The Planet X/Nibiru/ELEnin Brown Dwarf Timeline

"Houston....We have a problem"

Looks like another conspiracy nut found his way back to USMB. I wonder what the odds of that are? :lol:

Somehow because of the name and odds....this is a serious threat? I think not. NASA isn't hiding anything, there are enough amatuer astronomers that are always looking, and they have come up with nothing out of the ordinary. A comet does not equate to a meteor shower, either. sheesh

Yes Meister, If your relying upon NASA in Houston to get you out of the box that I put you in, you do have a problem! :lol: The laws of probability show Leonid Elenin isnt real. I dont know what they are hiding. Draw your own conclusions.

Dude, I have a Celestron 8" go to telescope. I can see M81 and M82 clearly. If there was anything in this solar system, I could find it. I don't need NASA to find it for me. Clearly you aren't privy to a good scope. You wouldn't be making these wild fear mongering claims if you did. I do draw MY OWN conclusions, you seem to need OTHERS drawing YOUR conclusions. :lol:
Remember that my hypothesis says the ELEnin comet is a smokescreen for a brown dwarf with 2.5 times the mass of Jupiter, as crazy as that sounds. I am looking at increasing earthquakes, volcanoes, rogue tides, earth wobble and ten other symptoms of Niribu (post) and none of that is because of any tiny little comet. All of these warnings would not be given over any little comet that happens to come into alignment with the earth and sun on March 15, 2011. This comet just happens to reach perigee position nearest the sun on September 11, 2011, which I also do not think is a mere coincidence. I want you to show me one reporter interview with Leonid Elenin, because I am coming up empty like other investigators (link) who realize this name is filled with coded messages. This story has all the makings of becoming the mother of all conspiracies.
Thanks a bunch,


Mother of all CONspiracie theories is for sure. Leonid Elenin - LEONID = Meteor Shower - ELEnin = (Extenction Level Event)-(Now I'm Nothing) on September 11, 2011.

This is all a BS CONspiracie theory. It is nothing more than a comet.

NASA: Comet Elenin
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"Houston....We have a problem"

Looks like another conspiracy nut found his way back to USMB. I wonder what the odds of that are? :lol:

Somehow because of the name and odds....this is a serious threat? I think not. NASA isn't hiding anything, there are enough amatuer astronomers that are always looking, and they have come up with nothing out of the ordinary. A comet does not equate to a meteor shower, either. sheesh

Yes Meister, If your relying upon NASA in Houston to get you out of the box that I put you in, you do have a problem! :lol: The laws of probability show Leonid Elenin isnt real. I dont know what they are hiding. Draw your own conclusions.

Dude, I have a Celestron 8" go to telescope. I can see M81 and M82 clearly. If there was anything in this solar system, I could find it. I don't need NASA to find it for me. Clearly you aren't privy to a good scope. You wouldn't be making these wild fear mongering claims if you did. I do draw MY OWN conclusions, you seem to need OTHERS drawing YOUR conclusions. :lol:

THERE goes MEISTER, bragging about the size of his scope again. Ya know.... you might want to pretend it is bigger than 8" these days..... :lol:

So how do you know NASA hasn't implanted fake retinas in your eyes to mask out ELEnin? You never can tell these days! I hear NASA got the mailing list from Celestron and went around to everyone with a scope and the knowledge of how to use it and did the implants. I received this information by hacking Terral's account at the Psychic Friends Network. I only have dialup to that network, so that is why it took so long for me to inform you.

And since when does probability define what is real anyway? :lol: I bet I could come up with enough lame pretend "clues" to make anything seem improbable. The funny thing is people pretend these bad people are going to put clues into the name so people can figure them out. I bet Dan Brown and his DaVinci code are real proud!
Yes Meister, If your relying upon NASA in Houston to get you out of the box that I put you in, you do have a problem! :lol: The laws of probability show Leonid Elenin isnt real. I dont know what they are hiding. Draw your own conclusions.

Dude, I have a Celestron 8" go to telescope. I can see M81 and M82 clearly. If there was anything in this solar system, I could find it. I don't need NASA to find it for me. Clearly you aren't privy to a good scope. You wouldn't be making these wild fear mongering claims if you did. I do draw MY OWN conclusions, you seem to need OTHERS drawing YOUR conclusions. :lol:

THERE goes MEISTER, bragging about the size of his scope again. Ya know.... you might want to pretend it is bigger than 8" these days..... :lol:

So how do you know NASA hasn't implanted fake retinas in your eyes to mask out ELEnin? You never can tell these days! I hear NASA got the mailing list from Celestron and went around to everyone with a scope and the knowledge of how to use it and did the implants. I received this information by hacking Terral's account at the Psychic Friends Network. I only have dialup to that network, so that is why it took so long for me to inform you.

And since when does probability define what is real anyway? :lol: I bet I could come up with enough lame pretend "clues" to make anything seem improbable. The funny thing is people pretend these bad people are going to put clues into the name so people can figure them out. I bet Dan Brown and his DaVinci code are real proud!

