The Planet X/Nibiru/ELEnin Brown Dwarf Timeline

Its funny how there are people trying to discuss this topic and it keeps getting side tracked with the same people shooting down anything anyone says about the topic or current events that might relate to it.

I do really understand what Plato and Aristotle went through trying to convince people that the earth was round, without a open mind everything is imposable.

I have never said that the world is going to end or a dwarf star is going to end us all.
What I have said is that to understand anything you must be willing to look at every possible scenario and have a free discussion where judgement is not passed, and no idea is forgotten unless you have proven 100% fact against that idea. I have never seen this from the trolls, so yet again thank you for being so closed minded and immature, history is full of people like you trying to suck the life out of people who dare to ask why. Please allow me to change my term for you from troll to leech. Shouldn't you guys be at Walmart putting the carts away?
Its funny how there are people trying to discuss this topic and it keeps getting side tracked with the same people shooting down anything anyone says about the topic or current events that might relate to it.

I do really understand what Plato and Aristotle went through trying to convince people that the earth was round, without a open mind everything is imposable.

I have never said that the world is going to end or a dwarf star is going to end us all.
What I have said is that to understand anything you must be willing to look at every possible scenario and have a free discussion where judgement is not passed, and no idea is forgotten unless you have proven 100% fact against that idea. I have never seen this from the trolls, so yet again thank you for being so closed minded and immature, history is full of people like you trying to suck the life out of people who dare to ask why. Please allow me to change my term for you from troll to leech. Shouldn't you guys be at Walmart putting the carts away?

And just WHO are YOU? :cuckoo:
I am just one man investigating, but the real question should be who are you? And what can you bring to the table besides everything is normal?

When I looked at Cootaloots previous posts all I can see is him on this tread posting nothing but negative bullsh#t and never once bringing anything about the topic to this tread, let me guess when I look back on your posts it will be the same?
Its funny how there are people trying to discuss this topic and it keeps getting side tracked with the same people shooting down anything anyone says about the topic or current events that might relate to it.

I do really understand what Plato and Aristotle went through trying to convince people that the earth was round, without a open mind everything is imposable.

I have never said that the world is going to end or a dwarf star is going to end us all.
What I have said is that to understand anything you must be willing to look at every possible scenario and have a free discussion where judgement is not passed, and no idea is forgotten unless you have proven 100% fact against that idea. I have never seen this from the trolls, so yet again thank you for being so closed minded and immature, history is full of people like you trying to suck the life out of people who dare to ask why. Please allow me to change my term for you from troll to leech. Shouldn't you guys be at Walmart putting the carts away?

One this topic is about a time line which was already wrong so now we wait for the next date....and if you read my post and don't like them then go back to living under your rock because I know what's out there is not the thing cause all this stuff to happen...and I will say this if there was a dwarf star coming I don't care how deep your cave is bc if it gets as close as they say its going to get....something with that much mass is going to rip are little planet right back in to deep space if you going to keep bitching please then just fuck off and not post on here no more...:eusa_liar::cuckoo:
I am just one man investigating, but the real question should be who are you? And what can you bring to the table besides everything is normal?

When I looked at Cootaloots previous posts all I can see is him on this tread posting nothing but negative bullsh#t and never once bringing anything about the topic to this tread, let me guess when I look back on your posts it will be the same?

I'm investigating also. What size telescope are you using?
1. Tornado Alley is STILL Tornado Alley. That's where the lions share of tornadoes are. Like I said...if we had one in Idaho or might have something.

2. Please give the coralation between the flooding the brown dwarf/comet. Please be specific in your answer.

3. Yellowstone didn't have a mass die off. If you could posssible get out of your conspiracy sites and look to what's actually reality. There was a severe winter, but they don't know the extent of a death toll and won't know for months. How does this possible relate to the brown dwarf/comet?

Early snow, cold temperatures and early freezing and thawing events have proven tough for wildlife this winter. Although exact numbers won’t be available for several months
“I wouldn’t say this was an exceptionally bad winter,” Rudd said, “but it’s certainly more of a winter than we’ve seen in the last four or five winters.”

4. There were some severe earthquakes.....along the Ring of doubt. What's your point? Like I said this is nothing different from what's been happening since Earth's existance. We ARE in a sure doesn't mean that a brown dwarf is hiding somewhere in our galaxy. it just gives nuts like yourself something to worry and fear monger about. :lol:

I live in Tornado Alley, and obviously you don't.

They are the worst in decades, no, centuries.

Over the past two weeks alone, the first two of tornado season, there was the largest tornado outbreak since the early seventies. Then a week later, the largest in over 100 years.

And most of the tornadoes are Enhanced Fujita.

Get over yourself.

Somethings out of the ordinary. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out. And why would you want to shoot down the common man in everything he says?

