The Planet X/Nibiru/ELEnin Brown Dwarf Timeline

Hi guys:

So the comet blew up dam I was really wanted to see it up close oh well

Ha! That's what they want you to think. It engaged its cloaking devise
You guys are still bumping this topic???? :0) ELEnin is about to pass directly between the Sun and Earth on 9/27 very early in the morning Eastern Time. Join our ELEnin Research discussions using the Paltalk links below. I have done about three dozen radio shows on this ELEnin topic.

MrCometWatch is doing some great work in tracking ELE using the Stereo A

MrCometwatch's Channel - YouTube

I have uploaded a lot of Christian and ELE videos with a good 911Truth video in there too if anybody is interested..

My Youtube Channel

Take care,



Research Link List: XXXXXXXXXX[/URL]
Last edited:
Hi guys:

So the comet blew up dam I was really wanted to see it up close oh well

Ha! That's what they want you to think. It engaged its cloaking devise
You guys are still bumping this topic???? :0) ELEnin is about to pass directly between the Sun and Earth on 9/27 very early in the morning Eastern Time. Join our ELEnin Research discussions using the Paltalk links below. I have done about three dozen radio shows on this ELEnin topic.

MrCometWatch is doing some great work in tracking ELE using the Stereo A

MrCometwatch's Channel - YouTube

I have uploaded a lot of Christian and ELE videos with a good 911Truth video in there too if anybody is interested..

My Youtube Channel

Take care,


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Terral's Dwarf Star Research Room: XXXXXXXXX

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So does that mean we're all going to die on Tuesday???

[ame=]The end is near!! We are all gonna die! - YouTube[/ame]
Hi guys:

So the comet blew up dam I was really wanted to see it up close oh well

Ha! That's what they want you to think. It engaged its cloaking devise
You guys are still bumping this topic???? :0) ELEnin is about to pass directly between the Sun and Earth on 9/27 very early in the morning Eastern Time. Join our ELEnin Research discussions using the Paltalk links below. I have done about three dozen radio shows on this ELEnin topic.

MrCometWatch is doing some great work in tracking ELE using the Stereo A

MrCometwatch's Channel - YouTube

I have uploaded a lot of Christian and ELE videos with a good 911Truth video in there too if anybody is interested..

My Youtube Channel

Take care,


Download Paltalk Messenger: Cam to Cam Video Chat for Free | Paltalk

Terral's Dwarf Star Research Room:XXXXXXXX

Research Link List: 2012 Forum • ELE Dwarf Star Research Link List[/URL]

I just watched your YouTube entitled "ELE Radio Show Tonite 6PM ET/5PM CT" and I have a few questions and a suggestion.

Q#1) Why is Elenin only going to affect the United States when it passes between the Earth & Sun on the 27th?

Q#2) Is your need for money for your internet connection the reason you haven't been visiting here as much in the last few weeks?

Q#3) Guessing from the sound of your voice, I would say you are in your mid to late 20's. Am I correct?

S#1) I would recommend that you write out a script before recording these videos. You would have more impact without the pauses, and "umm" noises breaking up your narrative.
Hi, Terral.

I watched a few more of your videos, and again I would suggest you write out your scripts, and rehearse them a few times. The "umm' and "uh" sounds and the pauses break up what could be really good presentations. You also tend to repeat the same phrases a little too often.

Just trying to help.

The Rat
Shouldn't the world as we know it have been ripped apart by this time of the month? :confused:

If I am not mistaken I believe the dates quoted were more like 26 – 30 September as the dates that you are referring to personally I do not get to excited by dates
I do not think Elenin will be the big thing but there are a lot of things happening right now including the government around the world and their movements at the moment
Interesting if you look at soho data you may see something interesting on the sun a large sun spot is rotating toward us
Solar and Heliospheric Observatory Homepage
data / archive
Real time images
SOHO Movie theatre
HMI Contiuum put in dates for last 3 days and watch
Maybe a large solar flare or CME coming our way
Hi guys:

So the comet blew up dam I was really wanted to see it up close oh well

Ha! That's what they want you to think. It engaged its cloaking devise
You guys are still bumping this topic???? :0) ELEnin is about to pass directly between the Sun and Earth on 9/27 very early in the morning Eastern Time. Join our ELEnin Research discussions using the Paltalk links below. I have done about three dozen radio shows on this ELEnin topic.

MrCometWatch is doing some great work in tracking ELE using the Stereo A

MrCometwatch's Channel - YouTube

I have uploaded a lot of Christian and ELE videos with a good 911Truth video in there too if anybody is interested..

My Youtube Channel

Take care,



Research Link List: XXXXXXXXXX[/URL]

9/27 has come and gone, the only thing it did here was rain. Was that what I was suppose to watch for? :confused:
Hi guys:

Ha! That's what they want you to think. It engaged its cloaking devise
You guys are still bumping this topic???? :0) ELEnin is about to pass directly between the Sun and Earth on 9/27 very early in the morning Eastern Time. Join our ELEnin Research discussions using the Paltalk links below. I have done about three dozen radio shows on this ELEnin topic.