Ya know...I never thought about that. Come to think about it, I have twitches in my neck from time to time. I bet that's from those pesky fake retinas when they are charging up. :lol:
Dude, I have a Celestron 8" go to telescope. I can see M81 and M82 clearly. If there was anything in this solar system, I could find it. I don't need NASA to find it for me. Clearly you aren't privy to a good scope. You wouldn't be making these wild fear mongering claims if you did. I do draw MY OWN conclusions, you seem to need OTHERS drawing YOUR conclusions. :lol:

THERE goes MEISTER, bragging about the size of his scope again. Ya know.... you might want to pretend it is bigger than 8" these days..... :lol:

So how do you know NASA hasn't implanted fake retinas in your eyes to mask out ELEnin? You never can tell these days! I hear NASA got the mailing list from Celestron and went around to everyone with a scope and the knowledge of how to use it and did the implants. I received this information by hacking Terral's account at the Psychic Friends Network. I only have dialup to that network, so that is why it took so long for me to inform you.

And since when does probability define what is real anyway? :lol: I bet I could come up with enough lame pretend "clues" to make anything seem improbable. The funny thing is people pretend these bad people are going to put clues into the name so people can figure them out. I bet Dan Brown and his DaVinci code are real proud!

Ya know...I never thought about that. Come to think about it, I have twitches in my neck from time to time. I bet that's from those pesky fake retinas when they are charging up. :lol:

See? Not so funny now is it! Oh wait. Yes it is! :lol: BTW, stay away from high power lines. I've heard it is similar to a bad acid trip or a fairly lucid Terral dream.
"Houston....We have a problem"

Looks like another conspiracy nut found his way back to USMB. I wonder what the odds of that are? :lol:

Somehow because of the name and odds....this is a serious threat? I think not. NASA isn't hiding anything, there are enough amatuer astronomers that are always looking, and they have come up with nothing out of the ordinary. A comet does not equate to a meteor shower, either. sheesh

Yes Meister, If your relying upon NASA in Houston to get you out of the box that I put you in, you do have a problem! :lol: The laws of probability show Leonid Elenin isnt real. I dont know what they are hiding. Draw your own conclusions.

You don't understand. Amateur astronomers specifically do not rely on NASA. They take a look for themselves.
Meister and his posse know everything about space. If it's out there they can see it... in fact, comet Elenin is out there and Meister is looking at it right now through his telescope. So why bother trying to convince him of anything at all? Does it really matter? It's a comet, NASA named it a comet and humans don't lie. Especially when it comes to something like this. Because if it really was a brown dwarf star, NASA and the United States Government would certainly make it their first priority to tell people like Meister straight up like it is and explain to them what's about to happen. Only then would people like him believe it. But as long as it's just a comet and NASA says it is so.... well then... that's exactly what it is. Carry on folks, nothing to see here. Except for a little comet.
Meister and his posse know everything about space. If it's out there they can see it... in fact, comet Elenin is out there and Meister is looking at it right now through his telescope. So why bother trying to convince him of anything at all? Does it really matter? It's a comet, NASA named it a comet and humans don't lie. Especially when it comes to something like this. Because if it really was a brown dwarf star, NASA and the United States Government would certainly make it their first priority to tell people like Meister straight up like it is and explain to them what's about to happen. Only then would people like him believe it. But as long as it's just a comet and NASA says it is so.... well then... that's exactly what it is. Carry on folks, nothing to see here. Except for a little comet.

Why would we need NASA to tell us? If something big was there we would be able to see it.
Meister and his posse know everything about space. If it's out there they can see it... in fact, comet Elenin is out there and Meister is looking at it right now through his telescope. So why bother trying to convince him of anything at all? Does it really matter? It's a comet, NASA named it a comet and humans don't lie. Especially when it comes to something like this. Because if it really was a brown dwarf star, NASA and the United States Government would certainly make it their first priority to tell people like Meister straight up like it is and explain to them what's about to happen. Only then would people like him believe it. But as long as it's just a comet and NASA says it is so.... well then... that's exactly what it is. Carry on folks, nothing to see here. Except for a little comet.

And just bc some nut says it a dwarf star then it super just piss off bc your making your making a fool out of you self saying non sense like what you typed above.!
Meister and his posse know everything about space. If it's out there they can see it... in fact, comet Elenin is out there and Meister is looking at it right now through his telescope. So why bother trying to convince him of anything at all? Does it really matter? It's a comet, NASA named it a comet and humans don't lie. Especially when it comes to something like this. Because if it really was a brown dwarf star, NASA and the United States Government would certainly make it their first priority to tell people like Meister straight up like it is and explain to them what's about to happen. Only then would people like him believe it. But as long as it's just a comet and NASA says it is so.... well then... that's exactly what it is. Carry on folks, nothing to see here. Except for a little comet.

And just bc some nut says it a dwarf star then it super just piss off bc your making your making a fool out of you self saying non sense like what you typed above.!

Excellent post. It took me a while to read it. I don't see how I can take anything you say seriously with your 2nd grade education level. Typos are one thing but DAMN!

