The Planet X/Nibiru/ELEnin Brown Dwarf Timeline

Well today was going to be the end and nothing happen what about in September when nothing happens terral..I think Il have a party when nothing happens while you are still bugged out in your cave
Hi guys:

[ame=]ELEnin Dwarf Star Warning September 26, 2011[/ame]
I always pictured terral as like a Senile old man..... he is only 27? He needs to stop with this conspiracy shit and drink some beers and have fun with some ladies...
I always pictured terral as like a Senile old man..... he is only 27? He needs to stop with this conspiracy shit and drink some beers and have fun with some ladies...

If you were a lady....would you want a conversation with him? :lol:

Yes, I agree. Especially when he is hanging out with the likes of this guy....

[ame=]YouTube - ‪My Interview With TerralO3‬‏[/ame]
Hello everyone again,

I just have to chime in to say that it's been around a month since I last checked in on this post and it seems to be the same thing, 4 trolls picking on anyone that says anything about what this actual blog is about. I know that everything that is said on this blog or really any other blog in the world is not 100% accurate but it is sad when a group takes over a discussion that has merit by being mouthy trolls. To the four trolls please post something that has to do with the discussion or go find a ally to continue your circle je#k. I log on to read peoples thoughts on this topic, not read how smart you are. Everyone on here should check the sources for themselves. I really don't want to go through 100 pages of you four posting and reposting your remarks to each other. GET TO THE TOPIC!
Hello everyone again,

I just have to chime in to say that it's been around a month since I last checked in on this post and it seems to be the same thing, 4 trolls picking on anyone that says anything about what this actual blog is about. I know that everything that is said on this blog or really any other blog in the world is not 100% accurate but it is sad when a group takes over a discussion that has merit by being mouthy trolls. To the four trolls please post something that has to do with the discussion or go find a ally to continue your circle je#k. I log on to read peoples thoughts on this topic, not read how smart you are. Everyone on here should check the sources for themselves. I really don't want to go through 100 pages of you four posting and reposting your remarks to each other. GET TO THE TOPIC!

This thread is approaching 1,500 posts. The topic has been addressed ad nauseum. Sorry you're late to the party. Maybe there's a little month-old beer left in the keg down stairs you can help yourself to. :dunno:
Thank you Sheldon

You have proved my point.
I'm not late to the party, been watching this blog for some time. 1,500 post and close to 1400 are Meister, Cootaloot and you going back and forth trolling on anyone that posts on the actual topic. What I would really like to know is what your band of trollers are really doing on this post when you clearly don't want to bring anything about the topic to the table??
I check my facts several times over because I really can't believe my eyes, something is happening with our planet right now that is anything but average, and because the people who spend our tax dollars aren't really telling us anything I am forced to go to every source and weigh the information. Everywhere I go is trolls trolls trolls but it doesn't answer the true question of whats going on.
Bravo to those out there willing to put themselves out there in the pursuit of information. We elect and pay for government officials who get the facts wrong and distort them for their own gain but feel we must go after the humble man who just asks a question or presents a different theory. tisk tisk
Hello everyone again,

I just have to chime in to say that it's been around a month since I last checked in on this post and it seems to be the same thing, 4 trolls picking on anyone that says anything about what this actual blog is about. I know that everything that is said on this blog or really any other blog in the world is not 100% accurate but it is sad when a group takes over a discussion that has merit by being mouthy trolls. To the four trolls please post something that has to do with the discussion or go find a ally to continue your circle je#k. I log on to read peoples thoughts on this topic, not read how smart you are. Everyone on here should check the sources for themselves. I really don't want to go through 100 pages of you four posting and reposting your remarks to each other. GET TO THE TOPIC!

No no. The fucking thing came and destroyed planet Earth and killed us all. We just didn't notice. Evidently, we all failed to pay attention.

Sincerely yours,

Liability's Ghost.

P.S. Getting to the topic of THIS thread REQUIRES derision. Invisible Brown Dwarf Stars are gonna flip our poles and cause us all to die die die. :cuckoo:
Thank you Sheldon

You have proved my point.
I'm not late to the party, been watching this blog for some time. 1,500 post and close to 1400 are Meister, Cootaloot and you going back and forth trolling on anyone that posts on the actual topic. What I would really like to know is what your band of trollers are really doing on this post when you clearly don't want to bring anything about the topic to the table??
I check my facts several times over because I really can't believe my eyes, something is happening with our planet right now that is anything but average, and because the people who spend our tax dollars aren't really telling us anything I am forced to go to every source and weigh the information. Everywhere I go is trolls trolls trolls but it doesn't answer the true question of whats going on.
Bravo to those out there willing to put themselves out there in the pursuit of information. We elect and pay for government officials who get the facts wrong and distort them for their own gain but feel we must go after the humble man who just asks a question or presents a different theory. tisk tisk

I'm glad your checking in with all of us trolls, yet you leave with no evidence to back up your premise. What is going on in our world is no different today than what has been going on since time began on this planet. we have the internet, and goofballs like yourself, try and make something relevant that's not there.
Go check your facts, asshat, because you have nothing....nothing at all.
But, thanks for playing.
I guess because the four trolls have chimed in and said that everything is normal it must be. Please answer the following questions so I may rest better at night all knowing trolls.

