The Planet X/Nibiru/ELEnin Brown Dwarf Timeline

he gets bashed by a bunch of morons that have absolutely NO substance backing up their claims that "nothing is gonna happen".

Except for the part where, ya didn't happen.

March passed without incident, and this supposed intelligent poster was crying to the hills about how the earf was going to be destroyed mid-March.

We kinda have reality on our side here. He doesn't.

The Mayans warned us. The Sumerians warned us. The Hopi warned us. The Bible warned us. No one can say that they have not heard the warnings. Yet, we still think its like “Y2k” “The Pole Shift” and “Harold Camping’s Rapture”. This is not global warming, or El Nino, its text upon text upon text of written warnings of a time of upheaval.
Comet Elenin is NOT Nibiru , you are being misinformed people. Planet X , Nibiru is coming from different direction.
Elenin is chaff on the radar of the internet
[ame=]YouTube - ‪Comet Elenin And The Event 2011 (Read Description)‬‏[/ame]

OK, yon keeper of the YouTubes, it's your turn to see if you will answer my challenge.

Please explain in full detail what we are supposed to be doing to protect ourselves from the approaching brown dwarf star.

Also, your solution has to include how we will prevent the gravitational forces from stripping off our atmosphere, and tearing the planet apart.

Oh, and one last thing. Can you provide the co-ordinates of the star's current location so I can observe it's approach? Being only 3 months away, it should be visible by now.

Thanks in advance.


With a name like YouTube, it has to be true. :lol:

Stop the Brown Dwarf...BUY SILVER!!!!!!!

This is my first post here. I found this forum through google searches regarding Planet X, Nibiru and Elenin. In fact, this is the thread that brought me here.

From what I've seen, the OP of this thread had a very detailed post consisting of a ton of circumstantial evidence. This thread is located in the conspiracy theory sub forum and I guess you can call this entire topic a conspiracy theory.

I'm shocked to see the immature replies by the members of this forum. You people DO need to wake the F@ck up and take a look around you. There are people world wide looking at occurring events around themselves and asking the ever-growing question, "WTF is going on around here?" The topic of Planet X and Nibiru have been floating around the internet for years. In fact, I must add, it's been floating around mankind for thousands of years.

So when an obviously intelligent member starts an informative thread, packed with information and links to back it up, all on his own time in hopes to educate the public and fellow forum members, he gets bashed by a bunch of morons that have absolutely NO substance backing up their claims that "nothing is gonna happen", they flood the thread with run-on sentences (doing a fine job of pointing out their illiteracy, ignorance, stupidity and their commitment to their herd) and they over-run the thread with their contribution of Denial.

Having a discussion about something that you disagree with does not have to consist of crude remarks and high school like comments. In fact, it would be refreshing if at least one of you people would back up some of your "it ain't gonna happen" remarks with some sort of substance. Try including WHY it ain't gonna happen. Any fool with a pea brain can post a comment on a forum. If that's what you want to reduce yourself to, a pea brain, do the rest of us a favor and resist that urge to spread your intellectual stink through the internet.

This thread was based on an occurrence that was supposed to take place around Mar. 15th. Nobody can predict the future to a "T" but when it comes to space and the cycle of the solar system, people can predict where the Earth will be at any given time. They can, in fact, predict where any of the planets will be. But they cannot predict exactly what the consequences will be of any given event. Personally, I thought the OP was a little out stretched in his claim that there will be a polar shift on or around Mar. 15. That's a mighty big claim and he really put his balls on the line. When in fact all that happened on or around Mar. 15 was one of the largest earthquakes in recorded history. That event should have raised a few eyebrows for at least a few of you, but.... nooo. Denial is a thick skin to shed and it appears it's gonna take at least a little more. Our world is changing. Sure, it's always changing but the events that are taking place in 2011 alone are setting records around the globe. Things aren't "normal" in a sense that our generation alone defines what is "normal" to the solar system. A passing planet or star is "normal" when put in the light of many ancient writings from many ancient civilizations that have been here before us. We are not all that is and we are not the center of the universe, for those of you who didn't know. There is more going on around us that we cannot even begin to perceive with our limited senses.

It is very possible that the OPs claims are true. The government and NASA would not tell us this truth, heck, I wouldn't tell you either. The majority of posts in this thread are the reason why.


i just cant stand smarta$$'s.. thats my biggest problem here.
Last edited:
This is my first post here. I found this forum through google searches regarding Planet X, Nibiru and Elenin. In fact, this is the thread that brought me here.

From what I've seen, the OP of this thread had a very detailed post consisting of a ton of circumstantial evidence. This thread is located in the conspiracy theory sub forum and I guess you can call this entire topic a conspiracy theory.

I'm shocked to see the immature replies by the members of this forum. You people DO need to wake the F@ck up and take a look around you. There are people world wide looking at occurring events around themselves and asking the ever-growing question, "WTF is going on around here?" The topic of Planet X and Nibiru have been floating around the internet for years. In fact, I must add, it's been floating around mankind for thousands of years.

