The Planet X/Nibiru/ELEnin Brown Dwarf Timeline

the magnetic pole shifts are gradual, not sudden
and the ACTUAL poles havent changed
the rotational axis is still where it has always been
Are you totally rejecting the theory of, the extinction of the dinosaurs due to a sudden pole shift?
The theory says it was a meteor not a pole shift.
i've heard multiple possible theories for the extinction of the dinosaurs, but none of them ever include an actual pole shift, or a magnetic pole shift
Are you totally rejecting the theory of, the extinction of the dinosaurs due to a sudden pole shift?
The theory says it was a meteor not a pole shift.
i've heard multiple possible theories for the extinction of the dinosaurs, but none of them ever include an actual pole shift, or a magnetic pole shift

I wonder if when there is a pole shift, the earth suddenly starts rotating in the other which case, we all get thrown eastward at over 1000 MPH.
i hate to inject any sort of actual facts into your investigation but.....

isnt a brown dwarf a star?

isnt something revolving around a star a PLANET and not a MOON?:cuckoo:

some investigation you have going, eh?!!:lol:
Greetings to All:

This is a short list of twenty five symptoms of Nibiru the brown dwarf with multiple moons in the alignment of an 'X' (pic) in pictures from a south pole observatory telescope. These symptoms include but are not limited to:

1. Massive migrating animal deaths taking place all over the globe (story).
2. Major super storm floods taking place everywhere (story).
3. Magnetic pole migration that has been going on since 2004 (story) and is becoming dramatic today (story).
4. Irregular weather causing food shortages (story and story).
5. Increased volcano eruptions (story).
6. Increased earthquakes (story).
7. The wobble in the earth's rotation getting worse (story).
8. Sunrise coming 2 days early in Greenland (story).
9. Yellowstone ground bulging from active magma swells (story).
10. No media coverage (story) of Planet X/Comet Elenin calculated to pass only 22.3 million miles from earth (Post #221).
11. FEMA buying food and supplies for an expected New Madrid Fault Catastrophe (story).
12. All planets in our solar system heating up (story).
13. Airports closing down to remark their runways (story) over magnetic pole migration.
14. Rogue tides from rising oceans (story).
15. Sea Level Strangeness (story).
16. Moon out of place (story).
17. Increased solar radiation (story).
18. Increased sink hole activity (story) and large cracks forming (Michigan).
19. Global Warming of all planets in our solar system (story).
20. Unprecedented changes in sun and planets (story).
21. Wacky Compasses: [ame=""]video[/ame]
22. Leaky magnetic field (story).
23. Severe Winter/Epic Snow (story).
24. Mega solar flare activity (story and story).
25. Global ocean conveyor disruption (story).

This list could grow to more than a thousand things that are going wrong on the earth for the same reason, as this link describes 600+ things caused by global warming alone. The lying science community and media and our corrupt politicians want you to believe that human beings are causing many of these problems (link), when in reality they are all caused by the approach of a brown dwarf entering our inner solar system for a once every 3600-year orbit around our Sun. My Planet X/Nibiru/ELEnin Brown Dwarf Event Timeline (link) has the most comprehensive commentary and analysis describing a chronological sequential timeline of events that you can find anywhere on the internet. Google (my Google Forum post), NASA, the US Govt and the Media are doing everything possible to hide Nibiru (my topic) from the people in order to avoid sending the global population into panic, when in reality they are withholding valuable lifesaving information as accomplices to deliberate global genocide.

[ame=""]This Is What Google/NASA/Govt Do Not Want You To See[/ame]

Supposedly in December 2010 a Russian discovered a mystery comet approaching earth (story) named LEOnid ELEnin (NWO code) using a little 18-inch telescope, which stands for Extinction-Level Event from Leo Constellation. NASA provided us with the ELEnin Comet orbit diagram data (link) to create the illusion that these Nibiru ‘Events’ will be a harmless comet show. This supposed comet (brown dwarf) reaches perigee position on September 11, 2011 exactly ten years after the 9/11 attacks. The third conjunction alignment takes place on November 22, 2011, or the same day that JFK was murdered. The Global Banksters, their bought-and-paid-for corrupt politicians and their Media mogals are right now loading food and supplies into underground bunkers (story) in preparation for Nibiru, while you are being left out of the information loop to be caught by surprise on March 4, 2011, when the brown dwarf breaks through the solar ecliptic plane. FEMA is preparing for Nibiru under the disguise of getting ready for a New Madrid Fault Line Catastrophe (story) while you sit there unprepared.

