The Planet X/Nibiru/ELEnin Brown Dwarf Timeline

this is one of my favorite topics to come to and read about one of my favorite conspiracy theories, but i have to say, i get nervous when even thinking about posting a reply so, here goes nothing *hope i don't get slammed*

although i do have to say, we are discussing more than just a "brown dwarf" here, the topic clearly states "planet x/nibiru/elenin/brown dwarf"...just getting that across, because i realized more than one person just specifically referring to "brown dwarfs".
btw i have already stated my opinion on this matter back around page 96 or so, just so ya'll know :p ..anyway

i stumbled across this news article and found it pretty interesting, again, i haven't posted more that 15 replys on this forum, so i cant post web pages but ill try with all spaces:

h t t p : / / w w w . b a l k a n s . c o m / o p e n - n e w s . p h p ? u n i q u e n u m b e r = 1 0 6 1 4 1

try that, with no spaces of course.. here is the article:

Astronomers have discovered 10 new Jupiter-sized planets floating in interstellar space - far from the light of any nearby parent star.

The discovery was made by an international team of EU-funded researchers conducting a planetary microlensing survey of the Milky Way galaxy.

The study, carried out by astronomers from Chile, Japan, New Zealand, Poland, the United Kingdom and the United States, was funded in part by the OGLEIV (Optical gravitational lensing experiment: new frontiers in observational astronomy ') project, which received a European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant worth EUR 2.5 million under the 'Ideas' Thematic area of the EU's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7).

Writing in the journal Nature, the team suggests that these lonesome planets were probably ejected from developing planetary systems. Although scientists had always had a hunch that free-floating planets existed, due to their distant location - 10,000 to 20,000 light-years away from Earth in the direction of the central bulge of the Milky Way - the planets had gone undetected until now.

This discovery implies that there could be billions more free-floating Jupiter-style planets that can't be seen in the Milky Way galaxy alone; according to the team's estimates, there could be twice as many of them as there are stars and they could be just as common as planets that orbit stars.

'Our survey is like a population census,' said David Bennett, one of the study's authors from the University of Notre Dame in the United States. 'We sampled a portion of the galaxy, and based on these data, can estimate overall numbers in the galaxy.'

The scientists were able to finally see these free-floating planets thanks to gravitational microlensing, which occurs when an object bends the light of a more distant star. According to Albert Einstein's theory of relativity, when large objects pass in front of a more distant star, the objects can act as a lens by bending and contorting the light of the star so that it appears brighter, thereby making it visible to astronomers on Earth.

Over two years, the team analysed the central area of the Milky Way, or 'Galactic Bulge', and gathered data using the 1.8-metre-wide Microlensing Observations in Astrophysics (MOA) telescope in New Zealand, which scanned the stars at the centre of our Galaxy for gravitational microlensing events every hour. Without this special microlensing telescope, the research would have been impossible as this part of space is only visible using this technique.

Although previous observations have uncovered more than 500 planets since 1995, these were mostly bound to host stars, and any free-floating mass objects found were usually masses over 3 times the size of Jupiter; scientists believe that these huge gaseous bodies form more like stars than planets. Named 'brown dwarfs', these star-like balls of gas grow from collapsing balls of gas and dust, but lack the mass to ignite their nuclear fuel and shine with starlight.

Equally, scientists believe it is likely some planets are ejected from their early, turbulent solar systems due to gravitational encounters with other planets or stars. Without a host star to orbit, these planets would move through the Galaxy as our Sun and other stars do, in stable orbits around the Galaxy's centre.

David Bennett explains how the discovery of 10 free-floating Jupiter-sized planets backs up this ejection theory: 'If free-floating planets formed like stars, then we would have expected to see only one or two of them in our survey instead of 10. Our results suggest that planetary systems often become unstable, with planets being kicked out from their places of birth.'

This study is the fourth phase of the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE) project - one of the largest scale sky-surveys worldwide, which has been on the go since 1992.

So far, OGLE has contributed to many fields of modern astrophysics including gravitational microlensing, extrasolar planets searches, stellar astrophysics, and Galactic structure. The OGLE-IV survey also contributes to the search for Pluto-size dwarf planets from the Kuiper Belt, the search for free-floating black holes, and microlensing in the Magellanic Clouds and Galactic disk. Source; European Union
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If astronomers can find these objects 10,000 to 20,000 light years away, don't you think they would be able to see the fictitious "Nibiru" brown dwarf inside our own solar system?

