The Planet X/Nibiru/ELEnin Brown Dwarf Timeline

LOL at this thread, never heard such a load of old bollocks. Maybe the Myans never ran their clocks on duracells after all.

the Mayan calendar ends next year

Every SINGLE doomsday Terrel has insisted was coming has passed with no such event. And you still support hm? I guess IF he is still alive when a doomsday does occur one can claim THAT was what he meant?
LOL at this thread, never heard such a load of old bollocks. Maybe the Myans never ran their clocks on duracells after all.

the Mayan calendar ends next year

Every SINGLE doomsday Terrel has insisted was coming has passed with no such event. And you still support hm? I guess IF he is still alive when a doomsday does occur one can claim THAT was what he meant?

still supporting him ? when did I ever give a doomsday time line? and I am just correcting buddy on his comment on the accuracy Mayan calendar
the Mayan calendar ends next year

And? :confused:

and it is worthy of serious consideration considering their knowledge of astrological events

Discuss all you want, fact is that it's just the end of the cycle for their calendar. Doesn't mean anything other than that. But you conspiracy theorists will always come up with a end of the world :cool:
Hi, Terral,

Hi guys:

So the comet blew up dam I was really wanted to see it up close oh well

Ha! That's what they want you to think. It engaged its cloaking devise
You guys are still bumping this topic???? :0) ELEnin is about to pass directly between the Sun and Earth on 9/27 very early in the morning Eastern Time. Join our ELEnin Research discussions using the Paltalk links below. I have done about three dozen radio shows on this ELEnin topic.

MrCometWatch is doing some great work in tracking ELE using the Stereo A

MrCometwatch's Channel - YouTube

I have uploaded a lot of Christian and ELE videos with a good 911Truth video in there too if anybody is interested..

My Youtube Channel

Take care,



Research Link List: XXXXXXXXXX[/URL]

WTF dude? I gave away everything I owned because you said we were all going to die on 9/27. Now I'm stuck living in a cardboard box in the woods because I believed you.

Thanks. Thanks a lot.
When the evidence you use to back up your argument is videos by crazy people, it tends to lend lunacy to your point. You obviously know nothing about astrophysics. Let me clue you in: stars dwarfs or not do not travel aimlessly across the galaxy. They (every last one of them) is slowly moving away from each other. If there is a brown dwarf outside our solar system then it has always been there and isn't and never will move into our solar system. In fact if it's there, it was once a bright yellow star and has since blown away all outer layers due to a lack if fuel to sustain a nuclear fusion. With that being said, it sure must have been far enough away as a large yellow star not to have effected our solar system even in it's heyday. Why would you think it would effect us now???? These crazies prey on uneducated sheep that want to blame something out of their control for why they don't become productive members of society. I mean why be productive if we are all going to die anyway?
Elenin was nothing more than a icy comet that has now been torn apart by the suns gravity. You probably feel pretty stupid about right now, being as how these earth convulsions never came to pass. Do yourself a favor and treat these wonderfully strange videos you watch as entertainment only. I've noticed that when you jump on some conspiracy train you throw out all rules of physics and logic to arrive at a conclusion. Stop it. You look foolish.
When the evidence you use to back up your argument is videos by crazy people, it tends to lend lunacy to your point. You obviously know nothing about astrophysics. Let me clue you in: stars dwarfs or not do not travel aimlessly across the galaxy. They (every last one of them) is slowly moving away from each other. If there is a brown dwarf outside our solar system then it has always been there and isn't and never will move into our solar system. In fact if it's there, it was once a bright yellow star and has since blown away all outer layers due to a lack if fuel to sustain a nuclear fusion. With that being said, it sure must have been far enough away as a large yellow star not to have effected our solar system even in it's heyday. Why would you think it would effect us now???? These crazies prey on uneducated sheep that want to blame something out of their control for why they don't become productive members of society. I mean why be productive if we are all going to die anyway?
Elenin was nothing more than a icy comet that has now been torn apart by the suns gravity. You probably feel pretty stupid about right now, being as how these earth convulsions never came to pass. Do yourself a favor and treat these wonderfully strange videos you watch as entertainment only. I've noticed that when you jump on some conspiracy train you throw out all rules of physics and logic to arrive at a conclusion. Stop it. You look foolish.

Why would Terral come out of his cave so close to the end? :confused:
Delete this ...

The word is out about terral..

He is one of the COINTEL operatives spreading fear and disinfo about the synchromystical passing of elenin.

It is important to control people's awakening with methods of fear and confusion to make sure that what is to come will be controlled!
there IS something wrong with this comet and something serious is upon our generation.
Don't rely on Terral for your information though guys..
When a meteorite falls in a house in Buenos Aires - Argentina and the witnesses are taken into custody to change their statement to "i saw a gas explosion" in the date a PHO(Potentially Hazardous Object) of 13m was discovered on the 26th and supposedly passed at 0.6LD in the 27th!
When Nasa announces meteor showers in the 8th of Oct where we enter Elenin's tail and they claim that this is happening from another comet, NOT elenin, named the new meteor shower "Draconids" and it will be potentially damaging to satellites
When a satellite falls 2 days before the meteorite and NOONE catches a glimpse and the ISS is abandonded for the first time in its history, and another satelite falls within the week

when the US runs a drill on the alignment days called operation Operation Mountain Guardian [OMG] (i guess OMFG might have been worse!), pulling the president and important personalities to Denver Intl Airport and all these are official information from,, etc.

Then you know something is up and you should prepare because if you consider yourself an asset of this planet you are obliged to do your best to survive!

