The Planet X/Nibiru/ELEnin Brown Dwarf Timeline

Look its the four gay stooges....the same four fuckin idiots that troll every post on this forum and look they are all jerking each other off...imagine that.:clap2:
Look its the four gay stooges....the same four fuckin idiots that troll every post on this forum and look they are all jerking each other off...imagine that.:clap2:


Typical from you idiots.

When you are made to look like an moron, insult those responsible.

Works every time.

Look its the four gay stooges....the same four fuckin idiots that troll every post on this forum and look they are all jerking each other off...imagine that.:clap2:


Typical from you idiots.

When you are made to look like an moron, insult those responsible.

Works every time.


I can't believe he is even continuing to post. If I had posted a link of that level of unintelligence and got called out on it, I would run from the thread with my tail between my legs. Not that I would ever post something so banal.

Which tells me that this guy actual believes the article..... so scary. you should neg rep him back to 0
Look its the four gay stooges....the same four fuckin idiots that troll every post on this forum and look they are all jerking each other off...imagine that.:clap2:


Typical from you idiots.

When you are made to look like an moron, insult those responsible.

Works every time.


I can't believe he is even continuing to post. If I had posted a link of that level of unintelligence and got called out on it, I would run from the thread with my tail between my legs. Not that I would ever post something so banal.

Which tells me that this guy actual believes the article..... so scary. you should neg rep him back to 0

wow..whats scary is you retards and your rep. I am just posting for others to see. If you dont like it dont look at it. Who cares if I believe it? Its here to discuss and you douche bags flock to every post that pops up like its your job. Get a life haha :lol: Take me to zero..I need to change my name to Tardherder hahahaha:lol:

Typical from you idiots.

When you are made to look like an moron, insult those responsible.

Works every time.


I can't believe he is even continuing to post. If I had posted a link of that level of unintelligence and got called out on it, I would run from the thread with my tail between my legs. Not that I would ever post something so banal.

Which tells me that this guy actual believes the article..... so scary. you should neg rep him back to 0

wow..whats scary is you retards and your rep. I am just posting for others to see. If you dont like it dont look at it. Who cares if I believe it? Its here to discuss and you douche bags flock to every post that pops up like its your job. Get a life haha :lol: Take me to zero..I need to change my name to Tardherder hahahaha:lol:

zzzzzzzzzzzzz. You are an idiot. End of story.

Typical from you idiots.

When you are made to look like an moron, insult those responsible.

Works every time.


I can't believe he is even continuing to post. If I had posted a link of that level of unintelligence and got called out on it, I would run from the thread with my tail between my legs. Not that I would ever post something so banal.

Which tells me that this guy actual believes the article..... so scary. you should neg rep him back to 0

wow..whats scary is you retards and your rep. I am just posting for others to see. If you dont like it dont look at it. Who cares if I believe it? Its here to discuss and you douche bags flock to every post that pops up like its your job. Get a life haha :lol: Take me to zero..I need to change my name to Tardherder hahahaha:lol:

And once again the conspiratard runs away from addressing the obvious lies in his posts like the little bitch he is. Congratualtions for proving what we've been claiming. :lol: Nothing proves incompetence like someone who pretends they're just "putting it out there" once they've been exposed as the lying fuck they are.

Typical from you idiots.

When you are made to look like an moron, insult those responsible.

Works every time.


I can't believe he is even continuing to post. If I had posted a link of that level of unintelligence and got called out on it, I would run from the thread with my tail between my legs. Not that I would ever post something so banal.

Which tells me that this guy actual believes the article..... so scary. you should neg rep him back to 0

wow..whats scary is you retards and your rep. I am just posting for others to see. If you dont like it dont look at it. Who cares if I believe it? Its here to discuss and you douche bags flock to every post that pops up like its your job. Get a life haha :lol: Take me to zero..I need to change my name to Tardherder hahahaha:lol:

Not surprising, but you totally missed the point. The fact is that you posted something that contained wrong information as was pointed out to you. There was no "seismic event" recorded on 12/22/2010.

So you posted some bullshit without even checking out if it was correct or not? Talk about "parrot syndrome".

What a dumbass!