If astronomers can find these objects 10,000 to 20,000 light years away, don't you think they would be able to see the fictitious "Nibiru" brown dwarf inside our own solar system?

Maybe thats my point ;)

Or maybe just maybe you could be some kinda disifo troll....well at least some would say that on here but you have proven a point and I thank you for it...we have been trying to say that since page one of this thread :clap2:

If astronomers can find these objects 10,000 to 20,000 light years away, don't you think they would be able to see the fictitious "Nibiru" brown dwarf inside our own solar system?

Maybe thats my point ;)

Or maybe just maybe you could be some kinda disifo troll....well at least some would say that on here but you have proven a point and I thank you for it...we have been trying to say that since page one of this thread :clap2:

lol well, i hope im not considered a "troll"
i mean im sure someone can argue that maybe one of these apparently billions of free floating brown dwarfs could easily come into our own solar system, and just possibly pass close to Earth, and just MAYBE contain the name Nibiru, and our government would hide it all..:doubt:.. lol idk man, im just a person who probably wonders too much i guess :confused:

but i mean, like "Rat in the Hat" said, if scientist can find these huge dark invisible things 20,000 LIGHT YEARS away, then they would have no problem finding them lurking in our own back yard.. and if the government was hiding it, im pretty sure an amateur astrologist could find it too..and perhaps see it ourselves :-/

im not bashing anyone for what they believe, trust me, thats not what im here here to gain my own opinion on things and discuss this, just like you are.
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if scientist can find these huge dark invisible things 20,000 LIGHT YEARS away, then they would have no problem finding them lurking in our own back yard..
Are you sure?
NASA admit themselves that they only monitor a small percentage of our universe
if scientist can find these huge dark invisible things 20,000 LIGHT YEARS away, then they would have no problem finding them lurking in our own back yard..
Are you sure?
NASA admit themselves that they only monitor a small percentage of our universe
Our solar system is a whole lot closer than the rest of the universe.
if scientist can find these huge dark invisible things 20,000 LIGHT YEARS away, then they would have no problem finding them lurking in our own back yard..
Are you sure?
NASA admit themselves that they only monitor a small percentage of our universe

If it was inside our solar system, then it would be reflecting sunlight like the rest of the gas giants, and would be very easy to see.

Especially if, as Terral claims, it is already inside the orbit of Saturn. People would be able to see it with cheap binoculars if it were that close.
if scientist can find these huge dark invisible things 20,000 LIGHT YEARS away, then they would have no problem finding them lurking in our own back yard..
Are you sure?
NASA admit themselves that they only monitor a small percentage of our universe

If it was inside our solar system, then it would be reflecting sunlight like the rest of the gas giants, and would be very easy to see.

Especially if, as Terral claims, it is already inside the orbit of Saturn. People would be able to see it with cheap binoculars if it were that close.

Even if it didn't reflect sunlight, it would HAVE to block out the stars behind it. This is how they originally found the planets as they moved between the Earth and the other stars. Also, it would have enough mass to affect the orbits of the other planets, including our own.
if scientist can find these huge dark invisible things 20,000 LIGHT YEARS away, then they would have no problem finding them lurking in our own back yard..
Are you sure?
NASA admit themselves that they only monitor a small percentage of our universe

If it was inside our solar system, then it would be reflecting sunlight like the rest of the gas giants, and would be very easy to see.

Especially if, as Terral claims, it is already inside the orbit of Saturn. People would be able to see it with cheap binoculars if it were that close.

Even if it didn't reflect sunlight, it would HAVE to block out the stars behind it. This is how they originally found the planets as they moved between the Earth and the other stars. Also, it would have enough mass to affect the orbits of the other planets, including our own.

You know we're going to confuse the weirdos with all these facts, right?
Elenin passed fairly close to Saturn in Mid-Late 2009.
Cassini was in the area, taking pictures of Saturn and it's moons.
It had just wrapped up its scheduled mission when project planners extended it.
So a comet was nearby, and Cassini never saw it?
Are you sure we know / are told about everything in our solar system?

