The Planet X/Nibiru/ELEnin Brown Dwarf Timeline

Terral is living in a limestone cave in the Ozarks

He is still doing radio shows he post them on Facebook every friday I have him as a friend just to see where he is sending bs to so I can show up and call him out on it...and yet he still don't remove me so I won't find him so really he is just hold up in his grandmas basement not the lime stone caves un less they got super wifi there installed by the army for over seas drone flight :lol:
nothing wrong with terrel out of all you fucking judgmental fucking morons he makes the most sence. he is right about something happening and comet elenin is just a distraction from the real danger. Ill be glad when it gets here for one reason, so all you fucks can die
nothing wrong with terrel out of all you fucking judgmental fucking morons he makes the most sence. he is right about something happening and comet elenin is just a distraction from the real danger. Ill be glad when it gets here for one reason, so all you fucks can die

Terral is living in a limestone cave in the Ozarks

He is still doing radio shows he post them on Facebook every friday I have him as a friend just to see where he is sending bs to so I can show up and call him out on it...and yet he still don't remove me so I won't find him so really he is just hold up in his grandmas basement not the lime stone caves un less they got super wifi there installed by the army for over seas drone flight :lol:

So terral has no life, how do you think that makes you look following him around just to try and call him out. Truth is your most likely too stupid to prove anything. No one seems to be able to prove its out there but let me tell you I have seen more evidence it is than evidence it aint. if your sooooooo fucking smart asshole lets hear your proof
This thread has gotten really quiet since the doomsday conspiracy theorists have fled with their tail between their legs. Kinda like one of Gilda Radner's "Never Mind" skits on SNL.

for such smart people you all are pretty closed minded and I have yet to see one nay saying skeptic provide anything material half as good as the info terral provided. yep its easy for all yall to set and call him names for being interested in something your minds are to closed to even think about. Newton was considered a terrel of sorts in his day and look at what we think of him now. Until one of you puts up some proof that shit aint getting bad and something aint causing it...just shut up
This thread has gotten really quiet since the doomsday conspiracy theorists have fled with their tail between their legs. Kinda like one of Gilda Radner's "Never Mind" skits on SNL.

for such smart people you all are pretty closed minded and I have yet to see one nay saying skeptic provide anything material half as good as the info terral provided. yep its easy for all yall to set and call him names for being interested in something your minds are to closed to even think about. Newton was considered a terrel of sorts in his day and look at what we think of him now. Until one of you puts up some proof that shit aint getting bad and something aint causing it...just shut up

all you ass holes are whats going to be going through my mind and laughter out my mouth as the world as we know it changes either from an economic crash on the USA to some comet or some damn thing
half of you think there is a God YOu believe in something youve never had proof of yet all you can do is make fun of this. God damn douche bags all of you. I will remember you as we all die together

Hello, I know theres someone out there who can understand

And whos feeling the same way as me

Im twenty-four and Ive got everything to live for

But I know now that it wasn't meant to be

Cause all has been lost and all has been won

And theres nothing left for us to save

But now I know that I dont want to be alone today

So if you find that you've been feeling just the same

Call me now its allright

Its just the end of the world

You need a friend in the world

cause you cant hide

So call and I'll get right back

If your intentions are pure

Im seeking a friend for the end of the world

I've got a photograph, Ill send it off today

And you will see that I am perfectly sane

Not for a lifetime or forever and a day

cause we know now that just wont be the case

Call me now its allright

Its just the end of the world

You need a friend in the world

cause you cant hide

So call and I'll get right back

If your intentions are pure

Im seeking a friend for the end of the world

There will be no commitment and no confessions

and no little secrets to keep

No little children or houses with roses

Just the end of the world and me

Cause all has been gone and all has been done

and theres nothing left for us to say

we've thrown it all away

And we can share in every moment as it breaks

Call me now its allright

Its just the end of the world

You need a friend in the world
cause you cant hide

So call and I'll get right back

If your intentions are pure

Im seeking a friend for the end of the world

So call me now its allright

Its just the end of the world

You need a friend in the world

cause you cant hide

So call and I'll get right back

If your intentions are pure

Im seeking a friend for the end of the world
This thread has gotten really quiet since the doomsday conspiracy theorists have fled with their tail between their legs. Kinda like one of Gilda Radner's "Never Mind" skits on SNL.

