The Planet X/Nibiru/ELEnin Brown Dwarf Timeline

for such smart people you all are pretty closed minded and I have yet to see one nay saying skeptic provide anything material half as good as the info terral provided. yep its easy for all yall to set and call him names for being interested in something your minds are to closed to even think about. Newton was considered a terrel of sorts in his day and look at what we think of him now. Until one of you puts up some proof that shit aint getting bad and something aint causing it...just shut up

Everything shows that there is no brown dwarf. If there was tides would be playing havoc with us by this time. Massive earthquakes would be a dailey occurance, there would be planets with their orbits all screwed up...none of it has been happening. Also, I don't see anything out of the ordinary with my telescope, but I am looking forward to the comet coming up this fall. Suppose to be no closer that 100x's further away than the what I have to say to you young man is:
Your so fucking smart, asshole....why don't you give some fucking facts to back up your pathetic drivel?
There are none.....a good yarn is not fact. I will be waiting to hear back from you with your "facts". :lol:

I really did not think anyone even looked here anymore
Well just so you know I do come here but there has been little or no interest to look at or comment on so I think like other people I just go no need to comment on any post really
Ok here for anyone who is interested
Ideas where to look some think around in the sky here
In another item I read I think they said the coordinates are 9 47 57.3 13 16 44 WIKISKY.ORG have a look on IRAS
Some interesting reading
Planet X, Nibiro, Elenin, Hercolubus, Tyche or Wormwood

[ame=]Secret Nibiru/Elenin PDF in full Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]

I think there are very interesting views here that I think can help to connect the dots
On RTV some hints on what is coming
RT News - Latest On ELEnin Missing Data - YouTube!
Interesting perspective also
Mindblowing What Nasa & Esa Do Not Want You To Know 2011 2Hrs39min HD1080p [Watch FullScreen] - YouTube

just keeping an open mind


Your mind is so "open," your brains fell out of your head.
Greetings to All:

A Brown Dwarf with 2.5 larger mass than Jupiter and multiple orbiting moons (pic) is right now (2/11) exactly between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars on an inbound trajectory from south of the ecliptic plane from the Leo Constellation heading for a tight turn around the sun on Mercury's orbit line.

Great Demonstration

Click on the link and click the arrows back and forth and watch Elenin/Planet X/Nibiru (more facts) entering the innermost parts of our solar system.


March 4th, 2011 marks the day that the brown dwarf (info) breaks through the ecliptic plane into the northern hemisphere to begin influencing the earth into convulsions and severe spasms. Earthquake and volcanic activity will escalate from this time forward and increase like birthpangs where the earth groans and the oceans slosh tidal waves too and fro.

March 15, 2011 is the first of three conjunctions where the earth is caught in the gravitational gradient lines-or the trough-that binds the sun and brown dwarf together. The sun will be pulling one way and the brown dwarf the other way and the predicted pole shift event will take place. The interesting thing about this particular day is that Saturn, the brown dwarf, the Earth and the Sun and Mars and Jupiter and Uranus are all in alignment. The astronomy people and the media should be talking about this alignment, because rarely do seven planetary and solar bodies line up in a straight line like we see on March 15, 2011.

This gravity trough is going to be the mother of all where the planets are lined up for a game of Tug of War. The earth will be susceptible to the brown dwarf's magnetism and flip over to match the giant's polarity like a smaller magnet flips in space for a larger one . This is the reason why so many people are giving out warnings concerning the conjunction and pole shift on March 15, 2011. The magnetic poles are not shifting on their own at some near future time. They are being influenced and shifted gradually by the approach of Nibiru/Planet X. The Govt knows (FEMA preparing = US Govt Bunker Map) all of this and keeps people in the dark, because there is only so many spaces in their underground bunkers. The brown dwarf crosses the Mars orbit on June 30, 2011. Keep your eye on the earth and sun distances as we continue.


August 3, 2011 marks the time that the earth passes through the brown dwarf perigee position, while the brown dwarf is crossing the earth orbit location. About two weeks pass and on August 18 the brown dwarf crosses the Venus orbit some 67 million miles form the sun. Then 24 days pass to the magical moment when the brown dwarf reaches the nearest point to the sun at 44.73 million miles. This right here is the reason that the Rothschild/Rockefeller Banksters (What Really Happened) and the Globalist New World Order Elites used Bush and company to plan and carry out the 9/11 inside job attacks on 9/11/2001 exactly ten years to the day. The banksters and their bought-and-paid-for corrupt politicians and lying media moguls are planning to hide themselves in underground bunkers all around the world and let the peasants fend for themselves.

