The Planet X/Nibiru/ELEnin Brown Dwarf Timeline

Some of you guys should chill on the name calling and insults..some of you guys said enough insults already and you made your opinions quite clear. I just find it a tad immature but hey..what ever floats your boat. Its think the topic is crazy and nuts? Well let it be..dont go int it..why thats such a problem for some of you is beyond me...i just dont carry myself around like that i guess. Just have a bit of respect even if you flat out totally disagree with someone or feel they fell off their rocker. Remember..karma is real and what goes around comes around. Treat people how you would want to be treated even under extreme disagreements...its sad i have to bring this up but had to remind some of you guys.

The problem i find with people today is that their arrogance and pride has taken over their compassion and humbleness. Pride, arrogance and self-righteousness numbs people up from all of that and is why people are so rude and cruel towards one another...just wanted to share that with you guys even though im sure it'll still ruffle up a few feathers i bet even though i mean no offense to anyone personally.

Anyways..I dont agree on Terral's advice in running for the hills or caves i should say with a years worth of food. I think that entire idea of is totally uncalled for and here's why. You know..if this entire thing becomes a reality ..there is not much any of us can do to avoid what it will cause on earth. In other words - there is not much sense in trying to protect your life against something that will probably destroy your life regardless. A cave is not gonna cut it.. you need a highly constructed underground bunker that is quality built to survive a mega disaster.. a mass extinction level event. If you cant afford one of those bunkers..its a waste of time running for the caves..seriously..all this is doing is putting people into panic mode which imho is not cool.

Dont get me wrong..i think its good to warn people of things that could happen but be responsible in doing so...i know extinction level events have happened before but they are "very" rare and the chances of this one being one of them is quite slim but who not too arrogant to sit here and totally rule out the possibility..i just happen to think the possibility is quite slim. Some of you guys are totally ruling it out all shouldn't do that because it IS possible.

I guess my point is that with the things happening today around the world and THINGS ARE happening at a much higher rate..these sorts of things start to become more believable.

This is what i think and i dont mean to turn it into a religious thing but im begining to believe that some of what is prophesized in the bible is starting to happen but then again..i dont know..but i am noticing a quick change in things around the world and its increasing.

I guess it boils down to that old saying "Time will reveal the truth" :cool:

Well most of agree that there could be something out there that can whip us out but what we are saying that elenin is not it....never will it...bc we will never find everything in space so just sit back light up a joint crack open a beer and enjoy life man..that's all we are trying to say..:smoke:
an interesting development pic from south pole telescope

We've identified the moon and the location of the Sun, but there is another large planetoid object that is not yet identified. In my opinion, no other planet in our solar system should look this big or this close to Earth.

Also, I do believe comet Elenin is just a comet. But it was used to have us look the other way (Leo) instead of in the South Pole region. It's the first thing to pass before the dwarf star, and fit's into the Hopi's Prophecy's Blue (comet) and Red (Dwarf Star) Kachina perfectly. But they named the comet ELEnin for a reason. It's a warning signal to all the leaders of the world.

It's a real a disappointment that the USA's SPT - South Pole Telescope pictures are kept secret from us, and that we have to, instead, use Germany's Neumayer Station III.
Ummm...that's not a photo taken by a telescope. You can tell because there's a fucking building in it.


:lol: So much comedy in this thread
an interesting development pic from south pole telescope

We've identified the moon and the location of the Sun, but there is another large planetoid object that is not yet identified. In my opinion, no other planet in our solar system should look this big or this close to Earth.

Also, I do believe comet Elenin is just a comet. But it was used to have us look the other way (Leo) instead of in the South Pole region. It's the first thing to pass before the dwarf star, and fit's into the Hopi's Prophecy's Blue (comet) and Red (Dwarf Star) Kachina perfectly. But they named the comet ELEnin for a reason. It's a warning signal to all the leaders of the world.

It's a real a disappointment that the USA's SPT - South Pole Telescope pictures are kept secret from us, and that we have to, instead, use Germany's Neumayer Station III.

Telescope???? You can't even get THAT right.

That's a webcam attached to the communications radom.

Alfred-Wegener-Institut fur Polar- und Meeresforschung (AWI) Neumayer-Station
an interesting development pic from south pole telescope

We've identified the moon and the location of the Sun, but there is another large planetoid object that is not yet identified. In my opinion, no other planet in our solar system should look this big or this close to Earth.

Also, I do believe comet Elenin is just a comet. But it was used to have us look the other way (Leo) instead of in the South Pole region. It's the first thing to pass before the dwarf star, and fit's into the Hopi's Prophecy's Blue (comet) and Red (Dwarf Star) Kachina perfectly. But they named the comet ELEnin for a reason. It's a warning signal to all the leaders of the world.

It's a real a disappointment that the USA's SPT - South Pole Telescope pictures are kept secret from us, and that we have to, instead, use Germany's Neumayer Station III.

Telescope???? You can't even get THAT right.

That's a webcam attached to the communications radom.

Alfred-Wegener-Institut fur Polar- und Meeresforschung (AWI) Neumayer-Station

Actually it is a webcam. I was just viewing different images off it yesterday. ~BH

Alfred-Wegener-Institut fur Polar- und Meeresforschung (AWI) Neumayer-Station
The shits getting deep guys. Now Dutch is weighing in. :razz: ~BH

[ame=]YouTube - ‪7/4/2011 -- TerralO3, Elenin, and the issue over moving into the Ozark caves‬‏[/ame]
So like iv said before if this where to happen that terral leading his group right in to a death trap.......but we all know that elenin is a just a dwarf....I mean small comet:lol:
So like iv said before if this where to happen that terral leading his group right in to a death trap.......but we all know that elenin is a just a dwarf....I mean small comet:lol:
Gee, I did notice there are about four folks that post here, including the moderator, that can actually spell. To you others, yeah you are fusking idiots!
Hey don't make fun of my spelling

Sorry, but in the conspiracy thread, I thought the discourse would lead to some level of intelligence.

Good point but that is not always the case......look at terral really has some good intellect but still dumb as a rock my spelling may not be the best but I don't care about that...the points I state are clear so why would it matter weather or not im a good speller....
Hey don't make fun of my spelling

Sorry, but in the conspiracy thread, I thought the discourse would lead to some level of intelligence.

Good point but that is not always the case......look at terral really has some good intellect but still dumb as a rock my spelling may not be the best but I don't care about that...the points I state are clear so why would it matter weather or not im a good speller....

I enjoy your posts. I didn't mean to offend. I apoligize!
Sorry, but in the conspiracy thread, I thought the discourse would lead to some level of intelligence.

Good point but that is not always the case......look at terral really has some good intellect but still dumb as a rock my spelling may not be the best but I don't care about that...the points I state are clear so why would it matter weather or not im a good speller....

I enjoy your posts. I didn't mean to offend. I apoligize!
I'm not offended.
Well back to what left of this topic...I cant believe I'm saying this but for some reason there has been alot of chunoks flying over my house in maryland and I can't find anything online about drills or test flights. Anyone have a clue why because it's getting hard to sleep with them flying over ever 5 mins from 0100 till the time I go to work??
Sorry, but in the conspiracy thread, I thought the discourse would lead to some level of intelligence.

Good point but that is not always the case......look at terral really has some good intellect but still dumb as a rock my spelling may not be the best but I don't care about that...the points I state are clear so why would it matter weather or not im a good speller....

I enjoy your posts. I didn't mean to offend. I apoligize!

I don't think that your spelling is bad coot it is about mistyping and not proof reading. This is an internet forum and i wouldn't worry about a few misteps on the keyboard.

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