapsed -- there were no explosions. None.

Even in the video with the reporter interviewing the woman with a child, which I referred to earlier, there is no sound of an explosion, though the voiceover falsely claims there is. He points to her looking back to the building and claims an explosion got her attention, when in fact, she is seen turning to the building after it started coming down. That is what caught her attention. Don't forget, the roof collapsed about 7 seconds before the rest of the building -- that is what caught her attention.

Not only that -- that same reported was waiting for the building to come down. Like many others that day, she was informed it was about to collapse -- it was just a matter of time ...

[ame=""]Reporter at WTC 7: "That is the building that is going to go down next!" - YouTube[/ame]

"Brad, I can no longer hear you but I just want to reiterate for you if we can zoom in past me ... that building right there. The brown building, the tall one, is number seven World Trade Center. Heard several reports from several different officers now, that that is the building that is going to go down next. In fact, one officer told me, they're just waiting for that to come down, at this point, there's no way it's going to be recovered and there's no way they can stabilize it." ~ Ashley Banfield, MSNBC News​

But hey, look at the bright side, Fruitcake ... you're too insane to know when you've been proven wrong.


video offers no evidence, for me but they are fact for you huh
nice one retard!

all those boomee boom booms! those are explosions

made an ass out of yourself once again.

No, freak of nature, that was the sound of the building coming down.

Even the person who put that video together admits it, even though he likely doesn't realize it ...

He claims there were audible explosions which he demonstrates lasted about two seconds -- at which point, the reporter blurts out, "oh my G-d." This was about 4 seconds before she said, "this is it," which is when the entire building collapsed.

Do you get it, Fruitcake? I showed you a video where a portion of the roof collapsed into the building about 7 seconds before the building came down. The sounds heard in that video, weren't explosions -- it was the roof collapsing into the building.

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