So when an obviously intelligent member starts an informative thread, packed with information and links to back it up, all on his own time in hopes to educate the public and fellow forum members, he gets bashed by a bunch of morons that have absolutely NO substance backing up their claims that "nothing is gonna happen", they flood the thread with run-on sentences (doing a fine job of pointing out their illiteracy, ignorance, stupidity and their commitment to their herd) and they over-run the thread with their contribution of Denial.

Having a discussion about something that you disagree with does not have to consist of crude remarks and high school like comments. In fact, it would be refreshing if at least one of you people would back up some of your "it ain't gonna happen" remarks with some sort of substance. Try including WHY it ain't gonna happen. Any fool with a pea brain can post a comment on a forum. If that's what you want to reduce yourself to, a pea brain, do the rest of us a favor and resist that urge to spread your intellectual stink through the internet.

This thread was based on an occurrence that was supposed to take place around Mar. 15th. Nobody can predict the future to a "T" but when it comes to space and the cycle of the solar system, people can predict where the Earth will be at any given time. They can, in fact, predict where any of the planets will be. But they cannot predict exactly what the consequences will be of any given event. Personally, I thought the OP was a little out stretched in his claim that there will be a polar shift on or around Mar. 15. That's a mighty big claim and he really put his balls on the line. When in fact all that happened on or around Mar. 15 was one of the largest earthquakes in recorded history. That event should have raised a few eyebrows for at least a few of you, but.... nooo. Denial is a thick skin to shed and it appears it's gonna take at least a little more. Our world is changing. Sure, it's always changing but the events that are taking place in 2011 alone are setting records around the globe. Things aren't "normal" in a sense that our generation alone defines what is "normal" to the solar system. A passing planet or star is "normal" when put in the light of many ancient writings from many ancient civilizations that have been here before us. We are not all that is and we are not the center of the universe, for those of you who didn't know. There is more going on around us that we cannot even begin to perceive with our limited senses.

It is very possible that the OPs claims are true. The government and NASA would not tell us this truth, heck, I wouldn't tell you either. The majority of posts in this thread are the reason why.


i just cant stand smarta$$'s.. thats my biggest problem here.

your turn...

Please explain in full detail what we are supposed to be doing to protect ourselves from the approaching brown dwarf star.

Also, your solution has to include how we will prevent the gravitational forces from stripping off our atmosphere, and tearing the planet apart.

Oh, and one last thing. Can you provide the co-ordinates of the star's current location so I can observe it's approach? Being only 3 months away, it should be visible by now.

Thanks in advance.


With a name like YouTube, it has to be true.

Stop the Brown Dwarf...BUY SILVER!!!!!!!

This is my first post here. I found this forum through google searches regarding Planet X, Nibiru and Elenin. In fact, this is the thread that brought me here.

From what I've seen, the OP of this thread had a very detailed post consisting of a ton of circumstantial evidence. This thread is located in the conspiracy theory sub forum and I guess you can call this entire topic a conspiracy theory.

I'm shocked to see the immature replies by the members of this forum. You people DO need to wake the F@ck up and take a look around you. There are people world wide looking at occurring events around themselves and asking the ever-growing question, "WTF is going on around here?" The topic of Planet X and Nibiru have been floating around the internet for years. In fact, I must add, it's been floating around mankind for thousands of years.

So when an obviously intelligent member starts an informative thread, packed with information and links to back it up, all on his own time in hopes to educate the public and fellow forum members, he gets bashed by a bunch of morons that have absolutely NO substance backing up their claims that "nothing is gonna happen", they flood the thread with run-on sentences (doing a fine job of pointing out their illiteracy, ignorance, stupidity and their commitment to their herd) and they over-run the thread with their contribution of Denial.

Having a discussion about something that you disagree with does not have to consist of crude remarks and high school like comments. In fact, it would be refreshing if at least one of you people would back up some of your "it ain't gonna happen" remarks with some sort of substance. Try including WHY it ain't gonna happen. Any fool with a pea brain can post a comment on a forum. If that's what you want to reduce yourself to, a pea brain, do the rest of us a favor and resist that urge to spread your intellectual stink through the internet.

This thread was based on an occurrence that was supposed to take place around Mar. 15th. Nobody can predict the future to a "T" but when it comes to space and the cycle of the solar system, people can predict where the Earth will be at any given time. They can, in fact, predict where any of the planets will be. But they cannot predict exactly what the consequences will be of any given event. Personally, I thought the OP was a little out stretched in his claim that there will be a polar shift on or around Mar. 15. That's a mighty big claim and he really put his balls on the line. When in fact all that happened on or around Mar. 15 was one of the largest earthquakes in recorded history. That event should have raised a few eyebrows for at least a few of you, but.... nooo. Denial is a thick skin to shed and it appears it's gonna take at least a little more. Our world is changing. Sure, it's always changing but the events that are taking place in 2011 alone are setting records around the globe. Things aren't "normal" in a sense that our generation alone defines what is "normal" to the solar system. A passing planet or star is "normal" when put in the light of many ancient writings from many ancient civilizations that have been here before us. We are not all that is and we are not the center of the universe, for those of you who didn't know. There is more going on around us that we cannot even begin to perceive with our limited senses.

