The Planet X/Nibiru/ELEnin Brown Dwarf Timeline

These aliens use the same technology they did on the sun beer to keep their women warm on Pluto ( and perhaps the Brown Dwarf):eusa_shhh:


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Wasn't something going to happen on the 27?? The only thing that I noticed was the amont of beer missing from my cooler was oddly uneven I had 30 cans now I only have one floating in warm water I think the brown dwarf took them all!!
I would think that volcanoes, earthquakes, and tides would be creating havoc by this point in time.....We are coming down to 11:59 on the "witching hour".
One thing I have noticed is that the whacko nuts have thinned out....that might be a telling sign that the Earth has been spared once again. :lol:
I don't think I have link posting privileges, but has anyone checked out the youtube video titled "Nibiru, the ghost behind elenin! Looks interesting, check it out guys
Well they must have good wifi up in that cave bc terral been posting shit on Facebook for the past few days..
So is it a comet? an asteroid? what?


Some doomsday theorists have pinned the Nibiru rogue planet hypothesis on the small comet.

Conspiracy theorists say a planet, known as Nibiru, will swing in from the outskirts of our solar system and collide with Earth and wipe out humanity in 2012. Since no rogue planet has been found in the outer solar system, some people have argued that comet Elenin will be the true culprit in the Nibiru-Earth collision.
NASA has dismissed the notion that comet Elenin is anything other than a dim, wimpy comet. It poses no threat to Earth, making its closest pass at a distance roughly 100 times farther than the distance from Earth to the moon.

NASA's identical twin Stereo spacecraft were launched in October 2006. They are offset from one another, one flying ahead of the Earth and the other behind. The name "Stereo" is short for Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory.

New photos catch comet Elenin in deep space - Technology & science - Space - -

Should be a sight to see in October!
A brown dwarf is at the smallest 13 times the mass of jupiter. If it was a brown dwarf it would've already caused all kinds of havoc on our solar system. Possibly knocking planets out of orbit. At the least all the outer planets and mars orbit would have been disturbed greatly by it's passing. Plus the fact we would already see it. The author doesn't know what he is talking about.
This thread has gotten really quiet since the doomsday conspiracy theorists have fled with their tail between their legs. Kinda like one of Gilda Radner's "Never Mind" skits on SNL.

What's all this fuss about the Presidential erection?

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