The House of Rothschild (planned and financed 9/11 attacks) siphoned off all your wealth with his Global Banking Cartel ('None Dare Call It Conspiracy') and is now printing the fiat dollar to oblivion to destroy the US/Global Economies to now lead the world to war. Then he can finance both sides all over again like in Nazi Germany with Adolf Hitler and his concentration camps and gas ovens and railway cars filled with Jews and then lye for shoveling out into mountains of fertilizer to feed his master race. The number one reason that the USA is destroyed (my topic) is because you allowed a Rothschild central bank (Creature From Jekyll Island) to set up shop and steal you blind and the Rockefeller’s and Morgan’s and their lot are his American Bankster little helpers.

All of these things have a common denominator and they all point to the approach of a brown dwarf between the size of Jupiter and the Sun that has been affecting Earth climate, magnetic field, orbit and tilt since about 2004 and the symptoms are about to become FAR worse after March 4, 2011. I have gone to great effort in order to present you with the red pill (pic), so that you can wake up from the Media-induced trance and see the real world and what is about to happen; or you can laugh with the trolls and shills to wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe.

I personally am hoping all of this is a dream and hoping for the best, while also prepping for the worst-case scenario and so should you.

Earth Change and Pole Shift Explained

Last Timester Event Timeline

Background Info

Surviving Nibiru

Buy Survival Silver

Secret Govt Meeting

Martial Law

What Happened On 9/11

My posting


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Terral do you ever actually read this shit?

"WISE launched on Dec. 14, 2009 to begin a 10-month mission to collect data to be stitched together into a composite map of the entire sky.......

Over the course of its mission, WISE scanned the sky 1 1/2 times, taking about 1.8 million images of asteroids, stars and galaxies........

In late September 2010, WISE ran out of the coolant needed to chill its infrared detectors."

Mission accomplished asshole. And then they even extended the mission without coolant. DUH!
There is simply no way to coherently address this craziness. He DOES qualify every single asinine post with, "I hope this is all a sham, and hope everything is okay, but......."

I think he is doing this all as a joke. If he is serious, they intern people like this for severe insanity.

Hi Robert :)cool:):

There is simply no way to coherently address this craziness. He DOES qualify every single asinine post with, "I hope this is all a sham, and hope everything is okay, but......."

I think he is doing this all as a joke. If he is serious, they intern people like this for severe insanity.


These warnings are sent out in the form of 'Conspiracy THEORIES' that readers can take seriously or with a grain of salt. Robert is here to insist that everything is 'normal' and indeed 'very normal' and that this Terral guy is insane. However, a sane person would simply wait until after March 15, 2011 and make that declaration when nothing happens. Right? The problem with your hypothesis is that serious repercussions exist for everyone on earth if the substance of my warning turns out to be real.

I am telling you and everyone else that my current investigation says the ELEnin Comet approaching earth right now (2.5 AU) at 100,000 miles per hour and 2.4 million miles every day is a brown dwarf with multiple moons. My research turned up the exact coordinates of this incoming object at 5h 53m 27s -6 10' 58. So I go to Google Sky and plug in the coordinates to find this (pic) and Robert here seems to believe that a big empty black box at the EXACT LOCATION is 'normal' and indeed 'very normal.' However, Robert has also offered no reasonable answer as to why Google is blocking out these images, because there is no reasonable answer other than Google and NASA are hiding something (topic).

This is the kind of evidence that real Truthers see as facts pointing to a 'Conspiracy,' which is the very reason this particular USMB Forum was launched in the first place. But, Robert is not here to share his conspiracy theories, because he is here to push the Google/NASA/Govt ELEnin Comet Cover Story and the Rothschild/Rockefeller Eugenics Agenda by throwing rocks at me for simply writing about what appears to be the MOTHER of all conspiracies. Are we supposed to believe that this white shoe NASA pinhead shows up at the USMB Conspiracy Theories Forum just in time to tamp down evidence of Nibiru breaking through the ecliptic plane on March 4, 2011 in anticipation of the March 15, 2011 pole shift 'event' that so many others are warning about (topic)???

According to Robert there are a LOT of coincidences surrounding the ELEnin Comet/Nibiru Topic and the guy sending out the warnings is insane 'in his opinion.' For the record, an insane man could hardly sit down and run this kind of thorough investigation that continues to turn up more evidence that a brown dwarf is indeed heading towards the Sun for a tight orbit that happens once every 3600 years. If this turns out to be another false flag, then I will be very surprised. If this were a false flag, then the DoD would have sent someone to tell my side of the story that would not come to pass. Robert is here doing the exact opposite, which should raise a ton of red flags ...


