The Planet X/Nibiru/ELEnin Brown Dwarf Timeline

But here is the same thing again about the interesting read...
Spanish Astronomers Claim Dwarf Sun Beyond Pluto

Scientists at places like NASA and famous observatories have deflected inquiries about the discovery for a few years now, mainly because they feared being associated with these "fringe" theories. But like it or not -- it has happened. Well... According to a team of Spanish artronomers who call themselves the StarViewer Team.
Well, if the OP is true, it explains global warming. Also, i thought planet Nibiru was a spaceship/planet, like the death star in Star Wars?

One global warming is a cycle it gets hot then is gets's been that why for millions of years but we have sped it up by a few 100000 years...two what are you smoking bc I want some really you think nibiru a mythical planet is a spaceship.
Well, if the OP is true, it explains global warming. Also, i thought planet Nibiru was a spaceship/planet, like the death star in Star Wars?

possibly on the global warming and staying within this thread this is an interesting doco on u tube
[ame=]YouTube - ‪1/12 Global Warming - What the Government isn't telling you 1/12‬‏[/ame]
remember this was made in 2008
Well, if the OP is true, it explains global warming. Also, i thought planet Nibiru was a spaceship/planet, like the death star in Star Wars?

possibly on the global warming and staying within this thread this is an interesting doco on u tube
[ame=]YouTube - ‪1/12 Global Warming - What the Government isn't telling you 1/12‬‏[/ame]
remember this was made in 2008

Youtube has the highest standards of all vetted evidence.
Thank you, we cant help the stupid IF they won't look or listen, they r like those whose were banging on the door of Noah's Ark when the water began to rise. "Sorry full boat" . Thanks again !!
Thank you, we cant help the stupid IF they won't look or listen, they r like those whose were banging on the door of Noah's Ark when the water began to rise. "Sorry full boat" . Thanks again !!

No thank you it's stupid people like you that keep me laughing the whole day....there is something comeing that will change the way we live but it's not a fucking mythical planet or a pissed off brown dwarft flying to our sun to flip us upside all say open your eyes and your minds but its you that needs open your eyes and mind off the fact that nothing is going to happen this year or the next or the next....yes there will be earthquakes and floods an tornados just like there have all ways been but now everyone has the Internet so it just seems like there is a increase but really it's happened before so please come out from under your tin foil hat and step away from your PC and stop believing dumass YouTube videos and go outside and see everything is normal if this thing where real every where on the planet would be feeling it's effects every day and night.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Thank you, we cant help the stupid IF they won't look or listen, they r like those whose were banging on the door of Noah's Ark when the water began to rise. "Sorry full boat" . Thanks again !!

OK lorilee, please explain in full detail what we are supposed to be doing to protect ourselves from the approaching brown dwarf star.

Also, your solution has to include how we will prevent the gravitational forces from stripping off our atmosphere, and tearing the planet apart.

Oh, and one last thing. Can you provide the co-ordinates of the star's current location so I can observe it's approach? Being only 3 months away, it should be visible by now.

Thanks in advance.
This is my first post here. I found this forum through google searches regarding Planet X, Nibiru and Elenin. In fact, this is the thread that brought me here.

From what I've seen, the OP of this thread had a very detailed post consisting of a ton of circumstantial evidence. This thread is located in the conspiracy theory sub forum and I guess you can call this entire topic a conspiracy theory.

I'm shocked to see the immature replies by the members of this forum. You people DO need to wake the F@ck up and take a look around you. There are people world wide looking at occurring events around themselves and asking the ever-growing question, "WTF is going on around here?" The topic of Planet X and Nibiru have been floating around the internet for years. In fact, I must add, it's been floating around mankind for thousands of years.

So when an obviously intelligent member starts an informative thread, packed with information and links to back it up, all on his own time in hopes to educate the public and fellow forum members, he gets bashed by a bunch of morons that have absolutely NO substance backing up their claims that "nothing is gonna happen", they flood the thread with run-on sentences (doing a fine job of pointing out their illiteracy, ignorance, stupidity and their commitment to their herd) and they over-run the thread with their contribution of Denial.

Having a discussion about something that you disagree with does not have to consist of crude remarks and high school like comments. In fact, it would be refreshing if at least one of you people would back up some of your "it ain't gonna happen" remarks with some sort of substance. Try including WHY it ain't gonna happen. Any fool with a pea brain can post a comment on a forum. If that's what you want to reduce yourself to, a pea brain, do the rest of us a favor and resist that urge to spread your intellectual stink through the internet.

