The Planet X/Nibiru/ELEnin Brown Dwarf Timeline

You know, its pretty sad when this WAS one of my favorite sites to come to and read up on one of my favorite conspiracy theories, and i no longer enjoy it because of one of the site moderators giving me hell and a couple of other followers. I mean its funny, back on page 102 i had ya'lls back on a post i made. :eusa_eh:

well, peace out guys.. I'm not sticking around here any longer. Maybe ill find the other users in a new hassle free conspiracy theory forum.

I agree, it's hard to believe that somebody made this guy a moderator when he obviously has no idea what a message board is all about. :cuckoo:

You cannot tell me that whatever might be approaching WOULD BE VISIBLE because..... YOU DON'T KNOW!! You can't prove it, just as much as some of what we say can't be proven, only speculated. Can you explain to me how it is that you know everything about the solar system and why everything is the way it is? Can you tell me what a brown dwarf star is made of? You can't, nobody can because all us as humans can do is speculate. What can be proven is the science fact that you seem to avoid, like why almost ALL of the civilizations of around 3600 years ago speak of the "destroyer" or a passing dragon in the sky, or a blue star, or destructive events, massive flooding all around the same time periods, and so on. All you've been doing is attempting to disprove what we never claim to be facts. Yet, you never seem to back up why it isn't happening with any facts of your own. You keep bringing up tides. There is flooding around the entire freakin world! Haven't you noticed? Is it from planet X? I have no idea, honestly I don't think it is. What is happening to the dead sea? Why are volcanoes erupting around the planet? EVERYWHERE!! Why is happening to our magnetic field? Why is there a large hole expanding in it? Can you answer that and supply us with some proof of your answers? Can you explain these mass animal deaths? Why are there so many damn earthquakes in 2011 alone??? What is the deal with the Sun? Why are astronomers all of a sudden saying that betelgeuse, the super nova could explode and cause a second sun to appear?? That star has a life span of billions of years and they're gonna narrow down the time of it's demise to NOW? What a coincidence, right when we're expecting to see a second sun from this approaching star, "don't panic everybody it's just an exploding super nova we told you so!" I'm awaiting your answers explaining these things to us. You have all the answers, please share them. Instead of bashing our THEORIES and pointing out the weaknesses (which EVERY THEORY HAS WEAKNESSES) why not explaining that which we're all trying to explain. And quit being a god damn PRICK.

By the way, why not just shut us all up and prove to us that there is NOT something entering our inner solar system? Why are you beating around the bush? Why don't you explain to us how the recent activities of the Earth, Sun and other planets are not symptoms of a large gravitational, electromagnetic mass getting closer to us. I hope you can answer these questions because I can't. All I can do is speculate. I know know it all and I'm sure you don't either.

I have to prove that something IS NOT THERE??? :lol: You conspiracy nuts try and prove something is there, and fail, then come back and say I have to prove it's not there. That is just too damn hilarious.
Floods isn't tides, moron. We're talking physics, and tides would be a major player in all of this, and it ain't happening....this isn't a magic trick.
What people wrote 3,600 years ago isn't magic either. They didn't have a crystal ball, and the translation of what they documented may be wrong....but let's not let that part get in the way of a good conspiracy, huh?

Your speculations are from Morons 101...I give you an A for your effort.

Thanks for the A.

I give you an A for not answering a single question that was asked to you. Other than the writings from 3600 years ago was misinterpreted by the scientists that you have so much faith in.

It doesn't take a crystal ball or a magic trick to determine where the Earth will be next year, or even in 3600 years. Within that logic lies the answer to "when will Planet X make it's next pass." I know you love physics, that's exactly what it is.

Here's where I'm coming from. There are so many things adding up to the POSSIBILITY that there is in fact a brown dwarf star (or something like it) approaching. The idea comes from so many civilizations from the past, the symptoms of today and the past several years seems to back that up. Now, what I do is speculate (there's that word again). Does that mean I'm scared? No, it doesn't, I never said I was scared of death or of being witness to one of the greater disasters life has to offer. Does that mean I'm convinced that this is gonna happen? No, I'm not convinced. I find no harm in going to a message board and trying to educate myself on what's been happening around the world and form my own opinion. My opinion is that this event COULD be true. You're criticizing me and those on my side of the fence because of our opinions and what we believe COULD be true. Yet, here you are, being a hypocrite and telling us what IS and that is IS NOT true. I don't believe it is us that has to come up with proof to back up our theories. I believe it is YOU who has to come up with proof to back up what you say is fact. So, yes, I ask you to prove to me that this brown dwarf or whatever it may be is not there. If you can't do that, then why not NOT POST in this thread and leave us doom and gloomers alone? What's it matter to you anyway? This is not a difficult thing to understand, you being so smart should have understood this before your first post in this thread.