Look its the four gay stooges....the same four fuckin idiots that troll every post on this forum and look they are all jerking each other off...imagine that.:clap2:

Your the one trolling...stop being a cry baby no one cares you take all this crap bending over but when you post bull shit sites that prove nothing then you really have no need to post at all

Typical from you idiots.

When you are made to look like an moron, insult those responsible.

Works every time.


I can't believe he is even continuing to post. If I had posted a link of that level of unintelligence and got called out on it, I would run from the thread with my tail between my legs. Not that I would ever post something so banal.

Which tells me that this guy actual believes the article..... so scary. you should neg rep him back to 0

wow..whats scary is you retards and your rep. I am just posting for others to see. If you dont like it dont look at it. Who cares if I believe it? Its here to discuss and you douche bags flock to every post that pops up like its your job. Get a life haha :lol: Take me to zero..I need to change my name to Tardherder hahahaha:lol:

What's scary is that you would believe your own fear mongering. :cuckoo:
The best way you can tell that we keep getting almost totally wiped out as a species on a fairly regular basis is that we're been genetically the same for about 200,000 years...

....but we only found a practical application for electricity 100 years ago?
The best way you can tell that we keep getting almost totally wiped out as a species on a fairly regular basis is that we're been genetically the same for about 200,000 years...

....but we only found a practical application for electricity 100 years ago?

I don't know about you, but I looked a hell of a lot better 200,000 years ago. I still had a full head of hair. :lol:

Typical from you idiots.

When you are made to look like an moron, insult those responsible.

Works every time.


I can't believe he is even continuing to post. If I had posted a link of that level of unintelligence and got called out on it, I would run from the thread with my tail between my legs. Not that I would ever post something so banal.

Which tells me that this guy actual believes the article..... so scary. you should neg rep him back to 0

wow..whats scary is you retards and your rep. I am just posting for others to see. If you dont like it dont look at it. Who cares if I believe it? Its here to discuss and you douche bags flock to every post that pops up like its your job. Get a life haha :lol: Take me to zero..I need to change my name to Tardherder hahahaha:lol:


Shouldn't you be out on a ledge somewhere?
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The best way you can tell that we keep getting almost totally wiped out as a species on a fairly regular basis is that we're been genetically the same for about 200,000 years...

....but we only found a practical application for electricity 100 years ago?

I don't know about you, but I looked a hell of a lot better 200,000 years ago. I still had a full head of hair. :lol:

Those were the days, huh? I could still get back and forth to the mailbox without pulling a muscle.:eusa_angel:
Wow, you guys are harsh. To pass time before bed, one of my guilty pleasures is to look into conspiracy theories regarding topics such as this one, so i stumbled across this forum and by no means read all 98 pages, but scanned through what i needed to see. I for one wouldn't say i believe or don't believe in this Planet X/ Nibiru/ Brown Dwarf business, but to slam someone for their beliefs in it? i guess to each their own, but some of you talk as if your adults but i don't see you acting upon it. i almost thought i was back in high school for a moment...

Now as far as this whole thing goes, I for one have to admit there is something going on that i wouldn't define as normal with our planet. mass bird deaths around the world that, oddly enough, seems to have started in my own backyard, my home state of Arkansas. Also, mass fish deaths in large bodies of water all over the world. I know animals die all the time, but in masses, worldwide, and by thousands? No. im sorry, but there is no way you could convince me otherwise it "happens all the time". Also at the beginning of the year, in Greenland, after their "30 days of night" the sun rose 48 hours early for the first time in recorded history.

Another thing, as this obviously has been discussed, is natural disasters. Now this, i think , is more understandable and has a logical explanation. I know natural disasters happen all the time for a fact and there are billions of more people living on planet earth now than there were hundreds of years ago, so there are more people for it to effect and report it happening. The way, though, it is happening is a little odd, and by that i mean the magnitude of them. Large earthquakes that register 6.0 + on the Richter scale have been occurring more frequently, Hurricanes have picked up in strength over the past few years, we just had the largest tornado outbreak in US history, record breaking flooding along the Mississippi, according to a Website (which i am not aloud to post a URL because i havent made 15 or more posts on this forum. Just google "currently erupting volcanoes) there are around 38 currently erupting volcanoes at the moment (normal? honestly, i don't know).