This thread was based on an occurrence that was supposed to take place around Mar. 15th. Nobody can predict the future to a "T" but when it comes to space and the cycle of the solar system, people can predict where the Earth will be at any given time. They can, in fact, predict where any of the planets will be. But they cannot predict exactly what the consequences will be of any given event. Personally, I thought the OP was a little out stretched in his claim that there will be a polar shift on or around Mar. 15. That's a mighty big claim and he really put his balls on the line. When in fact all that happened on or around Mar. 15 was one of the largest earthquakes in recorded history. That event should have raised a few eyebrows for at least a few of you, but.... nooo. Denial is a thick skin to shed and it appears it's gonna take at least a little more. Our world is changing. Sure, it's always changing but the events that are taking place in 2011 alone are setting records around the globe. Things aren't "normal" in a sense that our generation alone defines what is "normal" to the solar system. A passing planet or star is "normal" when put in the light of many ancient writings from many ancient civilizations that have been here before us. We are not all that is and we are not the center of the universe, for those of you who didn't know. There is more going on around us that we cannot even begin to perceive with our limited senses.

It is very possible that the OPs claims are true. The government and NASA would not tell us this truth, heck, I wouldn't tell you either. The majority of posts in this thread are the reason why.
This is my first post here. I found this forum through google searches regarding Planet X, Nibiru and Elenin. In fact, this is the thread that brought me here.

From what I've seen, the OP of this thread had a very detailed post consisting of a ton of circumstantial evidence. This thread is located in the conspiracy theory sub forum and I guess you can call this entire topic a conspiracy theory.

I'm shocked to see the immature replies by the members of this forum. You people DO need to wake the F@ck up and take a look around you. There are people world wide looking at occurring events around themselves and asking the ever-growing question, "WTF is going on around here?" The topic of Planet X and Nibiru have been floating around the internet for years. In fact, I must add, it's been floating around mankind for thousands of years.

So when an obviously intelligent member starts an informative thread, packed with information and links to back it up, all on his own time in hopes to educate the public and fellow forum members, he gets bashed by a bunch of morons that have absolutely NO substance backing up their claims that "nothing is gonna happen", they flood the thread with run-on sentences (doing a fine job of pointing out their illiteracy, ignorance, stupidity and their commitment to their herd) and they over-run the thread with their contribution of Denial.

Having a discussion about something that you disagree with does not have to consist of crude remarks and high school like comments. In fact, it would be refreshing if at least one of you people would back up some of your "it ain't gonna happen" remarks with some sort of substance. Try including WHY it ain't gonna happen. Any fool with a pea brain can post a comment on a forum. If that's what you want to reduce yourself to, a pea brain, do the rest of us a favor and resist that urge to spread your intellectual stink through the internet.

This thread was based on an occurrence that was supposed to take place around Mar. 15th. Nobody can predict the future to a "T" but when it comes to space and the cycle of the solar system, people can predict where the Earth will be at any given time. They can, in fact, predict where any of the planets will be. But they cannot predict exactly what the consequences will be of any given event. Personally, I thought the OP was a little out stretched in his claim that there will be a polar shift on or around Mar. 15. That's a mighty big claim and he really put his balls on the line. When in fact all that happened on or around Mar. 15 was one of the largest earthquakes in recorded history. That event should have raised a few eyebrows for at least a few of you, but.... nooo. Denial is a thick skin to shed and it appears it's gonna take at least a little more. Our world is changing. Sure, it's always changing but the events that are taking place in 2011 alone are setting records around the globe. Things aren't "normal" in a sense that our generation alone defines what is "normal" to the solar system. A passing planet or star is "normal" when put in the light of many ancient writings from many ancient civilizations that have been here before us. We are not all that is and we are not the center of the universe, for those of you who didn't know. There is more going on around us that we cannot even begin to perceive with our limited senses.

It is very possible that the OPs claims are true. The government and NASA would not tell us this truth, heck, I wouldn't tell you either. The majority of posts in this thread are the reason why.

Obviously, you haven't read the entire thread....that's real obvious. Until you do you won't be able to understand some of the high school posts from several of the posters. But hey, thanks for your input.
This is my first post here. I found this forum through google searches regarding Planet X, Nibiru and Elenin. In fact, this is the thread that brought me here.

From what I've seen, the OP of this thread had a very detailed post consisting of a ton of circumstantial evidence. This thread is located in the conspiracy theory sub forum and I guess you can call this entire topic a conspiracy theory.

I'm shocked to see the immature replies by the members of this forum. You people DO need to wake the F@ck up and take a look around you. There are people world wide looking at occurring events around themselves and asking the ever-growing question, "WTF is going on around here?" The topic of Planet X and Nibiru have been floating around the internet for years. In fact, I must add, it's been floating around mankind for thousands of years.