If you don't like the fact that people disagree with you, your going to have a rough time of it on this board. There are other conspiracy sites that don't have dissenting opinions, maybe that would be a better fit for you and Duckie.
By the way....I'm only a mod when I do mod functions....any other time I'm just a poster like you are and can express my opinions just like you do.

You cannot tell me that whatever might be approaching WOULD BE VISIBLE because..... YOU DON'T KNOW!! You can't prove it, just as much as some of what we say can't be proven, only speculated. Can you explain to me how it is that you know everything about the solar system and why everything is the way it is? Can you tell me what a brown dwarf star is made of? You can't, nobody can because all us as humans can do is speculate. What can be proven is the science fact that you seem to avoid, like why almost ALL of the civilizations of around 3600 years ago speak of the "destroyer" or a passing dragon in the sky, or a blue star, or destructive events, massive flooding all around the same time periods, and so on. All you've been doing is attempting to disprove what we never claim to be facts. Yet, you never seem to back up why it isn't happening with any facts of your own. You keep bringing up tides. There is flooding around the entire freakin world! Haven't you noticed? Is it from planet X? I have no idea, honestly I don't think it is. What is happening to the dead sea? Why are volcanoes erupting around the planet? EVERYWHERE!! Why is happening to our magnetic field? Why is there a large hole expanding in it? Can you answer that and supply us with some proof of your answers? Can you explain these mass animal deaths? Why are there so many damn earthquakes in 2011 alone??? What is the deal with the Sun? Why are astronomers all of a sudden saying that betelgeuse, the super nova could explode and cause a second sun to appear?? That star has a life span of billions of years and they're gonna narrow down the time of it's demise to NOW? What a coincidence, right when we're expecting to see a second sun from this approaching star, "don't panic everybody it's just an exploding super nova we told you so!" I'm awaiting your answers explaining these things to us. You have all the answers, please share them. Instead of bashing our THEORIES and pointing out the weaknesses (which EVERY THEORY HAS WEAKNESSES) why not explaining that which we're all trying to explain. And quit being a god damn PRICK.

By the way, why not just shut us all up and prove to us that there is NOT something entering our inner solar system? Why are you beating around the bush? Why don't you explain to us how the recent activities of the Earth, Sun and other planets are not symptoms of a large gravitational, electromagnetic mass getting closer to us. I hope you can answer these questions because I can't. All I can do is speculate. I know know it all and I'm sure you don't either.

I have to prove that something IS NOT THERE??? :lol: You conspiracy nuts try and prove something is there, and fail, then come back and say I have to prove it's not there. That is just too damn hilarious.
Floods isn't tides, moron. We're talking physics, and tides would be a major player in all of this, and it ain't happening....this isn't a magic trick.
What people wrote 3,600 years ago isn't magic either. They didn't have a crystal ball, and the translation of what they documented may be wrong....but let's not let that part get in the way of a good conspiracy, huh?

Your speculations are from Morons 101...I give you an A for your effort.

Thanks for the A.

I give you an A for not answering a single question that was asked to you. Other than the writings from 3600 years ago was misinterpreted by the scientists that you have so much faith in.

It doesn't take a crystal ball or a magic trick to determine where the Earth will be next year, or even in 3600 years. Within that logic lies the answer to "when will Planet X make it's next pass." I know you love physics, that's exactly what it is.

Here's where I'm coming from. There are so many things adding up to the POSSIBILITY that there is in fact a brown dwarf star (or something like it) approaching. The idea comes from so many civilizations from the past, the symptoms of today and the past several years seems to back that up. Now, what I do is speculate (there's that word again). Does that mean I'm scared? No, it doesn't, I never said I was scared of death or of being witness to one of the greater disasters life has to offer. Does that mean I'm convinced that this is gonna happen? No, I'm not convinced. I find no harm in going to a message board and trying to educate myself on what's been happening around the world and form my own opinion. My opinion is that this event COULD be true. You're criticizing me and those on my side of the fence because of our opinions and what we believe COULD be true. Yet, here you are, being a hypocrite and telling us what IS and that is IS NOT true. I don't believe it is us that has to come up with proof to back up our theories. I believe it is YOU who has to come up with proof to back up what you say is fact. So, yes, I ask you to prove to me that this brown dwarf or whatever it may be is not there. If you can't do that, then why not NOT POST in this thread and leave us doom and gloomers alone? What's it matter to you anyway? This is not a difficult thing to understand, you being so smart should have understood this before your first post in this thread.