It is very possible that the OPs claims are true. The government and NASA would not tell us this truth, heck, I wouldn't tell you either. The majority of posts in this thread are the reason why.


i just cant stand smarta$$'s.. thats my biggest problem here.

Nobody is holding a gun to your head if you don't post here, right?

Can you explain why there are no amateur astronomers stepping forward with the news of something large in our solar system? I have a good Celestron scope and can't find it.
Why aren't the tides being affected from something this large?
It's hard to take seriously when some posters are saying that it's a large spaceship, and that it can "cloak" itself. If that's being a smart ass....then yes, we are smart asses.
This is my first post here. I found this forum through google searches regarding Planet X, Nibiru and Elenin. In fact, this is the thread that brought me here.

From what I've seen, the OP of this thread had a very detailed post consisting of a ton of circumstantial evidence. This thread is located in the conspiracy theory sub forum and I guess you can call this entire topic a conspiracy theory.

I'm shocked to see the immature replies by the members of this forum. You people DO need to wake the F@ck up and take a look around you. There are people world wide looking at occurring events around themselves and asking the ever-growing question, "WTF is going on around here?" The topic of Planet X and Nibiru have been floating around the internet for years. In fact, I must add, it's been floating around mankind for thousands of years.

So when an obviously intelligent member starts an informative thread, packed with information and links to back it up, all on his own time in hopes to educate the public and fellow forum members, he gets bashed by a bunch of morons that have absolutely NO substance backing up their claims that "nothing is gonna happen", they flood the thread with run-on sentences (doing a fine job of pointing out their illiteracy, ignorance, stupidity and their commitment to their herd) and they over-run the thread with their contribution of Denial.

Having a discussion about something that you disagree with does not have to consist of crude remarks and high school like comments. In fact, it would be refreshing if at least one of you people would back up some of your "it ain't gonna happen" remarks with some sort of substance. Try including WHY it ain't gonna happen. Any fool with a pea brain can post a comment on a forum. If that's what you want to reduce yourself to, a pea brain, do the rest of us a favor and resist that urge to spread your intellectual stink through the internet.

This thread was based on an occurrence that was supposed to take place around Mar. 15th. Nobody can predict the future to a "T" but when it comes to space and the cycle of the solar system, people can predict where the Earth will be at any given time. They can, in fact, predict where any of the planets will be. But they cannot predict exactly what the consequences will be of any given event. Personally, I thought the OP was a little out stretched in his claim that there will be a polar shift on or around Mar. 15. That's a mighty big claim and he really put his balls on the line. When in fact all that happened on or around Mar. 15 was one of the largest earthquakes in recorded history. That event should have raised a few eyebrows for at least a few of you, but.... nooo. Denial is a thick skin to shed and it appears it's gonna take at least a little more. Our world is changing. Sure, it's always changing but the events that are taking place in 2011 alone are setting records around the globe. Things aren't "normal" in a sense that our generation alone defines what is "normal" to the solar system. A passing planet or star is "normal" when put in the light of many ancient writings from many ancient civilizations that have been here before us. We are not all that is and we are not the center of the universe, for those of you who didn't know. There is more going on around us that we cannot even begin to perceive with our limited senses.

It is very possible that the OPs claims are true. The government and NASA would not tell us this truth, heck, I wouldn't tell you either. The majority of posts in this thread are the reason why.


i just cant stand smarta$$'s.. thats my biggest problem here.

Nobody is holding a gun to your head if you don't post here, right?

Can you explain why there are no amateur astronomers stepping forward with the news of something large in our solar system? I have a good Celestron scope and can't find it.
Why aren't the tides being affected from something this large?
It's hard to take seriously when some posters are saying that it's a large spaceship, and that it can "cloak" itself. If that's being a smart ass....then yes, we are smart asses.

any astronomer who would do such a thing would be kidnapped by FEMA, brought to Area 51, and tortured, along with the passengers on Flight 77 and Flight 93.

i just cant stand smarta$$'s.. thats my biggest problem here.

Nobody is holding a gun to your head if you don't post here, right?

Can you explain why there are no amateur astronomers stepping forward with the news of something large in our solar system? I have a good Celestron scope and can't find it.
Why aren't the tides being affected from something this large?
It's hard to take seriously when some posters are saying that it's a large spaceship, and that it can "cloak" itself. If that's being a smart ass....then yes, we are smart asses.

any astronomer who would do such a thing would be kidnapped by FEMA, brought to Area 51, and tortured, along with the passengers on Flight 77 and Flight 93.