Don't get me wrong here people, im NOT by any means linking this to Planet X, Nibiru, or a Brown Dwarf Star nor am i saying i believe in them, all i am saying is i just take the time to look into them and start asking my own questions. I just choose not to be naive and close minded like everyone tends to be in the world.
Wow, you guys are harsh. To pass time before bed, one of my guilty pleasures is to look into conspiracy theories regarding topics such as this one, so i stumbled across this forum and by no means read all 98 pages, but scanned through what i needed to see. I for one wouldn't say i believe or don't believe in this Planet X/ Nibiru/ Brown Dwarf business, but to slam someone for their beliefs in it? i guess to each their own, but some of you talk as if your adults but i don't see you acting upon it. i almost thought i was back in high school for a moment...

Now as far as this whole thing goes, I for one have to admit there is something going on that i wouldn't define as normal with our planet. mass bird deaths around the world that, oddly enough, seems to have started in my own backyard, my home state of Arkansas. Also, mass fish deaths in large bodies of water all over the world. I know animals die all the time, but in masses, worldwide, and by thousands? No. im sorry, but there is no way you could convince me otherwise it "happens all the time". Also at the beginning of the year, in Greenland, after their "30 days of night" the sun rose 48 hours early for the first time in recorded history.

Another thing, as this obviously has been discussed, is natural disasters. Now this, i think , is more understandable and has a logical explanation. I know natural disasters happen all the time for a fact and there are billions of more people living on planet earth now than there were hundreds of years ago, so there are more people for it to effect and report it happening. The way, though, it is happening is a little odd, and by that i mean the magnitude of them. Large earthquakes that register 6.0 + on the Richter scale have been occurring more frequently, Hurricanes have picked up in strength over the past few years, we just had the largest tornado outbreak in US history, record breaking flooding along the Mississippi, according to a Website (which i am not aloud to post a URL because i havent made 15 or more posts on this forum. Just google "currently erupting volcanoes) there are around 38 currently erupting volcanoes at the moment (normal? honestly, i don't know).

Don't get me wrong here people, im NOT by any means linking this to Planet X, Nibiru, or a Brown Dwarf Star nor am i saying i believe in them, all i am saying is i just take the time to look into them and start asking my own questions. I just choose not to be naive and close minded like everyone tends to be in the world.
The highlighted part shows you to believe that you are more accepting of anything weird than most. Doesn't make you smarter.

Where you are wrong:

The Mississippi is NOT cresting at record levels.
The "ring of fire" around the Pacific is ALWAYS active. Trust me, I live right in it.
Hurricanes are at a record level SINCE 1972.
The internet lets you get news on EVERY earthquake that happens. People use to not be able to do that. You didn't here about most of them unless there was massive property damage or loss of life.

Welcome to the board.:eusa_angel:
Wow, you guys are harsh. To pass time before bed, one of my guilty pleasures is to look into conspiracy theories regarding topics such as this one, so i stumbled across this forum and by no means read all 98 pages, but scanned through what i needed to see. I for one wouldn't say i believe or don't believe in this Planet X/ Nibiru/ Brown Dwarf business, but to slam someone for their beliefs in it? i guess to each their own, but some of you talk as if your adults but i don't see you acting upon it. i almost thought i was back in high school for a moment...

Now as far as this whole thing goes, I for one have to admit there is something going on that i wouldn't define as normal with our planet. mass bird deaths around the world that, oddly enough, seems to have started in my own backyard, my home state of Arkansas. Also, mass fish deaths in large bodies of water all over the world. I know animals die all the time, but in masses, worldwide, and by thousands? No. im sorry, but there is no way you could convince me otherwise it "happens all the time". Also at the beginning of the year, in Greenland, after their "30 days of night" the sun rose 48 hours early for the first time in recorded history.

Another thing, as this obviously has been discussed, is natural disasters. Now this, i think , is more understandable and has a logical explanation. I know natural disasters happen all the time for a fact and there are billions of more people living on planet earth now than there were hundreds of years ago, so there are more people for it to effect and report it happening. The way, though, it is happening is a little odd, and by that i mean the magnitude of them. Large earthquakes that register 6.0 + on the Richter scale have been occurring more frequently, Hurricanes have picked up in strength over the past few years, we just had the largest tornado outbreak in US history, record breaking flooding along the Mississippi, according to a Website (which i am not aloud to post a URL because i havent made 15 or more posts on this forum. Just google "currently erupting volcanoes) there are around 38 currently erupting volcanoes at the moment (normal? honestly, i don't know).

