The Planet X/Nibiru/ELEnin Brown Dwarf Timeline

One more thing, I believe the freemasons have a symbolic picture representing this very body approaching on their first degree tracing board. It is associated with Jacob's Ladder as well. I believe this tradition started as a dark star "cult." to harbor knowledge of what had happened in our distant past.

That's what my Ouija board says too.
One more thing, I believe the freemasons have a symbolic picture representing this very body approaching on their first degree tracing board. It is associated with Jacob's Ladder as well. I believe this tradition started as a dark star "cult." to harbor knowledge of what had happened in our distant past.

That's what my Ouija board says too.
So did my magic 8 ball.:lol::lol:
May 11 Earth, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter are in alignment to create optimum conditions for seismic activity.

Latest Earthquakes M5.0+ in the World - Past 1 day

Magnitude 5 and greater earthquakes located by the USGS and contributing networks in the last week (168 hours). Magnitudes 6 and above are in red. (Some early events may be obscured by later ones on the maps.)

The most recent earthquakes are at the top of the list. Times are in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Click on the word "map" to see a ten-degree tall map displaying the earthquake. Click on an event's "DATE" to get a detailed report.

Update time = Tue May 10 23:04:04 UTC 2011

y/m/d h:m:s LAT
deg LON
km Region
MAP 5.2 2011/05/10 19:31:51 -20.153 168.363 52.9 LOYALTY ISLANDS
MAP 5.0 2011/05/10 16:45:45 -4.713 -105.457 10.0 CENTRAL EAST PACIFIC RISE
MAP 5.4 2011/05/10 15:26:05 43.293 130.932 544.3 JILIN-HEILONGJIANG BORDER REGION, CHINA
MAP 5.0 2011/05/10 15:10:03 -20.067 168.273 35.0 LOYALTY ISLANDS
MAP 5.0 2011/05/10 15:05:22 -4.790 -105.582 10.0 CENTRAL EAST PACIFIC RISE
MAP 5.1 2011/05/10 14:53:35 -20.162 168.193 42.7 LOYALTY ISLANDS
MAP 5.1 2011/05/10 14:32:36 1.490 126.372 41.7 MOLUCCA SEA
MAP 5.3 2011/05/10 14:07:49 -20.256 168.193 39.5 LOYALTY ISLANDS
MAP 5.0 2011/05/10 13:03:03 -55.926 -27.354 92.5 SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION
MAP 5.0 2011/05/10 12:07:37 -20.191 168.428 20.5 LOYALTY ISLANDS
MAP 5.3 2011/05/10 12:00:32 -20.074 168.324 21.7 LOYALTY ISLANDS
MAP 5.2 2011/05/10 11:31:48 -20.158 168.339 20.4 LOYALTY ISLANDS
MAP 5.5 2011/05/10 10:44:12 -20.235 168.373 35.4 LOYALTY ISLANDS
MAP 5.2 2011/05/10 10:37:15 -20.252 168.310 35.2 LOYALTY ISLANDS
MAP 5.7 2011/05/10 10:24:22 -20.339 168.353 35.8 LOYALTY ISLANDS
MAP 5.2 2011/05/10 10:14:42 36.302 141.618 24.9 NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 6.8 2011/05/10 08:55:10 -20.252 168.273 14.9 LOYALTY ISLANDS
MAP 5.1 2011/05/10 08:54:49 38.086 142.270 49.4 NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 5.3 2011/05/10 08:30:32 37.775 143.571 33.0 OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 5.4 2011/05/10 07:16:14 37.252 143.750 31.3 OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
It's pretty apparent that heavenly bodies are responsible for earthquakes.

Really? Not plate tectonics?

/sigh. You old people need to get with the times! Earthquakes are caused by anything BUT plate tectonics! Take your pick of HAARP, chemtrails, outer space beams, mysterious planets.... anything but what science tells us. Science is nothing more than the "man" trying to keep everyone down! :lol:
It's pretty apparent that heavenly bodies are responsible for earthquakes.

Really? Not plate tectonics?

/sigh. You old people need to get with the times! Earthquakes are caused by anything BUT plate tectonics! Take your pick of HAARP, chemtrails, outer space beams, mysterious planets.... anything but what science tells us. Science is nothing more than the "man" trying to keep everyone down! :lol:

Scientific Proof that Galactic Energies Have Triggered Worldwide Consciousness Expansion | Conscious Life News

Sound like you need to back up and find your must have fallen out back in 1994.
Really? Not plate tectonics?

/sigh. You old people need to get with the times! Earthquakes are caused by anything BUT plate tectonics! Take your pick of HAARP, chemtrails, outer space beams, mysterious planets.... anything but what science tells us. Science is nothing more than the "man" trying to keep everyone down! :lol:

Scientific Proof that Galactic Energies Have Triggered Worldwide Consciousness Expansion | Conscious Life News

Sound like you need to back up and find your must have fallen out back in 1994.