September 25, 2011 marks the time that the earth passes through the second conjunction with the sun, brown dwarf, Mercury, Saturn, the Sun and Uranus in line for another Tug of War. The sun, brown dwarf, Mercury and Saturn are pulling the earth towards the sun in an event that will bring the earth nearer to the sun than at any time in the last 3600 years. There are 14 days between the brown dwarf reaching perigee position and this conjunction with the earth and sun being equidistant to the dwarf on the 7th day. Look down in the lower left hand corner of the Sept. 25 diagram to see the brown dwarf is now nearer the earth than the sun at only 38 million miles.


October 2 is the day that the brown dwarf crosses Venus' orbit again to begin trekking in the direction of earth. Our planet is still being pulled towards the sun, but by this time we are also being pulled forward into the massive gravity well. Two weeks go by and the brown dwarf crossed the earth orbit line to pass directly in front of our planet at just 22.3 million miles away, which is the nearest point in our encounter. The brown dwarf crosses the Mars orbit line on November 14, 2011 on way to the third conjunction on November 22 where the earth passes directly between the two once again like on March 15.

Feb 11 Nibiru between Jupiter and Mars orbits. 2.66 AU from Earth.

March 4 Nibiru breaks through solar ecliptic plane to enter northern hemisphere. 2.26 AU from Earth.

March 15 Saturn, Nibiru, Earth, Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Uranus are in alignment creating gravity trough
and pole shift event. First Conjunction. 2.09 AU from Earth.

June 30 Nibiru crosses Mars orbit. 1.77 AU from Earth.

Aug 3 Nibiru crosses Earth orbit and Earth reaches Nibiru perigee position. 1.48 AU from Earth.

Aug 18 Nibiru crosses Venus orbit. 1.24 AU from Earth.

Sept 11 Nibiru reaches perigee position at Mercury orbit. .70 AU from Earth.

Sept 25 Nibiru equidistant from Sun and Earth. Second Conjunction. .40 AU from Earth.

Oct 2 Nibiru at Venus orbit. .316 AU from Earth.

Oct 17 Nibiru at Earth orbit and nearest position. .24 AU from Earth @ 22.3 million miles.

Nov 14 Nibiru crosses Mars orbit. .47 AU from Earth.

Nov 22 Nibiru, Earth and Sun alignment for third and final conjunction. .57 AU from Earth.

Nibiru will finally be farther from the Earth than the Sun on March 1, 2012 marking 165 days from Sept. 18, 2011 that Nibiru was nearer our planet than the Sun.
Earth Change and Pole Shift Explained

Last Timester Event Timeline

Background Info

Surviving Nibiru

Buy Survival Silver

Secret Govt Meeting

15 Symptoms Of Nibiru

Martial Law

What Happened On 9/11

My posting


yeah and cow farts are heating up the environment !! I'd bet a dollar to your nickle that this guy is a libb!!
Marshall Masters gives his insight into Elenin and Planet X
He goes into a bit of detail on the information surrounding them

[ame=]Comet Elenin Forecast for 9/2011 to 1/2012 and the Hopi Blue Star Kachina - YouTube[/ame]
So NASA can find a brown dwarf star with a surface temperature of 80 degrees F, 40 light years away, but nobody can see one inside our solar system? :cuckoo:

NASA spots chilled-out stars cooler than the human body | Technology News Blog - Yahoo! News

NASA has known of these celestial bodies — called brown Y dwarf stars — for a great long time. But now, a satellite has spotted a particularly chill Y dwarf that holds the new record for the coolest star at just 80 degree Fahrenheit.
So NASA can find a brown dwarf star with a surface temperature of 80 degrees F, 40 light years away, but nobody can see one inside our solar system? :cuckoo:

NASA spots chilled-out stars cooler than the human body | Technology News Blog - Yahoo! News

NASA has known of these celestial bodies — called brown Y dwarf stars — for a great long time. But now, a satellite has spotted a particularly chill Y dwarf that holds the new record for the coolest star at just 80 degree Fahrenheit.

Well, duh. Not when it's cloaked. :cool:
Where the Hell is Terral?? I miss him with all of his wild crazy ideas and theories.

Earthquakes, the invisible brown dwarf, pole shifts......marshal law......

That's good stuff for a conspiracy therory thread.............

Terral, Where are you???
I Have Questions???
:tongue:Please come back:tongue:

he is in a galaxy far far away...
Where the Hell is Terral?? I miss him with all of his wild crazy ideas and theories.