for such smart people you all are pretty closed minded and I have yet to see one nay saying skeptic provide anything material half as good as the info terral provided. yep its easy for all yall to set and call him names for being interested in something your minds are to closed to even think about. Newton was considered a terrel of sorts in his day and look at what we think of him now. Until one of you puts up some proof that shit aint getting bad and something aint causing it...just shut up


women only make up the weakest half of humanity. Take a man remove all accountability and reason, then you have a woman
This thread has gotten really quiet since the doomsday conspiracy theorists have fled with their tail between their legs. Kinda like one of Gilda Radner's "Never Mind" skits on SNL.

for such smart people you all are pretty closed minded and I have yet to see one nay saying skeptic provide anything material half as good as the info terral provided. yep its easy for all yall to set and call him names for being interested in something your minds are to closed to even think about. Newton was considered a terrel of sorts in his day and look at what we think of him now. Until one of you puts up some proof that shit aint getting bad and something aint causing it...just shut up

Everything shows that there is no brown dwarf. If there was tides would be playing havoc with us by this time. Massive earthquakes would be a dailey occurance, there would be planets with their orbits all screwed up...none of it has been happening. Also, I don't see anything out of the ordinary with my telescope, but I am looking forward to the comet coming up this fall. Suppose to be no closer that 100x's further away than the what I have to say to you young man is:
Your so fucking smart, asshole....why don't you give some fucking facts to back up your pathetic drivel?
There are none.....a good yarn is not fact. I will be waiting to hear back from you with your "facts". :lol:
all you ass holes are whats going to be going through my mind and laughter out my mouth as the world as we know it changes either from an economic crash on the USA to some comet or some damn thing
half of you think there is a God YOu believe in something youve never had proof of yet all you can do is make fun of this. God damn douche bags all of you. I will remember you as we all die together

Hello, I know theres someone out there who can understand

And whos feeling the same way as me

Im twenty-four and Ive got everything to live for

But I know now that it wasn't meant to be

Cause all has been lost and all has been won

And theres nothing left for us to save

But now I know that I dont want to be alone today

So if you find that you've been feeling just the same

Call me now its allright

Its just the end of the world

You need a friend in the world

cause you cant hide

So call and I'll get right back

If your intentions are pure

Im seeking a friend for the end of the world

I've got a photograph, Ill send it off today

And you will see that I am perfectly sane

Not for a lifetime or forever and a day

cause we know now that just wont be the case

Call me now its allright

Its just the end of the world

You need a friend in the world

cause you cant hide

So call and I'll get right back

If your intentions are pure

Im seeking a friend for the end of the world

There will be no commitment and no confessions

and no little secrets to keep

No little children or houses with roses

Just the end of the world and me

Cause all has been gone and all has been done

and theres nothing left for us to say

we've thrown it all away

And we can share in every moment as it breaks

Call me now its allright

Its just the end of the world

You need a friend in the world
cause you cant hide

So call and I'll get right back

If your intentions are pure

Im seeking a friend for the end of the world

So call me now its allright

Its just the end of the world

You need a friend in the world

cause you cant hide

So call and I'll get right back

If your intentions are pure

Im seeking a friend for the end of the world

I apologize.....I didn't know you needed meds. Mom always told me not to make fun of the weak and mentally challenged. So, Bless Your Heart.
Well, I'm not SAYING that Nibiru is the Death Star, hidden by a Romulan cloaking device, and manned by the Borg, but since NASA has not commented on this possibility, it needs to be looked into.

Someone should make a YouTube video about it.

Have at it, cooty.
for such smart people you all are pretty closed minded and I have yet to see one nay saying skeptic provide anything material half as good as the info terral provided. yep its easy for all yall to set and call him names for being interested in something your minds are to closed to even think about. Newton was considered a terrel of sorts in his day and look at what we think of him now. Until one of you puts up some proof that shit aint getting bad and something aint causing it...just shut up


women only make up the weakest half of humanity. Take a man remove all accountability and reason, then you have a woman

Take a man remove all accountability and reason, then you have a Liberal
Terral is living in a limestone cave in the Ozarks

He is still doing radio shows he post them on Facebook every friday I have him as a friend just to see where he is sending bs to so I can show up and call him out on it...and yet he still don't remove me so I won't find him so really he is just hold up in his grandmas basement not the lime stone caves un less they got super wifi there installed by the army for over seas drone flight :lol:

So terral has no life, how do you think that makes you look following him around just to try and call him out. Truth is your most likely too stupid to prove anything. No one seems to be able to prove its out there but let me tell you I have seen more evidence it is than evidence it aint. if your sooooooo fucking smart asshole lets hear your proof
Well let me see fuck head I have already said what I needed to say on this subject 4 months ago now here you come acting all Billy badass but what I got to ask you did you mother not love you or is it just that time of the month for you...seems like you got a little pms going on just piss off your to late for this theard and if you think terral makes more sense the me well then you need to get your fucking head checked.
This thread has gotten really quiet since the doomsday conspiracy theorists have fled with their tail between their legs. Kinda like one of Gilda Radner's "Never Mind" skits on SNL.