Maybe thats my point ;)

Or maybe just maybe you could be some kinda disifo troll....well at least some would say that on here but you have proven a point and I thank you for it...we have been trying to say that since page one of this thread :clap2:

lol well, i hope im not considered a "troll"
i mean im sure someone can argue that maybe one of these apparently billions of free floating brown dwarfs could easily come into our own solar system, and just possibly pass close to Earth, and just MAYBE contain the name Nibiru, and our government would hide it all..:doubt:.. lol idk man, im just a person who probably wonders too much i guess :confused:

but i mean, like "Rat in the Hat" said, if scientist can find these huge dark invisible things 20,000 LIGHT YEARS away, then they would have no problem finding them lurking in our own back yard.. and if the government was hiding it, im pretty sure an amateur astrologist could find it too..and perhaps see it ourselves :-/

im not bashing anyone for what they believe, trust me, thats not what im here here to gain my own opinion on things and discuss this, just like you are.
Dude every day the earth runs risk of being blowen up or hit by a space rock everyday.....but like it's been said before if it was a brown dawrf then we see it....and yes we don't know everything in our own backyards but space is a big place so maybe one day there will be a dwarf star headed right for but for now this one is just a comet.
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I have been studying this subject for awhile now. I am pretty skeptic about fear mongering. I will say this though. All I know is on September 26th that this Elenin comet / brown dwarf or whatever the hell it is, is gonna come pretty close to planet earth. That very well could cause a magnetic disturbance, but maybe not. Elenin's orbit is on Nasa's website. Plain and simple for any sheoplized robot to see. ~BH
I have been studying this subject for awhile now. I am pretty skeptic about fear mongering. I will say this though. All I know is on September 26th that this Elenin comet / brown dwarf or whatever the hell it is, is gonna come pretty close to planet earth. That very well could cause a magnetic disturbance, but maybe not. Elenin's orbit is on Nasa's website. Plain and simple for any sheoplized robot to see. ~BH

The Elenin comet will come close to Earth in September.

The "Nibiru" invisible brown dwarf will be somewhere in the neighborhood of Ceti Alpha 5.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪KHAAAAAAN!‬‏[/ame]
I have been studying this subject for awhile now. I am pretty skeptic about fear mongering. I will say this though. All I know is on September 26th that this Elenin comet / brown dwarf or whatever the hell it is, is gonna come pretty close to planet earth. That very well could cause a magnetic disturbance, but maybe not. Elenin's orbit is on Nasa's website. Plain and simple for any sheoplized robot to see. ~BH

The Elenin comet will come close to Earth in September.

The "Nibiru" invisible brown dwarf will be somewhere in the neighborhood of Ceti Alpha 5.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪KHAAAAAAN!‬‏[/ame]
"'Botany Beh? Botany BEH?!' Demm! We heff to get out of here!"
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I have been studying this subject for awhile now. I am pretty skeptic about fear mongering. I will say this though. All I know is on September 26th that this Elenin comet / brown dwarf or whatever the hell it is, is gonna come pretty close to planet earth. That very well could cause a magnetic disturbance, but maybe not. Elenin's orbit is on Nasa's website. Plain and simple for any sheoplized robot to see. ~BH

22 million miles is close?

C/2010 X1 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I have been studying this subject for awhile now. I am pretty skeptic about fear mongering. I will say this though. All I know is on September 26th that this Elenin comet / brown dwarf or whatever the hell it is, is gonna come pretty close to planet earth. That very well could cause a magnetic disturbance, but maybe not. Elenin's orbit is on Nasa's website. Plain and simple for any sheoplized robot to see. ~BH

22 million miles is close?

C/2010 X1 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For a tiny comet, no, absolutely not.

If it was this fabulous invisible brown dwarf star traveling at super-luminal speed, as these lunatics claim, it would be extremely close. It would be closer than Venus at closest approach (25 million miles). The tidal forces would shred Earth into billions of pieces.
I have been studying this subject for awhile now. I am pretty skeptic about fear mongering. I will say this though. All I know is on September 26th that this Elenin comet / brown dwarf or whatever the hell it is, is gonna come pretty close to planet earth. That very well could cause a magnetic disturbance, but maybe not. Elenin's orbit is on Nasa's website. Plain and simple for any sheoplized robot to see. ~BH

22 million miles is close?

C/2010 X1 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No it's not bro, but concerning the magnetic pull that effects all our planets, it is. I don't need your link bro, I have followed this for a few years. I am not talking the end of the world like many here, but the thing could effect us. You getting wise with me? Have you even seen it's orbit projection on Nasa's website? ~BH

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