Earthquakes, the invisible brown dwarf, pole shifts......marshal law......

That's good stuff for a conspiracy therory thread.............

Terral, Where are you???
I Have Questions???
:tongue:Please come back:tongue:

Your amatuerush attempt to lure Terral into posting an Internet signal so you can triangulate his position is laughable, and has been duly noted. :razz:
Where the Hell is Terral?? I miss him with all of his wild crazy ideas and theories.

Earthquakes, the invisible brown dwarf, pole shifts......marshal law......

That's good stuff for a conspiracy therory thread.............

Terral, Where are you???
I Have Questions???
:tongue:Please come back:tongue:

Terrel is using his Cloaking 2.4 version device. :lol:
Where the Hell is Terral?? I miss him with all of his wild crazy ideas and theories.

Earthquakes, the invisible brown dwarf, pole shifts......marshal law......

That's good stuff for a conspiracy therory thread.............

Terral, Where are you???
I Have Questions???
:tongue:Please come back:tongue:

Your amatuerush attempt to lure Terral into posting an Internet signal so you can triangulate his position is laughable, and has been duly noted. :razz:

great post.

Terral's OP said:
October 2 is the day that the brown dwarf crosses Venus' orbit again to begin trekking in the direction of earth. Our planet is still being pulled towards the sun, but by this time we are also being pulled forward into the massive gravity well.

Less than one month to go before the evil, cloaked, invisible brown dwarf sucks us into oblivion. Better run out and buy all the SILVER you can to avert this, or our species will be obliterated from the universe.
Hey all

i've been following your discussion for quite some time and have long found very strong points on both(all) sides

I am curious too and i have tried capturing the so-called comet that is now close to us.

Among family and work obligations i've been using my absolute amateur setup and experience to capture the comet on the coordinates given by Harvard university for C/2010 X1 aka Elenin. I heard official announcement that the object was not viewable from N. Hemisphere.. I also heard that it broke into pieces some days ago.. then why did i record it again yesterday?

the result of my attempt was something less than awful but i have never seen anyone using his "experience" and advanced equipment to turn to the coordinates the ephemeris points us to. The sky is a very big place for all the astronomers it seems..
So since this object is passing by soon, i am sharing the data i have (so far) and have been uploading them in my channel in yt even if they're not professional.

I explain in the description of the video but mostly in videos of early August why what you see looks awful like this.
The first videos are uploaded in Y800 raw format (B/W but with color info) and exist in rapidshare as an attempt to share the original feeds with professional astronomers who would spend a minute more to try to gain a descent result.

This is the latest (04/09/2011)video where i tried a color codec which turned out crappy for some reason. /watch?v=nZXfydNLEUw
Yet i see something different than a comet.

you can follow the previous uploads which are all from August and within the two months i definitely see that "it" is coming closer.

and it did not break into pieces :tongue:

I uploaded the first videos in an amateur astronomical society and i only mentioned that to my amateur eye and equipment this does NOT read like a comet and i almost got banned for implying ^^ yet alone, only a few "scientists" downloaded the files.

Here i can express my view on what i see i hope "freely"

This is definitely some round spherical object that to the naked eye and ccd gives out red-yellow-green colors. At least THAT I've captured!
Through the eyepiece it's easier to see that this is not an out of focus star but something spherical, moon, planet or a very (!) spherical comet and the coma is invisible to my equipment. my equipment combination gives a very narrow field of view and this is why (as well as the relatively short exposures) there are no other stars in view when imaging.

I should mention here that i move a 14" telescope in and out of position (when life permits) and i start alignment patiently staring at Arcturus trying to catch the first glimpse of light, then move to Vega, try desperately to see this one appear too, (all this happens 30-40 minutes after sun sets) and then if everything succeeds i have about 20 minutes (40 in August) to observe the comet. Within that time i try to distinguish what i see and in great speed drop the ccd on the telescope and make configurations/adjustments/focus before the object is straight horizontally. As it always turns out to be. It's a race with time to record the btch!

so many things can and go wrong, i will not elaborate (further) please see description here /watch?v=1_qweCHZfmU which explains equipment and reasons for this crappy result

please don't start too .. :eusa_whistle:

notes :

a)I am not faking this, i have no reason to do so and even if i was i would have copied-pasted the text.. my fingers are so swollen !!

b) i have not added a focal reducer or another barlow for the september video. The difference in object size is ACTUAL ! ! this is my telescope's full force.

c) changes in colours could be halo effect from the horizon. It is the lowest place in the horizon i've ever observed

d) Not a star because in full scope a star remains a star! this object is here, close !

e)thought it could be Asteroid Juno because one day it came close, but i've been following this object from harvard .kml file everyday and it's where Harvard says it's supposed to be. So for me, all thought of any other object is gone!