I'm not saying it's a Dwarf Star. I'm saying it could be one. I hope it isn't.
How could it be one....It would be the biggest thing in our sky by now and there would stuff happening everyday not just one thing then nothing what did it get lost out there...granted there good be on out there but it's not elenin. Elenin is just a comet....but NASA told me that it was so it must not be true as you put it.
Meister and his posse know everything about space. If it's out there they can see it... in fact, comet Elenin is out there and Meister is looking at it right now through his telescope. So why bother trying to convince him of anything at all? Does it really matter? It's a comet, NASA named it a comet and humans don't lie. Especially when it comes to something like this. Because if it really was a brown dwarf star, NASA and the United States Government would certainly make it their first priority to tell people like Meister straight up like it is and explain to them what's about to happen. Only then would people like him believe it. But as long as it's just a comet and NASA says it is so.... well then... that's exactly what it is. Carry on folks, nothing to see here. Except for a little comet.

Apparently, I know a hell of a lot more than the tribe fear monger. The comet doesn't show a tail right now, so I can't see it. The comet should pass about 22 million miles away from us, Super. If it was a brown dwarf in our solar system, then yes, I could see it. But fear mongers such as yourself, Super....rely on other fear mongers to get their info. How sad is that?
PS....I rarely go to a NASA site....other than to see some cool pics from time to time. So you see, don't know very much at all....but carry on little man.
Meister and his posse know everything about space. If it's out there they can see it... in fact, comet Elenin is out there and Meister is looking at it right now through his telescope. So why bother trying to convince him of anything at all? Does it really matter? It's a comet, NASA named it a comet and humans don't lie. Especially when it comes to something like this. Because if it really was a brown dwarf star, NASA and the United States Government would certainly make it their first priority to tell people like Meister straight up like it is and explain to them what's about to happen. Only then would people like him believe it. But as long as it's just a comet and NASA says it is so.... well then... that's exactly what it is. Carry on folks, nothing to see here. Except for a little comet.

And just bc some nut says it a dwarf star then it super just piss off bc your making your making a fool out of you self saying non sense like what you typed above.!

Excellent post. It took me a while to read it. I don't see how I can take anything you say seriously with your 2nd grade education level. Typos are one thing but DAMN!

I'm not saying it's a Dwarf Star. I'm saying it could be one. I hope it isn't.

It could be a hot dog....right? :cuckoo:
"Houston....We have a problem"

Looks like another conspiracy nut found his way back to USMB. I wonder what the odds of that are? :lol:

Somehow because of the name and odds....this is a serious threat? I think not. NASA isn't hiding anything, there are enough amatuer astronomers that are always looking, and they have come up with nothing out of the ordinary. A comet does not equate to a meteor shower, either. sheesh

Yes Meister, If your relying upon NASA in Houston to get you out of the box that I put you in, you do have a problem! :lol: The laws of probability show Leonid Elenin isnt real. I dont know what they are hiding. Draw your own conclusions.

Dude, I have a Celestron 8" go to telescope. I can see M81 and M82 clearly. If there was anything in this solar system, I could find it. I don't need NASA to find it for me. Clearly you aren't privy to a good scope. You wouldn't be making these wild fear mongering claims if you did. I do draw MY OWN conclusions, you seem to need OTHERS drawing YOUR conclusions. :lol:

Your right your Celestron 8" would allow to you see almost anything including the Cigar Galaxy unless their was something in the universe that would require to go along with your Celestron 8" a DSLR camera and have it modified to just take pictures in Infrared...then get a little T-ring and LONG EXPOSE the constellations at night but what do I know.
Yes Meister, If your relying upon NASA in Houston to get you out of the box that I put you in, you do have a problem! :lol: The laws of probability show Leonid Elenin isnt real. I dont know what they are hiding. Draw your own conclusions.

Dude, I have a Celestron 8" go to telescope. I can see M81 and M82 clearly. If there was anything in this solar system, I could find it. I don't need NASA to find it for me. Clearly you aren't privy to a good scope. You wouldn't be making these wild fear mongering claims if you did. I do draw MY OWN conclusions, you seem to need OTHERS drawing YOUR conclusions. :lol:

Your right your Celestron 8" would allow to you see almost anything including the Cigar Galaxy unless their was something in the universe that would require to go along with your Celestron 8" a DSLR camera and have it modified to just take pictures in Infrared...then get a little T-ring and LONG EXPOSE the constellations at night but what do I know.
I wouldn't need an infrared if the brown dwarf was in the solar system. I've picked up astroids withy it, which are much, much, much smaller than something larger than Jupiter.
Just sayin...
But, glad you've done some homework on the subject.
So again nothing happen 27 came and went so now July 7 is the next look out date I bet nothing happens to the ringed planet..
People it is just a comet. Not a large comet but simply a comet. You have folks here like I that pan the scope of our space on a regular basis. What am I missing here?
People it is just a comet. Not a large comet but simply a comet. You have folks here like I that pan the scope of our space on a regular basis. What am I missing here?

You missed that this is a brown dwarf moving at light speed that also can claock it self when ever any one is looking for it and that it's founder is really code for ele holy shit we are going to die again an again an again if I'm leaving any thing out please some one tell me what I'm missing..:rock:
Just something that's I think is an anomaly. There are NO mosquitos....none. I can sit outside w/o any. This is troubling!?

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