So when an obviously intelligent member starts an informative thread, packed with information and links to back it up, all on his own time in hopes to educate the public and fellow forum members, he gets bashed by a bunch of morons that have absolutely NO substance backing up their claims that "nothing is gonna happen", they flood the thread with run-on sentences (doing a fine job of pointing out their illiteracy, ignorance, stupidity and their commitment to their herd) and they over-run the thread with their contribution of Denial.

Having a discussion about something that you disagree with does not have to consist of crude remarks and high school like comments. In fact, it would be refreshing if at least one of you people would back up some of your "it ain't gonna happen" remarks with some sort of substance. Try including WHY it ain't gonna happen. Any fool with a pea brain can post a comment on a forum. If that's what you want to reduce yourself to, a pea brain, do the rest of us a favor and resist that urge to spread your intellectual stink through the internet.

This thread was based on an occurrence that was supposed to take place around Mar. 15th. Nobody can predict the future to a "T" but when it comes to space and the cycle of the solar system, people can predict where the Earth will be at any given time. They can, in fact, predict where any of the planets will be. But they cannot predict exactly what the consequences will be of any given event. Personally, I thought the OP was a little out stretched in his claim that there will be a polar shift on or around Mar. 15. That's a mighty big claim and he really put his balls on the line. When in fact all that happened on or around Mar. 15 was one of the largest earthquakes in recorded history. That event should have raised a few eyebrows for at least a few of you, but.... nooo. Denial is a thick skin to shed and it appears it's gonna take at least a little more. Our world is changing. Sure, it's always changing but the events that are taking place in 2011 alone are setting records around the globe. Things aren't "normal" in a sense that our generation alone defines what is "normal" to the solar system. A passing planet or star is "normal" when put in the light of many ancient writings from many ancient civilizations that have been here before us. We are not all that is and we are not the center of the universe, for those of you who didn't know. There is more going on around us that we cannot even begin to perceive with our limited senses.

It is very possible that the OPs claims are true. The government and NASA would not tell us this truth, heck, I wouldn't tell you either. The majority of posts in this thread are the reason why.
Why worry about it if the Earth is destroyed. Oh yeah I'll feel soooo much better if, while I'm dying, I know why.:lol::lol::lol:
So when an obviously intelligent member starts an informative thread, packed with information and links to back it up, all on his own time in hopes to educate the public and fellow forum members, he gets bashed by a bunch of morons that have absolutely NO substance backing up their claims that "nothing is gonna happen", they flood the thread with run-on sentences (doing a fine job of pointing out their illiteracy, ignorance, stupidity and their commitment to their herd) and they over-run the thread with their contribution of Denial.

Is that a joke? If you really believe that, you haven't actually *read* this thread.
he gets bashed by a bunch of morons that have absolutely NO substance backing up their claims that "nothing is gonna happen".

Except for the part where, ya didn't happen.

March passed without incident, and this supposed intelligent poster was crying to the hills about how the earf was going to be destroyed mid-March.

We kinda have reality on our side here. He doesn't.
he gets bashed by a bunch of morons that have absolutely NO substance backing up their claims that "nothing is gonna happen".

Except for the part where, ya didn't happen.

March passed without incident, and this supposed intelligent poster was crying to the hills about how the earf was going to be destroyed mid-March.

We kinda have reality on our side here. He doesn't.

The Mayans warned us. The Sumerians warned us. The Hopi warned us. The Bible warned us. No one can say that they have not heard the warnings. Yet, we still think its like “Y2k” “The Pole Shift” and “Harold Camping’s Rapture”. This is not global warming, or El Nino, its text upon text upon text of written warnings of a time of upheaval.
Comet Elenin is NOT Nibiru , you are being misinformed people. Planet X , Nibiru is coming from different direction.
Elenin is chaff on the radar of the internet
[ame=]YouTube - ‪Comet Elenin And The Event 2011 (Read Description)‬‏[/ame]
he gets bashed by a bunch of morons that have absolutely NO substance backing up their claims that "nothing is gonna happen".

Except for the part where, ya didn't happen.

March passed without incident, and this supposed intelligent poster was crying to the hills about how the earf was going to be destroyed mid-March.

We kinda have reality on our side here. He doesn't.

The Mayans warned us. The Sumerians warned us. The Hopi warned us. The Bible warned us. No one can say that they have not heard the warnings. Yet, we still think its like “Y2k” “The Pole Shift” and “Harold Camping’s Rapture”. This is not global warming, or El Nino, its text upon text upon text of written warnings of a time of upheaval.
Comet Elenin is NOT Nibiru , you are being misinformed people. Planet X , Nibiru is coming from different direction.
Elenin is chaff on the radar of the internet
[ame=]YouTube - ‪Comet Elenin And The Event 2011 (Read Description)‬‏[/ame]

For the love of God....:rolleyes:

Where do we get these people. :cuckoo:

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