Ugh, oh my lord! really guys!?.. i cant help but laugh.. really elvis? how old are you? really..i mean come on..Here you guys are saying, "excuse me, have you *read* the posts?!?" and if you guys would have, then you would have seen where i stated my matter on this subject... I DONT CARE EITHER WAY!!!!.. this topic just interests me, plain and simple, but i can’t stand reading smartass remarks, and yes "Meister" that’s EXACTLY what you are.. There are certain ways to go about things. Certain mature ways. Yes, it’s a topic that sounds straight from a sci-fi novel, and its being discussed on here in a real life scenario, so therefore it IS going to sound incredibly crazy-stupid, that’s a given. Any sane normal person can see that, so we don’t need you swooping in here saying you’re wrong, You guys are dumb, making smart ass remarks and trying to make people feel like dumbasses. It’s just uncalled for. You continue posting comments in a forum where you clearly and obviously stated your opinion several hundred times, so why not let the others who are interested in it, continue the discussion like this forum was made for, and butt out? I mean have you read the title of this forum?? I dont see "THE DEBATE ON The Planet X/Nibiru/ELEnin Brown Dwarf Timeline" as the title of this ask your questions elsewhere.
This is my first post here. I found this forum through google searches regarding Planet X, Nibiru and Elenin. In fact, this is the thread that brought me here.

From what I've seen, the OP of this thread had a very detailed post consisting of a ton of circumstantial evidence. This thread is located in the conspiracy theory sub forum and I guess you can call this entire topic a conspiracy theory.

I'm shocked to see the immature replies by the members of this forum. You people DO need to wake the F@ck up and take a look around you. There are people world wide looking at occurring events around themselves and asking the ever-growing question, "WTF is going on around here?" The topic of Planet X and Nibiru have been floating around the internet for years. In fact, I must add, it's been floating around mankind for thousands of years.

So when an obviously intelligent member starts an informative thread, packed with information and links to back it up, all on his own time in hopes to educate the public and fellow forum members, he gets bashed by a bunch of morons that have absolutely NO substance backing up their claims that "nothing is gonna happen", they flood the thread with run-on sentences (doing a fine job of pointing out their illiteracy, ignorance, stupidity and their commitment to their herd) and they over-run the thread with their contribution of Denial.

Having a discussion about something that you disagree with does not have to consist of crude remarks and high school like comments. In fact, it would be refreshing if at least one of you people would back up some of your "it ain't gonna happen" remarks with some sort of substance. Try including WHY it ain't gonna happen. Any fool with a pea brain can post a comment on a forum. If that's what you want to reduce yourself to, a pea brain, do the rest of us a favor and resist that urge to spread your intellectual stink through the internet.

This thread was based on an occurrence that was supposed to take place around Mar. 15th. Nobody can predict the future to a "T" but when it comes to space and the cycle of the solar system, people can predict where the Earth will be at any given time. They can, in fact, predict where any of the planets will be. But they cannot predict exactly what the consequences will be of any given event. Personally, I thought the OP was a little out stretched in his claim that there will be a polar shift on or around Mar. 15. That's a mighty big claim and he really put his balls on the line. When in fact all that happened on or around Mar. 15 was one of the largest earthquakes in recorded history. That event should have raised a few eyebrows for at least a few of you, but.... nooo. Denial is a thick skin to shed and it appears it's gonna take at least a little more. Our world is changing. Sure, it's always changing but the events that are taking place in 2011 alone are setting records around the globe. Things aren't "normal" in a sense that our generation alone defines what is "normal" to the solar system. A passing planet or star is "normal" when put in the light of many ancient writings from many ancient civilizations that have been here before us. We are not all that is and we are not the center of the universe, for those of you who didn't know. There is more going on around us that we cannot even begin to perceive with our limited senses.

It is very possible that the OPs claims are true. The government and NASA would not tell us this truth, heck, I wouldn't tell you either. The majority of posts in this thread are the reason why.


i just cant stand smarta$$'s.. thats my biggest problem here.

your turn...

Please explain in full detail what we are supposed to be doing to protect ourselves from the approaching brown dwarf star.

Also, your solution has to include how we will prevent the gravitational forces from stripping off our atmosphere, and tearing the planet apart.

Oh, and one last thing. Can you provide the co-ordinates of the star's current location so I can observe it's approach? Being only 3 months away, it should be visible by now.

Thanks in advance.


With a name like YouTube, it has to be true.

Stop the Brown Dwarf...BUY SILVER!!!!!!!


Oh, dear. Duckwings seems to have missed this post.

But forward and onward, I persevere.
NASA sent out a "Family/Personal Preparedness Plan" email to all employees
NASA is the only federal agency responsible for its people's safety and well-being here on Earth and in space and has a long-time commitment to safety and emergency preparedness.


Point of Contact: Darrius Lewis, Mission Support Directorate, NASA Headquarters, 202-358-0608 , [email protected]

Family/Personal Preparedness Plan

NASA is the only federal agency responsible for its people's safety and well-being here on Earth and in space and has a longtime commitment to safety and emergency preparedness. Over the past year, Administrator Bolden has emphasized the importance of Family/Personal Preparedness for the entire NASA family. Family and personal preparedness plans are key to protecting our families and communities during potential emergencies such as fires, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, terrorist attacks and other unforeseen catastrophes.

The most important assets in the successful completion of NASA's mission are its people and their loved ones. The agency has developed a set of informational guides designed to prepare you, your families and pets for emergencies. These guides will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to develop your Family Preparedness Plan.