Concious Life News, eh? Yeah....that's what I'll hang my hat on. :cuckoo:
You should be embarrassed.
It's pretty apparent that heavenly bodies are responsible for earthquakes.

Really? Not plate tectonics?

/sigh. You old people need to get with the times! Earthquakes are caused by anything BUT plate tectonics! Take your pick of HAARP, chemtrails, outer space beams, mysterious planets.... anything but what science tells us. Science is nothing more than the "man" trying to keep everyone down! :lol:

:eek: had me going for a moment...
It's pretty obvious that the human race has been getting wiped out down to a relative small handful of individuals on a fairly regular basis.

This shouldn't be news
/sigh. You old people need to get with the times! Earthquakes are caused by anything BUT plate tectonics! Take your pick of HAARP, chemtrails, outer space beams, mysterious planets.... anything but what science tells us. Science is nothing more than the "man" trying to keep everyone down! :lol:

Scientific Proof that Galactic Energies Have Triggered Worldwide Consciousness Expansion | Conscious Life News

Sound like you need to back up and find your must have fallen out back in 1994.

Concious Life News, eh? Yeah....that's what I'll hang my hat on. :cuckoo:
You should be embarrassed.

You can pretty much stop reading this article and know it is not valid after the first 5 words, "On Coast to Coast AM"
Scientific Proof that Galactic Energies Have Triggered Worldwide Consciousness Expansion | Conscious Life News

Sound like you need to back up and find your must have fallen out back in 1994.

Well, I can't say I am surprised to see you would fall for complete bullshit like that. People without brains tend to swallow whatever they are fed without bothering to actually find out if it is true.

So I checked. Your article claimed there was a world wide seismic event on December 22, 2010. You DO realize seismic records are archived, right? :lol: Click here for the seismic record for 12/22/2010 from Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory. Ruh roh! No shaking and baking going on there! To show you what shaking and baking is all about, click here for the record of the day the earthquake hit off the coast of Japan. Mind you, that seismograph is in NYC, not Japan.

So it is obvious that this whackjob site told a simpleton like you what he wanted to hear, so you just blindly believed it. Congratulations on exposing your ignorance for everyone to see!
Scientific Proof that Galactic Energies Have Triggered Worldwide Consciousness Expansion | Conscious Life News

Sound like you need to back up and find your must have fallen out back in 1994.

Well, I can't say I am surprised to see you would fall for complete bullshit like that. People without brains tend to swallow whatever they are fed without bothering to actually find out if it is true.

So I checked. Your article claimed there was a world wide seismic event on December 22, 2010. You DO realize seismic records are archived, right? :lol: Click here for the seismic record for 12/22/2010 from Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory. Ruh roh! No shaking and baking going on there! To show you what shaking and baking is all about, click here for the record of the day the earthquake hit off the coast of Japan. Mind you, that seismograph is in NYC, not Japan.

So it is obvious that this whackjob site told a simpleton like you what he wanted to hear, so you just blindly believed it. Congratulations on exposing your ignorance for everyone to see!

Scientific Proof that Galactic Energies Have Triggered Worldwide Consciousness Expansion | Conscious Life News

Sound like you need to back up and find your must have fallen out back in 1994.

Well, I can't say I am surprised to see you would fall for complete bullshit like that. People without brains tend to swallow whatever they are fed without bothering to actually find out if it is true.

So I checked. Your article claimed there was a world wide seismic event on December 22, 2010. You DO realize seismic records are archived, right? :lol: Click here for the seismic record for 12/22/2010 from Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory. Ruh roh! No shaking and baking going on there! To show you what shaking and baking is all about, click here for the record of the day the earthquake hit off the coast of Japan. Mind you, that seismograph is in NYC, not Japan.

So it is obvious that this whackjob site told a simpleton like you what he wanted to hear, so you just blindly believed it. Congratulations on exposing your ignorance for everyone to see!


I second that! :clap2:
Well, I can't say I am surprised to see you would fall for complete bullshit like that. People without brains tend to swallow whatever they are fed without bothering to actually find out if it is true.

So I checked. Your article claimed there was a world wide seismic event on December 22, 2010. You DO realize seismic records are archived, right? :lol: Click here for the seismic record for 12/22/2010 from Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory. Ruh roh! No shaking and baking going on there! To show you what shaking and baking is all about, click here for the record of the day the earthquake hit off the coast of Japan. Mind you, that seismograph is in NYC, not Japan.

So it is obvious that this whackjob site told a simpleton like you what he wanted to hear, so you just blindly believed it. Congratulations on exposing your ignorance for everyone to see!


I second that! :clap2:

I third that! :clap2:

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