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Hi Half:

Apperantly someone is not happy with you spreading the truth.
Do not be surprised if they also close you account here and men in black suits comes for you.
Best wishes.

Our Intelligence Community is run under the auspices of Artificial Intelligence Oracle Super Computers fed all available information for running a series of computer-generated threat assessment simulations. Oracle does not view Terral as a threat, because nobody believes him. ;0) In fact, Oracle knows that I firmly believe that the USA 'is' worthy of destruction (my topic) and that Nibiru is doing God's work of destroying a wicked and perverse generation.

This is my warning post from April 20, 2009 that still holds true today. I have written everyone in authority about the 9/11 inside job and the entire US Govt on the Federal, State and Local level is corrupt to the core and could not care less about bringing anyone to 911Justice. Oracle sends out threat assessment red flags about sources that people 'do' believe and I am definitely not in that crowd. I have a 'demon' ... too. Besides, they only have to keep the people deluded for about two more weeks, when the crap begins to hit the fan in a big way. March 15, 2011 will be here before you know it and none of this will matter.


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Hi Robert:

Every single thing this person has posted is false.

I have challenged the johnny-come-lately new kid on the block to point out 'any' false statements in my presentations of:

What Really Happened On 9/11.

What Really Happened At the Pentagon on 9/11.

Govt Reports Prove 9/11 Inside Job.

The Empty Hole Outside Shanksville On 9/11

The WTC-7 Controlled Demolition Inside-Job Implosion

These are long and drawn-out presentations of 'the' truth that Robert here cannot refute in a million years. I cannot 'quote >>' from Robert's defense of the Official Cover Story LIES, because he was sent here to run diversion for the Comet ELEnin/Nibiru Govt Cover Story that says a brown dwarf with multiple moons (pic) is really a harmless comet.

Google And NASA Are Hiding Nibiru Images

If I am the liar, then what appears in the sky at these coordinates? 5h 53m 27s -6 10' 58 Why do I go to Google Sky and see a black empty box (pic)?? What is Robert's 'normal' and 'very normal' reason for Google hiding these images? Please say something that makes one lick of sense!

It is a lie and not true. We can wait till March 15, whatever that means, but this is a sham. Totally.


Robert cannot wait until after March 4, 2011 when the crap starts hitting the fan in anticipation of the March 15, 2011 pole shift 'event,' because he will be tucked away in some underground bunker somewhere and he can stop all this LYING at the USMB. Mike at PatrioticSpace is giving out this warning:

[ame=""]Preparations For Extinction-Level Event Continue[/ame]


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Greetings to All:

[ame=]Armageddon or Hot Air? Earth braced for 'Strongest Sun Storm'[/ame]


Greetings to All:

[ame=]Indonesia Is Sinking[/ame]

Go through the short video to realize the river is not overflowing, but the rogue ocean tides are rising and covering up the land. Nibiru is approaching earth from the southern hemisphere and the massive gravity well is pulling waters 'south' like the moon affects our tides.


Greetings to All:

This is a short list of twenty five symptoms of Nibiru the brown dwarf with multiple moons in the alignment of an 'X' (pic) in pictures from a south pole observatory telescope. These symptoms include but are not limited to:

1. Massive migrating animal deaths taking place all over the globe (story).
2. Major super storm floods taking place everywhere (story).
3. Magnetic pole migration that has been going on since 2004 (story) and is becoming dramatic today (story).
4. Irregular weather causing food shortages (story and story).
5. Increased volcano eruptions (story).
6. Increased earthquakes (story).
7. The wobble in the earth's rotation getting worse (story).
8. Sunrise coming 2 days early in Greenland (story).
9. Yellowstone ground bulging from active magma swells (story).
10. No media coverage (story) of Planet X/Comet Elenin calculated to pass only 22.3 million miles from earth (Post #221).
11. FEMA buying food and supplies for an expected New Madrid Fault Catastrophe (story).
12. All planets in our solar system heating up (story).
13. Airports closing down to remark their runways (story) over magnetic pole migration.
14. Rogue tides from rising oceans (story).
15. Sea Level Strangeness (story).
16. Moon out of place (story).
17. Increased solar radiation (story).
18. Increased sink hole activity (story) and large cracks forming (Michigan).
19. Global Warming of all planets in our solar system (story).
20. Unprecedented changes in sun and planets (story).
21. Wacky Compasses: video
22. Leaky magnetic field (story).
23. Severe Winter/Epic Snow (story).
24. Mega solar flare activity (story and story).
25. Global ocean conveyor disruption (story).