And there are so many things adding up to there being NO POSSIBILITY of a brown dwarf star being inside our solar system.

A brown dwarf is a start 10 to 70 Jupiter masses in size that fails to ignite. A body that large would be visible by reflected light from the sun. It doesn't have the gravity to absorb sunlight, only a black hole can do that.

But it would have the gravity to disturb planetary orbits if it came close. Also, as the conspiracy claims, it is inside the orbit of Jupiter now. It would be sucking in bodies from the asteroid belt, leaving a hole that anyone with a telescope could see.

This is why I post here. I don't want anyone looking in to just see your fool ideas, and run out and spend their money on survival gear, guns, and silver thinking that will somehow save them from the dreaded "Nibiru". It won't. A body at least 10 Jupiter masses in size will destroy Earth at that range. That is a fact that all your hand-waving will never change.

But hey, who knows, maybe all you theorists have a financial interest in dried food and bullets?
That's what I said at least ten times....even if it don't destroy us it will rip us out of our orbit from the sun an drag us into deep space with even if it was real even If you have a cave or bunker and all the best gear your still going to die....duckwings I'll miss you buddy have fun in a thead that have nothing but nuts in it an good luck finding one.
Brown Dwarf stars do not produce their own light, therefore, they are difficult to find, even for NASA. An amateur astronomer will have a hard time trying to find one. You will not see it until it is close enough to the sun to reflect the sun's light. Don't assume that it has the same reflective properties as any of the planets in our solar system, it is not a planet.

As I originally stated here:

Jupiter's orbit is between 4.9 and 5.5 times the distance from the Sun as the Earth. Now assuming you are correct that there is a brown dwarf closer to the sun than Jupiter, could we see it from Earth? Yes.

Our Brown Dwarf Neighbour


This is a picture taken from Earth of a brown dwarf orbiting a star in about the same range as the brown dwarf you claim is orbiting our Sun. But the star and the brown dwarf in the picture above is 12.7 million light years away, about 180,000 times further away than Niburu supposedly is to us.

Following me so far? We can see brown dwarves around other stars from Earth with no special equipment. The conspiracy theory claims that all the thousands of government telescopes can see it but we mere amateurs can't because our equipment isn't fancy enough.

Now read this:

Amateurs Help Discover a Planet that Might be a Brown Dwarf

Astronomers used two commercially available 200mm telescopes (that's the size of the lens or mirror, the thing that collects the light) to discover a brown dwarf 850 light years away (that's 13 million times away from us as Niburu). 200mm is pretty small for a telescope. The one I used to image Jupiter is 254mm.

Are you honestly going to say that a brown dwarf closer than Jupiter can't be seen by amateurs on Earth when amateurs can see a brown dwarf orbiting another star?
If a brown dwarf is certain to cause these effects to the earth, destroying all life on the planet and sucking the Earth into deep space (assumptions I might add) then maybe it isn't a brown dwarf? Wouldn't that take all of your conclusions (assumptions) about brown dwarfs and throw them out the window?

Then what is it?

Let me ask you, how much about space do we really know? My honest guess is if we know .1% that is a very generous guess. Anybody have a different guess?

I'm basing that previous statement on the fact that this large mass has passed by Earth more than several times. Yet, life is still here. Maybe it's a large asteroid for all I know... or a large planet... Heck, I don't know. I don't have to be an expert to have an opinion.

It would have to be something with a lot of mass to be irritating the Earth, Sun and other planets in the fashion that it currently is. Yes? No? If it isn't this, then what is irritating the planet? SOMETHING IS.

I'm basing these statements on past experience... what we know from what's been written by civilizations from long ago. And also from what is happening on Earth now including, earthquakes, tornadoes, solar activity, volcanoes, flooding, magnetic field collapsing, mass animal deaths, polar ice melting, and so on.

I'm the first person that knows I could be wrong, but I'm still waiting for somebody to explain these things to me. They're all natural things but why are they all happening in this time frame coincidentally? This time frame with eachother, this time frame that happens to align with scriptures from the past? Why are these alignments from this "comet" causing massive earthquakes here on earth? or are these all coincidence like so many people are saying? Sure it's possible I suppose but I think I have a better chance of winning the lottery. Not trying to be a jerk, so I don't believe I deserve a JERK response.
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Look I'm tired of fucking of repeating my self I never said there can't be a dwarf star out there somewhere but this aint it. It not a planet or a brown dwarf just a comet...
Nobody is holding a gun to your head if you don't post here, right?