#1 -US Geological Survey National Earthquake Information Centre (I know it is a tabloid and all but?)
6.0 to 6.9 - Earthquakes up 52% from 2010 Worldwide
5.0 to 5.9 - up 148%
and thats all I can do because USGS stopped counting anything below 4.5 after 2008 for worldwide.
Plus add to that they downgrade earthquake months after the fact (Seen by me and many others with my own eyes)

#2 - Record flooding in the US and Canada at the same time (Do I really need to post a link for this? or am I make it up?)

#3 Comet Elenin found by a amateur astronomer from the northern hemisphere when it was approaching for the southern ecliptic? Still no straight answer on size.

#4 Two Super tornado Have hit the US already this year

#5 Mass animal die offs around the world (Check Yellowstone)

Never mind, as I read this I guess everything is just normal. Please go back to work and don't worry about it or get prepared, Fema's got your back if you need help.
Next they'll be telling us that the government infected people with STD's and other diseases to see what happened. whoops too late!
I guess because the four trolls have chimed in and said that everything is normal it must be. Please answer the following questions so I may rest better at night all knowing trolls.

#1 -US Geological Survey National Earthquake Information Centre (I know it is a tabloid and all but?)
6.0 to 6.9 - Earthquakes up 52% from 2010 Worldwide
5.0 to 5.9 - up 148%
and thats all I can do because USGS stopped counting anything below 4.5 after 2008 for worldwide.
Plus add to that they downgrade earthquake months after the fact (Seen by me and many others with my own eyes)

#2 - Record flooding in the US and Canada at the same time (Do I really need to post a link for this? or am I make it up?)

#3 Comet Elenin found by a amateur astronomer from the northern hemisphere when it was approaching for the southern ecliptic? Still no straight answer on size.

#4 Two Super tornado Have hit the US already this year

#5 Mass animal die offs around the world (Check Yellowstone)

Never mind, as I read this I guess everything is just normal. Please go back to work and don't worry about it or get prepared, Fema's got your back if you need help.
Next they'll be telling us that the government infected people with STD's and other diseases to see what happened. whoops too late!

Yep....just a normal cycle.
Large tornadoes in Tornado Alley this time of year is nothing new. Now if there was one in Nevada, or Idaho you might be on to something....but again you have nothing.
Record flooding, or near record flooding?
Had to go back to 2003 for your Yellowstone animal die off.....but when you have nothing, I guess you have to come up with something. Nice try, sonny.
Nobody is denying that a comet is coming....but it's not like we haven't had them what's the beef?
Isn't it time to go back to God Like Productions? and your conspiracy friends can caudle one another in the mountains somewhere safe.
Well Miester

#1 USGS said that they have expanded tornado ally this year, normal I guess for the first time?
#2 Record Flooding I repeat, record as per USGS and Canadian Natural Resources
#3 Yellow Stone Die off as well as large fish and mammal die off around the world THIS YEAR (2011)
#4 and really no troll come back for the sharp rise in earthquakes i'm almost sad

Just saying someone is wrong does not make it so, you should run for politics where facts don't mean anything.

How about those weapons of mass destruction. I bet you're still looking, or did they move them to Libya or Pakistan?
Well Miester

#1 USGS said that they have expanded tornado ally this year, normal I guess for the first time?
#2 Record Flooding I repeat, record as per USGS and Canadian Natural Resources
#3 Yellow Stone Die off as well as large fish and mammal die off around the world THIS YEAR (2011)
#4 and really no troll come back for the sharp rise in earthquakes i'm almost sad

Just saying someone is wrong does not make it so, you should run for politics where facts don't mean anything.

How about those weapons of mass destruction. I bet you're still looking, or did they move them to Libya or Pakistan?

1. Tornado Alley is STILL Tornado Alley. That's where the lions share of tornadoes are. Like I said...if we had one in Idaho or might have something.

2. Please give the coralation between the flooding the brown dwarf/comet. Please be specific in your answer.

3. Yellowstone didn't have a mass die off. If you could posssible get out of your conspiracy sites and look to what's actually reality. There was a severe winter, but they don't know the extent of a death toll and won't know for months. How does this possible relate to the brown dwarf/comet?

Early snow, cold temperatures and early freezing and thawing events have proven tough for wildlife this winter. Although exact numbers won’t be available for several months
“I wouldn’t say this was an exceptionally bad winter,” Rudd said, “but it’s certainly more of a winter than we’ve seen in the last four or five winters.”
Wyoming wildlife limp through winter

4. There were some severe earthquakes.....along the Ring of doubt. What's your point? Like I said this is nothing different from what's been happening since Earth's existance. We ARE in a sure doesn't mean that a brown dwarf is hiding somewhere in our galaxy. it just gives nuts like yourself something to worry and fear monger about. :lol:

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