Don't listen to disinfo spreaders ..
I saw elenin through a telescope and i saw no comet. (go 2 pages back this thread)
I have been waking up over the monitor and so have others, looking through LASCO C3 camera in the alignment days and no object ever came between us and the sun. NASA ofcourse never commented on this

Maybe i'm just :cuckoo: loco but for me all these and more are very serious coincidences.
Maybe economic depression is happening for the exact same reason? Some 1% of the population pulling out all its money to turn it into gold, hence the global collapse?

whatever it is we're living it .. ready or not!
For more i would direct you to yt users Suspicious0bservers and 9Nania.
i :eusa_pray: it's nothing but i'm prepping up
I'd suggest the same
Peace, good luck!

I seem to have missed the stories about meteor showers, falling satellites, and the evacuation of the ISS on the 8th of Oct. Would you be so kind as to link them here for me?

Deadly Giant Snails Invade Miami
MIAMI—Floridians have grown accustomed to invasions of exotic creatures, like the Burmese pythons slithering throughout the Everglades. But residents here are especially grossed out by the latest arrivals: giant African land snails that grow as long as eight inches, chew through plants, plaster and stucco, and sometimes carry a parasite that can infect humans with a nonlethal strain of meningitis.

The gastropods are among the most dangerous in the world, agriculture officials say. They each have male and female reproductive organs and can lay 1,200 eggs a year, allowing them to proliferate rapidly. Thousands of them have infested at least five separate neighborhoods in the Miami area.
Deadly Giant Snails Invade Miami
MIAMI—Floridians have grown accustomed to invasions of exotic creatures, like the Burmese pythons slithering throughout the Everglades. But residents here are especially grossed out by the latest arrivals: giant African land snails that grow as long as eight inches, chew through plants, plaster and stucco, and sometimes carry a parasite that can infect humans with a nonlethal strain of meningitis.

The gastropods are among the most dangerous in the world, agriculture officials say. They each have male and female reproductive organs and can lay 1,200 eggs a year, allowing them to proliferate rapidly. Thousands of them have infested at least five separate neighborhoods in the Miami area.

You are supposed to put links in when you quote. Read the damned rules.

Delete this ...

The word is out about terral..

He is one of the COINTEL operatives spreading fear and disinfo about the synchromystical passing of elenin.

It is important to control people's awakening with methods of fear and confusion to make sure that what is to come will be controlled!
there IS something wrong with this comet and something serious is upon our generation.
Don't rely on Terral for your information though guys..
When a meteorite falls in a house in Buenos Aires - Argentina and the witnesses are taken into custody to change their statement to "i saw a gas explosion" in the date a PHO(Potentially Hazardous Object) of 13m was discovered on the 26th and supposedly passed at 0.6LD in the 27th!
When Nasa announces meteor showers in the 8th of Oct where we enter Elenin's tail and they claim that this is happening from another comet, NOT elenin, named the new meteor shower "Draconids" and it will be potentially damaging to satellites
When a satellite falls 2 days before the meteorite and NOONE catches a glimpse and the ISS is abandonded for the first time in its history, and another satelite falls within the week

when the US runs a drill on the alignment days called operation Operation Mountain Guardian [OMG] (i guess OMFG might have been worse!), pulling the president and important personalities to Denver Intl Airport and all these are official information from,, etc.

Then you know something is up and you should prepare because if you consider yourself an asset of this planet you are obliged to do your best to survive!

Don't listen to disinfo spreaders ..
I saw elenin through a telescope and i saw no comet. (go 2 pages back this thread)
I have been waking up over the monitor and so have others, looking through LASCO C3 camera in the alignment days and no object ever came between us and the sun. NASA ofcourse never commented on this

Maybe i'm just :cuckoo: loco but for me all these and more are very serious coincidences.
Maybe economic depression is happening for the exact same reason? Some 1% of the population pulling out all its money to turn it into gold, hence the global collapse?

whatever it is we're living it .. ready or not!
For more i would direct you to yt users Suspicious0bservers and 9Nania.
i :eusa_pray: it's nothing but i'm prepping up
I'd suggest the same
Peace, good luck!

I seem to have missed the stories about meteor showers, falling satellites, and the evacuation of the ISS on the 8th of Oct. Would you be so kind as to link them here for me?


The meteor shower happened the other day, and the satellite fell the week previous to Oct. 8. I don't know anything about ISS.
[ame=]Rense Radio Show w/Jim Marrs Wed 4PM ET/3PM CT - YouTube[/ame]
the Mayan calendar ends next year

And? :confused:

and it is worthy of serious consideration considering their knowledge of astrological events

It is pretty fascinating stuff. I originally made the argument that a lot of this doesn't really belong in the conspiracy theory section. It is happening. there is a commet/planetoid/something that passed between earth on the sun on 9/26, was closest to earth on 10/16 and earth will be between it and the sun I believe on 11/23 AND the entire solar system is beginning to pass through a rather hazerdous part of the galaxy. But so far, 2 of the 3 dates when the comet/planetoid/whatever it is have come and gone and nothing happened.

and it is worthy of serious consideration considering their knowledge of astrological events

It is pretty fascinating stuff. I originally made the argument that a lot of this doesn't really belong in the conspiracy theory section. It is happening. there is a commet/planetoid/something that passed between earth on the sun on 9/26, was closest to earth on 10/16 and earth will be between it and the sun I believe on 11/23 AND the entire solar system is beginning to pass through a rather hazerdous part of the galaxy. But so far, 2 of the 3 dates when the comet/planetoid/whatever it is have come and gone and nothing happened.

What makes it a conspiracy is the fact that some think of the end of times because of a comet or a non existant planet X that's cloaked. Terrel coming on here and telling people that we need to be in a certain place to avoid the danger and buy silver.

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