No I don't live in Tornado Alley. I'm not saying it's not a bad season this year....I'm saying it has happened before. You have no idea how tornadoes were centuries stop with your bullshit. The reason for the bad season is because of the winter we had...a cool spring from the north and warm air from the south. It ain't from a fuckin' brown dwarf in our solar system and it ain't from a comet. Your doesn't take a rocket scientist, or a conspiracy nut to figure this out. There is nothing common about a conspiracy nut....I would say a conspiracy nut is uncommon. Are you uncommon?

Here is an article posted by the AP today. This article shows that this years tornado season is really not that harsh of one. The problem is that sadly some of the larger tornados have hit metro area's. Here is the link to the article. By the Numbers: 2011 tornado season - Yahoo! News

The Associated Press The Associated Press – Wed May 25, 6:59 am ET
Figures about the tornado that ripped through Joplin, Mo., on Sunday and the 2011 tornado season. All statistics represent the official record of the National Weather Service, which covers 1950 to present day.


• People killed: 122.

• Survivors rescued: 9.

• Buildings destroyed: An estimated 8,000.

• About the tornado: Deadliest single tornado since 1950. National Weather Service rated the storm an EF5, the highest rating based on inflicted damage.


• Tornadoes to strike Joplin: 1.

• Tornadoes so far in the U.S. in May: More than 100.

• Average number of tornadoes in May during the past decade: 298.

• Record for tornados in May: 542, in 2003.

• Tornadoes so far in 2011: Approximately 1,000.

• Average number of tornadoes in a single year during the past decade: 1,274.

• Highest recorded number of tornadoes in a single year: 1,817, in 2004 .


• People killed in Joplin tornado: 122.

• People killed in 2011 prior to Joplin tornado: 365.

• Highest recorded death toll in a single year: 519, in 1953.

• People killed in Oklahoma: 8

• People killed in Kansas: 2

• People killed in Arkansas: 2

Source: Joplin City Manager Mark Rohr; National Weather Service; FEMA
I am just one man investigating, but the real question should be who are you? And what can you bring to the table besides everything is normal?

When I looked at Cootaloots previous posts all I can see is him on this tread posting nothing but negative bullsh#t and never once bringing anything about the topic to this tread, let me guess when I look back on your posts it will be the same?

I'm investigating also. What size telescope are you using?

You are correct, youtube, nasa, USGS, nrcan, EMSC and many others. I have never claimed to be a expert, but when the experts are making mistakes it is wise for every person to gather their own information, and weigh it. Just believing in what the mainstream is telling you makes you just another animal in the field thinking the farmer is your friend. As i've said before I'm not running around telling everyone the sky is falling, but to never look up and see for yourself is dumb.

I have a good life with a great family, my job as a real father is to make sure that I have the tools and information to make sure they are always safe to the best of my ability.

Please do not prepare, do not open your mind, watch survivor and spend your free time trolling discussions. Natural selection will weed out the dumb and unprepared.
You are correct, youtube, nasa, USGS, nrcan, EMSC and many others. I have never claimed to be a expert, but when the experts are making mistakes it is wise for every person to gather their own information, and weigh it. Just believing in what the mainstream is telling you makes you just another animal in the field thinking the farmer is your friend. As i've said before I'm not running around telling everyone the sky is falling, but to never look up and see for yourself is dumb.

I have a good life with a great family, my job as a real father is to make sure that I have the tools and information to make sure they are always safe to the best of my ability.

Please do not prepare, do not open your mind, watch survivor and spend your free time trolling discussions. Natural selection will weed out the dumb and unprepared.

If the sky isn't falling......I live in northern Idaho, just what should I prepare for?
Yellowstone eruption? It erupts around every 600,000 years....yes, it's overdue, but I'm not going to change my life on something that can erupt now or another 100,000 years or more. Only an idiot would do that. If it does will give off all the warning signs before it blows. Now.....what other catastrophy should I be looking at?
You may not think your a 'sky is falling" type of a dude.....but the masses will think differently.
Well back to the tide from before we been having higher then normal tides for the past two weeks. Last week was bc of the that big ass low that went by but this week they are saying winds off the ocean but the winds are come from the west not the east so livin how baot you find that out for I have everything I need if something were to happen trust me I have a open mind it's just closed when it comes to stuff that we have already found to be normal.
The main problem up there is fourth world building techniques OR How to pay 250 grand for a $50,000 dollar chicken house, or worse yet.....wunna them thar dubble wyders on wheels.Those are always a big hit(and hit big) in tornado alley.:cuckoo:

Here's a "third world" house. Footer, columns, poured walls with re-bar in every cell, big tie beam, floating slab(s),V crimp roof.
At this point there was +/- $11,000 in it.
Turn key with granite, nice ceramic, lots of tropical hardwood, Jacuzzi etc.
$72-73 grand. 2300 S.F. :eusa_shhh:
Tornado ? Hurricane? Quake ? Fire? Yawn.OK the quakes still make me nervous.:( My work hasn't been quake tested "yet".