All employees are encouraged to download these guides, prepare plans, and review them with your families. The agency has taken the steps to prepare our NASA family; now it is your personal obligation to prepare yourself and/or your family for an emergency.
NASA - Headquarters Emergency Operations - Personal/Family Preparedness Plan
he gets bashed by a bunch of morons that have absolutely NO substance backing up their claims that "nothing is gonna happen".

Except for the part where, ya didn't happen.

March passed without incident, and this supposed intelligent poster was crying to the hills about how the earf was going to be destroyed mid-March.

We kinda have reality on our side here. He doesn't.

I find that strange considering March DID pass WITH incident. Like I said before, Japan's earthquake was the biggest in their recorded history. It was one of the biggest in EARTH'S recorded history. It took place during an alignment. That is reality and it appears it is on MY side.
Please explain in full detail what we are supposed to be doing to protect ourselves from the approaching brown dwarf star.
If you have loved ones, kids, dogs, a fish or whatever, you should be doing what you can to make your lives self sustainable buy storing food, water, clothes and supplies. Buy weapons and ammo to protect yourself, your family and your supplies from people like yourself that decided to ignore the POSSIBILITY that something is about to happen. Because it is those people that will suffer the most by running out of food and supplies. There is no guarantee that you or anybody will survive but that doesn't mean the best idea is to turn in denial and look the other way at the possibility that so many people are right now and right from the past about this recurring event. We could all die, certain portions of the world could all die, you might survive, nobody knows. But what I do know is that the planet at this point is populated with humans, animals, fish, insects, and everything else that we know about so obviously this hasn't been a total extinction level event in the past. Nobody knows what's in store for us this time around. Common sense prevails here, there is a possibility that this will not occur but there is also a possibility that it WILL occur, don't buy that DVD player or wide screen TV and instead spend some money on storing food and water, at least until you have enough to sustain your family for at least a few months. And don't forget there's always gonna be people that bury their heads in the sand when the warnings are there and thanks to that fact, there's gonna be people coming to get YOUR food.

Also, your solution has to include how we will prevent the gravitational forces from stripping off our atmosphere, and tearing the planet apart.
We don't know if the atmosphere will be ripped from our planet, it hasn't happened in the past, if it did, there would be no life on this planet now. There is nothing we can do about it, so the answer to this question is a big NOTHING. There is no point in worrying about something we are powerless to control. What we can control however is everything I've stated in the paragraph above. Cover your own a$$ and do what you can to prepare yourself to be a successful survivor, hopefully you'll be one.

Oh, and one last thing. Can you provide the co-ordinates of the star's current location so I can observe it's approach? Being only 3 months away, it should be visible by now.
Brown Dwarf stars do not produce their own light, therefore, they are difficult to find, even for NASA. An amateur astronomer will have a hard time trying to find one. You will not see it until it is close enough to the sun to reflect the sun's light. Don't assume that it has the same reflective properties as any of the planets in our solar system, it is not a planet. NASA has in fact seen this star and it is in the best interest of the general population to hide this.
I've seen information regarding it's coordinates on youtube but seeing as you're not a youtube fan I won't bother. Apparently if a fact is posted on youtube it becomes a fiction. I don't understand how youtube has that fact-reducing power but me not understanding something is nothing new right?

Thanks in advance.
You're welcome.
Nobody is holding a gun to your head if you don't post here, right?

Can you explain why there are no amateur astronomers stepping forward with the news of something large in our solar system? I have a good Celestron scope and can't find it.
Why aren't the tides being affected from something this large?
It's hard to take seriously when some posters are saying that it's a large spaceship, and that it can "cloak" itself. If that's being a smart ass....then yes, we are smart asses.

any astronomer who would do such a thing would be kidnapped by FEMA, brought to Area 51, and tortured, along with the passengers on Flight 77 and Flight 93.

Ugh, oh my lord! really guys!?.. i cant help but laugh.. really elvis? how old are you? really..i mean come on..Here you guys are saying, "excuse me, have you *read* the posts?!?" and if you guys would have, then you would have seen where i stated my matter on this subject... I DONT CARE EITHER WAY!!!!.. this topic just interests me, plain and simple, but i can’t stand reading smartass remarks, and yes "Meister" that’s EXACTLY what you are.. There are certain ways to go about things. Certain mature ways. Yes, it’s a topic that sounds straight from a sci-fi novel, and its being discussed on here in a real life scenario, so therefore it IS going to sound incredibly crazy-stupid, that’s a given. Any sane normal person can see that, so we don’t need you swooping in here saying you’re wrong, You guys are dumb, making smart ass remarks and trying to make people feel like dumbasses. It’s just uncalled for. You continue posting comments in a forum where you clearly and obviously stated your opinion several hundred times, so why not let the others who are interested in it, continue the discussion like this forum was made for, and butt out? I mean have you read the title of this forum?? I dont see "THE DEBATE ON The Planet X/Nibiru/ELEnin Brown Dwarf Timeline" as the title of this ask your questions elsewhere.