Can you explain why there are no amateur astronomers stepping forward with the news of something large in our solar system? I have a good Celestron scope and can't find it.
Why aren't the tides being affected from something this large?
It's hard to take seriously when some posters are saying that it's a large spaceship, and that it can "cloak" itself. If that's being a smart ass....then yes, we are smart asses.

any astronomer who would do such a thing would be kidnapped by FEMA, brought to Area 51, and tortured, along with the passengers on Flight 77 and Flight 93.

Ugh, oh my lord! really guys!?.. i cant help but laugh.. really elvis? how old are you? really..i mean come on..Here you guys are saying, "excuse me, have you *read* the posts?!?" and if you guys would have, then you would have seen where i stated my matter on this subject... I DONT CARE EITHER WAY!!!!.. this topic just interests me, plain and simple, but i can’t stand reading smartass remarks, and yes "Meister" that’s EXACTLY what you are.. There are certain ways to go about things. Certain mature ways. Yes, it’s a topic that sounds straight from a sci-fi novel, and its being discussed on here in a real life scenario, so therefore it IS going to sound incredibly crazy-stupid, that’s a given. Any sane normal person can see that, so we don’t need you swooping in here saying you’re wrong, You guys are dumb, making smart ass remarks and trying to make people feel like dumbasses. It’s just uncalled for. You continue posting comments in a forum where you clearly and obviously stated your opinion several hundred times, so why not let the others who are interested in it, continue the discussion like this forum was made for, and butt out? I mean have you read the title of this forum?? I dont see "THE DEBATE ON The Planet X/Nibiru/ELEnin Brown Dwarf Timeline" as the title of this ask your questions elsewhere.

There's a few of us don't like to see basic astronomy and scientific facts and reality get shit on by a bunch tin foil clowns who just make stuff up and think they can pass it off, on a public forum, without getting called on their shit. This thread is becoming a parade of clowns who sign up and agree with the OP's crackheadedness, and then get their ass put on a platter after post one, then go climb up on a cross and whine. Seriuosly you're like the fourth or fifth person to do this. It's lame, but it's entertaining... like Jersey Shore. :lol:
OK I'm new to this site, and found it through my own research. To argue against the existence of ElEnin (given the evidence)is not open to discussion. Be it a comet or brown dwarf with three moons is also not up for discussion, as we know that whatever it is - it has a destructive effect on our planet, especially with the alinement's.

Here in Europe there should be good cause for concern, as the low lands (Netherlands, France & Uk) could well be in the firing line for some major catastrophes. It goes without saying that when the realization sets in for many people (when nearly to late) the big question is "where is their a safe place to go. Well in reality not all mountains are safe or high wide open spaces, but oddly enough if you research deep enough there are safe locations dotted around the planet, but for that you need to look at how the tectonic plates act against each-other, and look at data for surrounding areas.

I suggest you read about Fagarash. With a little patient research you will find out interesting facts about this area - also forgot to mention that close by it has one of the scientifically recognised pillars of energy of which I believe there are seven off around the planet.

Yes a large object is heading in our direction regardless of it's name or form, and the potential suffering will be heartbreaking.
OK I'm new to this site, and found it through my own research. To argue against the existence of ElEnin (given the evidence)is not open to discussion. Be it a comet or brown dwarf with three moons is also not up for discussion, as we know that whatever it is - it has a destructive effect on our planet, especially with the alinement's.

Here in Europe there should be good cause for concern, as the low lands (Netherlands, France & Uk) could well be in the firing line for some major catastrophes. It goes without saying that when the realization sets in for many people (when nearly to late) the big question is "where is their a safe place to go. Well in reality not all mountains are safe or high wide open spaces, but oddly enough if you research deep enough there are safe locations dotted around the planet, but for that you need to look at how the tectonic plates act against each-other, and look at data for surrounding areas.

I suggest you read about Fagarash. With a little patient research you will find out interesting facts about this area - also forgot to mention that close by it has one of the scientifically recognised pillars of energy of which I believe there are seven off around the planet.

Yes a large object is heading in our direction regardless of it's name or form, and the potential suffering will be heartbreaking.

what the fuck are you talking about I think you even more nutty then terral an co. Please share your so called research with us please. I really could use a good chuckle today.
OK I'm new to this site, and found it through my own research. To argue against the existence of ElEnin (given the evidence)is not open to discussion. Be it a comet or brown dwarf with three moons is also not up for discussion, as we know that whatever it is - it has a destructive effect on our planet, especially with the alinement's.