MrCometWatch is doing some great work in tracking ELE using the Stereo A

MrCometwatch's Channel - YouTube

I have uploaded a lot of Christian and ELE videos with a good 911Truth video in there too if anybody is interested..

My Youtube Channel

Take care,



Research Link List: XXXXXXXXXX[/URL]

9/27 has come and gone, the only thing it did here was rain. Was that what I was suppose to watch for? :confused:
The Second Coming of Gary Coleman.
His Cadillac B habbin tranny problems.
LOL at this thread, never heard such a load of old bollocks. Maybe the Myans never ran their clocks on duracells after all.
Why would Terral come out of his cave so close to the end? :confused:
Delete this ...

The word is out about terral..

He is one of the COINTEL operatives spreading fear and disinfo about the synchromystical passing of elenin.

It is important to control people's awakening with methods of fear and confusion to make sure that what is to come will be controlled!
there IS something wrong with this comet and something serious is upon our generation.
Don't rely on Terral for your information though guys..
When a meteorite falls in a house in Buenos Aires - Argentina and the witnesses are taken into custody to change their statement to "i saw a gas explosion" in the date a PHO(Potentially Hazardous Object) of 13m was discovered on the 26th and supposedly passed at 0.6LD in the 27th!
When Nasa announces meteor showers in the 8th of Oct where we enter Elenin's tail and they claim that this is happening from another comet, NOT elenin, named the new meteor shower "Draconids" and it will be potentially damaging to satellites
When a satellite falls 2 days before the meteorite and NOONE catches a glimpse and the ISS is abandonded for the first time in its history, and another satelite falls within the week
when the US runs a drill on the alignment days called operation Operation Mountain Guardian [OMG] (i guess OMFG might have been worse!), pulling the president and important personalities to Denver Intl Airport and all these are official information from,, etc.

Then you know something is up and you should prepare because if you consider yourself an asset of this planet you are obliged to do your best to survive!

Don't listen to disinfo spreaders ..
I saw elenin through a telescope and i saw no comet. (go 2 pages back this thread)
I have been waking up over the monitor and so have others, looking through LASCO C3 camera in the alignment days and no object ever came between us and the sun. NASA ofcourse never commented on this

Maybe i'm just :cuckoo: loco but for me all these and more are very serious coincidences.
Maybe economic depression is happening for the exact same reason? Some 1% of the population pulling out all its money to turn it into gold, hence the global collapse?

whatever it is we're living it .. ready or not!
For more i would direct you to yt users Suspicious0bservers and 9Nania.
i :eusa_pray: it's nothing but i'm prepping up
I'd suggest the same
Peace, good luck!
Why would Terral come out of his cave so close to the end? :confused:
Delete this ...

The word is out about terral..

He is one of the COINTEL operatives spreading fear and disinfo about the synchromystical passing of elenin.

It is important to control people's awakening with methods of fear and confusion to make sure that what is to come will be controlled!
there IS something wrong with this comet and something serious is upon our generation.
Don't rely on Terral for your information though guys..
When a meteorite falls in a house in Buenos Aires - Argentina and the witnesses are taken into custody to change their statement to "i saw a gas explosion" in the date a PHO(Potentially Hazardous Object) of 13m was discovered on the 26th and supposedly passed at 0.6LD in the 27th!
When Nasa announces meteor showers in the 8th of Oct where we enter Elenin's tail and they claim that this is happening from another comet, NOT elenin, named the new meteor shower "Draconids" and it will be potentially damaging to satellites
When a satellite falls 2 days before the meteorite and NOONE catches a glimpse and the ISS is abandonded for the first time in its history, and another satelite falls within the week
when the US runs a drill on the alignment days called operation Operation Mountain Guardian [OMG] (i guess OMFG might have been worse!), pulling the president and important personalities to Denver Intl Airport and all these are official information from,, etc.

Then you know something is up and you should prepare because if you consider yourself an asset of this planet you are obliged to do your best to survive!

Don't listen to disinfo spreaders ..
I saw elenin through a telescope and i saw no comet. (go 2 pages back this thread)
I have been waking up over the monitor and so have others, looking through LASCO C3 camera in the alignment days and no object ever came between us and the sun. NASA ofcourse never commented on this

Maybe i'm just :cuckoo: loco but for me all these and more are very serious coincidences.
Maybe economic depression is happening for the exact same reason? Some 1% of the population pulling out all its money to turn it into gold, hence the global collapse?

whatever it is we're living it .. ready or not!
For more i would direct you to yt users Suspicious0bservers and 9Nania.
i :eusa_pray: it's nothing but i'm prepping up
I'd suggest the same
Peace, good luck!

We knew terral was a fearmonger but know you take this who thing to a new level can you proved any proof any legal papers that show this is happening.....I believe you but I want to see the proof show me you are not one of these disinformation mofos your talking about by showing the proof I'm not trying to attack you just wondering on where your info comes from...

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