I noticed you didn't answer my questions...why? No answers? Look who really is the dumbass, duckie. Until your conspiracy nuts start answering obvious questions...your going to get smartass remarks. You deserve no better, dumbass.
Please explain in full detail what we are supposed to be doing to protect ourselves from the approaching brown dwarf star.
If you have loved ones, kids, dogs, a fish or whatever, you should be doing what you can to make your lives self sustainable buy storing food, water, clothes and supplies. Buy weapons and ammo to protect yourself, your family and your supplies from people like yourself that decided to ignore the POSSIBILITY that something is about to happen. Because it is those people that will suffer the most by running out of food and supplies. There is no guarantee that you or anybody will survive but that doesn't mean the best idea is to turn in denial and look the other way at the possibility that so many people are right now and right from the past about this recurring event. We could all die, certain portions of the world could all die, you might survive, nobody knows. But what I do know is that the planet at this point is populated with humans, animals, fish, insects, and everything else that we know about so obviously this hasn't been a total extinction level event in the past. Nobody knows what's in store for us this time around. Common sense prevails here, there is a possibility that this will not occur but there is also a possibility that it WILL occur, don't buy that DVD player or wide screen TV and instead spend some money on storing food and water, at least until you have enough to sustain your family for at least a few months. And don't forget there's always gonna be people that bury their heads in the sand when the warnings are there and thanks to that fact, there's gonna be people coming to get YOUR food.

Also, your solution has to include how we will prevent the gravitational forces from stripping off our atmosphere, and tearing the planet apart.
We don't know if the atmosphere will be ripped from our planet, it hasn't happened in the past, if it did, there would be no life on this planet now. There is nothing we can do about it, so the answer to this question is a big NOTHING. There is no point in worrying about something we are powerless to control. What we can control however is everything I've stated in the paragraph above. Cover your own a$$ and do what you can to prepare yourself to be a successful survivor, hopefully you'll be one.

Oh, and one last thing. Can you provide the co-ordinates of the star's current location so I can observe it's approach? Being only 3 months away, it should be visible by now.
Brown Dwarf stars do not produce their own light, therefore, they are difficult to find, even for NASA. An amateur astronomer will have a hard time trying to find one. You will not see it until it is close enough to the sun to reflect the sun's light. Don't assume that it has the same reflective properties as any of the planets in our solar system, it is not a planet. NASA has in fact seen this star and it is in the best interest of the general population to hide this.
I've seen information regarding it's coordinates on youtube but seeing as you're not a youtube fan I won't bother. Apparently if a fact is posted on youtube it becomes a fiction. I don't understand how youtube has that fact-reducing power but me not understanding something is nothing new right?

Thanks in advance.
You're welcome.

Planets and astroids produce no light....they reflect light, like a brown dwarf would. The brown dwarf is supposed to be in our solar system. Geeze you people should get educated and stop fearing death. You have probably a .0000000000001 percent chance of something like this ever happening in your lifetime, yet your life revolves around it. Good grief, you should fear handling a knife, a car, a bike, getting on an airplane or even taking a walk more than getting hit by something that isn't there.

That goes for you too, duckie.
Brown Dwarf stars do not produce their own light, therefore, they are difficult to find, even for NASA. An amateur astronomer will have a hard time trying to find one. You will not see it until it is close enough to the sun to reflect the sun's light. Don't assume that it has the same reflective properties as any of the planets in our solar system, it is not a planet. NASA has in fact seen this star and it is in the best interest of the general population to hide this.
Y'know, a minute or so with Wiki proves this whole thing is horseshit.

Cha 110913-773444 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cha 110913-773444 (sometimes abbreviated Cha 110913) is an astronomical object surrounded by what appears to be a protoplanetary disk. There is no consensus yet among astronomers whether to classify the object as a sub-brown dwarf (with planets) or a rogue planet (with moons).[1] It is smaller than OTS 44, which had been the smallest known brown dwarf prior to the discovery of Cha 110913-773444.
Cha 110913-773444 was discovered in 2004 by Kevin Luhman and others at Pennsylvania State University using the Spitzer Space Telescope and the Hubble Space Telescope, as well as two earthbound telescopes in Chile.

Distance 163 ly​

It's 163 light years from here. Yet telescopes have seen it.

And you claim one in our own back yard wouldn't be visible?

You're dismissed.
Brown Dwarf stars do not produce their own light, therefore, they are difficult to find, even for NASA. An amateur astronomer will have a hard time trying to find one. You will not see it until it is close enough to the sun to reflect the sun's light. Don't assume that it has the same reflective properties as any of the planets in our solar system, it is not a planet. NASA has in fact seen this star and it is in the best interest of the general population to hide this.
Y'know, a minute or so with Wiki proves this whole thing is horseshit.

Cha 110913-773444 (sometimes abbreviated Cha 110913) is an astronomical object surrounded by what appears to be a protoplanetary disk. There is no consensus yet among astronomers whether to classify the object as a sub-brown dwarf (with planets) or a rogue planet (with moons).[1] It is smaller than OTS 44, which had been the smallest known brown dwarf prior to the discovery of Cha 110913-773444.
Cha 110913-773444 was discovered in 2004 by Kevin Luhman and others at Pennsylvania State University using the Spitzer Space Telescope and the Hubble Space Telescope, as well as two earthbound telescopes in Chile.