This list could grow to more than a thousand things that are going wrong on the earth for the same reason, as this link describes 600+ things caused by global warming alone. The lying science community and media and our corrupt politicians want you to believe that human beings are causing many of these problems (link), when in reality they are all caused by the approach of a brown dwarf entering our inner solar system for a once every 3600-year orbit around our Sun. My Planet X/Nibiru/ELEnin Brown Dwarf Event Timeline (link) has the most comprehensive commentary and analysis describing a chronological sequential timeline of events that you can find anywhere on the internet. Google (my Google Forum post), NASA, the US Govt and the Media are doing everything possible to hide Nibiru (my topic) from the people in order to avoid sending the global population into panic, when in reality they are withholding valuable lifesaving information as accomplices to deliberate global genocide.

This Is What Google/NASA/Govt Do Not Want You To See

Supposedly in December 2010 a Russian discovered a mystery comet approaching earth (story) named LEOnid ELEnin (NWO code) using a little 18-inch telescope, which stands for Extinction-Level Event from Leo Constellation. NASA provided us with the ELEnin Comet orbit diagram data (link) to create the illusion that these Nibiru ‘Events’ will be a harmless comet show. This supposed comet (brown dwarf) reaches perigee position on September 11, 2011 exactly ten years after the 9/11 attacks. The third conjunction alignment takes place on November 22, 2011, or the same day that JFK was murdered. The Global Banksters, their bought-and-paid-for corrupt politicians and their Media mogals are right now loading food and supplies into underground bunkers (story) in preparation for Nibiru, while you are being left out of the information loop to be caught by surprise on March 4, 2011, when the brown dwarf breaks through the solar ecliptic plane. FEMA is preparing for Nibiru under the disguise of getting ready for a New Madrid Fault Line Catastrophe (story) while you sit there unprepared.

The House of Rothschild (planned and financed 9/11 attacks) siphoned off all your wealth with his Global Banking Cartel ('None Dare Call It Conspiracy') and is now printing the fiat dollar to oblivion to destroy the US/Global Economies to now lead the world to war. Then he can finance both sides all over again like in Nazi Germany with Adolf Hitler and his concentration camps and gas ovens and railway cars filled with Jews and then lye for shoveling out into mountains of fertilizer to feed his master race. The number one reason that the USA is destroyed (my topic) is because you allowed a Rothschild central bank (Creature From Jekyll Island) to set up shop and steal you blind and the Rockefeller’s and Morgan’s and their lot are his American Bankster little helpers.

All of these things have a common denominator and they all point to the approach of a brown dwarf between the size of Jupiter and the Sun that has been affecting Earth climate, magnetic field, orbit and tilt since about 2004 and the symptoms are about to become FAR worse after March 4, 2011. I have gone to great effort in order to present you with the red pill (pic), so that you can wake up from the Media-induced trance and see the real world and what is about to happen; or you can laugh with the trolls and shills to wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe.

I personally am hoping all of this is a dream and hoping for the best, while also prepping for the worst-case scenario and so should you.

Earth Change and Pole Shift Explained

Last Timester Event Timeline

Background Info

Surviving Nibiru

Buy Survival Silver

Secret Govt Meeting

Martial Law

What Happened On 9/11

My posting




Would you be willing to type the disclaimer "Sorry bout that" at the top of each of your posts?

I think I can speak for the majority of people here that we deserve an apology for your posts.

All Up Inside of That,
Terral, I told you in another thread that I would put the moon back when I was done testing.
for a while anyway. I have a use for earths moon.
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Greeting to Yall:

A round of pos rep if you can succinctly describe the symptoms which Nibiru, the warp speed moving Brown Death Dwarf Star/Planet/Comet-induced Earth magnetic pole shift has on the "brain" of Terral!

Good Luck,

Greetings to All:

While I do not subscribe to the 'end of the world' conclusions of the makers of this video, a lot of 'Nibiru symptoms' are listed in their warnings.

[ame=]2011-2012 Pole Shift Planet X/Nibiru[/ame]

The earth is still a LONG way before the end of the age events of Matthew 24 take place. We are now witnessing how the 'Day of the Lord' (in blue here and here and here) begins. Elijah the 'prophet' stands at the door as the voice crying in the wilderness that a godless people will not hear, but those called by God will be saved to enter into the coming Kingdom of Heaven on earth.



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