Sorry for braking the url rule. i am not a spammer so i guess it should be ok.
if someone could make them hyperlinks i'd surely appreciate it.

Hope you guys enjoyed this

Hope it's all a big hoax :eusa_pray:
b safe
So NASA can find a brown dwarf star with a surface temperature of 80 degrees F, 40 light years away, but nobody can see one inside our solar system? :cuckoo:

NASA spots chilled-out stars cooler than the human body | Technology News Blog - Yahoo! News

NASA has known of these celestial bodies — called brown Y dwarf stars — for a great long time. But now, a satellite has spotted a particularly chill Y dwarf that holds the new record for the coolest star at just 80 degree Fahrenheit.

Well, duh. Not when it's cloaked. :cool:

Damn Klingons and their damn cloaking devices
Hey all

i've been following your discussion for quite some time and have long found very strong points on both(all) sides

I am curious too and i have tried capturing the so-called comet that is now close to us.

Among family and work obligations i've been using my absolute amateur setup and experience to capture the comet on the coordinates given by Harvard university for C/2010 X1 aka Elenin. I heard official announcement that the object was not viewable from N. Hemisphere.. I also heard that it broke into pieces some days ago.. then why did i record it again yesterday?

the result of my attempt was something less than awful but i have never seen anyone using his "experience" and advanced equipment to turn to the coordinates the ephemeris points us to. The sky is a very big place for all the astronomers it seems..
So since this object is passing by soon, i am sharing the data i have (so far) and have been uploading them in my channel in yt even if they're not professional.

I explain in the description of the video but mostly in videos of early August why what you see looks awful like this.
The first videos are uploaded in Y800 raw format (B/W but with color info) and exist in rapidshare as an attempt to share the original feeds with professional astronomers who would spend a minute more to try to gain a descent result.

This is the latest (04/09/2011)video where i tried a color codec which turned out crappy for some reason. /watch?v=nZXfydNLEUw
Yet i see something different than a comet.

you can follow the previous uploads which are all from August and within the two months i definitely see that "it" is coming closer.

and it did not break into pieces :tongue:

I uploaded the first videos in an amateur astronomical society and i only mentioned that to my amateur eye and equipment this does NOT read like a comet and i almost got banned for implying ^^ yet alone, only a few "scientists" downloaded the files.

Here i can express my view on what i see i hope "freely"

This is definitely some round spherical object that to the naked eye and ccd gives out red-yellow-green colors. At least THAT I've captured!
Through the eyepiece it's easier to see that this is not an out of focus star but something spherical, moon, planet or a very (!) spherical comet and the coma is invisible to my equipment. my equipment combination gives a very narrow field of view and this is why (as well as the relatively short exposures) there are no other stars in view when imaging.

I should mention here that i move a 14" telescope in and out of position (when life permits) and i start alignment patiently staring at Arcturus trying to catch the first glimpse of light, then move to Vega, try desperately to see this one appear too, (all this happens 30-40 minutes after sun sets) and then if everything succeeds i have about 20 minutes (40 in August) to observe the comet. Within that time i try to distinguish what i see and in great speed drop the ccd on the telescope and make configurations/adjustments/focus before the object is straight horizontally. As it always turns out to be. It's a race with time to record the btch!

so many things can and go wrong, i will not elaborate (further) please see description here /watch?v=1_qweCHZfmU which explains equipment and reasons for this crappy result

please don't start too .. :eusa_whistle:

notes :

a)I am not faking this, i have no reason to do so and even if i was i would have copied-pasted the text.. my fingers are so swollen !!

b) i have not added a focal reducer or another barlow for the september video. The difference in object size is ACTUAL ! ! this is my telescope's full force.

c) changes in colours could be halo effect from the horizon. It is the lowest place in the horizon i've ever observed

d) Not a star because in full scope a star remains a star! this object is here, close !

e)thought it could be Asteroid Juno because one day it came close, but i've been following this object from harvard .kml file everyday and it's where Harvard says it's supposed to be. So for me, all thought of any other object is gone!

Sorry for braking the url rule. i am not a spammer so i guess it should be ok.
if someone could make them hyperlinks i'd surely appreciate it.

Hope you guys enjoyed this

Hope it's all a big hoax :eusa_pray:
b safe

YIKES :eusa_whistle:

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