Distance 163 ly​

It's 163 light years from here. Yet telescopes have seen it.

And you claim one in our own back yard wouldn't be visible?

You're dismissed.

Tell me that an amateur has seen the star in your link, unless of course he's "using the Spitzer Space Telescope and the Hubble Space Telescope, as well as two earthbound telescopes in Chile".
Maybe you should spend more than a minute or so.

Nasa has known about Planet X since the early 80s which is much earlier than 2004. Maybe that's because it's so freakin close to us!
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Brown Dwarf stars do not produce their own light, therefore, they are difficult to find, even for NASA. An amateur astronomer will have a hard time trying to find one. You will not see it until it is close enough to the sun to reflect the sun's light. Don't assume that it has the same reflective properties as any of the planets in our solar system, it is not a planet. NASA has in fact seen this star and it is in the best interest of the general population to hide this.
Y'know, a minute or so with Wiki proves this whole thing is horseshit.

Cha 110913-773444 (sometimes abbreviated Cha 110913) is an astronomical object surrounded by what appears to be a protoplanetary disk. There is no consensus yet among astronomers whether to classify the object as a sub-brown dwarf (with planets) or a rogue planet (with moons).[1] It is smaller than OTS 44, which had been the smallest known brown dwarf prior to the discovery of Cha 110913-773444.
Cha 110913-773444 was discovered in 2004 by Kevin Luhman and others at Pennsylvania State University using the Spitzer Space Telescope and the Hubble Space Telescope, as well as two earthbound telescopes in Chile.

Distance 163 ly​

It's 163 light years from here. Yet telescopes have seen it.

And you claim one in our own back yard wouldn't be visible?

You're dismissed.

When did I say NASA hasn't seen it?
Tell me that an amateur has seen the star in your link.
Maybe you should spend more than a few minutes.

Nasa has known about Planet X since the early 80s.

:cuckoo: The brown dwarf is in our solar system....according to you nuts. You people have nothing...nothing at all and like what Dave're dismissed.
Brown Dwarf stars do not produce their own light, therefore, they are difficult to find, even for NASA. An amateur astronomer will have a hard time trying to find one. You will not see it until it is close enough to the sun to reflect the sun's light. Don't assume that it has the same reflective properties as any of the planets in our solar system, it is not a planet. NASA has in fact seen this star and it is in the best interest of the general population to hide this.
Y'know, a minute or so with Wiki proves this whole thing is horseshit.

Cha 110913-773444 (sometimes abbreviated Cha 110913) is an astronomical object surrounded by what appears to be a protoplanetary disk. There is no consensus yet among astronomers whether to classify the object as a sub-brown dwarf (with planets) or a rogue planet (with moons).[1] It is smaller than OTS 44, which had been the smallest known brown dwarf prior to the discovery of Cha 110913-773444.
Cha 110913-773444 was discovered in 2004 by Kevin Luhman and others at Pennsylvania State University using the Spitzer Space Telescope and the Hubble Space Telescope, as well as two earthbound telescopes in Chile.

Distance 163 ly​

It's 163 light years from here. Yet telescopes have seen it.

And you claim one in our own back yard wouldn't be visible?

You're dismissed.

When did I say NASA hasn't seen it?
Tell me that an amateur has seen the star in your link.
Maybe you should spend more than a few minutes.

Nasa has known about Planet X since the early 80s.
Pay close attention here.

Astronomers can see a brown dwarf from 163 light years. Amateur astronomers can see Jupiter. Cha 110913-773444 is larger than Jupiter:


You claim it's somewhere around the orbit of Jupiter, which is 20-40 light-minutes from Earth, depending on relative orbital positions.

Therefore, amateur astronomers would be able to see a brown dwarf in our solar system. But they haven't.

Like I said: You're dismissed.
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C'mon. Really. Who the hell would want to survive an event as described in this idiotic thread ?
The only thing I'm stocking up on is semen for my next rendezvous with this brown dwarf.


  • $jackijeep.jpg
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Brown Dwarf stars do not produce their own light, therefore, they are difficult to find, even for NASA. An amateur astronomer will have a hard time trying to find one. You will not see it until it is close enough to the sun to reflect the sun's light. Don't assume that it has the same reflective properties as any of the planets in our solar system, it is not a planet. NASA has in fact seen this star and it is in the best interest of the general population to hide this.
Y'know, a minute or so with Wiki proves this whole thing is horseshit.

Cha 110913-773444 (sometimes abbreviated Cha 110913) is an astronomical object surrounded by what appears to be a protoplanetary disk. There is no consensus yet among astronomers whether to classify the object as a sub-brown dwarf (with planets) or a rogue planet (with moons).[1] It is smaller than OTS 44, which had been the smallest known brown dwarf prior to the discovery of Cha 110913-773444.
Cha 110913-773444 was discovered in 2004 by Kevin Luhman and others at Pennsylvania State University using the Spitzer Space Telescope and the Hubble Space Telescope, as well as two earthbound telescopes in Chile.

