The Planet X/Nibiru/ELEnin Brown Dwarf Timeline

The Google Earth SKY stuff is fun. It's kind of impressive. But it is not complete.

For example, if one goes to the coordinates I offered a few posts back: 5h 38m 36.05s -69 05' 12.09
one will SEE clearly that the "sky" has been kind of patched together. At some levels it looks almost complete. But at varying "depths," there are missing "pieces" all over the sky.

It's not their fault. It's no conspiracy. It's just that that "sky" is really big.
The Google Earth SKY stuff is fun. It's kind of impressive. But it is not complete.

For example, if one goes to the coordinates I offered a few posts back: 5h 38m 36.05s -69 05' 12.09
one will SEE clearly that the "sky" has been kind of patched together. At some levels it looks almost complete. But at varying "depths," there are missing "pieces" all over the sky.

It's not their fault. It's no conspiracy. It's just that that "sky" is really big.
just like their sat images of earth are not complete
are they trying to hide parts of the earth too?
The Google Earth SKY stuff is fun. It's kind of impressive. But it is not complete.

For example, if one goes to the coordinates I offered a few posts back: 5h 38m 36.05s -69 05' 12.09
one will SEE clearly that the "sky" has been kind of patched together. At some levels it looks almost complete. But at varying "depths," there are missing "pieces" all over the sky.

It's not their fault. It's no conspiracy. It's just that that "sky" is really big.
just like their sat images of earth are not complete
are they trying to hide parts of the earth too?

The Google Earth SKY stuff is fun. It's kind of impressive. But it is not complete.

For example, if one goes to the coordinates I offered a few posts back: 5h 38m 36.05s -69 05' 12.09
one will SEE clearly that the "sky" has been kind of patched together. At some levels it looks almost complete. But at varying "depths," there are missing "pieces" all over the sky.

It's not their fault. It's no conspiracy. It's just that that "sky" is really big.
just like their sat images of earth are not complete
are they trying to hide parts of the earth too?

that must be where all those FEMA death camps are


Maybe he WAS taken away?

This new guy could be an impostor!

See? I keep TELLIN' everyone that these 9/11 Troofers warrant close scrutiny!
he must have got away
damn, i told them they needed better fences at those places
but they didnt listen

Aliens can't even run a fucking Gitmo light years from home.

Dopey fuckers.
Star group cxr23.0 out in the Fornax region of the the outer edge of our Galaxy, about 29,000 LY distant.

Oh well.

Thank you,

I'm good to go.

A friend of a friend knows John Cusack and we got a spot on the ark.
I understood the "http" lax, but the whole subject.



Your use of the indefinite pronoun "this" makes your inquiry difficult to track.

I am gonna guess that what you are asking is "What are DiveCon and Liability talkin' about in regards to Terral's Fifth Column activities?" The ANSWER is "it's a long story."

The lunatic conspiracy theory whore known as Terral has previously issued dire warnings, based on his extensive "study" of whatever is authoritatively said on YouTube. He apparently cross-references YouTube videos against one another for verification. That's his notion of "study." If you look at DiveCons' link to a September 2009 thread, here, you can see Terral assuring us all that we'd soon be subject to martial law, forced injections of the Swine Flu inoculation poisons and that some group of people on the red list (coincidentally named Redlisters -- of which he was one) would be snatched away, first.

I may not be doing justice to the depths of Terral's inane blather. :cuckoo:

Anyway, Terral has a track record of playing the gullible chicken little. Oddly enough, he's still here. He shouldn't be. The rapture has come and gone according to his prior postings. He should be long gone. But he's HOPING that a warp speed traveling roadshow in the form of a deathstar/planet/comet will cause a pole shift, earthquakes, volcanoes, tidal waves and mass diarrhea across the Planet Earth sometime soon. (He hates always being proved wrong.)
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Hi, I live in Sweden and would like to ask you safe places to go during the three conjuctions.
Considering the fact that the earth only spins at 800 km/h here, maybe the norh mountains between Sweden and Norway will be sufficient?
They are about 2000 meters high at their peaks.
Do you think the tsunami will reach above those heights here?

I would be very greatful for any kind of concrete answer.

Also I'm seeing events in the news allready today. Doomsday has begun.

Best wishes and good luck. /H4LFB4CKS

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