A murkin bought this for $375 :eek::lol:
" Wowee this would_duhhhhh cost $800,000 in Kalifornastan ! " :cuckoo:


  • $100_6805.jpg
    356.5 KB · Views: 68
WRAPUP 1-Japan struggles with nuclear accident; tsunami victims suffer | Reuters[/url]

Maybe you know this or maybe not. Two of the most untrustworthy news organizations on the planet are Reuters, and AP. I'm not saying there's not news available, but you have to be able to dig it out of their lies.

I seriously doubt that they could hide a meltdown from us. I will believe Reuters on this one, before I believe anything Terral and friends come up with.

hubba, hubba, hubba, who ya gonna trust?Me, or The Batman?
Its funny how there are people trying to discuss this topic and it keeps getting side tracked with the same people shooting down anything anyone says about the topic or current events that might relate to it.

I do really understand what Plato and Aristotle went through trying to convince people that the earth was round, without a open mind everything is imposable.

I have never said that the world is going to end or a dwarf star is going to end us all.
What I have said is that to understand anything you must be willing to look at every possible scenario and have a free discussion where judgement is not passed, and no idea is forgotten unless you have proven 100% fact against that idea. I have never seen this from the trolls, so yet again thank you for being so closed minded and immature, history is full of people like you trying to suck the life out of people who dare to ask why. Please allow me to change my term for you from troll to leech. Shouldn't you guys be at Walmart putting the carts away?

Did you get taught how to build that cross at Home Depot, or Lowe's?

You came to this fustercluck way, way late. If you really want to take the time read through the thread from page one and try to keep count of how many times Terral & co have put up different hypotheses, and then others used logic, empiricism, and Astronomy 101 to show how his ideas are wrong... only to have Terral & co ignore the contrary data and continue with the fantasy. You are lecturing the wrong crowd about the scientific method.

Here's a 100% fact: if this brown dwarf is in the location and of the mass Terral says it is, then it would be the brightest object in the night sky and easily visible to the naked eye.
Its funny how there are people trying to discuss this topic and it keeps getting side tracked with the same people shooting down anything anyone says about the topic or current events that might relate to it.

I do really understand what Plato and Aristotle went through trying to convince people that the earth was round, without a open mind everything is imposable.

I have never said that the world is going to end or a dwarf star is going to end us all.
What I have said is that to understand anything you must be willing to look at every possible scenario and have a free discussion where judgement is not passed, and no idea is forgotten unless you have proven 100% fact against that idea. I have never seen this from the trolls, so yet again thank you for being so closed minded and immature, history is full of people like you trying to suck the life out of people who dare to ask why. Please allow me to change my term for you from troll to leech. Shouldn't you guys be at Walmart putting the carts away?

Did you get taught how to build that cross at Home Depot, or Lowe's?

You came to this fustercluck way, way late. If you really want to take the time read through the thread from page one and try to keep count of how many times Terral & co have put up different hypotheses, and then others used logic, empiricism, and Astronomy 101 to show how his ideas are wrong... only to have Terral & co ignore the contrary data and continue with the fantasy. You are lecturing the wrong crowd about the scientific method.

Here's a 100% fact: if this brown dwarf is in the location and of the mass Terral says it is, then it would be the brightest object in the night sky and easily visible to the naked eye.

If you are going to reduce yourself to talking about scientific facts while addressing yourself to the likes of livingthefantasylife, you will undoubtedly become the next selected object of one of his insipid hissy fits.
You are correct, youtube, nasa, USGS, nrcan, EMSC and many others. I have never claimed to be a expert, but when the experts are making mistakes it is wise for every person to gather their own information, and weigh it. Just believing in what the mainstream is telling you makes you just another animal in the field thinking the farmer is your friend. As i've said before I'm not running around telling everyone the sky is falling, but to never look up and see for yourself is dumb.

I have a good life with a great family, my job as a real father is to make sure that I have the tools and information to make sure they are always safe to the best of my ability.

Please do not prepare, do not open your mind, watch survivor and spend your free time trolling discussions. Natural selection will weed out the dumb and unprepared.

I agree.

That's why when there is this huge thing in the sky I want to see it for myself. Why are you allowing others to collect data for you?
The main problem up there is fourth world building techniques OR How to pay 250 grand for a $50,000 dollar chicken house, or worse yet.....wunna them thar dubble wyders on wheels.Those are always a big hit(and hit big) in tornado alley.:cuckoo:

Here's a "third world" house. Footer, columns, poured walls with re-bar in every cell, big tie beam, floating slab(s),V crimp roof.
At this point there was +/- $11,000 in it.
Turn key with granite, nice ceramic, lots of tropical hardwood, Jacuzzi etc.
$72-73 grand. 2300 S.F. :eusa_shhh:
Tornado ? Hurricane? Quake ? Fire? Yawn.OK the quakes still make me nervous.:( My work hasn't been quake tested "yet".

A murkin bought this for $375 :eek::lol:
" Wowee this would_duhhhhh cost $800,000 in Kalifornastan ! " :cuckoo:

No way that building survives an EF5 tornado.
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just out of curiosity, how many times have you dumbfucks predicted the end of the world?

...and how many times has it happened?

i rest my case. :cuckoo:

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