Distance 163 ly​

It's 163 light years from here. Yet telescopes have seen it.

And you claim one in our own back yard wouldn't be visible?

You're dismissed.

First, let's take a step back for a moment.

You're using "an astronomical object surrounded by what appears to be a protoplanetary disk. There is no consensus yet among astronomers whether to classify the object as a sub-brown dwarf (with planets) or a rogue planet (with moons)" as an example of a brown dwarf star when in fact they don't even know what the thing is. I think we can forget this evidence you're presenting to us.

Second, this is from Nasa's website describing how brown dwarf stars are detected. An amateur will probably not be able to detect a brown dwarf with his backyard telescope.

From Nasa's website, I'd post a link but I have less than 15 posts, feel free to look it up:
Nasa's website said:
"Brown dwarfs are so elusive, so hard to find," McLean said. "They can be detected best in the infrared, and even within the infrared, they are very difficult to detect. We detect the heat glow from these faint objects in the infrared. Typically, they have to be relatively close by, within 100 light years, for us to even detect the heat signature."

McLean and his colleagues do so using a sophisticated instrument that McLean designed and built at UCLA with other astronomers from UCLA and the University of California, Berkeley. The instrument, attached to the W.M. Keck Observatory's 10-meter Keck II Telescope atop Mauna Kea in Hawaii -- the world's largest optical and infrared telescope -- is called NIRSPEC. It is six feet high, weighs one ton and contains the most powerful infrared spectrometer in the world.

Keep in mind, I'm not saying there is a brown dwarf star headed this way. What I'm saying is there COULD be. It would explain many natural events that are taking place within the past few years, especially in 2011 alone, and it certainly isn't impossible. If you're not suggesting that this event is impossible than you're in the same boat that I am. Good luck.

An assumption is the
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First, let's take a step back for a moment.

You're using "an astronomical object surrounded by what appears to be a protoplanetary disk. There is no consensus yet among astronomers whether to classify the object as a sub-brown dwarf (with planets) or a rogue planet (with moons)" as an example of a brown dwarf star when in fact they don't even know what the thing is. I think we can forget this evidence you're presenting to us.
Of course you want to forget it. It utterly destroys your fantasy.

If it is in fact a rogue planet, it destroys your case because it was seen across 163 light years. And you still claim that a brown dwarf in the solar system would not be visible?

I think we can forget your pathetic dismissal.
Second, this is from Nasa's website describing how brown dwarf stars are detected. An amateur will probably not be able to detect a brown dwarf with his backyard telescope.

From Nasa's website, I'd post a link but I have less than 15 posts, feel free to look it up:
Nasa's website said:
"Brown dwarfs are so elusive, so hard to find," McLean said. "They can be detected best in the infrared, and even within the infrared, they are very difficult to detect. We detect the heat glow from these faint objects in the infrared. Typically, they have to be relatively close by, within 100 light years, for us to even detect the heat signature."

McLean and his colleagues do so using a sophisticated instrument that McLean designed and built at UCLA with other astronomers from UCLA and the University of California, Berkeley. The instrument, attached to the W.M. Keck Observatory's 10-meter Keck II Telescope atop Mauna Kea in Hawaii -- the world's largest optical and infrared telescope -- is called NIRSPEC. It is six feet high, weighs one ton and contains the most powerful infrared spectrometer in the world.

Keep in mind, I'm not saying there is a brown dwarf star headed this way. What I'm saying is there COULD be. It would explain many natural events that are taking place within the past few years, especially in 2011 alone, and it certainly isn't impossible. If you're not suggesting that this event is impossible than you're in the same boat that I am. Good luck.

An assumption is the
No, there couldn't be.

"Typically, they have to be relatively close by, within 100 light years, for us to even detect the heat signature."

Jupiter is 20-40 light minutes away.
Meister / Rat in a hat
Ok things would appear to be going around in circles about this topic so I propose to try to clarify a few things
1. I have never stated that planet x is going to suck earth’s atmosphere away (personally I think there is more chance CERN and their LHC is more of a danger but that’s another topic)
2. Yes I do use YouTube to show some points as it is easier to watch than to read endless amounts of papers

I thought that maybe if we approach this from another angle maybe it would simplify the discussion some what
So on this hypothetically
Let’s say for example that this planet actually does exist and is cyclical by nature (I understand that you do not think it exists so please do not go down that line)
Many things in our solar system are cyclical like the passing thru the galactic plane
Let’s just say that it does hypothetically exist and is cyclical, how close would it need to be to Earth to affect our rotation and poles?
Without destroying the planet totally, in AU? (We can fairly safely assume that this planet / dwarf star has never been closer than that or we would not be having this discussion now)
And say for example that it was not visible due to extreme cold or darkness and then only visible from the South Pole, how would an amateur astronomer detect this object?
What type of equipment would they require and how expensive is it? (An estimate in the millions would be ok for this exercise)

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