for such smart people you all are pretty closed minded and I have yet to see one nay saying skeptic provide anything material half as good as the info terral provided. yep its easy for all yall to set and call him names for being interested in something your minds are to closed to even think about. Newton was considered a terrel of sorts in his day and look at what we think of him now. Until one of you puts up some proof that shit aint getting bad and something aint causing it...just shut up

Everything shows that there is no brown dwarf. If there was tides would be playing havoc with us by this time. Massive earthquakes would be a dailey occurance, there would be planets with their orbits all screwed up...none of it has been happening. Also, I don't see anything out of the ordinary with my telescope, but I am looking forward to the comet coming up this fall. Suppose to be no closer that 100x's further away than the what I have to say to you young man is:
Your so fucking smart, asshole....why don't you give some fucking facts to back up your pathetic drivel?
There are none.....a good yarn is not fact. I will be waiting to hear back from you with your "facts". :lol:

I really did not think anyone even looked here anymore
Well just so you know I do come here but there has been little or no interest to look at or comment on so I think like other people I just go no need to comment on any post really
Ok here for anyone who is interested
Ideas where to look some think around in the sky here
In another item I read I think they said the coordinates are 9 47 57.3 13 16 44 WIKISKY.ORG have a look on IRAS
Some interesting reading
Planet X, Nibiro, Elenin, Hercolubus, Tyche or Wormwood

[ame=]Secret Nibiru/Elenin PDF in full Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]

I think there are very interesting views here that I think can help to connect the dots
On RTV some hints on what is coming
RT News - Latest On ELEnin Missing Data - YouTube!
Interesting perspective also
Mindblowing What Nasa & Esa Do Not Want You To Know 2011 2Hrs39min HD1080p [Watch FullScreen] - YouTube

just keeping an open mind
for such smart people you all are pretty closed minded and I have yet to see one nay saying skeptic provide anything material half as good as the info terral provided. yep its easy for all yall to set and call him names for being interested in something your minds are to closed to even think about. Newton was considered a terrel of sorts in his day and look at what we think of him now. Until one of you puts up some proof that shit aint getting bad and something aint causing it...just shut up

Everything shows that there is no brown dwarf. If there was tides would be playing havoc with us by this time. Massive earthquakes would be a dailey occurance, there would be planets with their orbits all screwed up...none of it has been happening. Also, I don't see anything out of the ordinary with my telescope, but I am looking forward to the comet coming up this fall. Suppose to be no closer that 100x's further away than the what I have to say to you young man is:
Your so fucking smart, asshole....why don't you give some fucking facts to back up your pathetic drivel?
There are none.....a good yarn is not fact. I will be waiting to hear back from you with your "facts". :lol:

I really did not think anyone even looked here anymore
Well just so you know I do come here but there has been little or no interest to look at or comment on so I think like other people I just go no need to comment on any post really
Ok here for anyone who is interested
Ideas where to look some think around in the sky here
In another item I read I think they said the coordinates are 9 47 57.3 13 16 44 WIKISKY.ORG have a look on IRAS
Some interesting reading
Planet X, Nibiro, Elenin, Hercolubus, Tyche or Wormwood

[ame=]Secret Nibiru/Elenin PDF in full Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]

I think there are very interesting views here that I think can help to connect the dots
On RTV some hints on what is coming
RT News - Latest On ELEnin Missing Data - YouTube!
Interesting perspective also
Mindblowing What Nasa & Esa Do Not Want You To Know 2011 2Hrs39min HD1080p [Watch FullScreen] - YouTube

just keeping an open mind

I see....well you changed my mind. Yes we're all going to die. :cuckoo:
Ok well I will say being in a power plant when a earthquake hits is not the funniest thing in the world but I will say that seeing the floor look like waves was prety cool I'm shocked none of the nuts are trying to say see we told you so on here...but it's not like it hasn't happen before but I geuss the dwarf star came in 1886 too right?? :lol:
Ok well I will say being in a power plant when a earthquake hits is not the funniest thing in the world but I will say that seeing the floor look like waves was prety cool I'm shocked none of the nuts are trying to say see we told you so on here...but it's not like it hasn't happen before but I geuss the dwarf star came in 1886 too right?? :lol:

Don't worry. As soon as word reaches Terral in his limestone cave, he'll be on here chirping about how he "told us".

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