Don't get me wrong here people, im NOT by any means linking this to Planet X, Nibiru, or a Brown Dwarf Star nor am i saying i believe in them, all i am saying is i just take the time to look into them and start asking my own questions. I just choose not to be naive and close minded like everyone tends to be in the world.
The highlighted part shows you to believe that you are more accepting of anything weird than most. Doesn't make you smarter.

Where you are wrong:

The Mississippi is NOT cresting at record levels.
The "ring of fire" around the Pacific is ALWAYS active. Trust me, I live right in it.
Hurricanes are at a record level SINCE 1972.
The internet lets you get news on EVERY earthquake that happens. People use to not be able to do that. You didn't here about most of them unless there was massive property damage or loss of life.

Welcome to the board.:eusa_angel:

Ok, nowhere did I say that my decision "made me smarter" :eusa_eh:

And I'm NOT wrong, the Mississippi IS cresting at record levels in places, not necessarily everywhere, but it is breaking record levels, I know, in parts of Arkansas. I live here and see it on my local news.

The rest is your oppinion :)

And thank you :)
Wow, you guys are harsh. To pass time before bed, one of my guilty pleasures is to look into conspiracy theories regarding topics such as this one, so i stumbled across this forum and by no means read all 98 pages, but scanned through what i needed to see. I for one wouldn't say i believe or don't believe in this Planet X/ Nibiru/ Brown Dwarf business, but to slam someone for their beliefs in it? i guess to each their own, but some of you talk as if your adults but i don't see you acting upon it. i almost thought i was back in high school for a moment...

Now as far as this whole thing goes, I for one have to admit there is something going on that i wouldn't define as normal with our planet. mass bird deaths around the world that, oddly enough, seems to have started in my own backyard, my home state of Arkansas. Also, mass fish deaths in large bodies of water all over the world. I know animals die all the time, but in masses, worldwide, and by thousands? No. im sorry, but there is no way you could convince me otherwise it "happens all the time". Also at the beginning of the year, in Greenland, after their "30 days of night" the sun rose 48 hours early for the first time in recorded history.

Another thing, as this obviously has been discussed, is natural disasters. Now this, i think , is more understandable and has a logical explanation. I know natural disasters happen all the time for a fact and there are billions of more people living on planet earth now than there were hundreds of years ago, so there are more people for it to effect and report it happening. The way, though, it is happening is a little odd, and by that i mean the magnitude of them. Large earthquakes that register 6.0 + on the Richter scale have been occurring more frequently, Hurricanes have picked up in strength over the past few years, we just had the largest tornado outbreak in US history, record breaking flooding along the Mississippi, according to a Website (which i am not aloud to post a URL because i havent made 15 or more posts on this forum. Just google "currently erupting volcanoes) there are around 38 currently erupting volcanoes at the moment (normal? honestly, i don't know).

Don't get me wrong here people, im NOT by any means linking this to Planet X, Nibiru, or a Brown Dwarf Star nor am i saying i believe in them, all i am saying is i just take the time to look into them and start asking my own questions. I just choose not to be naive and close minded like everyone tends to be in the world.
The highlighted part shows you to believe that you are more accepting of anything weird than most. Doesn't make you smarter.

Where you are wrong:

The Mississippi is NOT cresting at record levels.
The "ring of fire" around the Pacific is ALWAYS active. Trust me, I live right in it.
Hurricanes are at a record level SINCE 1972.
The internet lets you get news on EVERY earthquake that happens. People use to not be able to do that. You didn't here about most of them unless there was massive property damage or loss of life.

Welcome to the board.:eusa_angel:

Ok, nowhere did I say that my decision "made me smarter" :eusa_eh:

And I'm NOT wrong, the Mississippi IS cresting at record levels in places, not necessarily everywhere, but it is breaking record levels, I know, in parts of Arkansas. I live here and see it on my local news.

The rest is your oppinion :)

And thank you :)
I know:eusa_angel:
In "some" places. That could be for a multitude of reasons.
Yes it is.
You're welcome.:eusa_angel:

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