Here in Europe there should be good cause for concern, as the low lands (Netherlands, France & Uk) could well be in the firing line for some major catastrophes. It goes without saying that when the realization sets in for many people (when nearly to late) the big question is "where is their a safe place to go. Well in reality not all mountains are safe or high wide open spaces, but oddly enough if you research deep enough there are safe locations dotted around the planet, but for that you need to look at how the tectonic plates act against each-other, and look at data for surrounding areas.

I suggest you read about Fagarash. With a little patient research you will find out interesting facts about this area - also forgot to mention that close by it has one of the scientifically recognised pillars of energy of which I believe there are seven off around the planet.

Yes a large object is heading in our direction regardless of it's name or form, and the potential suffering will be heartbreaking.

One exits and another enters. :rolleyes:

Yeah...whatever, dude. Not like we haven't heard nuts like you before.
So anyone eles wanta trying typing so more bull shit on here without proving it come on im open to all forms of nuttiness I got tin foil for you and everything.
What? Nobody? Nobody wants to 'discuss' any conspiracy 'theories' in the "conspiracy theories" thread so you can be called names and $hit on by the "moderator"? What's even the point of having a conspiracy theories thread if theories can't be discussed? Maybe our "moderator" should do what he can about having this sub-forum removed because he doesn't like it.

I'm sure anybody that has anything to share went ahead and moved along to other forums so they can engage in mature discussions instead of dealing with dip$hits like our moderator friend on this site. I wonder how many members were driven off to better places by this prick... :clap2:
What? Nobody? Nobody wants to 'discuss' any conspiracy 'theories' in the "conspiracy theories" thread so you can be called names and $hit on by the "moderator"? What's even the point of having a conspiracy theories thread if theories can't be discussed? Maybe our "moderator" should do what he can about having this sub-forum removed because he doesn't like it.

I'm sure anybody that has anything to share went ahead and moved along to other forums so they can engage in mature discussions instead of dealing with dip$hits like our moderator friend on this site. I wonder how many members were driven off to better places by this prick... :clap2:

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Well Bye‬‏[/ame]
What? Nobody? Nobody wants to 'discuss' any conspiracy 'theories' in the "conspiracy theories" thread so you can be called names and $hit on by the "moderator"? What's even the point of having a conspiracy theories thread if theories can't be discussed? Maybe our "moderator" should do what he can about having this sub-forum removed because he doesn't like it.

I'm sure anybody that has anything to share went ahead and moved along to other forums so they can engage in mature discussions instead of dealing with dip$hits like our moderator friend on this site. I wonder how many members were driven off to better places by this prick... :clap2:

Well let's see we have already gone over every fucking thing that can be said about elenin and it all comes back to one thing it's just a fucking comet you joined a little late shit bird and where they may go there will always be people who will prove you wrong with Stupid shit like this so please just stop the bitching and start your own thead if you don't like it..better yet y not just make your own website that's password protected so that only nut jobs like you can join....if you have something that hasn't already been said then Please tell us an use proff other then YouTube an 2012 sites.
OK I'm new to this site, and found it through my own research. To argue against the existence of ElEnin (given the evidence)is not open to discussion. Be it a comet or brown dwarf with three moons is also not up for discussion, as we know that whatever it is - it has a destructive effect on our planet, especially with the alinement's.

Here in Europe there should be good cause for concern, as the low lands (Netherlands, France & Uk) could well be in the firing line for some major catastrophes. It goes without saying that when the realization sets in for many people (when nearly to late) the big question is "where is their a safe place to go. Well in reality not all mountains are safe or high wide open spaces, but oddly enough if you research deep enough there are safe locations dotted around the planet, but for that you need to look at how the tectonic plates act against each-other, and look at data for surrounding areas.

I suggest you read about Fagarash. With a little patient research you will find out interesting facts about this area - also forgot to mention that close by it has one of the scientifically recognised pillars of energy of which I believe there are seven off around the planet.

Yes a large object is heading in our direction regardless of it's name or form, and the potential suffering will be heartbreaking.

It's a comet, you mindless truther-wanna-be. And a small one at that. It's so small, that if it entered the atmosphere, it would burn up before hitting the ground. But it won't do that, it will pass 22 million miles away.

But keep on thinking it's a planet killer. Go out and buy survival gear, guns, bullets and silver. The companies that sell these things, and profit on your buying them, thank you for your support. Their kids will enjoy the fruits of your labor.

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